Pipe Sizing V2.3

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Using Type: Pipe Material :

Residential use PP-R 20C/16bar , 70C/8bar

Public use

Fixture Total equivalent

Fixture Type
Number unite / fixture

‫مغسلة‬ 0
‫مجلى‬ 0
‫مغطس‬ 0
‫مشن‬ 0
‫شطافة‬ 0
‫مرحاض صندوق طارد‬ 0
‫مرحاض صمام دفاق‬ 0
‫مبولة صندوق طارد‬ 0
‫مبولة صمام دفاق‬ 0
‫مشزب‬ 0
‫غسالة مالبس‬ 0
‫غسالة اطياق‬ 0
Equivalent unite for other
type of fixture
Total equivalent unite 6754
Flow rate for other type of
fixture (L/s)

Flow (l/s) 27.208

Pipe Diameter (mm) 125

Velocity (m/s) 2.024837929644

Pressure drop (Pa/m) 247.5267982293
Pipe Diameter COPPER Pipe COPPER Pipe
Correction factor as Sch 40 Steel DN Sch 40 Steel in D
2 (mm) ND IN D
per using type
125 6 6.8325999549048 8 8
150 8 9.245599938979 10 10.92
160 10 12.522199917354 15 13.84
180 15 15.798799895728 20 19.94
200 20 20.929599861865 25 26.04
0 25 26.644599824146 32 32.13
0 32 35.051999768657 40 38.28
0 40 40.8939997301 50 50.42
0 50 52.501799653488 65 62.61
0 65 62.712599586097 80 74.8
0 80 77.927199485681 90 87
0 90 95.503999369674 100 99.19
0 100 102.26039932508 125 123.83
0 125 128.19379915392 150 148.46
0 150 154.05099898326 200 196.22
0 200 202.71739866207 250 244.48
0 250 254.50799832025 300 293.75
0 300 304.79999798832
0 350 336.54999777877
0 400 387.34999744349
0 450 438.14999710821
0 500 488.94999677293
0 600 590.54999610237
0 650 641.34999576709
0 725 692.14999543181
0 750 742.94999509653
0 800 793.74999476125
CPVC Pipe CPVC Pipe CPVC Pipe CPVC Pipe 20C/20car , 20C/16car ,
20bar PP ID PP ID
PN16 ND PN16 IN PNN20 DN PN20 IN 70c/10bar 70c/8bar
16 13.6 16 13 10 10.6 15 14.4 125
20 17 20 16.2 12 13.2 20 18 150
25 21.2 25 20.4 15 16.6 25 24.8 160
32 27.2 32 26 20 21.2 32 31 180
40 34 40 32.6 25 26.6 40 38.4 200
50 42.6 50 40.8 32 33.2 50 48.8
63 53.6 63 51.4 40 42 65 69.8
75 63.8 75 61.2 50 50 80 85.4
90 76.6 90 73.6 65 73.2 100 97
110 93.6 110 90 80 83.2
160 136.2
HDPE 100 HDPE 100 HDPE 100 HDPE 100 HDPE 100 HDPE 100
DN Din DN Din DN Din PN10 DN PN10 DN
130.8 40 35.06 32 26 25 19 32 28.4
147.2 50 44 40 32.6 32 24.8 50 45.2
163.6 63 55.4 50 40.8 40 31 63 57
184 75 66 63 51.4 50 38.8 75 67.8
204.6 90 79.2 75 61.4 63 48.8 90 81.4
110 96.8 90 73.6 75 58.2 110 99.4
125 110.2 110 90 90 69.8 160 144.6
140 123.4 125 102.2 110 85.4 200 180.8
160 141 140 114.6 125 97 225 203.4
180 158.6 160 130.8 140 108.6 250 226.2
200 176.2 180 147.2 160 124.2 0
225 198.2 200 163.6 180 139.8
250 220.4 225 184 200 155.2
280 246.8 250 204.6 225 174.6
315 277.6 280 229.2 250 194.2
355 312.8 315 257.8 280 217.4
400 352.6 355 290.6 315 244.6
450 396.6 400 327.4 355 275.6
500 440.6 450 368.2 400 310.6
560 493.6 500 409.2 450 349.4
630 555.2 560 458.4 500 388.4
710 661.8 630 515.6 560 435.6
800 705.2 710 581 630 490
900 793.4 800 654.6 710 552.4
1000 881.4 900 736.4 800 622.2
1200 1058.8 1000 818.2 900 700
1400 1235.2 1200 981.8 1000 777.8
1600 1411.8 1400 1145.4 1200 933.4
1600 1309 1400 1089
1600 1244.4
UPVC UPVC PEX DN PEX id Ductile Pipe Ductile Pipe Link Index
16 13.6 12 8 100 105.8 1 130.8 8 8
20 17 16 11.6 125 131.6 125 10 10.92
25 21.2 20 14.4 150 157.4 15 13.84
32 27.2 25 18 200 209.2 20 19.94
40 34 32 23.2 250 260.4 25 26.04
50 42.6 40 29 300 311.6 32 32.13
63 53.6 50 36.2 350 362.6 40 38.28
75 63.8 63 45.6 400 412.8 50 50.42
90 76.6 500 514 65 62.61
110 93.6 80 74.8
160 136.2 90 87
200 170.2 100 99.19
225 191.6 125 124
250 212.8 150 184
200 196
250 244
300 294
SCH 40

Pipe material LINK DN " DN nn in D" in D mm

Steel Pipe (Schedule 40) 130 7 150 13 14 0.13 3.125 6 0.269 6.832599955
Copper 145 13 14 0.25 6.25 8 0.364 9.245599939
CPVC PN16 150 13 14 0.38 9.375 10 0.493 12.52219992
CPVC PN20 150 13 14 0.50 12.5 15 0.622 15.7987999
PP-R 20bar (Ploypropylene) 150 13 14 0.75 18.75 20 0.824 20.92959986
PP-R 20C/20bar , 70c/10bar 150 13 14 1.00 25 25 1.049 26.64459982
PP-R 20C/16bar , 70C/8bar 150 13 14 1.25 31.25 32 1.38 35.05199977
HDPE 100 PN10 149 13 14 1.50 37.5 40 1.61 40.89399973
HDPE 100 PN16 149 13 14 2.00 50 50 2.067 52.50179965
HDPE 100 PN20 149 13 14 2.50 62.5 65 2.469 62.71259959
UPVC PN10 150 13 14 3.00 75 80 3.068 77.92719949
UPVC PN16 150 13 14 3.50 87.5 90 3.76 95.50399937
PEX 150 13 14 4.00 100 100 4.026 102.2603993
Ductile Pipe 135 13 14 5.00 125 125 5.047 128.1937992
13 14 6.00 150 150 6.065 154.050999
13 14 8.00 200 200 7.981 202.7173987
13 14 10.00 250 250 10.02 254.5079983
13 14 12.00 300 300 12 304.799998
13 14 14.00 350 350 13.25 336.5499978
13 14 16.00 400 400 15.25 387.3499974
13 14 18.00 450 450 17.25 438.1499971
13 14 20.00 500 500 19.25 488.9499968
13 14 24.00 600 600 23.25 590.5499961
13 14 26.00 650 650 25.25 641.3499958
13 14 29.00 725 725 27.25 692.1499954
13 14 30.00 750 750 29.25 742.9499951
13 14 32.00 800 800 31.25 793.7499948
13 14 0
Table 6-4.4.5 Hazen-Williams C

Pipe or Tube C Value*

Unlined cast or ductile iron 100
Black steel (dry systems
including preaction)
Black steel (wet systems
including deluge)
Galvanized (all) 120
Plastic (listed) all 150
Cement lined cast or ductile iron 140
Copper tube or stainless steel 150
If the nominal diameter is mm
0.5 15
0.75 20
1 25
1.25 32
1.5 40
2 50
2.5 65
3 75
3.25 80
4 100
5 125
6 150
8 200
10 250
12 300
14 350
16 400
18 450
20 500
22 550
24 600
26 650
28 700
30 750
32 800
34 850
36 900
then the inner diameter is mm
0.622 15.7988
0.824 20.9296
1.049 26.6446
1.38 35.052
1.61 40.894
2.067 52.5018
2.469 62.7126
3.068 77.9272
3.548 90.1192
4.026 102.2604
5.047 128.1938
6.065 154.051
7.981 202.7174
10.2 259.08
12 304.8
13.25 336.55
15.25 387.35
17.25 438.15
19.25 488.95
21.25 539.75
23.25 590.55
25.25 641.35
27.25 692.15
29.25 742.95
31.25 793.75
33.25 844.55
35.25 895.35
Eu 10 12.5 15 17.5
Flow 0.3 0.34 0.38 0.42
0.3 0.34 0.38 0.427672
y = 6E-17x2 + 0.016x + 0.14 y
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 120
0.46 0.5 0.57 0.61 0.66 0.72 0.78 0.88 0.97 1.06 1.14 1.25 1.41
0.4539 0.507575 0.5625 0.618225 0.6743 0.730275 0.7857 0.8931 0.9929 1.06116 1.15162 1.2418 1.42084
y = -6E-07x3 + 7E-05x2 + 0.0085x + 0.2607 y = -2E-08x3 + 4E-06x2 + 0.0088x
140 160 180 200 225 250 300 350 400 500 750 1000 1500 2000
1.59 1.75 1.93 2.1 2.25 2.45 2.8 3.1 3.55 4.1 5.4 6.8 9.3 11.3
1.59732 1.77028 1.93876 2.1018 2.296488 2.4336 2.8011 3.1536 3.4911 4.1211 5.4336 6.69 9.09 11.09
-2E-08x3 + 4E-06x2 + 0.0088x + 0.3418 y = -3E-06x2 + 0.009x + 0.3711 y = -8E-07x2 + 0.0069x + 0.69
2500 2600 353000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
13 13.4 15.2 18.5 22 25.2 28 31
30 f(x) = 0.0482776749960667 x^0.719107864712748
12.69 13.30266765 14.79922 18.33658 21.65291 24.98802814 27.91687 30.73003
+ 0.0069x + 0.69 0.038-X^0.745 0.048*X^0.719

Row 6
15 Power (Row 6)


5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500

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