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1. Identify the four teaching approaches.

Using different approaches in the classroom is a common practice which is also reflected in the
concept of the given four teachers.

Firstly, Teacher A is following the “Form-focused Intrsuction” (FFI) as he is much concerned

about grammatical form. This is an approach that is totally the opposite of Meaning focused
instruction. Learning from form-focused instruction involves any pedagogical practice aimed at
focusing learners' attention on language forms. Providing feedback is the focal point of this
approach. Teacher A gives importance to correcting the mistakes of students so that they can be
perfect in linguistic elements. However, VanPatten (1996) argued that it is more important to
assist learners in abandoning default processing strategies and directing their attention to key
grammatical markers in input than to try to elicit the right target features in a production situation
as the objective of FFI.

Secondly, the approach that Teacher B is following is the “Meaning-focused” approach which
basically focuses on the meaning. According to Long and Robinson (1998), meaning-focused
instruction is based on the idea that learners will be able to learn a second language if they follow
the natural principles that they learned when they learned their first language. Focusing on the
approach through the teachers ensures learners’ communication skills and confidence in using L2
language, they do not give any attention to grammatical features. In the statement, Teacher B
directly says that students make mistakes but “I NEVER correct them”.

Thirdly, the approach that Teacher C is following is the “Processing Instruction (PI)”. Processing
instruction is a type of pedagogical intervention based on insights about input processing. It
focuses on the way the learners' process input. VanPatten & Cadierno (1993) and VanPatten
(1995) imply this kind of approach emphasizes form-meaning relationships. There are different
features that the approach contains but have a few unique features such as the consideration of
age and socioeconomic level. According to Teacher C, these are a few things that he keeps in his
mind during his class.

Finally, Teacher D is the one who is following “Output based instruction” which is an approach
that promotes syntactic processing. In my opinion, one of the best aspects of this approach is that
it helps to improve students' "personal voice". Compared to other approaches, it generates a
better quality of input. Learners get the opportunity to test their hypotheses about grammar.
These features can be found in the statement of teacher D. For example, his learners find out the
linguistic feature that is important for them and learn by seeing the features.
2. What SLA perspective is these teaching approaches linked with?

Learning a second language is referred to as second language acquisition or SLA. It has a variety
of perspective that can be found in the teaching approaches that has been already discussed.

The first kind of approach that I discussed is Form-focused Interaction which mainly focuses on
the form of grammar. Practice is the key to using this approach and for this reason Teacher A
emphasis more on drilling. Through practice again and again students learn the linguistic
elements of the L2 language and how to use them in a proper form. DeKeyser defines the
practice as “specific activities in a second language, engaged in systematically, deliberately, with
the goal of developing knowledge of and skills in the second language” (p.1).

Secondly, the meaning-focused approach emphasizes meaning, communication skills, and so on

which is linked with the output SLA perspective. The output SLA is just the practice of existing
knowledge. According to Swain (1985) output hypnosis, Learning occurs when one encounters a
'gap' in one's linguistic knowledge of the L2 that needs to be filled. Swain (1995) believes that
there may be benefits to learners if the output stimulates them to shift from the semantic, open-
ended, non-deterministic process predominant in comprehension to the more detailed
grammatical process that is critical to producing accurate texts.

Thirdly, I focused on Processing Instruction (PI) which connected with the interaction SLA
perspective. Interaction is the core of this approach and that is why this approach can be
connected with the SLA “Interaction”. Long (1996) says,

"it is proposed that environmental contributions to acquisition are mediated by selective attention
and the learners' developing L2 processing capacity….”

Negotiation is a featured practice of this hypothesis, especially communicating with natives

because it builds up the learners' understanding of L2.

Finally, the output-based instruction is connected with the input SLA perspective because this
approach generates better input. It has been argued by Corder (1967) that input refers to what is
available to the learner, whereas intake refers to what the learner actually internalizes as a result
of input. The input to an SLA was considered by Gass (1997, p.1) to be the single most
important concept in SLAs. We can see from this SLA perspective that learning cannot be
achieved without learners having access to the inputs needed for the learning process to take

3. Which features of each teaching approach would you use in your own classroom?
All the discussed teaching approaches contain their own features and they are important in the
development of L2 learners. However, I would like to pick up a few of the features of each
teaching approach.

From the form-focused instruction, I would like to pick practice, accuracy, and also to be a good
listener. I strongly believe that practice is the key to learning a second language so there is no
doubt learners have to practice a lot both inside and outside the classroom. Similarly, accuracy is
important when learners are making mistakes otherwise they will learn the incorrect form. As a
teacher I prefer to be a good listener as the first priority of a language teacher should be to listen
to what the learners say rather than to hold the whole power as a teacher. Next from the
meaning-focused instruction, the strategies of making classroom activities fun and engaging are
really appreciable. I think students learn better when they are in a relaxed environment and don’t
have any pressure on their minds because stress usually reduces motivation to learn a new
language. From the Processing Instruction (PI) pair and group work are really helpful because
learners learn the L2 language through communication with others. Moreover, the consideration
of age and proficiency is also another important aspect because based on them the instruction
technique changes in language classes. For example, a teacher may not use the same technique in
classes containing beginners and advanced-level learners. Lastly, including a variety of class
materials and talking about the way the language work is helpful which is included in the output-
based approach. A variety of materials helps to understand one thing in a deeper way. However,
no doubt learning a language is a time-consuming matter.

4. Are there features of each teaching approach that you would not use? Why not?

Including all the features from the discussed approaches will not be a good idea because they
may affect better learning outcomes. For example,

Memorization or not including pair or group works in the classroom is an ineffective way in a
language class that includes in the form-focused approach. Learners can not use the L2 language
in real-life situations if he/she focuses too much on memorization, even in some linguists believe
that focusing on memorization reduces natural fluency. In the same way, learners will not learn
the way to use a second language if they do not practice it in a pair or groups. Furthermore,
giving a lot of freedom to learners will not ensure a good learning environment in the classroom
and the core reason behind it is that it will create a chaotic situation which may cause an opposite
situation rather than better learning. Also, without giving any attention to grammar is also a
worthless way as using language in an incorrect form will not make any sense. For example, “I
am writing my assignment”. Now if I say “Assisgnemnt my am writing I”, I think it’s pretty hard
to understand. In addition, a lot of conversation might also create an issue and the reason is when
someone is learning a language, he or she does not only focus on listening and reading but also
on speaking and writing. There should be the production of the language that is rarely involved
in Processing Instruction (PI). Besides, it is important to understand that providing a large
amount of materials and requiring students to find the important parts from those materials does
not reduce stress; rather, it increases stress because learners are often unsure of what is best for
them to learn. However, in this case, giving instructions first and after supplying materials may
help them more.

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