501B Lecture 3

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Participate in the Coordination and

Maintenance of a Systematic Approach to
Managing OHS


 Policies and Procedures

◦ Policy is a statement about an OSH issues and says what
the organisation intends to do about the issue.

◦ Procedure sets out step-by-step instructions on how to

deal with an activity in the workplace.

Procedures are of two types:

• Management policies and procedures
• Underpin overall management of OSH and address areas
such as consultation, maintenance and inspection

• Standard operating procedures, work instructions or

safe work procedures
• Set out simple and clear step-by-step instructions on the
most efficient and safest way of carrying out certain tasks
and controlling specific risks.


 SOPs are administrative risk controls.

 SOPs should be:
◦ Developed with input of employees and any other
individuals who regularly undertake the task/ job.
◦ Used as a training document for new or
inexperienced employees
◦ Accessible to employees, e.g. in clear and simple
language and with an easy to understand structure.

 SOPs are usually based on a Job Safety Analysis

process (JSA) and include:
◦ Clearly defined description of task undertaken
◦ Hazards present or likely to be encountered
◦ Level of expertise/ authority required to carry out the work
◦ Any applicable requirements, e.g. licences and permits to
◦ Critical safety steps necessary to control risk
◦ Personal protective equipment and clothing requirements
◦ Tools or equipment required for work
◦ System for monitoring compliance with procedures


 OSH Management
◦ Remember the Continuous Improvement Cycle
Principle Description
Commitment and An organisation should define its OSH
Policy policy and ensure commitment to its

Planning An organisation should plan to fulfill its

OSH policy and targets

Principle Description
Implementation For effective implementation, an
organisation should develop the
capabilities and support mechanisms
necessary to achieve OSH policy,
objectives and targets.

Measurement & An organisation should measure, monitor

Evaluation and evaluate its OSH performance, and
take preventive and corrective action.

Review & An organisation should regularly review

Improvement and continually improve its OSHMS, with
objective of improving its overall OSH


 Direct Support
◦ The OSH practitioners have their own
responsibilities to support implementation of
OSH management system. These may include:
 Input to prioritisation of OSH action plans based on
knowledge of legal obligations, risk assessment and
other sources of information.
 Support development of action plan.
 Develop policies and procedures.
 Maintain documentation and records.
 Provide support for risk management activities.

 Support the implementation of action plans by developing

and conducting training and other change activities.
 Support information and communication processes.
 Monitoring achievement of action plans.
 Monitor OSH program, including impact of change
through compiling and analysing incident and injury
statistics and other sources of information.


 Coaching and Mentoring

◦ OSH practitioner also has a role in
coaching and mentoring supervisors
and managers.
◦ Coaches influence others by
collaboration rather than directing
and it tends to focus on achievement
of a specific goal or skill.
◦ Mentoring: off-line help by one
person to another in making
significant transitions in knowledge,
work or thinking.

 How would you facilitate in integrating OSH

with other functional areas and management


 Identify OSH training needs:

◦ In identifying OSH training needs, the factors to
consider are:
 Legislative requirements for training
 Hazard-specific training (e.g. confined spaces)
 Licences for high risk work and operating specific
types of equipment
 Knowledge of organisational processes such as
policies and procedures

 Hazards and procedures associated with specific

types of work or equipment.
 Role-specific OSH responsibilities.


 Training vs Competency
◦ Does training lead to competency?

Interaction of Procedures, Work and People in

Determining Training Needs
◦ Procedure and Training
 Procedures are of limited use where:
 There are non-routine or unpredictable situations
 Employees need to be risk aware
 Where the organisational context may tend to encourage and
support ‘pushing of the boundaries’
◦ Where it is not appropriate to rely on procedures for
risk control, there should be a higher level of
knowledge and skills and so training.


◦ People, Work and Training

◦ Workers who are exposed to hazards need knowledge
about the hazards, and what is required to maintain the
hazard controls.
◦ Workers also require:
◦ Skill to operate equipment or to carry out work tasks.
◦ Knowledge of procedures and rules for carrying out those

Make Recommendations for Delivery of Training

◦ Focus on ‘learning’ rather than training.
◦ Modes of learning could be:
◦ Coaching or mentoring
◦ On-the-job learning
◦ Workplace-based training
◦ Formal training or education programs (in-house or
◦ Learning may also occur in workplace communication
session, e.g. tool box meetings, team briefings and
health and safety committee meetings.

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