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Tutorial 5 – Three Dimensional Transformations

Q1. Find the single matrix that gives

(a) a rotation through an angle  CCW about the x -axis, followed by another rotation
through an angle  CCW about the y -axis.
(b) a rotation through an angle  CCW about the y -axis, followed by another rotation
through an angle  CCW about the x -axis.
Hence, determine whether the two transformations are commutative or not.

Q2. Prove that the following sequence of operations is commutative.

(a) Any two successive translations.
(b) Any two successive scaling operations.
(c) Any two successive rotations about any one of the coordinate axes.

Q3. (a) Find the single matrix that gives a translation in the x , y , z directions by –1, –1, –1
respectively, followed successively by a  30 o rotation about the x -axis, and a  45 o
rotation about the y -axis.
(b) Find the image of the point (3, 2, 1) under this transformation.

Q4. (a) Describe the transformation that rotates an object point, P( x, y, z ) about the line with
x  h and z  0 .
(b) Write the single matrix that represents the above transformation.

Q5. (a) Describe the transformation that scales an object point, Q( x, y, z ) with respect to a fixed
point P(h, k , ) .
(b) Write the single matrix that represents the above transformation.

Q6. Rotate the point P(1,  1,  1) 45 o clockwise about the axis given by the points A(1, 2, 1) and
B(2, 1, 4) .

Q7. Reflect the point P(2, 2,  1) about the plane defined by the vertices A(0, 0, 0) , B(5, 0, 0) and
C (1, 3, 2) .

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