Constitution of by Laws DBR - 024530

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We, the members of DBR Hernani Eastern Samar Youth and Student organization at Hernani Eastern
Samar, hereby associate ourselves to be able to organize and manage an organization focusing on
volunteerism, humanitarian response, youth empowerment, and children protection. It will work on
these advocacies with a focus on youth empowerment and community orientation on but not limited
to emergency response, peacebuilding mechanisms, charity works, capacity building, community
works etc. It envisions a just, represented and a kind of society that is responsive to the needs of
people regardless of race, color, and religion.



SECTION 1. The name of the Organization shall known as the,


SECTION 2. The addres of the Organizartion shall be in,

Barangay Padang, Hernani Eastern Samar 6804



The Objectives of the body shall be as follows;

SECTION 1. Promotion and protection of the physical, moral, spiritual,intellectual, and social well being
of the youth to the end that the youth realize their potential for improving the quality of life.

SECTION 2. Inculcation in the youth patriotism, nationalism, and otherbasic desirable values to infuse in
them faith in the creator, belief in the sanctity of life and dignity of the human person, conviction for the
strength and unity of the family and adherence to truth and justice.

SECTION 3. To ensure the rights and privillage of every member in the organization in line with the
government institution.

SECTION 4. To be apart of the Government activities and programs regarding health, education,
environment, and economic growth.

SECTION 5. To be the most popular youth and student organization in terms of leadership in the


SECTION 1. Members shall consist of the following;

a. Members should be born Filipino and resident from Hernani Eastern Samar.
b. Members should be above and below 15 – 40 years of age.
c. Members shall admitted in accordance with these rules and regulation/ constitution and by-laws
of the organization.
d. Members should undertake duties and responsibilities of the organization.
e. Members shall pay fourty pesos(40.00) monthly due for organization funds.

SECTION 2. Membership Registration;

a. The admission of the member shall pay fourty pesos(40.00) as admission fee which shall not
refunded in any case.

SECTION 3. Cessation of membership/ A member cease to the organization;

a. On his/ her written resignation.

b. Has not attended 3 consecutive meeting of the general body of the organizationwithout
c. Members have been found immorality, theft, or convicted in any crime cases by the
d. Failure to comply with the existing rules, policies regulation of the Organization and monthly
organization dues.



SECTION 1. Right of Members – Every member shall have the following rights;

a. Right to enjoy and participate in all activities of the organization.

b. Right to vote in all matters particularly in annual general body meeting.
c. Right to object and suggest in any issues and concerns related to organization.
d. Rights to be eligible to any elective or appointive office of the association.
e. Rights to avail of all the facilities/ services of the Organization.

SECTION 2. Duties and Responsibilities of Member – Every member shall have the following duties and

a. To follow the rules and regulation in line with the Constitution and By Laws of the Organization.
b. To attend all meeting, community service that it may be called for requiring attendance of


SECTION 1. Termination of Membership – Any member shall any major violations in the organization
and to involve any crimes that will affect the integrity, image, and reputation of this organization will be
emmidiately terminated.

SECTION 2. Withdrawal of Membership – Any member desiring to withdraw his membership shall
submit a written application to the officers.

SECTION 3. Suspension of Membership – Any member shall commit minor violation in the rules and
regulation of the organization in three (3) consecutive will be subjected to suspend.



SECTION 1. The General Assembly – The General Assembly of the Organization shall be composed of
members entitled to vote duly assembled and constituting a quorum.

SECTION 2. Power and Limitations of the General Assembly – The General Assembly has the following

a. To elect and remove officers for cause.

b. To submit all reports of the officers.
c. To give immediate solution of any changes of the organization policies.
d. To take action of all issues and concerns affecting the Organization.
e. To approve development plans of the Organization.
f. To exercise all powers expressly provided by law and the By – Laws.

SECTION 3. Annual General Assembly – The Annual General Assembly should be held on the 1 st Monday
of December at the Conference of the Organization office or at any place assigned by the officers.

SECTION 4. Special meeting – A special meeting shall be called any time by the president urgency.

SECTION 5. The Organization will conduct regular meeting on the 1 st Saturday of every month with
appropriate notice to be sent out by the Secretary to each member of the Organization at least three (3)
working days prior to such meeting.

SECTION 6. Notice of General Assembly – Every member shall be informed of all meeting by means of
written notice served by the Secretary atleast three (3) working days. The written notice should be
include all the agenda of the General Assembly.

SECTION 7. Fiscal year – The Fiscal year of the Organization shall commence on the first day of the
January and end on the last day of December.
SECTION 8. Quorum at the Membership Assembly – At the annual or special General Assembly, ¾ of the
total numbers of members entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum.



SECTION 1. Except when a greater proposition is required by law, a majority vote shall prevail at
meeting and deliberation of the Organization.

SECTION 2. Meetings shall whenever practicable be governed by parliamentary procedure.

SECTION 3. All meeting shall follow the following;

a. Call to order by the presiding officer

b. Opening prayer
c. Pambansang Awit
d. Roll Call / Checking Attendance
e. Reading of previous minutes
f. Itemized discussion of the Agenda
g. Announcement
h. Closing Prayer

SECTION 1. Manner of voting.

a. Members entitled to vote shall be qualified to vote and participate in the General Assembly of
the Organization. No member shall be intitled to vote more than one. No proxy voting shall be
b. The President will only vote to break the tie.

SECTION 2. Qualification and Disqualification – All members entitled to vote, who have time and
willingness to serve are qualified to be voted as officers, except for the member that is 3 consecutive
absence of voting.

SECTION 3. Election of Officers – Elections shall be held once in a two (2) years and voting of officers
shall be through secret ballot at the annual General Assembly and the highest number of votes shall
serve for two (2) years. Thereafter, all shall serve for two (2) years,unless otherwise the elected officer
will be dismiss / terminated due to violations of the rules and regulations of the constitution and bylaws.
Provided, that no officers shallservefor more than two (2) consecutive terms.

SECTION 4. Elective Position – The elective position shall be the following;

a. President
b. Vice President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Board of Directors



The officers as a body have general supervision and control of the affairs of the Organizations. It shall
prescribed policies consistent with law, these By Laws and the resolution of the General Assembly for
the management of organization and guidance of its members.

SECTION 1. President shall perform the following duties and powers;

a. Act as the chief Executive of the Organization.

b. Preside over all meetings of the association and of the officers meeting.
c. Perform any and all acts and duties usually performed by a presiding officers.
d. Appoint all member/s of vacant position, standing and special committee upon the
recommendations of the majority of the officers.
e. Direct and supervise the implementation of the plans, programs and activities of the
Organization and ensure its fruitful results.
f. Sign all communication, revolving fund certificate, contracts and such other papers of the
association which the officers may authorize or direct him to sign.
g. Perform such a duties is the officers may prescribe.

SECTION 2. Vice President shall perform the following;

a. Assume authority as officer – in charge in the absence of the President or in permanent

incapacity, resignation, recall of the later he/ she serve as President until the term expires.
b. Assist and coordinate with the President in all Organization matter.
c. Perform such other functions as maybe designated by the President.

SECTION 3. SECRETARY shall perform the following;

a. Keep a complete list of all members and maintain correct recordof all meetings of the officers
and generally assembly.
b. Keep and maintain in the record book on serve as custodian and book keeper of the
c. Responsible in record keeping and all documents of the Organization
d. Perform such other function as may designated by the President.

SECTION 4. TREASURER shall perform the following;

a. Take custody of all monies, securities and transaction documents.

b. Collect, receive and issue receipts of all money, funds and contributions to the Organizations.
c. Make sure that all disbursement and payments made by him/her are covered by the vouchers
and accompanied by the necessary receipts.
d. Keep records and receipts and expenditures.
e. Keep all list of unpaid dues of each regular member.
f. Present a financial report to the Organization during its regular meeting or special meeting as
may be required.
g. Perform such other functions as may designated by the President.

SECTION 5. Board of Director shall perform the following;

a. Responsible in the creation of project proposals.

b. Manage all organization projects and programs.

SECTION 1. All members shall pay a membership fee/organization due of Php 40.00 for general
appropriation and shall be collected by Organization Finance Officer. Funds shall be in custody of the
Finance Officer of the Organization. The Organization may raise funds through solicitation and other
activities which are deemed appropriate and legal.



SECTION 1. The Organization with the Executive Council and the Committees will formulate Projects
Proposals depending to the community needs. Once a project is approved and funded the officers with
the committees will work together in the implementation and monitoring of the project.



SECTION 1. Proposal for amendments to this Constitution shall be made by the Executive Council or
upon formal petition of at least ten percent (10%) of the general member.

SECTION 2. No proposal shall be considered an amendment and become a part of this Constitution until
after the same have been ratified by a majority vote of the Executive Council of Organization or at least
10% of the general membership at the special meeting or a referendum called for the purpose.

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