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Attractor 1.

Astara beach

Location & accessibility
Core product
 ….
 ….
 ….
 ….
Supporting attractions & tourism resources
 ….
 …
 ….
 …
Services & facilities
 …
 ….
 …
 ….
Commercial viability
 …
 …
 …
 …
 ....

 ….
Attractor 2. Sim village

It is not a secret that, the Talysh mountains have a
mysterious nature. Sim village of Astara is also located in
the heart of Talysh mountains. Did you know that the
name of the village is translated from the Talysh language
as "slippery, rocky"?! Sim village means a village located
on a rock. Through the untouched nature of this village,
you will feel like a traveler discovering new places,
passing through the remains of thousands of years old
trees, rocks and historical buildings. The smiles on the Characteristics
faces of the hospitable locals will leave a lasting
 The charming scenery of the village is one of the main
impression on your heart. The population of the village is
factors attracting tourists.
mainly engaged in beekeeping, vegetable growing and
cattle breeding. Sim village has a unique and very Markets
different atmosphere. This is due to the large old trees  Travellers are mostly from Baku who traveled to south of
and tall mossy rocks between and around the houses in Azerbaijan
the village.   Sim village can attract young who like nature.
Location & accessibility Commercial viability
Sim village is situated in Astara district, 230 km from  Scenery and the weather are making a potential for more
Baku. This village is 40 km away from the center of cafes and more comfortable roads to waterfall
Astara. The village is located 478m above sea level. Due
to this height, the road to the village is bad .
 As people live around the village, it is cleaner and neater
Core product for visitors.
The core products of Sim village are Sim Waterfall and
untouched nature where people go there for these
Supporting attractions & tourism resources
 One of the interesting places in the village of Sim is
the White Bridge. Here you can sit in the middle of
the river, taste the local Astara river and enjoy the
 There is also a lake near Sim Falls. Although this lake
is not known by many people, it has a beautiful
Services & facilities
 There are several tea gardens in the village area, by
the river, where you can sit and watch the beauty of
nature, drink delicious Astara tea and have
interesting conversations with friendly villagers.
 One of the services in the village is UAZ and Niva cars
organized by local people. Thanks to these cars, you
can cross the difficult roads to Waterfall
Attractor 3. Citrus valley

Location & accessibility
Core product
 ….
 ….
 …. Characteristics

Supporting attractions & tourism resources  ….

 …  ….

 …. Markets

Services & facilities  …

 ….  …

 ….  …
Commercial viability
 …
 …
 …
 …
 ....
 ….
Attractor 4. Hirkan National Park

Location & accessibility
Core product
 ….
 ….
 ….
Supporting attractions & tourism resources
 ….
 …
 ….
 ….
Services & facilities
 …
 ….
 …
 ….
 …
Commercial viability
 …
 …
 …
 …
 ....
 ….
Attractor 5. Khanbulan lake

Location & accessibility
Core product
 ….
 ….
 …. Characteristics

Supporting attractions & tourism resources  ….

 …  ….

 …. Markets

Services & facilities  …

 ….  …

 ….  …
Commercial viability
 …
 …
 …
 …
 ....

 ….
Attractor 6. Lankaran beach zone

Location & accessibility
Core product
 ….
 ….
 …. Characteristics

Supporting attractions & tourism resources  ….

 …  ….

 …. Markets

Services & facilities  …

 ….  …

 ….  …
Commercial viability
 …
 …
 …
 …
 ....
 ….
Attractor 7. Astarachay Tea factory

Location & accessibility
Core product
 ….
 …. Characteristics
 ….  ….
Supporting attractions & tourism resources  ….
 … Markets
 ….  …
Services & facilities  …
 ….  …
 …. Commercial viability
 …
 …
 …
 …
 ....
 ….
Attractor 8. Lankaran Springs and

Welness Resort

Location & accessibility
Core product
 …. Characteristics
 ….  ….
 ….  ….
Supporting attractions & tourism resources Markets
 …  …
 ….  …
Services & facilities  …
 …. Commercial viability
 ….  …
 …
 …
 …
 ....
 ….

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