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Burning Spring(Astara)

Fatima Farajli
Laman Mammadova
Nigar Huseynzada

THE FIRE SPRING YANAR BULAG (which literally translates to “burning spring”), close to
the city of Astara in southern Azerbaijan, is an unusual spring which fascinatingly combines
the two elements fire and water.

There is a place near the Baku-Astara highway, in the southern corner of Erchivan
settlement, Astara region. 5.2 km from the center of Astara city 8 min, and 280 km from
Baku ( 3 hr 5min) via well-maintained highway. The nearest airport is in
Lankaran(approximately 20 min from Lankaran to Astara)

Core product
The phenomenon starts simply enough. Water comes gurgling from a metal stand-pipe
inside a small pavilion, not looking particularly unusual. But when a lighter or another ignition
source is touched to the water, the liquid itself will be set ablaze. This unique and
entertaining property of the water is due to its uniquely high methane content.

Boiling water from the spring also has therapeutic value. It is said that it is possible to
recover from kidney and other diseases by using water.

Nearby attractions & tourism resources

Within 13 min: Astara beach
Within 23 min: Khanbulan
Within 52 min: Hirkan National Park
Within 1 hr 6 m: Sym waterfall

Boiling water from the spring also has therapeutic value. It is said that it is possible to
recover from kidney and other diseases by using water.The fire spring is but one of many
weird sites in Azerbaijan that can be attributed to the country’s high gas and oil reserves.
Aside from being a quirky attraction, the fire spring also evokes the spririt of Zoroastrianism,
a religion in which fire and water are considered agents of ritual purity.

Today, Zoroastrianism no longer exists in the country, but it was in this region that the
religion was founded 2,000 years ago. Perhaps this is not surprising, considering these
unusual and fascinating local phenomena.

İt can be allocentric and midcentric

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