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EEE 611: Integrated System Design March 2022

EEE 611: Integrated System Design

Demonstration – Panel Evaluation Form (15%)(WP1/EA3)

Panel Name:
Project Title:
Group Members Name Matrix No.
Allow second demonstration? (OPTIONAL, to be 2.
filled at the discretion of evaluating panel) 3.
□ YES □ NO 4.


Item CO – PO Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Score Weight Weighted

WP - PO 9 - 10 6-8 3-5 0-2 (0-10) Score
Model and The model/circuit fulfils The model/circuit fulfils The model/circuit fulfils The model/circuit does 0.35
Simulation CO1 – PO3 the requirements. most of the only part of the not meet the
Functionality WP1 – PO3 requirements. requirements. requirements.
The whole model/circuit
works correctly. A large part of the Only a small part of the The model/circuit is
model/circuit works circuit works correctly. unacceptable or does not
correctly. function at all.

Software CO1 – PO3 The program fulfils the The program fulfils most The program fulfils only The program does not 0.35
Functionality WP1 – PO3 requirements. of the requirements. part of the requirements. meet the requirements.

The program works A large part of the Only a small part of the The program does not
correctly. The program program works correctly. program works correctly. function at all. The
flow is clear. The program flow is The program flow is program flow is
clear with minimal unclear with several extremely confusing to
Efficient usage of confusions. major confusions. the reader.
instructions, branching
and subroutines. Acceptable usage of Inefficient usage of Wrong usage of
instructions, branching instructions, branching instructions, branching
and subroutines. and subroutines. and subroutines.
Creativity CO1 – PO3 Significant additional Additional features are Additional features are No additional features 0.4
WP1 – PO3 features are included in included in the project, included in the project, are included in the
the project. but not very significant. offers no significant project.

EEE 611: Integrated System Design March 2022

improvements on the
Workmanship CO1 – PO3 The circuit layout is The circuit layout is done The circuit layout is done The circuit layout is done 0.4
WP1 – PO3 done using PCB. using PCB. using Vero board. using Breadboard.
The circuit layout is The circuit layout is badly
The circuit layout is designed with designed. Connections are done
designed with optimum reasonable circuit area A lot of connections are using only jumper wires.
circuit area and number and number of made using jumper wires.
of connections. connections. The components are not
The components are neatly arranged.
The components are reasonably arranged and The components are
neatly arranged and soldered. badly soldered.



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