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is identical with phycophaein: two varieties of it have

of the mountains situated parallel to the coast', to the

mostly snow-clad; the Kholzun range; the Korgon (6300 to 7600

the Liber Pontifealis records that Constantine gave to the

whilst in crystalline schists, phyllites and crystalline

with Henry Clay and Albert Gallatin, he negotiated (1815)

(Eastern Rumeha), E. by the Black Sea and the vilayet of

Jaipur. Its configuration is irregular, the greatest length

sound of digamma (f) was entirely lost, and therefore is not

Gentz, Deleches inedites, &c., ed. Baron Prokesch-Osten,

but to have emphasized rather its power of furthering the

processes shows what great numbers of men could be enlisted

(Noldeke), -- and the traditional hostility between Saul and

e.g. in the canons of the council of Trent and those of

the normal capacity being 10,000 cub. ft., though others of

pear are plentiful; the chestnut and walnut are sometimes met

credit. Crossing the Moselle the instant that he received

forward a bill for the distribution of lands to Pompey's

In well-made butter there are contained about 85% of pure

decreasing in height from east to west. The most easterly

See Athanasius Kircher, Musurgia Universalis, where the aeolian

the tsar his Reflexions on the True Nature of the Consulship

work, which was henceforth to set the fashion to French

in recognition of the mathematical attainments of the Brahmans.

plantes. In this work he developed the principle of arrangement

south. Naturally, however, Stanley's discoveries were keenly

(U), incorrectly styled the cloisters, serving as cellars and

1880 38 1,461 20,918 9,572 1,886 2

The district of Aligarh has an area of 1857 sq. m. It is

denote sharp and keen despair, but other authors, Sir T. Browne,
power, and had been well received by him at Peshawar. This

the Physical Society of Glasgow University on the 27th

J. B. Suard was elected to the post, and ever since the history

ADMINISTRATION (Lat. administrare, to serve), the performance

in different collections; one of the finest, in the Dresden

story told by Ovid (Metam. iii. 131; see also Apollod iii.

exceeding anything that had yet been seen in spaciousness and

Hill, and Stow, Maine. It is found also in the Lake Superior

AGASSIZ, ALEXANDER EMANUEL (1835-1910), American man of

crown our watershed before it attains the Mont Dolent (12,543

sailed for North America, reaching New York on the 14th of

learned societies. There is also a museum, with natural

ability, and her letters, written in an excellent English

has degenerated into a mere form. A large proportion of the

Fine letters are still identical in form with those of the

government. In the 16th century Aix began to decline in

Egypt, together with Moslem Spain. It originated with Mahommed

discharges into the Sea of Okhotsk, opposite to the island of

large. The second point is that Africa, with the exception

sec. III. Ethnology.--H. Hartmann, Die Volker Afrikas

Castlereagh at the congress of Vienna in December 1814, Sir

motion similar to that which would be a consequence of the

Tissaphernes. But in a few months he had lost the confidence

Apples 143,105,689 175,397,626

a conference between representatives from all the states to

that anything worse occurs. On a day when the wind is light

hand, were drawn up in three lines, each line formed in deep

borrowed capital, became bankrupt and retired to the Syracusan

Intestinal Tract in Birds and Mammals.--There is no doubt but

the remains of one temple are to be seen in the church of S.

Institute consists of the five classes named above. Each

the whole contents of one cell pass over by means of a

Hugh M`Vay 6 . . . . . . . 1837 "

juxta. near, but early confounded with a supposed derivation

Thurnerkamp (Z). . . . . . . . 11,228 Hochschober. . . . . . . . . . . 10,663

and machinery; it exports cereals, live-stock and agricultural

the longest and most profound chasms in Abyssinia. Between

On the summit of the mound were large phalli of stone.

in the genus Primula, a highly characteristic genus of

The tests in each case differ; and it is as irrelevant for the

preserve and cultivate the rubber-yielding plants. This

faulty. Yet when one remembers that by 70-80 A.D. it must

(4) The division of human life into periods for legal purposes

III., succeeded to the Spanish and Provencal possessions of

Tennyson has attempted to reproduce it in English in his

or thing sanctioned by the commissioners of Inland Revenue,

of the most vigorous and realistic poetry of the Civil War,

husbandman. In the parable of the sower, Jesus Christ

the marriage was celebrated at the chapel-royal, St James's.

mainland. Two main chains extend right across the sea---the

and colonization--a connexion which was so close that

on a precipitous summit above the Indus, which it was said

| (guaiacol) | CH3.CH : C.CH3.CHO |116 deg. | |

a plan of the work, which was to a great extent carried

lead is formed on both plates during discharge,

of angry expostulations. Every stage in his project was

Alcazar is sometimes identified with the Roman Alce. captured

The gradual advance in the price of farm produce soon after

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