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Popular Culture Galore Part 9

Popular culture is a multi billion dollars business in the world over. The images above are what a lot of kids and young adults are listening. Lets just say, its certainly a different time now. Its a new era in the world. Who are these people. They are DJ Khaled, Britney world. Spears, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Jesse Eisenberg, Kenan Thompson, Kreayshawn, and V-Nasty V

(I didnt forget that V-Nasty. She was 100% wrong for her words. Yet, we real people will call he e people like V-Nasty out who try to make a mockery of my people. We will continue to live our people. lives and not let ignorance cloud our judgments. We will keep our eyes on the prize excluding distractions or mockers of our heritage America consists of real people and some fake people heritage. too). I believe in self defense too. I love to be controversial and I love to expose evil.
Acuminated in the realm of that system are deception, nepotism, lust for wealth (or materialism), and a sense of extreme conformity to the worldly standards of Western society. Some supporters . of mainstream popular culture empire mention that this is solely art, so it's justifiable for pop culture to function even in an extreme, controversial fashion. It's a shame that folks feel like they have to act like a fool just to claim that it's an expression solely. Throwing stones is my specialty. t I don't throw stones at people since I'm not God. Yet, I will throw stones at oppression, discrimination, injustice, and an evil system though. Art is beautiful thing. Free expression is thing.

wonderful when it's displayed in an adequate framework. Yet, criticism is a part of it as well. Tons of critiques of art exist. These critiques can be utilized to make art stronger and not to malign permanently any piece of artwork. The exact same logic pertains to music. Music can be art, but some music can be degenerate and ought to be criticized. Degenerate music is more than art when it brainwashes children, manipulates culture, and creates more worldliness in society. So, we should reject unholy music, have repentance, and promote being born again to have our lives reflect HOLINESS. HOLINESS is better than being of the world. We cant be real men or real women if we support music that treat women like less than human, promotes prostitution, or promotes violent rage in the world. The apostle John wrote these relevant words: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the

world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever (1 John 2:15-17). The Apostle Paul wrote that: Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after hrist (Colossians 2:8) and And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them (Ephesians 5:11). So, its very clear that we shouldnt be allied with the culture of this world, but we should renew our minds for spiritual improvement and moral competency. This or publicly speaking out against evil music is part of
the First Amendment that certain liberal establishment types claims to love so much. I don't believe that criticism ought to be utilized as an excuse to promote obscene censorship of human expression. Yet, it (or justifiable critiques in the world) is about developing discernment about culture and to seek just reforms among the scope of our imperfect society. One thing

that I really dont like is that some of these sellout types and nave people saying its 2011, so get over it. Dont these ignorant people realize that police brutality, wars in Libya, bombings in Pakistan & Somalia by Western forces, bigotry, the disrespect against women, the disrespect against men, the anti-intellectualism, and others forms of abuse including oppressions are still occurring in 2011. Im not getting over anything until real justice flows like a mighty stream. How are you going to say get up by your bootstraps when you have record poverty, when over 46 million Americans are on food stamps, and you have the credit rating in America downgraded from AAA to AA+ via the S&P. The truth is people dont need permanent dependency, but people need help. Im not blind toward evil and I will never forget the struggle unlike others. With the apostasy and error in the world, one thing is certain. Almighty God is very real and people have the capacity to change and live life in an authentic, moral atmosphere.
Music, Hollywood, and mind control mix with one another all of the time. Its easy to see that many in the elite are in secret societies that have studied the occult and magic. The magical realms are vital in understanding the secret society world. Some use magic amongst society today. This is achieved by these modern day magicians. According to Aleister Crowley, magic is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will. To Crowley, he believed that the will force deal with magic (in order words to make imagination to make alchemy). Magic is used that isnt found sometimes in mainstream Western science. Magic is very old and the Pharaoh magicians fought against Moses. We have the right to create inventions and other contributions in the world as long its legitimate to benefit society in general. The first card of the Tarot is the Magician (showing the as above, so below image. There is the Pentagram in the card as well). A sorcerer wants to make change in consciousness in a mass scale using his own will to have private powers (in using the laws of nature to fulfill his or hers own will. Some

want to make his or herself a God). Crowley was an anti-Christian and called himself a Beast. He was in the OTO and it was filled with sorcerers. Crowley wanted to human will to be supreme above love and to want to do what thou wilt. Crowley was evil and was very selfish. British Intelligence officer Crowley wanted the Aeon of Horus and was one architect of modern popular culture. The popular culture even back then targeted the youth. Many artists today wear ritualized outfits, dresses, certain colors, etc. to signify the magical influence of pop culture. Some of this stuff relate to symbol to subconscious manipulate society. Others wear tattoos to be self identified with the popular culture system and for a wide spectrum of reasons. Walt Disney promoted the wish upon a star (or the Pentagram archetypes with many meanings like the elements plus spirit, the Perfected Man, Sirius, etc.). Disney is a part of the military industrial complex that allows or program children to work there in order to be a part of that mainstream music beast industry. Walt Disney was a Demolay Freemason and he promoted Club 33 before. The military took over Disney studios to promote war propaganda films back in WWII. The early Disney cartoons dealt with class, race, and other issues in an offensive way. Many artists then and now use multiple personality personas as a way to express their musical art. Huxley went as far as predicting the following: "There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." Aldous Huxley Also, controversial figures from mainstream popular culture express their sick views in these quotes:

Besides, now that I'm probably richer than God, maybe he should come to me! - Natalie Maines, Dixie Chicks I'm gonna abandon my spirit to them, which is actually what I attempt to do. You work yourself up into that state and you fall in supplication of the demon gods . - David Lee Roth I wanted to marry Lucifer I don't consider Lucifer an evil force .I feel his presence with his music. I feel like he comes and sits on my piano. - Tori Amos Elton Johns home is laden with trinkets and books relating to Satanism and witchcraft. - Bernie Taupin, Elton John's lyricist We were doing witchcraft, trying to make witchcraft music. - Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys The world has cancer, and the cancer is man. -A. Gregg, Mankind at the Turning Point. We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money. -Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. In Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995).

These arent quotes that are made up. These

are real. So, the skeptics cant tell a single thing about whats real. I have no respect for a blasphemer or a worldly deceiver at all. Popular Culture is still in existence now. There is a weird
commercial talking about soccer where people have a 63336 number place on their bodies. The people have a stoic brainwashed look on their eyes. The symbol has a triangle with rays of lights on it. The numbers of the 3 3s equal 9. In the occult 9 can be an upside 6 and this says it all. The symbols of the elite have been the rays of light near a triangle. They manipulate and distort the real meaning of geometric shapes to promote their nefarious meanings and agendas. In recent years, they are hiding what they want anymore. Even David Rockefeller admitted that he desires an one world in society. These symbols are found in Masonry as well. Resident Evil 4 is a famous video game. It shows the characters fighting evil people wanting to control the world via genetic research. Resident Evil 4 deals with Spain and Leon Kennedy fighting with the Illuminados. The name of Illuminados is similar to Alumbradoes of Spain. The video game mentions the Illuminados as controlled by the host for the parasite. The game shows people looking like cult members in Stanley Kubricks Eyes Wide Shut. Resident Evil 5: Weskers Flashback talked about viruses and human beings. The old narrator wanted to be a god to create a new race of human beings, but all was lost in Raccoon City. He believes that a person has a right to be a god. The young man kills the older man and says that that right is his. The young man says that: Only one truly capable of being a god deserves that rightWith Uroborous, I have that right Ultimately, seeking to destroy humanity, Wesker creates the Uroboros virus, one that will turn humanity into monsters, and "the chosen ones" into "gods." Uroborus is similar to the word oroborous (of the snake eating its own tail representing infinity, completion, balance, and yes trying to build things better into possible godhood). Weskler wants to destroy human and be a hero by being a god. The eyes of Wesker are very reptilian. Today, Illuminists and transhumanists want select men to be a god in claiming to do God a service when they are deceiving themselves. Some researchers believe that lyrics and melodies can

remain in a persons subconscious mind for years. It is true that controversial messages are commonly displayed in music videos, award shows, corporate meetings, and other realms of that industry. We shouldnt overly praise these pop stars since they are men and women just like you and me. Also, many artists want to glamorize recreational usage of drugs and alcohol. I dont agree with that, because too many people have died (whether they are famous or not) via the use of recreational drugs and alcohol. Cautious behavior is more important than people that yield unto evil conformity to a corrupt Western culture. Life is about treating your neighbor as yourself (even promoting community centers, economic literacy places, scholarships, and other tools of reform), being content with your being, having joy & happiness, having humor, fight against evil, and get caught up to live righteously.
The genetic manipulation of food and other species is a serious threat for all of humanity. Scientists and others are doing research on human/animal hybrids, chimeras and other transgenic clone. This can endanger life in the world. The elite allow their agents to tamper with the genetic code of the planet. They ignore the dangers of cross-species experimentation and these acts can fragrantly jeopardize the Earths delicately balanced biodiversity. There are tons of risks posed by genetically modified hybrids. People have found out that in the UK, scientists have made hybrids for at least 3 years. Genetically modified laboratory creations are still going on. The biotech industry is showing these entities to the world. While this is going on, monopolies are st increasing their power to control this research like Agra, Pharma, and Medical research in the 21

century. The GM foods are promoted as solutions with lucrative returns. There are patented gene expressions. There is the concept called xenotransplanation. This is when transgenic clones are created via deleting and replacing DNA sequences in order to form a cross-species hybrid. This hybrid is in a host egg and they are the pet project of corporate science. This science believes in replacing organs for ailing human beings, to handle infertility plus sterility issues, to have artificial protein production (in industrial and pharmaceutical applications), cloning, etc. These manmade creations can have the risk of causing sterility in offspring and cancer. Some clones like Dolly the sheep only live in a short lifespan. Clones can have arthritis, breathing problems, and other problems. Hundreds of embryos fail in cultivation before there is one successful clone. Some die in the womb after only after days. These entities are trusted to fulfill humanitys betterment when they dont. There can be beast borne diseases if the human genome is mixed with animals. It can affect humans and planet species. Mutations and other unforeseen consequences can exist as a result of mixing unrelated species like mammals and jellyfish genes. Genes can act differently when they are in foreign DNA sequences. This can be dangerous since there is a lack of recognition and compensation for pleitropic genes (where a single gene gives expression for multiple traits). This new sick experimentation has been shown in H.G. Wells The Island of Dr. Moreau. Now, we have human ears on the backs of mice. Harvesting human marked organs from cows, pigs, and other host species is occurring now. There is the synthesizing of strategic proteins in host milk production and other sc-fi application. This could be the future of biotechnology. Spider goats are anti-laws of nature. Some want to create these species to create a stronger than steel protein from spider silk that can create fibers for items like bullet proof vests (such items are sold directly to the military prison industrial complex. This can further dominate humanity via the oligarchy). GMO species are invasive and some doctors have released them in crops. Crop contamination of GMO planets is devastating to ordinary farmers including terminator seeds being genocidal. The consumption of GMO crops have proven ties to allow mice to have sterility (to be delayed until the second or third generation to cause cancer plus other issues). Globalists arent gods at all. Some of them want to limit the expression of life with fake clones. These clones threaten real or genuine flora, fauna, and other life. Even some scientists slander 96 percent of DNA as throwaway junk with no genetic value. This is arrogance not inquiry or analysis. All of these acts tie into transhumanism or the belief that man can come into godhood. People should oppose this extremism and some have. The truth is the truth. Corey Fedlman is a famous actor. He said that pedophilia is the number one problem with child stars. There is a lot of truth to his statements since for thousands of years, much of the elite have done pedophilia and other sick likeminded acts against human beings. This doesnt just involve Hollywood, but the religious elite and the political elite. He said that corrupt people with big connections lead to the death of child actor Corey Haim (whose official cause of death was pneumonia). Many films from Hollywood glamorize it. Some of these sick acts are similar to the victims of Monarch mind control according to Fritz Springmeier. Corey said that he starred in the McDonalds ad when he was just 3 years old. He talks about the casting couch not only involving adults, but children as well. I can tell you that the No. 1 problem in Hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia. Thats the biggest problem for children in this industry. Its the big secret, Feldman said. The casting couch, which is the old Hollywood reference to actors being expected to offer sex for roles, applied to children, Feldman said. Oh, yeah. Not in the same way. Its all done under the radar, he said. I was surrounded by [pedophiles] when I was 14 years old. Didnt even know it. It wasnt until I was old enough to realize what they were and what they wanted till I went, Oh, my God. They were everywhere, Feldman, 40, said. Feldman said that he was abused by men in the show business. More research ought to be made if his claims are true or not. Regardless if Feldmans claims are true or not, pedophilia is a serious issue revolving not only Hollywood, but in society in general. The exploitation of children is a serious evil that ought to be defeated. The good news is that people from across the political spectrum worldwide strongly oppose pedophilia. Thats the one issue where there is universal condemnation and we should use all legitimate means to fight against pedophilia where it rears its head. In other news, tons of symbolism exists in cartoon shows too. Adventure Time on the Cartoon Network has tons of symbolism in it.

Secret Societies have influence in high places. Adam Weishaupt wasnt the first Utopian. Many of such nefarious Utopians existed among the time of thousands of years. Freemasonry is slick in its acts and works in spiritual deception in high places of authority in this temporary worldly system. The essence of Freemasonry is the occult and false religions have ties to it. For example, Russell uses Masonic terminology in his Jehovah Witness organization. Freemason Joseph Smith invented the Mormon faith. Oral Roberts was a 33rd Degree Freemason and he promoted the Prosperity Gospel heresy and Charismatic doctrine long before Eddie Long, T. D. Jakes, Popoff, Benny Hinn, and others of that ilk. Even Seventh Day Adventists have ties to the Masons. The Jesuits and the Freemasons are common denominators in learning about Secret Societies and how the world works together. America has been infiltrated by occultists that wanted to exploit Americas large resources in order to promote that worldwide commonwealth or the new world order. That is why some of the Founder Fathers were Freemasons. The entry level group in America now is the Council on Foreign Relations or the CFR. They are low level, but they still have power in corporations, politicians, and other infrastructure in America. The criminals of the elite use terror and political correctness as a means to not only control people, but to make conformity (in liking the Patriot Act, liking obscene surveillance, liking materialism & economic exploitation) as a legitimate avenue of survival. That isnt survival, but moral and spiritual death. So, what is the Illuminati? The Illuminati is a name for Utopians trying to seek human perfection. Such groups existed for thousands of years. One problem with this group is that the Bavarian Illuminati in the 1700s wanted all governments and all religions to be abolished in order for that Utopia to exist. Even now, people have mentioned the name of the Illuminati to describe elitists that want a new world order or an Utopian one world systems. Freemasons have wrote about the Illuminati in recent years too like 32nd Degree Freemason Foster Bailey. He wrote (form his The Spirit of Masonry book in pgs. 20-21. GM stands for Grand Master and TGAOTU stands for the Grand Architect of the Universe. That is the god of Masonry in Theist terms) that:

. These master Masons, to whom T.G.A.O.T.U. has given the design and Who are familiar with the tracing board of the G.M. on high, are called by many names and are known at different times by various appellations. They can be referred to as Christ and his Church--that band of disciples who follow in the footsteps and work under the

inspiration of the great Carpenter of Nazareth. They can be known by others as the Masters of the Wisdom for They are skilled in the divine ways and have mastered the arts and sciences which Their fellowmen have yet to master. They are the Dispenser of Light and to Them has been given, by virtue of Their achievement, the privilege and the authority to pronounce the great Masonic formula: 'Let there be light' and to evoke the response: 'And there was LIGHT' They are therefore sometimes known as the Illuminati and can direct the searchlight of truth wherever its beams are needed to guide the pilgrim on his way. Freemason C. William Smith explicitly (back in 1950) wanted a new race, a new religion, a new nation and a new civilization to rule the Earth. That sounds like a new world order plan to me.

Another man said this: To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." -George Brock Chisholm
Chisholm was an elitist and he blatantly said what they or the globalists want in our society. The truth is known. Real life and real living incorporate tolerance for all people, a sense yearning of moral renewal, and a dedication for the fight for justice in the world. Just acts are more important than just status quo. Molesting people in airports and showing naked XRays images dont have a thing to do with freedom at all. Thats tyranny. We should support decadence, arrogance, and indifference toward evil. We fight evil with a clear mind, a clear soul, and with real strength.
The bipartisan debt ceiling deal passed the House and the Senate. The deal is not known by some people. The deal is that the governments borrowing limit in stages by at least 2.1 trillion dollars and up to 2.4 trillion dollars. It provides a dollar for dollar exchange in spending cuts. The package would resolve the issues until 2013 or after the Presidential election. The deal will include spending cuts more than it increases borrowing authority. Taxes arent raises. It claims to protect several programs from cuts like Social Security, Medicaid, veterans benefits and pensions, civil and military pay, and programs for women, infants and children. Medicare would be cut no more than 2%, with the cuts falling on payments to doctors, hospitals and other providers of medical services. The debt can be increased by 400 billion dollars. It makes procedures to raise the debt ceiling by an additional 500 billion dollars as soon as September for a total of 900 billion dollars. The initial increases are offset by $917 billion in spending cuts via caps on discretionary spending through 2021. The increase later would be from 1.2 trillion to $1.5 trillion, depending on the success of a 12-member bipartisan congressional committee in identifying future deficit reductions that are approved by Congress and the president. There is the joint committee (made up of 6 Democrats and 6 Republicans) charged with making recommendation on further deficit reductions by November 23, 2011. It can consider tax reform like cuts in spending. If the committee produces a proposal, it is guaranteed an up or down vote in both chambers of Congress without amendments by December 23. The President has veto power, but he is expected to sign the law. The debt ceiling can rise by 1.5 trillion dollar if the bipartisan committee agrees on at least by 1.5 trillion dollars in deficit reductions. Possible across the board cuts arent triggered until January 2013. Congress can revisit the issue and agree on other budgetary or tax reforms. Reactionary liars forget that without social programs and reform, we wouldnt have the Clean Air Act, maternity leave, minimum wages, and other legitimate policies that enrich the lives of people.

There are those legitimately expose Communism as antithetical to individual liberties, but they refuse to expose the prison industrial complex, the end for health for all people, a true fight against poverty in our communities, and need for true economic justice (in opposition to the agenda of Wall Street). The reactionaries can yell about theft, but it was a corporate empire that stole people from sovereign nations and stole wealth from the common people for thousands of years. Now, thats real. For the obsession or paranoia about Communism and the omission of the need for justice among people is the total height of hypocrisy and cowardice. Where has austerity worked long term? The fundamental point is that megabanks are hoarding trillions of dollars and they aren't spending it to even seek to create job growth. Many corporations are using outsourcing overseas and these issues are exacerbated by unfair trade deals and the excesses of globalization. Why are you talking about France? Sarkozy isnt progressive on every issue. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has announced a series of deeply anti-democratic measures, including the persecution and deportation of Roma, the prosecution of the parents of young offenders, and a proposed law enabling to government to strip immigrants of their French nationality. France wants a balanced budget rule in their constitution too. Frances economic problems existed because of complex reasons. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, etc. have strong public works systems and follow policies opposite of the Tea Partys fiscal agenda. Yet, they arent experiencing extreme insolvency issues at all. The false god of neoliberal economic ideology doesnt work to create economic growth. You need some spending and some investments (from both the private and public sectors) to create economic growth. That isnt a sin and its found even in the Constitution that the Tea partiers claim to love so much. Economic issues have been caused by privatization, corporate corruption, Wall Street speculation in the derivatives market, and other reactionary policies. Maxine Waters anger is directed to the Tea Party. The Tea Party hypocritically abhors government spending, but most of them rely on Social Security, Medicare, and other government program to help their existence. They hypocritically hate government intrusion, yet Republican candidate Michelle Bachmann has been found to receive tons of government funds in her daily life.

*I care about wealth creation, but wealth creation doesn't come by draconian cuts in services and real programs. Wealth creation comes by ending the war on terror and developing a populist jobs/economic program that benefits all people from across the socioeconomic scale. Wealth distribution that's progressive, fair, and with compassion isn't a sin. Using taxes as revenues is found in the Constitution as the Constitution gives Congress the right to tax citizens. The vast majority of Americans want to preserve Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Most Americans want a slight increase of taxes on the super rich in order to build up our economy. You need investments to grow the economy.

So, whats happening now isnt working. We will have to be more concerned with solving poverty and creating jobs not with whats occurring in Congress. So, eliminating Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid isnt a real solution. You can: end the war on terror saving 1.6

trillion dollars, limits value of itemized deductions to 28%, have the estate tax be progressive, have incentives for businesses to grow economies in America without outsourcing, create new investments in infrastructure, have investments in research & development, end the Bush tax cuts, add a new tax bracket for the extremely rich (like running from 45% on income over a million a year to 49% on income over a billion a year), and other actions. Balance can occur by 2021 via those policies.
Reagan raised the Social Security tax in 1986, George H. W. Bush still run the election in 1988. Even Clinton raised taxes on the rich. Now, we have the government confiscating independent food producers, having anti-liberty laws, scapegoating gun owners & patriots as terrorists, strange Earth changes, and uncertainty for the future. We should have hope for the future, we cant be nave. We have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Reality is that we should have

a job creation program in the USA, which most Americans support. Also, the government spending money domestically for targeted avenues (like building hospitals, highways, roads, water systems, manufacturing jobs, and other infrastructure) isnt wrong. Not to mention that Wall Street criminals involved in any financial corruption ought to be prosecuted immediately. Even the interstate highway system was done by government. You have to spend some money to help society.
Political, economic, and social issues are still here in the world. In America, we have to radically improve our educational standards since it has been poor than developed plus even some undeveloped countries (especially in the subjects of math and science). The culture of anti-intellectualism should cease. Texting, talk shows, propaganda from the mainstream media, and other forms of recreation arent tools of radical development of a civilization. Civilization is about taking the time to promote functional literacy, keen insight, and yearning of justice for all peoples. Developing no slums, no mass unemployment, having decent health care, and having a high quality of education are more important than jewelry or tattoos (some use them as a means of rebellion or trying to appear hard). *The Texas Governor Rick Perry is supporting a mega prayer event called The Response. He wants to call upon the name of God to solve our economic crisis. The mainstream media has mocked the rally and hasnt really looked at the real issue. The real issue is that Rick Perry is a Bilderberger. Also, the events major supporters are Joels Army, Manifest Sons of God plus other cult groups. Perry is a Methodist by tradition. He and his wife Anita now attend an evangelical mega church in Austin. He is open about his faith in Christianity. Some people criticize the event as Jesus-exclusive and political, yet a person has the right to express their faith in various locations (even if I disagree with someones faith). Perry called the event as The Response. He wants people to pray and fast like Jesus did. The controversy is whether Rick Perry will use his religion or the laws of the Constitution as the basis to execute policy (if he is President, because America isnt made up of solely one religious faith. Some folks dont adhere to any specific faith at all). I dont agree with moral

relativism like the next man, but I dont support a theocracy. Historically, we know what theocracies have led into. There is nothing wrong with calling upon the name of the Lord for prayer. Yet, hes a part of the globalist Bilderberg Group (that have secret meetings, promote globalization, and its origin has been made by the elite). Perry went to its meeting in June 2007 at Istanbul, Turkey. The big issue is that the establishment controls the mainstream religious establishment (including some Evangelical people. We know they control the mainline churches via Freemasonry, the WCC, the Jesuits, etc.). Dr. Cathy Burns book entitled Billy Graham and His Friends: The Hidden Agenda documents how even Billy Graham has been funded and controlled by the Illuminists or elitists for decades. Graham even called for the new world order back in the 1990s. The event consists of theocrats and cult leaders like the Manifested Sons of God, Later rain, Dominionists, the New Apostolic Reformation, etc. James Dobson, Richard Land, Tony Perkins, John Hagee, Mike Bickle, Alice Patterson, John Benefiel, and others will be there. Land is a CFR member. As Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:6, it is better for a person to pray strongly in private or in the closet (than to have grand openly stadium filled religious extravaganzas filled with Dominionists).
The global elite want to control society. They all about eugenics, population control, robotics, and other high realms of technological advancement. Aleister Crowley has done magic for years. He worked with British Intelligence and he claimed to be a high level Freemason. He bragged that he created the famous V for Victory symbol used by Winston Churchill. The V was used by Spock from Star Trek. Historically, the V signed existed for a long time. Churchill was a Freemason and he was a Druid. The global network made up of Secret Societies deal with concepts. They deal with the occult, Theosophy, Freemasonry, and other components of the Mysteries. So, there is a link between evil magic, the occult, and the Secret Societies spanning thousands of years. The Bavarian Illuminati deals with this Utopian agenda. The Bavarian Illuminati consisted of Freemasons and Bavarian rulers. The members of the Illuminati spanned across Europe in the th late 18 century as well. They utilize symbols and occultists view symbols as

speaking to the subconscious mind. The Illuminati wanted their power to create an Utopian world eliminating private property and allowing select elite to govern the affairs of the Earth. One secret of the elite is their knowledge of humans being like a biochemical machine (and the human brain with its glands is complex with hormones). So, the elite used a large of mushrooms, vines, herbs, etc. in trying to alter their state of consciousness. Politics in many occasions are done without orderly processes. For eons of time, the royals, the real elite, etc. have used politics, social degradation, and environmental degradation as an excuse to control the resources of the Earth (along with controlling common human beings). When you get to the real people that rules the Earth, you get into the Pilgrim Society, the Vatican/Jesuit network, the European royals, and the Nobility bloodlines. These people aren't exposed even by some in the "truth" movement. The Vatican is like the religious version of the ancient Roman Empire in its structure. Recently in You tube, the Mormon Church shows peoples saying Hi, I am a Mormon in order to outline their lives as regularly normal. These stories are odd and strange. We live in a creepy time indeed. The Mormons have religious deception and they love it so. Yet, this conveniently omits the strange and heretical doctrines that consist of the Mormon faith. We should be tolerable, but not spiritual ignorant about some lies that man can be a god or Jesus traveled into ancient America. If this money

lusting, trying to be of the world, and being political correct agenda is a part of

the new establishment Christianity, then I will have to some a few poignant words to say. I will to say: that fake pseudo-Christianity can never be supported by me. It never benefited anyone long-term anyway. Yes, I have to keep it real and honest.
Music like any art can influence culture. Some people know about the true meanings of the lyrics of certain kinds of music. It isn't a secret that many mainstream songs in the music charts have references to Satanism, recreational sex, the occult, symbolism, and other spiritual meanings in their lyrics. This is ignored heavily by the worldly society. A lot of these artists use the Rainman concepts in their music. Rainman to these artists (like Jay Z, Eminem, WASP, Bob Dylan, etc.) represents a being, spirit, or some influence in their lives. Jay Z says that he invented swag. If he invented swag, then I am Santa Claus or the King of England. Swag existed for thousands of years in the four corners of the Earth. We knows who is the real ruler on the Throne and thats God. Gods Blueprint is much better than his blueprint. Jay Z knows about this stuff since he was educated by Jaz O about the stuff (in Brooklyn, NYC via Dr. Yorks teachings) Im typing here. I will never hate on a mans successfulness, but you cant compromise core principles to get it. I respect any successful person doing the right thing. What I dont respect are the beliefs of a man that says that there is no Hell, focus on materialism involving money, and seeks to ally with Bill Gates (a known population control & dangerous GMO foods advocate). Also, people like me have called out the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Vatican, and other elitists all of the time. So, its a lie to assume that I only discuss musicians. Also, people like us dont believe that every politician, every musician, and every corporate leader is a Devil worshipper. *We

just say that economic corruption, corporate exploitation, and hypocritical messages from the mainstream pop world ought to be exposed fully. Life isnt totally all about the money. Stop judging is the mantra today. I cant judge the Holocaust as evil. Yes, Im taking it all the way there. According to these cant judge people, I cant the slave trade as immoral. I cant judge pedophilia as perversion. I cant judge deception & the war on terror as anti-freedom. The truth of the matter is that every human being has the right to judge immorality and evils as wrong period. Thats real. I was born to hate evil and subterfuge. Thats my job & a part of the freedom of speech. You wont get real acceptance anyway by looking like someone else of trying to be like someone else either. Swag has been

existing for thousands of years. Rain man is a character in a film where the person played by Dustin Hoffman gets answer correct, yet he acts as if he's rambling without using critical thinking. Many Christians believe that Rain Man is a demonic influence that influences modern musicians today. Occultists for eons of times worship these fallen spirits when these spirits are banished from Heaven because of their disobedience of God's commands. The evil Luciferian types aren't just infiltrating music. They are infiltrating mainstream Christianity (as exposed to real Christians, who are still here). We see this is compromisers or those approved by the establishment like Billy Graham, Benny Hinn (who shown a horned hand sign, made false predictions, and is a notorious deceiver), Rodney Browne, and others. The Illuminists try to depict Christ in pagan symbolism with the worship of the sun in order for folks to accept a new Age type of spirituality. In essence, many occultists are pro-New Age/Gnostic in that they know God exist, but accept the Luciferian philosophy of man having a chance to be God (via rituals and steps in the occult system. Some of them think that man should eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge to gain understanding or enlightenment). The promotion of man being gods via technology is called transhumanism in the st 21 century. On a Website Called; New DNA, New Consciousness, New

New Agers quote: "For those who embrace the change and the newness they are coming into a new way of being THE THIRD STRAND OF DNA DEVELOPING IN YOUR BODY MAKES YOU A CHRIST. A living, HOLY TRINITY. In realizing yourself as the trinity you will move beyond duality..." How this connects to Masons... The source is from the Masonic Author John T Lawrence form his "Mason Jurisprudence" book.

Some people believe that eugenics died with WWII. It hasnt. It is still going on in the 21 century and we should fight against it. Even Alan Watt has exposed the neo-eugenics war on the human race. The same people that funded both sides of WWI and WWII are the


same people that are funding the eugenics movement now. It doesnt take a genius to see that major features of society (from fashion, politics, music, etc.) have been manipulated by internationalists in order to control human instincts to their own ends. Mind control has been exposed as being done by the CIA and
other groups. Sometimes mediums like TV are used as means for social control. This is done to prevent human beings from realizing its full potential. So, the technocrats map out their agenda sometimes centuries in advance. There is even the Optimum Population Trust that wants zero population growth with the lie that humans are virus like, worthless, and superfluous. Some blame the new chemicals in the water supply and other issues with the sperm count being more than 50 percent down in Europe plus America over the last 50 years. Depopulation is still alive and well. You can see the comments from Prince Philip and Ted Turner wanting a radical population decrease of the worlds population to witness that reality. Watt traces the program back to its origins in the 1950s, where synthetic female hormones like estrogen were put in baby foods by companies like Proctor and Gamble, as well as baby milk bottles washed with Bisphenol A. Bisphenol A is a real enemy. The reason is that it can toxicify humans, harm male fertility, and other problems for human. Bertran Russell and the Huxley brothers decades ago want to sterilize humans in order to make the common man docile and not using critical comprehensive skills as far back as the 1930s. The enslavement of people into some Utopian, feudal society is one goal of the establishment. The elite obsess with genetics and eugenics not for altruistic reasons, but to maintain their bloodline in a sick, bigoted way. Popular Culture and symbolism is easy to detect. Vigilant Citizen has done some amazing research in the popular culture ethos of world society. I always respect him and the musicindustryexposed series person as well. VC showed an image of Britney Spears with the skulls head teacher on. The cover of the shirt says I want to go. Spears is from the Disney machine that has its history of risqu shows even decades ago. The skulls head is shown in the T-Shirt with Mickey Mouse ears. Mickey Mouse is one major emblem of Disney. Spears image is similar to mind control theme topics according to VC. Bono is shown with one hand over his right eye showing his Left Eye (looking like the one eye). Bono is known to ally with Bush Jr. and Tony Blair plus population control advocate Bill Gates. Bono invest cash into the same capitalist franchises that he rallies against. Also, he shifts his assets to offshore tax haven to avoid paying the same taxes that he campaigns for. He talks about the Third World, but rarely exposes the IMF and the World Bank. Also, once the ex-UK Prime Minister Tony Blair promote a 15 million ID database system, used to monitor and control the lives of the British public with no discernable benefit to anyone but government snoops and mega corporations, would cover the cost of antiretroviral drugs in Africa for the next three years. Bono had a meeting with Rupert Murdoch, who is a neo-con, a Knight of St. Gregory, and one of the biggest media heads in the world. A real truth seeker would never ally with a person like Murdoch. According to the Post, Bono's antipoverty ONE foundation received $14,993,873 in donations from philanthropists in 2008, of which just $184,732 was distributed to three charities. (ONE is an "advocacy organization" whose main

purpose is to change policies, not support charities, it says.) So what happened to the rest? More than $8 million was spent on executive and employee salaries. So, only 1% of the money that he collects from that group actually goes into charities. Lady Gaga is dressed like the Lady of Ephesus. The Lady of Ephesus is shown with many breasts on her body and she is the Goddess archetype that has spanned for thousands of years. The J-Pop group's Perfume album cover has them with the image of see no evil, speak no evil, and hear no evil. Rocawear is still showing overtly Masonic shirts again. There is no question about it. ....

The film of the "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer." The movie came out in 2007 after their first 2005 Fantastic 4 film. It was directed by Tim Story. The Fantastic 4 has been a famous comic book and TV show. Its major actors and actresses in the 2007 movie include Ioan Gruffud as Reed Richards, Jessica Alba as Sue Storm, Chris Evans as Johnny Storm, and Michael Chiklis as Ben Grimm. Julian McMahon and Kerry Washington are in the film as well. Even Laurence Fishburne is in the film as the voice of the Silver Surfer. The plot of the film shows the Fantastic Four trying to confront and later ally with the Silver Surfer to save the Earth from Galactus. Some researchers have found many Gnostic and occultic ties among the film. It was a very popular film back in 2007. The film shows Reed Richards and Sue Storm preparing for their marriage. The marriage deals with 2 super humans that want to start a family or a super race. A silver objects goes into the Earth's atmosphere to radiate cosmic energy. The Fantastic 4 protects the crowd while the object get destroys the sensors. Johnny Storm found out that the object is the Silver Surfer. The Silver Surfer comes to Earth and bizarre weather changes occur (causing disturbances in Japan, Egypt, and LA. Recently in 2011, Japan experienced its tsunami, Earthquake, and nuclear disaster. Even Egypt experienced its Spring Revolution). We see a TV newsreader covering the story: "Scientists have ruled out global warming. Some are beginning to

wonder if the hand of God is at work." The hand of the Father God being the culprit of evils is a Gnostic tenet. Johnny survives being in thrown around by the Silver Surfer. The Surfer manipulates the Fantastic 4's powers. The Surfer fights Victor Von Doom, who is freed from 2 years from a metal statue. Doom and Galactus fights the Fantastic 4 and the Surfer (who unites with the Fantastic 4 team). The Surfer regains the control of his board, and his power is restored. He revives Sue and chooses to defend Earth, flying into Galactus. The conflict results in a massive blast of energy that engulfs Galactus in a cosmic rift, and apparently kills the Surfer as well. Reed and Sue get married in Japan. The credits cut back to a shot of the Silver Surfer's seemingly lifeless body floating through space, but his eyes open and his board races towards him. The film relates to Planet X. Planet X according to conspiracy researchers and others could threaten to arrive on Earth or close to it causing destruction on Earth and so forth (like the Galactucs coming to Earth as the destroyer of worlds. The Destroyer in the film is the Demiurge rd to prevent the superhumans from reproducing). The military visits Dr. Reed at their 33 floor

with the Grand Master laboratory in search of help. Sinkholes existed before the Destroyer came about. The tail number of one aircraft is LT666X. Doom asks the Silver Surfer to join, which is similar to the Devil trying to tempt Jesus in the wilderness from Luke Chapter 4. Jesus rejected Satan and the Silver Surfer rejects Doom. Surfer acts as a Christos figure (he sacrifices himself in save mankind), Doom is the Devil figure, Galactus is the destroyer (of the Demiurge), and the Fantastic 4 are superhuman/highly evolved heroes. The final battle in the movie occurs in China (as China is in the news as controlling the debt of America). In Japan, both 2 members of the Fantastic 4 group get married and a 4 appears over Japan (the land of the rising sun looking like a Pentagram. The Pentagram is the symbol of Venus, Lucifer, gnosis, the higher perfected man).

There is the new film about Transformers 3. Even Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen has some esoteric significance to it. The movie series deals with the concept of aliens in general. Occultists and others readily believe that aliens or superior beings have had super advanced technology among thousands of years (and used Earth as a depot for control and human manipulation). The Transformers in the film series are these aliens sent to Earth to either protect or harm humanity. Shia Labeouf's characters encounters people who believes in the existence of aliens. Some Christians believe that the real aliens are demons since they believe that the stories of abduction, manipulation, and subsequent actions are a representation of demonic possession. Fallen angels have been mentioned in the Bible even in the New Testament as well. Famous exorcist and writer, Fr. Malachi Martin, in his classic The Keys of This Blood noted that the pedophilia scandal was not just some random phenomena of perverts, but was actually the workings of a network of underground Satanists who see pedophilia as the culmination of the "Fallen Angels' Rites." Indeed. The fallen angels have similar characteristics to the old false gods that the ancients worshipped. The Mysteries viewed these false gods as the creators of the human race or the givers of knowledge to the human race. We also see in Transformers 2 the occult theme of channeling. Shia comes in contact with an ancient, magical talisman (the "Allspark") that has the power to create life. Again not a personal God, but an impersonal force from which life spontaneously emerges. Precisely the Darwinian-occult view is a part of the scene. Shia at one point in the film dies near the pyramids in Egypt and comes before the council of the gods and learns he is the chosen one to save the race. This is a prominent theme among new agers and occultists who "channel" alien entities. Often they are told the very same thing. The alien spirit possesses him over a period of time and leads him to his destiny to save the world. This story is about the praise of the occult world. By willpower, Shia is turned into an enlightened being. Transformers 3: The Dark of the Moon" is the new Transformers film form 2011. The film is directed by Michael Bay and it's produced by Bilderberg Steven Spielberg. When the war on Cybertron between the Autobots and Decepticons appears lost to the Autobots, their leader, Sentinel Prime, attempts to launch the Ark from their planet, containing technology that could have saved his kind. Attacked by Starscream, it crashes on Earth's moon in 1961. President John F. Kennedy makes his famous promise to the nation to put a man on the moon. The 1969 NASA moon landing is actually an investigation of the wrecked spacecraft. So, Sam Witwicky goes into adulthood and tried to move on from Mikaela. The Autobots learned of the Cybertronian spacecraft on the Moon. The Autobots raced against the Decepticons to find it and learn its secrets. The tide of the Transformers' final battle is shown in the film. Transformers 3 deal with the decepticons (the military in the film calls them aliens) invading Planet Earth. The decepticons want to make humans to be their slaves. In real, who wants the human race to be slaves? The answer is obvious and the answer isnt Almighty God. Megatron or the leader of the deceptiocns destroys the Lincoln statue in the Lincoln Memorial and sits down in his throne. This Lincoln Memorial is based on the Temple of Zeus as tons of architectures in Washington, D.C. are based on pagan classical Greco-Roman architecture indeed. Abraham Lincoln is the throne looks similar to the Zeus Temple where the false god Zeus sat on his throne. Zeus is the King of the Greek false gods. He rules over the air and is the god of the sky. Satan in the Bible travels in the air to deceive people. The battles in the film reminiscence or relate to the prophecies of good and evil (as mention in the book of Revelation). The elite in real want to control society into a neofeudal state as admitted by tons of sources like the book Tragedy and Hope as written by Caroll Quigley. The Transformer movie series definitely deals with the alien agenda or the glamorization of the belief in aliens.

*Popular Culture is real in the world. Many videos from MTV and their ilk have Masonic imagery and occult symbolism. One example is about LCD Soundsystems Pow Pow video. James Murphy is the founder of LCD Soundsystem. Hes the founder of DFA Records. The logo is a lightning bolt. . They have next video being called as an industry first. It allows viewers to click objects in order to win the Cheer detergent related object. The video called Climbing Walls by the group Strange Talk shows a bunch of young people having fun. Yet, they are dancing on a Masonic ceremonial floor with Masonic pillars and pyramids. The video looks similar to images found in a Masonic apron. The video shows a sunrise and the camera moves in the direction of

the Sun. Using symbols in plain sight is very common in the 21 century world of mainstream popular culture. Researchers know about the subconscious and many people use images in order to stir peoples subconscious to gravitate into a certain behavior. Carl Jung wrote about archetypes and the subconscious for a very long time. For decades, Carl Jung believed in Gnostic theological philosophies indeed. The elite is trying to make the public more acceptance of this symbolism and New Age philosophies as the years and decades go on in the world.


This is the 20th year anniversary of Oliver Stones controversial JFK movie. The movie was filled with suspend, action, and tons of controversial. The film isnt 100% accurate, but it still had plenty of accurate historical information in it (like corrupt history of the CIA, President John F. Kennedys hesitance to promote unilateral war, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrisons battle to investigate what really occurred in November 22, 1963, and the assassination of John F. Kennedy causing shockwaves throughout the world). I dont agree with all of the actions of Oliver Stone though, so I want to make that point crystal clear. When the movie came out, the establishment and the mainstream media tried to discredit it from the jump. This was unprecedented in movie history. With a monopoly of the media, mainstream books, and academia, the establishment even now wants to promote their agenda in society. Today, according to Publishers Weekly, approximately 70% of all new books are published by ten houses. This is an amazing shrinkage of the number of outlets and a great increase in control of the number of publishers who can give a book a serious launch in the marketplace. One of the most contentious aspects of the film (other than the view that the Presidents assassination was a product of a conspiracy) is about the film promotion of the view on whether John F. Kennedy wanted to withdraw from Vietnam by 1965. Vietnam involved the Jesuit-supported Diem to kill thousands of Buddhists in Vietnam. Documents from the Review Board proved that JFK wanted all U.S. troops withdrawn from Vietnam by 1965. There is the record of the May, 1963 SECDEF Conference in Hawaii and the NSAM 263 that proved this to be so. In fact, it was NSAM 263 which detailed Kennedys intentions of withdrawing 1,000 troops out of Vietnam by Christmas 1963and all troops by the end of 1965. NSAM 273 was a REVERSAL of NSAM 263, which ultimately resulted in the deployment of 185,000 troops into Vietnam by the end of 1965. Also, its been found that Clay Shaw was a contract agent of the CIA. Fletcher Proutys testimony in the film JFK was very valuable in giving to the puppet the mechanism of the military industrial complex. This is why numerous creditable researchers believe that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was done via an inside job or a conspiracy. There is a history about Nixon that many people dont realize. There is no evidence that Nixon asked CIA Director Richard Helms for the documents as it pertains to Operation 40. There is evidence that Nixon wanted documents that dealt with the Bay of Pigs well before Watergate broke out. Helms delivered the files in question to Nixon October 21, 1971. These files were not the only concern of Richard Nixon. He wanted the files on the assassinations of Trujillo in the Dominican Republic (from May of 1961) and Ngo Dinh Diem in about November 1963 from Vietnam. This is documented by David Frosts interview with Richard Helms from May 22nd-23rd on May of 1978. Nixon wanted for documents to see if there were some incrimination of himself in these 3 events prior to the Kennedy assassination is one possibility (and other is to find dirt on Democrats). Furthermore, it is rumored that Helms didnt give Nixon all of the available files. Why would Helms not give him those documents? Maybe because it was hisnot Nixons role he was likely afraid of divulging. According to H.R. Halderman, Helms said that the FBI could bring up the whole Bay of Pigs thing if they keep on with their investigation. According to Halderman, he believed that the Bay of Pigs thing was code name for the Kennedy assassination. Nixon underestimated Helms when Helms had the CIA

controlled media (with collaborators like Katherine Graham, Ben Bradlee, and Bob Woodward at the Washington Post including CIA informants in the FBI). Chuck Colson hired Hunt not Nixon. Ford admitted that he manipulated the placement of the wounds to conform to Specters representation of what happened. There has been the military done for the Warren Commission that failed to duplicate what Oswald supposedly shot in that 5.6 seconds of time. Time Life Founder Henry Luce was a CIA asset and a Skulls and Bones member. Life Magazine editor C. D. Jackson was a high level CIA agent who purchased the Zapruder film. Lyndon Johnson (after Kennedy died) supported the agenda of the military industrial complex in terms of foreign policy. There was Senator Ralph Yarborough. He was one of the last of the New Deal Democrats in Texas. He strongly supported President John F. Kennedy, the Great Society, federal support for higher education plus veterans, and voted for civil rights legislation from 1957 to 1970. He co-wrote the Endangered Species Act. He wanted the GI Bill to be expanded to include Cold War veterans and he wanted more funding for health care, education, and the environment.
Tons of information is known about the JFK assassination and events related to it. Jack Ruby has had stories about him running guns to Cuba. Even assistant counsels to the Warren Commission Burt Griffin and Leon Hubert wrote (in a memo to the Warren Commission members from March 20, 1964 in a date) that Jack Ruby was involved in illegal dealings with Cuban elements that might have had contact with Oswald. Ruby lied on many times. He told the Warren Commission that he came into Cuba once for a vacation for a week to 10 days. According to Cuban travel records, Jack Ruby came into Cuba from New Orleans on August 8, 1959. He left Cuba on September 11, 1959 and reentered Cuba from Miami on September 12, 1959. He returned from Cuba to New Orleans on September 13, 1959. The HSCA concluded, after a careful consideration of the evidence and the uncovering of new witnesses, that Ruby had help getting into the police basement to kill Oswald. It is strange that the Warren Report was created by people who had no real love for JFK. Before, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated; he was at odds with much of the policies of the CIA and Pentagon. JFK and the Unspeakable by James W. Douglass is one of the best books on the JFK assassination in the st 21 century. The book mentions the Kennedys American University speech (from June 10, 1963) that wants a peaceful relationship with Soviet Union and JFK expressed the view that he is sick of war. His American University speech called for world peace. President John F. Kennedy acknowledges that Americans and Russians equally want peace and that all human beings are mortal. JFK said that: not to see only a distorted and desperate view of the other side, not to see conflict as inevitable, accommodation as impossible, and communication as nothing more than an exchange of threats. No government or social system is so evil that its people must be considered as lacking in virtue So, JFK spoke about his desire for world peace. This refutes the notion that Kennedy was some neo-con. Khrushchev and Kennedy agreed to a limited test ban treaty and continued dialogue. The author James W. Douglass excellent book proves that much of Kennedys policies (especially from 1963 onward) were in contrast to his initial almost hawkish Cold War stance. His new policies were opposed by the hardliners from the Joints Chiefs of Staff, the Pentagon, the military industrial complex (with figures like Richard Bissell, Charles Cabell, Henry Cabot lodge, Lyman Lemnitzer, Curtis LeMay, and of course Allen Dulles), and the CIA. In other words, JFK wanted to avert a nuclear catastrophe in the world. The connection between the assassinations of Patrice Lumumba, President John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy were that these human beings strived to fight for peace despite their imperfections. They sincerely believed that a fight against injustice in order to achieve a true fixture of justice that can benefit the entire human race. In a way, people like Dr. King and Malcolm X did more to change the consciousness of wider American society than the Kennedy brothers (even though the Kennedy brothers did promote legitimate, courageous issues

& views in their lives). Writers like Donald Gibson and Richard Mahoney proved that President John F. Kennedy back 1963 didnt ally with David Rockefeller and the power elite. JFK disagreed with Rockefellers neo-liberal economic ideology. JFK took on Big Steel. Kennedy wanted the government to have an active role to promote scientific and technological progress, development in the Third World, and real human civil liberties. He said that: "A man does what he must--in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures--and that is the basis of all human morality So, JFK wanted stable economic growth along with technological development. Kennedy back in 1957 made a Senate speech that opposed the French colonialism in Algeria and Vietnam.

*There are still mysteries about Lee Harvey Oswald. People have accused him of being linked to the intelligence community (like with the FBI and the CIA). The author Douglass proved with tons of evidence that Oswald was treated like a pawn globally and when Kennedy was assassinated, he was murdered by Jack Ruby in the Dallas police headquarters. As he begins to trace Oswalds path, Douglass asks this question: Why was Lee Harvey Oswald so tolerated and supported by the government he betrayed? Lee Harvey Oswald served as an U.S. Marine in the CIAs U-2 spy plane operation in Japan with a crypto clearance. This was higher than top secret, but this fact was suppressed by the Warren Commission. Oswald left the Marines and he defected to the Soviet Union. After Lee Harvey Oswald denounced America, he worked in a Soviet factory in Minsk, married a Russian wife (this was during the Gary Powers U-2 spy plane being shot down over the Soviet Union). He later returned into America with a loan from the American Embassy in Moscow. He was met at the dock in Hoboken, New Jersey by Spas T. Raikan. Raikan was a prominent anti-communist with extensive intelligence connections, recommended by the State Department. Oswald passed through immigration with no trouble, was not prosecuted, moved to Fort Worth, Texas. Forth Worth is where at the suggestion of the Dallas CIA Domestic Contacts Service chief, he was met and befriended by George de Mohrenschildt, He was an anti-communist Russian, who was a CIA asset. DeMohrenschildt got Oswald a job 4 days later at a graphic arts company that worked on maps for the U.S. Army Map Service (this related to U-2 spy missions over Cubs). DeMohrenschildt shepherded Oswald across the Dallas area. In 1977, De Mohrenschildt admitted that he contacted Oswald for the CIA, but he died before going to the House Select Committee on Assassinations Gaeton Fonzi (He was alleged to have committed suicide. You can be the judge of that). Oswald then moved to New Orleans in April 1963 where got a job at the Reilly Coffee Company owned by CIA-affiliated William Reilly. The Reilly Coffee Company was located in close vicinity to the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, and

Office of Naval Intelligence offices and a stones throw from the office of Guy Bannister, a former Special Agent in Charge of the FBIs Chicago Bureau, who worked as a covert action coordinator for the intelligence services, supplying and training anti-Castro paramilitaries meant to ensnare Kennedy. Oswald then went to work with Bannister and the CIA paramilitaries. Before the assassination of JFK, Oswald acted like he was pro-Castro and then anti-Castro. These antics were done from Bannisters office. This confused people on his true role after his work in the military industrial complex. He was differently blamed for the assassination and he denied it before Oswald was killed by Ruby. Douglass persuasively argues that Oswald seems to have been working with both the CIA and FBI, as a provocateur for the former and an informant for the latter. Jim and Elsie Wilcott, who worked at the CIA Tokyo Station from 1960-64, in a 1978 interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, said, It was common knowledge in the Tokyo CIA station that Oswald worked for the agency. There were various Oswalds seen from Dallas to Mexico City. These were imposters and even J. Edgar Hoover admitted that Oswald visiting to Mexico was a false story. Oswald couldnt withdrew all police protection for the President, get rid of the police motorcycle escorts from beside the Presidents car, etc. Lee Harvey Oswald couldnt take agents off the back of the car where they were normally stationed to obstruct gunfire, and he cant cause the car to hit an almost halt (which was a clear security violation). The people who did these negligence deeds are just as responsible for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy as are the murderer (or murderers) of JFK. Also, there was an aborted conspiracy plot to kill JFK in Chicago on November 2, which is a little known story.

The famous rapper Lupe Fiasco debated Bill O'Reilly on many issues. Some of them revolve around Afghanistan, the war on terror, Osama bin Laden, and terrorism. Among both men, on foreign policies issues, I'm more aligned with Lupe Fiasco. I'm a young man, so I've heard about him. He is a rapper from Chicago. He knows martial arts, is a Muslim, and promotes his music. He has been famous for years for promote conscious music and other forms of eclectic music. In typical form, Bill O'Reilly tries to use extreme hypotheticals in trying to intellectually stump Lupe Fiasco. By the end of the debate, I think that Lupe didn't take his bait for the most part. Lupe has his form of controversy by calling the President Barack Obama a terrorist because of his aggressive support for U.S. military actions in the Middle East. Common sense dictates that the bombings in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, and other countries have been unwarranted. None of these nations collectively have involvement in 9/11, they didn't attack us in 9/11, and these unjust military actions can only further damage (not improve) upon the relationship that the U.S. have with the people of color in Africa, the Middle East, & Central Asia. That is why people are right to call for an end to the war on terror, a new focus on our building up bonds with nations without jingoistic deeds, and rebuilding our national infrastructure in the USA. A war on terror is unnecessary since Osama Bin Laden has been funded and supported for decades by the CIA, the ISI, and other Western powers. He has been presented as the boogeyman as an excuse for the military aggression overseas and domestic suppression of dissent here at home (this anti-civil liberties atmosphere is exemplified with the institution of the Patriot Act, the USA Commissions Act, militarized police, FEMA checkpoints, and other nefarious, unconstitutional policies). IN fact, the CIA and other outfits supported or funded the bloody dictators in history. Some include General Pinochet, the former Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, and the Taliban. Donald Rumsfeld back in the 1980s was pictured shaking hands with Saddam Hussein. This was when the Reagan administration called Saddam as a moderating influence in the Middle East. Back then in

the 1980s, the U.S. sent Saddam Hussein weapons of mass destruction. Everybody realizes that Bill OReilly omits these things, because he wants to promote a deceptive, neo-conservative agenda inside of American society.

The President is accountable for his military actions though. Obama is used as a puppet and springboard while the higher up elite (as found in the Pilgrims, Bilderbergers, the Vatican/Jesuit network, Goldman Sachs, CFR, Trilateralists, etc. These people are in his administration cabinet) remain mostly untouched. The manufactured war on terror wasn't created to kill a group of radical Muslims. It was created to institute a high tech globalization system to control humanity via centralization, privatization, & getting resources. Tons of people are awake about what the President represents (He's a representation of globalization, the Patriot Act, compromise with the reactionaries on economic issues, and an imperial foreign policy). Bill O'Reilly is brainwashed to assume that the U.S. is defending ourselves toward people that killed us on 9/11 when Osama didn't cause Building Number Seven to collapse, he didn't cause NORAD to stand-down, and he wasn't on any of the planes the crashed into the Twin Towers at all. Plus, the bombings of Libya via Western powers have nothing to do with the deaths on 9/11 either.

Fashion and Popular Culture collide in these 2 images. The image to the left shows the watch showing only one eye being open. The image to the right shows a woman in a Masonic checkered board floor with large chess players and her eating ice cream with a Disney cap on top. Many fashion types, actors, and musicians are wearing the Walt Disney cap now. According to real researchers, many artists in various poses incorporate MK Ultra themes, occult symbols, horns, the All Seeing Eyes, and other like minded themes. The eye has been shown by the artist Peter Gabriel for years. The All Seeing Eye has many meanings like the GAOTU, enlightenment, Osiris, Horus, and other meanings. Popular culture in TV, movies (like Thor, the Harry Potter movie series), and other shows also present items about Druids, the Merovingian bloodline, pagan iconography, and other related subject matters.

E.T. is a recent song that was created by Katy Perry and Kanye West (as promoted by Capitol records in 2011). The song is rather transparent and overt in its meaning. The song deals with a female alien trying to fall in love with someone that is human. The video shows a post-apocalyptic wasteland on Planet Earth. The heart of the robot is shaped like a raindrop.

Kanye West raps in the beginning of the song. He talks about sexual innuendo and that hes a legend, etc. Kanye speaks in a mechanical ball looking like an eye. Images of DNA and an alien are shown in the video. The images are purple. The subliminal eye is found in the video. Perry sings whether the being is a devil or an angel. The song shows the All Seeing Eye constantly. Perry is ready to go and allow the robot to lead her into the light. She kisses the robot and the robot transforms into a human being. The video of Katys eye looks almost reptilian. Some researchers believe it promote a human/robot hybrid theme, which is true to some extent. Yet, the bigger theme in the video deals with transhumanism, chimeras (or the female alien played by Katy Perry has deer legs in the video), and a new world (after most of humanity dies as a product of catastrophic conflict). The video deals with astral projection as well. The video allows the alien to activate her power to cause the robot to live and to transform into a human being. The human being is ironically an albino person (which lacks melanin and is sensitive to sunlight). At the end of the video, the albino man and Katy Perry walk in the image of the reflecting sun. The Hexagram is found in the start of the video too. Animals dying are shown throughout the film. This new world as shown in the video comes after a conflict comes and technology is seen as a nuisance at times. The new world is very similar to the concept of the new world order. The new world seems to be after some human Holocaust transpired. In the new age, Katy plays a grey alien coming to Earth to have a new hybrid human race with a young man. She heralds a new age. New Agers obsess with humans transforming into a new being after the transformation after the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. A lot of these musician puppets dont know what they are doing in these videos or they are given basic information pertaining to the functions of videos. Others know exactly what the deal is. The deal is the world society uses occult, futuristic themes in order to socially condition people to accept New Age themes (of religious Ecumenicalism, transhumanism (or that man can be awakened or perfected by embracing an alien DNA), a hatred of

moral absolutes, etc.). The video heralds the old lie that only aliens can save the destructive mentality (filled with wars, divisions, and tensions) of the human race. Some people wish or believe that we came from aliens, but the truth is that humans come from the Creator not some alien force. We know exactly who the first people are. Its like they (or the elite) try to ignore the great accomplishments of the first people on Earth in order to slander those accomplishments as alien invented in a bigoted/New Age tone. Some people in the New Age Movement accept the lie about the existence of superior and inferior people too. That is why I will never be a part of their New Age movement at all. The first people on Earth should be respected for their legitimate actions.

The Vigilant Citizen made an excellent summary about the Sucker Punch film. He believes that the film deals with Monarch mind control and other related themes. There are CGI effects in the film. The film deals with a mind control slave who dissociates from the real world in order to escape the trauma caused by abuse. Symbolism and hidden meanings are in throughout the film. The film was produced by Zack Snyder (he dealt with Watchmen and 300). Its an action fantasy thriller film. It was released on March 25, 2011 in America via conventional plus IMAX theatres. The story begins in the 1960s. The 20 year old woman named Baby doll (played by Emily Browning) is institutionalized by her sexually abusive stepfather (played by Gerald Plunkett) at the Lennox House for the Mentally Insane in Brattleboro, Vermont. Baby doll is blamed for the death of her younger sister. In reality, the stepfather killed Baby Dolls own sisters. Baby doll is arrested by the police and drugged. Mental institutions have been in real life, mind control sites used by the CIA. The asylum tries to lobotomize Baby doll (as her stepfather forged the signature of the asylums psychiatrist named Dr. Vera Gorksi). So, Baby doll tries to escape the place. She goes into a fantasy world before being lobotomized. This fantasy deals with a brothel, offers of sexual, and her doing an erotic dance. She defeats demonic samurai. The dream sequences continue, but the surgeon Hamm has just performed Baby dolls lobotomy. Lobotomies are done when a sharp instrument is inserting through the eye of the victim to deactivate the prefrontal cortex. The surgeon is perturbed by Babydoll's expression and starts to question Dr. Gorski as to why she authorized the procedure. It is also revealed that the happenings in her dream world also happened in the hospital (stabbing an orderly, starting a fire, and helping another girl escape). Gorski realizes that Blue has forged her signature, and summons the police, who apprehend Blue as he attempts to assault a catatonic Babydoll. Sweat Pea is rescued by the Wise Man from Babydolls fantasies. Sweat Pea wants to fight as the movie ends. So, the movie has the women

trying to create fantasies in order to escape the sick abuse that she was a victim of. Monarch Programming include Beta or Kitten programming deals with these subjects. Fritz Springmeier and others have proven how in real life, MK slaves suffer illusion, deceit, reversals, and doublespeak like in the film. The essence of whats real and whats fiction is blurred in the film. Its not a secret that Monarch slaves have come from abusive households or even multi generational ritual abuse families. The step father has wound on his left eye. In Baby Dolls alternative reality, his father becomes a priest. Feline prints are in the movie. The film uses doublespeak as some mention as claiming to promote freedom of abuse, but creating an illusion isnt about freedom or escaping evil. Illusions sometimes can mask evil or make a more rigid conforming image surrounding lifetime experiences. In the film, the woman is still victimized even under the presence of her illusion. The movie Sucker Punch screams influences from MK Ultra. Movies readily deal with mind control issues and Sucker Punch is no exception to it. That is why in real life, the elite are disproportionately made up of pedophiles, perverts, occultists, greedy people, slick, cut throat individuals, and plain criminals. The truth is that mind control is against liberty, people have exposed this issue before, and making known about how popular culture glamorizes such evils is a paramount goal among any truthseeker.

J-Pop and J-Pop are music in the new decade of the 21 century. Researchers like Vigilant Citizen and others have found tons of symbolism shown in some of these acts videos like Narsha and SHINee. The J-Pop act Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and SuperJunior has tons of these types of occult imagery present in those videos. PONPONPON is a song made by the J-POP act Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. It has tons of occult symbolism with MK imagery in it. There are eyes everywhere, checkboards, butterflies, etc. There are single eyes on clothing in the video. The video shows numerous items that children use and Western foods. The video is very creepy. The song Ponponpon talks about living forward without a care in the world and listening to music (while dislocating from society). The video from Super Junior (or a preview from their song Mr. Simple) shows one person blocking his left eye showing only one eye. One eye is shown in the video from Super Junior. The video ha a person tied out. People in the video have dyed their hair. This proves that this esoteric imagery and worldly culture is worldwide in terms of culture, countries, etc. The stuff is out in the open and more folks are waking up to the fact that mainstream pop culture is nothing more than an extension of the military industrial complex. That is why artists travel overseas to do concerts in military installations. That is why the Pentagon regularly works with Hollywood to promote certain movies and fund various projects.


Popular Culture is still very strange in the world. Even more information is coming out about Lady Gagas Judas video. The video is more than a post-modernist retelling of the Judas New Testament story. It has a deeper meaning. The video describes a rejection of mainstream religion or mainstream Christianity in order for people to accept a new age. The image of Horus tattooed in Lady Gagas eyes represents the new age agenda. Gaga in the video seems to be in love with Judas, yet Judas rejected Jesus Christ. Lady Gaga said that the video is not about a religious statement, but a social and cultural statement. She wants to talk about falling in love with the wrong man over and over again. She admitted that: The song is about honoring your darkness in order to bring yourself into the light. You have to look into whats haunting you and need to learn to forgive yourself in order to move on... Real people dont embrace their darkness to see the light. People reject the darkness completely in order to embrace the light. The video has Jesus and his biker gang riding around with the skull and bone insignias on their backs. Gaga plays Mary Magdalene riding with Jesus. The person playing Jesus curses at people with profanity that people wont use. At end of the video, Gagas character of Mary Magdalene I stoned to death implying that Jesus has failed to save Gaga. Gnostics and New Agers believe

that Mary Magdalene has some affair, which is blasphemous to say the least. The character played by Gaga works with Judas to betray Jesus. For decades, the Illuminists in real life want to bring down religions in order to make their spirituality rule in society. Gaga washes in water and wears purple garb that is similar to the purple and scarlet color found in the book of Revelation. Crowley was also fascinated with the Great Whore, naming his scarlet women Babalon. While Gaga is singing Im in love with Judas one of the dancers is wearing a shirt bearing an inverted pentacle surrounded by Hebrew script. This symbol is used the Sigil of Baphomet, the symbol identifying Laveys Church of Satan. This isnt the holy situation, but a slick mocking of what Jesus Christ really stood for. A lot of these artists are brainwashed and Fritz Springmeier have wrote about MK Ultra issue, Monarch programming, trauma based mind control, etc. in the music industry. Some of these artists use alter ego and nicknames to express their personalities (or multiple personalities). The identities handlers of these artists are one clue in finding out who control these people. A lot of these artists use a strange British accent that some believe is a part of Monarch laves programmed with British alters used for sexual roles. The real world is stranger than fiction. Some of these artists in the music, movie, and entertainment world are very smart people. Its just that some of them feel that they need to sugarcoat their message in order to have acceptance in society.

Hanna is a 2011 European American action thriller. The film was directed by Joe Wright. The whole film stars actress Saoirse Ronan as the title character Hanna. Eric Bana and actress Cate Blanchett are vital characters in the film as well. It was released in North America on April 8, 2011 and in Europe on May 5, 2011. The movie deals with the strange and controversial life of Hanna Heller. Hanna is a 16 year old girl who lives with her father Erik Heller (played by Eric Bana) in the wilderness of Finland. Erik trained Hanna to be a multilingual assassin. Hanna understands modern technology. She memorized a series of fake back stories for herself in order to be used when the time comes. Hanna tells Erik that she is ready. Hanna receives a box that has an old transmitter. She sends a message to the Marissa Wiegler (played by Cate Blanchett). Marissa is a CIA officer. The CIA captured Hanna and places her in a CIA safe house in Morocco. Erik is found out by Hanna to be a former CIA agent and Marissa wants Hanna to kill Erik. While Erik has trained Hanna to kill Marissa, Hanna was captured too easily. So, Wiegler sends a body double (played by Michelle Dockery) to speak with Hanna. Hanna kills the double, breaks free, and escapes the

compound. Hanna goes into Germany with allies like Sebastian, Rachel, and Sophie (who is Sebastian and Rachels daughter). Hanna found them in the desert. Weigler hires a night club owners named Isaacs to try to get Hanna. Hanna kills one of Isaacs men when they try to capture Hanna. In Berlin, Hanna meets with one of her father's associates, a clown who lives in an abandoned amusement park in order to rendezvous with her father. However, Wiegler and Isaacs locate them and kill Erik's associate with arrows, but Hanna escapes. She eventually meets with her father at her grandmother's apartment, where she discovers that Wiegler has murdered her grandmother. Erik tells the truth to Hanna that he isnt her father. Erik was once a part of a CIA program. This program had pregnant women recruited from abortion clinics, their childrens DNA were altered (to enhance their strength, stamina, and reflexes. On the other hand, their emotions like fear and empathy were suppressed in order to exist as super soldiers). The CIA in the higher ups called this plan a failure. The CIA killed all of the women and their genetically modified children except for Hanna. The idea of modified children or humans existed in ancient times as the alchemical human or the Perfected Man. The idea of transformation is found in Ovids mythical Metamorphoses. Hanna escaped into the cabin with Erik.

Hannas mother Johanna Zadek was killed by Wiegler. Later, Wiegler and Isaacs arrive. Erik kills Isaacs and Weigler kills Erik. Hanna kills Weigler at the end. The movie has tons of

meanings. Hanna focuses on the Cinderella story that deals with mythical transformation. The movie is about a genetically enhanced woman trying to cope in the complex world of the 21st century. In real life, some Utopians want genetically manipulated people to exist in the world (to be controlled of course without true independent thinking). In the film, the fake father in the film according to some could act as a Demiurge figure (since Erik trapped Hanna in a frozen, physical environment). Hanna is even told by the British women to look for the god within which is a Gnostic/New Age precept. There is a graffiti in the background of the film saying in CCTV we trust that defines the evil Big Brother system in the UK (with is similar to connecting this with a single omniscient Deity). The surveillance system is ever abundant worldwide.

Harry Potter has his final movie in its series. People realize the controversies and other issues pertaining to the movie. In our generation, Wicca and paganism have had a huge comeback in mainstream Western society. Western society in many respects is hypocritical, wicked, ignorant,

and backward. Yet, its important to discuss about these issues, so we can be reminded in what we ought not to be. We shouldnt be materialistic, fake, obsessive with physical appearances (when the truth is that all human beings are created equal and should be afforded dignity and respect regardless of what we look like), money hungry, and arrogant. We should be confident, strong, kind, meek, and willing to have the temperament to stand up against any form of evil in the Universe. Occult related story lines have been shown in the Craft, Practical Magic, Charmed, and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Wizards of Waverly Place, etc. Now, some young kids have been accepting of neo-pagan, occult constructs as presented in Harry Potter. Harry Potter isnt the number enemy in the world, but Harry Potter is a sign of the times (that includes folks to accept paganism, Wicca, and the occult as avenues to embrace). Theologian Alan D. Ingalls wrote that Harry Potter treats the occult as neutral in its composition. Magic is seen as good if its taught at Hogwarts by the good witches and wizards plus by those on the Dark Side as well. The films portrays magic as neutral Pagans loves Harry Potter since he gives an overtly positive image for witchcraft while hiding its real meanings (which is the Old concept of Nature worship, the perfectibility of man, and the bashing of certain moral absolutes among lifes journey). The occult and magic or witchcraft is expressly condemned in the OT and NT since the occult isnt all mighty nor perfect. You dont need magic to have spiritual growth. Just being real, following morality, and living in the spirit of holiness are sufficient means to develop the soul plus heart of a human being. To enrich the human personality by almsgiving, fighting for justice, and respecting the essence of human resilience are great goals to live by. Beyond Harry Potter, America especially readily succumbs to some celebrity worship that promotes unrealistic standards while it mocks the poor, the outcast, and the underdog (which is a violation of human morality and many of Gods commandments). This evil culture (as facilitated by the military industrial complex as this complex kills innocent people while promote fake patriotism) inspires many teens to use drugs, drink alcohol, have recreational sex, and do other things that these fake celebrity idols do all of the time. This damnable type of system ought to publicly exposed and opposed by any clear minded human being. This wicked system doesnt give an inch of concern about truth. Yet, one solution to our problems isnt to sit in perpetual hatred or unjust anger. Its to use indignant dissatisfaction to promote more love for humanity, social transformation, and fight for a truly an egalitarian society that views all authentic humans as allies made in the image of Almighty God.

Harry Potter is a story with the headmaster named Albus Dumbledore. The major premise of the story is that Harry Potter is trained to be the best wizard that he can be within the circumstances of numerous adventures. Many children love these novels. The characters in them include Harry Potter of course, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, the evil Malfoy, and others in Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. Its easy to see that some children take a more favorable opinion of witchcraft if they are strongly exposed to the literature form Harry Potter. The number is found in the Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone book. Harry was 11 when he was admitted to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, his wand is 11 inches long, the Hogwarts Express Train left at 11 oclock from Platform Nine and Three Quarters (as found in pg. 91 of the book). Harry in the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban book is assigned to number 11 in Leaky Cauldron. That is where he is to stay for the last 2 weeks of summer vacation. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire have the number 11 in the room. The Sorcerers Stone book from the Harry Potter series talks about Harry plus his friends making drugs and taking them. The Sorcerers Stone deals with Harry and Heroine trying to get eternal life as the goal of the Sorcerers Stone (occultists have used alchemy as related to this stone. Even Rowling admits that the elixir of life and alchemy deals with this subject). The creator of the Sorcerers Stone is 666 years old. The Phoenix bird, astral projection, amulets, the inner eye, curses, and other occult imagery are found in the Harry Potter book series including its movie series. So, J. K. Rowling knows about the occult and like minded issues. Halloween even has relationships with the occult. In the past few decades, many in the world have glamorized witchcraft to the point of its acceptance. Its the sign of the time now and we have the right to disagree with many of the common practices of this age.

X-Men First Class in an interesting film. It was a famous summer film in 2011. The X-Men series in general deals with a group of genetically enhanced youth that have superhuman abilities. They live in a prejudice world and decide to work with humanity in trying to make a tolerable society. The X-Men comic book series is popular area. Some religious people and researchers in popular culture believe that this film deals with the concepts of human evolution to make hand to be godlike in order to have a new age of human achievement. Evolution is a subject and concept that goes back thousands of years. The Utopian vision of human godhood is repackaged as transhumanism in todays world. The film tries to criticize the Nazis, but it deals with the idea of the X-Men being some superior group of people than ordinary human beings. The movie mentions its villain Sebastian Shaw. He worked with the Nazis during WWII on Jewish people in concentration camps. He shows his views to a young mutant that would be Magneto. Sebastian doesnt want blond hair and blue eyes, but the usage of genetics in order to develop a superior human species via the manipulation of human DNA. Professor X and Magneto are mutants, but they disagree with each other. Professor X is more moderate while Magneto follows a more militant approach in trying to promote the mutants as the next stage of human evolution basically. Professor Charles Xavier said that mutation from single cell organism transformed into man as the most dominant form of reproductive life on Earth. Variations exist radically via mutations. Professor X views mutants as a continuation of Darwinian evolution, but wants more harmony with the rest of the human race. Sebastian Shaw believes that he is a child of the atom. Darwin is ironically a character in the film. The Beast is very similar to the code name of Beast in the Book of Revelation (that Beast is the Antichrist that seeks world government. The Beast in X-Men becomes an ambassador to the U.N. to seek global peace). One character in the film series is called Azazel. The description of this character comes from his Marvel Comics Wiki He claims to be form demonic mutants from the Neyaphem. Neyaphem were in an epic battle with a group of angelic over-zealous mutants, named the Cheyarafim. The Cheyarafim were victorious in the battle and banished the evil mutants to an alternate dimension for all eternity. The Neyaphems leader, Azazel, was the only one who was able to breach the dimensional void for brief periods of time due to his teleportation powers. His only hope to return to earth was by impregnating women because his children are linked to his dimension This story is very similar to the biblical story of fallen angels. The X-Men series alludes to religious concepts indeed. The Bible says that fallen angels fell down into Earth after losing the Bible with God and his angels after Creation. There is

no evidence Biblically of the fallen angels having sex with women (since the Bible says that men mated with women in Genesis). In the Bible the name Azazel is used in reference to a sacrifice of atonement that was made by Moses and Aaron, after Aarons sons sinned in their handling of the sacred Tabernacle duties to God. Two goats were brought to the door of the tabernacle and lots were cast for them. One would go as a sacrifice to The Lord, the other; the scapegoat would be sent live off into the wilderness, into an uninhabited area. A translation for this goat is Azazel which means one in opposition to God. This ritual was a foreshadowing of the work of Jesus Christ when He died on the cross. The occult world views Azazel as a rebellious angel. The X-Men shows the Nazi swastika in the film. Its not a secret that the Nazis believed in a sick version of superior and inferior human beings. One mutant played by Kevin Bacon wants his plan to allow nuclear war, so the mutants can live as kings and queens. This is similar to the population control efforts of numerous globalists (of decreasing most of the worlds population in order to form some Utopian paradise. This isnt me typing these words down. It has been people by Ted Turner, the Georgia King Philip, Guidestones, and other folks for years). Bacons character in the movie works both sides of the conflict in order to get both sides to attack one another. This is called the Hegelian Dialectic as this philosophy was modernized by the philosophy John Hegel. In real life, this is exemplified in the Cold War. The movie mentions Russia and the U.S. pointing nuclear arms at one another. Some of the mutants themselves in the film believe that they are superior beings (in power, intellect, and value), which isnt true. God created all life in the Universe. God is a pure Spirit. That is why human life is sacrifice and the spirits of human beings do exist. There is hope for all peoples. Not all human beings are identical, but all people should work together in order to promote justice in the world. All people have individual rights that cant be stripped or scarified. There is nothing wrong with public intervention to promote economic justice, but not all private property or private ownership is evil. On the

other hand, its a historical fact that unbridled, neo-liberal capitalism have been instrumental in the execution of wars, the international slave trade, deregulation, and our present recession. The truth is that no person is superior to
another for all men are created equal. Captain America: The First Avenger is a film in 2011 with tons of symbolism and messages. Its based on the Marvel comics character Captain America. Its world premiere came in July 19, 2011 and it was released in America by July 22, 2011. The movie was directed by Joe Johnson. Its writers were Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely. It stars a lot of people like the following: Chris Evans, Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving, Hayley Atwell, Sebastian Stan, Dominic Cooper, Samuel L. Jackson, Neal McDonough, Derek Luke, and Stanley Tucci. Captain America is about a regular, sickly man genetically transformed into a superman in order to fight the Nazis and the Scull. This man to be become Captain America in the movie is named Steve Rogers from Brooklyn. He works with other Western soldiers to defeat the Nazis during World War II. The Red Skull is Hitlers head of weaponry and a leader of a terrorist organization. The end of the movie has Rogers crashes a vehicle in the Arctic. He sleeps for nearly 70 years and is awaken by Nick Fury (played by Samuel L. Jackson). Nick Fury approaches Rogers in present day Times Square about proposing a mission with worldwide ramifications. The film has the Nazis talking about Yggdrasil or the tree of the world. For thousands of years, folks from the 4 corners of the Earth view this image of the tree of life as a means to reach enlightenment or become one with Nature. Yggdrasil is a part of Nordic mythology, yet similar pagan mythology exists worldwide in Africa, other parts of Europe, Asia, and even in the ancient Americas. Yggdrasil has a snake in roots and an eagle at the top to try to kill themselves. This tree of the world is similar to the stories found Siberia and other Native American peoples. In Norse legend, this world tree surrounds the nine worlds connecting the heavens with the Earth. The move has the snake around the roots of the tree. The Book of Genesis has a similar story about the tree of knowledge (of Satan deceiving man that eating the fruit of the tree will give them godhood, which it didnt). The movie has the Nazi Johann Schmidt seeking the tessaract of Odin or a blue, glowing cube. Johann presses the eye of the snake (found to be shown in positive in the Mysteries and symbolically shown as evil in the Bible) and finds the tesseract in a secret compartment at the base of the stone carving of the World Tree. He powers a large amount of machines in his evil organization called Hydra. Hydra

in Greek mythology was a mythical snake with many heads. It was impossible to kill since one of its heads was cuts off, but 2 would quickly grow back in its place. Schmidt or the Skull wants to make a global government under him. He wants power and control (this theme is found in movies and comics). This common goal is the plan of numerous politicians and the elite (and the Antichrist according to scriptural prophecies). There is a checkered board in the movie, a woman in a red dress, etc. The movie deals with militarization and WWII history. Its very popular because of its action, subject line, and similarity to the topic of patriotism.

Its easy to see the Jesuits have had a huge say in the creation of the Hollywood film industry. The Jesuit Fr. Daniel J. Stack was a technical advisor to evaluate the religious accuracy of a scene in movies. His Blessed Sacrament church was the precursor of the Writers and Screen Actors Guilds. As a result of this close community relationship, studios such as Universal, Keystone, Lasky, the Francis Ford Company and Christie Studios readily agreed to help Blessed Sacrament in any of its fundraising efforts. They provided actors and equipment free of charge for church sponsored events such as theatrical productions or festivals. The extra income earned went to general maintenance and towards a reserve that would one day help pay for a desperately needed new church school and rectory. The Jesuits influenced the development of the Hays Code (named after Will H. Hays. It has been called the Motion Picture Production Code as well). It was abandoned in 1968 to be in favor of the MPAA film rating system. The Jesuit Daniel A. Lord was involved in the Hays Code of films. This code was a list of stringent or strict rules on how movies were conducted and film scenes were consisted of. The Knight of Malta Amadeo Pietro Giannini (another Knight of Malta was John S. Drum. Giannini was the Transamerica Corporation President as well) used his Bank of America to nurture the motion picture and wine industries in California. The Roman Catholic National Legion of Decency have had a heavy influence in Hollywood as well. George Lucas (the famous Hollywood filmmaker who developed the Star Wars film series) was influenced by the Roman Catholic defector turned New Ager Joseph Campbell. The Joseph Campbell Foundation loves to use the snake eating its tail as its log. Christopher Vogler, a Hollywood screenwriter, was also highly influenced by Campbell. He created a 7-page company memo based on Campbell's work, A Practical Guide to The Hero With a Thousand Faces, which led to the development of Disney's 1994 film The Lion King. That is why Campbells books were one of the major inspirations behind Star Wars. Campbell is ideologically linked to Rosicrucian Nicholas Roerich because of his support of the Master Building. Campbell writes 'hero with a 1000 faces' endorsing the blasphemy that Jesus Christ was not important. Lucas creates occult mythology of devil/saviour archetype with Anakin (or the risen antichrist, palpatine 8th king) and Kenobi/Luke as the Horus Christ archetype. According to researchers, this all ties in all Monarch mind control identical to Springmeier's findings on CIA/Nazi experiments. The esoteric Maxwell is pictured with Lucas. Lucas puts it all on public display. Lucas' sky walker ranch is near the Jesuit-inspired playground of the Bohemian Grove, the Rothschild influenced OPUS ONE, and his ranch is near the location of the original Lavey church of Satan. What is the Master Building? The Master Building was created or built in 1929. Its found in Manhattan, NY. Its a place where esoteric or occult thinking is promulgated. Nicholas Roerich, Manly P. Hall, and Joseph Campbell used to live in the Master Building.

When you think about it, the popular culture world has been filled with blasphemy and antiGod trashy lyrics for a while now. In this generation, some artists have been more overt with it in the pop world. Artists like Lady Gaga, Tyler the Creator, and Lil B use anti-Jesus, anti-God lyrics constantly now. This is sick. Taylor Momsem is one of the stars of the TV show called Gossip Girl. He is also in the lead singer in a rock band called Pretty Reckless. She is pictured wearing a shirt of Aleister Crowley. She must not know that Crowley promoted the destruction of the nuclear family, did evil ceremonies, and is accused of doing human sacrifice. Many of people in this generation love wickedness and evil since they are just like people during the days of Noah. They believe that partying and obsess with foolish cliques define their humanity when all humans have equal value & glamorizing some fake leader like Crowley is ignorance at its highest. Kevin Jonas wore another shirt with Crowley on it. He is supposedly an outspoken Christian. The corporations make profits from these puppets and some of the youth are brainwashed to accept their lies. I blame the heads of the corporations promoting this stuff, because they dont care about people. They certainly dont care about truth. They care about profits and maintaining the status quo. They dont want this war on terror to end or the promotion of the real precepts of the Most High God. Some of them express overt hatred of the Most High. The blatant Satanic garbage in the music industry cross ethnic lines, genres, and countries. Its a worldwide attack on real spirituality and we have the right to spiritually oppose attacks on the Creator God. Again, artists may claim to be on some throne, but the only throne in the Universe is the throne of God.

Its easy to see that the recent 2011 VMA is a celebration of the establishments proIlluminist music industry. Vigilant Citizen has written an excellent article about this ceremony. Moon man trophies are given to many artists that toe the line or given approval. The VMAs not only show present acts, but give the audience a glimpse into the next generation of artists in the world. Materialism, phony patriotism (as shown in the movie Top Gun. That sick mentality believes youve got to kill enemy in a gung ho way to act like a real man. A real man loves peace not war), and controversial envelops the awards ceremonies. There were some moments of shock to galvanize the audience to accept the decadence of mainstream media. Like a ritual, the awards show showcase new artists and promotes its agenda of conformity, the twisting of real values, and the promotion of a moral relativist mindset. Occult elements pervade all over the 2011 VMAs. The choreographed show has occult ritualistic elements like the 2009 VMAs. The main artists in the 2011 awards show include Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Jessie J, Jay Z, Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, and Odd Future. Some of these people Ive never heard of until a year ago. Lady Gaga begins the show by giving a long speech. Artists and presenters come out of the stage that looks like womb. Lady Gaga promotes her alter ego. It is a male character acting as a stereotypically annoying New York person. This character is called Joe Calderone (as shown in her single You and I). Many people are curious as to why she did the performance in the first place. The single You and I deals with mind control, which is similar to Monarch programming plus the creation of alter egos via the trauma inducing techniques. The video has Gaga bound and tortured by a cruel handler. She is suggested to evil methods of mind control (like sexual abuse, electroshock therapy, injection of drugs, and physical torture). Many alter

egos have been created in the progress. The opposite of Stefanie Germanotta is this alter ego wearing drab clothes and not acting famous. Calderones speech talks about wanting to be united with Stefanie. This is similar to the union of opposites or the Alchemical Wedding. Its represented by the androgynous or the Baphomet image. So, You and I describes the union of 2 opposite personas being Gaga and Joe Calderone. In the Kabbalah, the union of the masculine and the feminine is the method to have spiritual completion. Calderone acts throughout the MTV show. Nick Minaj (whose real name is Onika Tanya) has the persona of Roman Zolanski (named after the man charged with the rape of a child named Roman Polanski). Katy Perry plays a 13 year old girl lying down next to an adult male pervert. Britney was the recipient of the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award for her influence in music video and dance although she did not direct any of her videos nor devise any of her choreography but lets forget this detail. Joe Calderone presented the award to her and tries to kiss here. The tribute show little girls showing a mix of Britney popular videos. Russell Brand talked about Amy Winehouse. He said that she had a disease of alcoholism and drug addiction when no drugs were found in Winehouse or at her home at the time of her death. A video in the VMAs shows here with one eye when Bruno Mars does his performance. No Church in the Wild was a song in the ceremony with allusions to Crowleys views with lyrics like: We formed a new religions/No sins as long as theres permission. Crowley was also known to have extensively experimented with drugs and sexuality in a spiritual context another concept reflected by his verse. Beyonce announces that she is pregnant at the show as well. So, the VMAs show more than artists. It shows images of mind control, superficial subjects, materialism, the self destruction of real culture, the evil sexualization of children, and the bashings of various religions. The pop culture machine uses the eccentric and original motif as an excuse to have the same core message. Fake wigs, fake personas, fake smiles, fake voices, and a fake reality are a part of these likeminded award shows.
Amy Winehouses life was mysterious as her death. She was one of the many artists who died in the age of 27 under strange circumstances. Her life was the mixture of talent and a battle with drug abuse. She is remembered as a woman that didnt reach her full potential. Famous artists who died in the age of 27 were Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain. They lived troubled lives and their deaths are surrounded by mysteries. There are still unanswered questions about the total events revolving around the end of their lives. Amy Winehouse wasnt as revolutionary as Jimi Hendrix, but each had an unique style, they struggled in drug abuse, and unanswered questions plagued their deaths. To often, many musicians are sacrificed in the false altar of fame and the occult-inspired elite exploit their deaths for commercial profits. Sometimes, these occurrences act almost like a sick ritual. Murders fro thousands of years in some cases are a product of sophisticated rituals. There are already witnesses who described strange happenings shortly before her death. In one news article from the United Kingdom, Winehouses neighbor claimed that there was screaming, howling and some kind of drum beating coming from her house the night she died. Some speculate that Amy Winehouses death was a murder or even a ritual sacrifice. Amy dressed as Mickey Mouse as a kid. In 2008, there was a 2008 sculpture of Amy Winehouse called "The Only Good Rock Star is a Dead Rock Star". It depicts Amy Winehouse shot in the head and laying on the floor lifeless. Next to her is creepy Minnie Mouse mask, which, as stated in several other articles, can represent Illuminati mind control

(although the sculptor claimed that the masked referred to the infamous video of Winehouse playing with baby mice). Right now, its hard to find out what caused Amy Winehouses death. Her death is similar to the early deaths of other young celebrities.

Tons of people have mentioned the Gnostic link in Hollywood films. They are accurate in this point, because tons of Hollywood films portray God or the Creator as the enemy, the material world as all bad, and new age philosophies as legitimate for human beings to adhere to. Gnosticism believes that senior gods exist, the Goddess Sophia and the evil Demiurge Creator god made Jehovah (and he created the material world, which is evil in the eyes of Gnostics). Hollywood movie critics and writers like Richard Stanley and their fellow Hollywood entertainment producers are embracers of Gnostic beliefs (and promote them in their productions). In Gnosticism, Sophia or wisdom is responsible for sending the serpent (or the savior to Gnostics) to help humans know about their enslavement to the Demiurge or Yaldabaoth. Popular writers and actors in such efforts such as Philip K. Dick and Keanu Reeves are also quoted as tapping into external spiritual entities when practicing their craft. A particular focus is given to Alan Moore, a veritable laureate of the graphic novel, whose popular and ground-breaking works such as V for Vendetta, From Hell, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Watchmen have been brought to the big screen, and who is a practicing magician and purveyor of Aleister Crowleys legacy. Gnosticism is one portion of the modern New Age Movement. Some Church leaders know about this information and are legitimately exposing this agenda and some arent knowledgeable about this issue. There is the film called The Thirteenth Floor, programmers of a virtual reality game are concerned that their creation is taking one life of its own. They discover, via their investigation that are simply creations themselves with imperfect Creators. This bases the Creator, which the Gnostics hate. Learning what Gnosticism is truly all about can discover many secrets as it pertains to Hollywood films.

Gnosticism is very similar to the New Age in that it teaches that the super material Anthropos was imprisoned in matter. Also, man must do rituals and other acts to achieve oneness with God. Even in the classic 2001: A Space Odyssey (The film when it came out was a visual and technological leap forward in film making. Before the Matrix, Tron, and even Star Wars, there was 2001. It came out in 2008), researchers have made a case that Hal9000 as being the Demiurge. The reason is Hal like the Architect in the Matrix series is a computer made by man. Also, Hal acts like a god trapping the protagonist human in an artificial world to restricting the human heard while insisting its for his own good. This is how Gnostics view the God of the Christians. In fact, Kubrick didnt believe in a traditional or anthropomorphic image of God. His concept of God was purely scientific or mechanical since he felt that intelligent life is very possible in other world (because of the vast volume of the Universe). In the science fiction film, the man destroys Hal to try to seek enlightenment. The film describes an overview of the Darwinian evolution of man from ignorance into knowing the truth about many events of the Universe (he arises from seeing an obelisk to flying around in space). The obelisk is shown in the film as a pyramid without a capstone. The pyramid without its capstone means according to researchers is of the great work of secret orders being not yet complete. As the light given on the obelisk, man is

evolving into godhood as time goes on. The hero of 2001 defeats Hal 9000 and goes beyond Jupiter. Kubrick was a very mysterious man, so he used creative motives to deal with scenery imagery and allow the viewer to have their own interpretation of the films that he devised. So, the Ancient of Days will have more power than Gnostic theology. More information is known about Popular culture. There is Karmins Rocawear ad with occult symbolism once again. Karmin is made up of her and her fiance. They have been on the internet to cover pop songs and some artists know them. The commercial shows a triangle and shows another triangle forming a Hexagram. This image relates to the occult and Sacred Geometry. The Kabbalistic Hexagram is created aside Karmins name in the commercial. 3 Triangle later appear. Karmin wears a Rocawear jacket with the subliminal 666 number on it with an arrow pointing to it. The wardrobe changes signifying a personality change. She mimics a face that Nicki Minaj would make. The commercial promotes the Rocawear brand. There is occult symbolism in the Green Lantern film as well. The Green Lantern is a comic to life movies. The movie showed aliens, secret government operations and all seeing eyes. The movie has Dr. Hammond experiencing on the alien. The information he collects is given to another doctor on a computer disk, which has Illuminist pyramid on it. The secret information has the disk. The Senator was actually Dr. Hammond's father. The Senator even tells the son that the reason he was "chosen" for the project was because of his family connections, further stating, "...thats how it works in this system" There is the Baphomet legs on the first alien Lantern meets. The film has sun rays behind the globe on the sign of the building where he made the race track for the helicopter crash. A bar in the movie has the word HARP near a girl dancing. HARP is similar to HAARP or the government electronic secret program in Alaska.

Its easy to see that the recent 2011 VMA is a celebration of the establishments pro-Illuminist music industry. Vigilant Citizen has written an excellent article about this ceremony. Moon man trophies are given to many artists that toe the line or given approval. The VMAs not only show present acts, but give the audience a glimpse into the next generation of artists in the world. Materialism, phony patriotism (as shown in the movie Top Gun. That sick mentality believes youve got to kill enemy in a gung ho way to act like a real man. A real man loves peace not war), and controversial envelops the awards ceremonies. There were some moments of shock to galvanize the audience to accept the decadence of mainstream media. Like a ritual, the awards show showcase new artists and promotes its agenda of conformity, the twisting of real values, and the promotion of a moral relativist mindset. Occult elements pervade all over the 2011 VMAs. The choreographed show has occult ritualistic elements like the 2009 VMAs. The main artists in the 2011 awards show include Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Jessie J, Jay Z, Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, and Odd Future. Some of these people Ive never heard of until a year ago. Lady Gaga begins the show by giving a long speech. Artists and presenters come out of the stage that looks like womb. Lady Gaga promotes her alter ego. It is a male character acting as a stereotypically annoying New York person. This character is called Joe Calderone (as shown in her single You and I). Many people are curious as to why she did the performance in the first place. The single You and I deals with mind control, which is similar to Monarch programming plus the creation of alter egos via the trauma inducing techniques. The video has Gaga bound and tortured by a cruel handler. She is suggested to evil methods of mind control (like sexual abuse, electroshock therapy, injection of drugs, and physical torture). Many alter egos have been created in the progress. The opposite of Stefanie Germanotta is this alter ego wearing drab clothes and not acting famous. Calderones speech talks about wanting to be united with Stefanie. This is similar to the union of opposites or the Alchemical Wedding. Its represented by the androgynous or the Baphomet image. So, You and I describes the union of 2 opposite personas being Gaga and Joe Calderone. In the Kabbalah, the union of the masculine and the feminine is the method to have spiritual completion. Calderone acts throughout the MTV show. Nick Minaj (whose real name is Onika Tanya) has the persona of Roman Zolanski (named after the man charged with the rape of a child named Roman Polanski). Katy Perry plays a 13 year old girl lying down next to an adult male pervert. Britney was the recipient of the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award for her influence in music video and dance although she did not direct any of her videos nor devise any of her choreography but lets forget this detail. Joe Calderone presented the award to her and tries to kiss here. The tribute show little girls showing a mix of Britney popular videos. Russell Brand talked about Amy Winehouse. He said that she had a disease of alcoholism and drug addiction when no drugs were found in Winehouse or at her home at the time of her death. A video in the VMAs shows here with one eye when Bruno

Mars does his performance. No Church in the Wild was a song in the ceremony with allusions to Crowleys views with lyrics like: We formed a new religions/No sins as long as theres permission. Crowley was also known to have extensively experimented with drugs and sexuality in a spiritual context another concept reflected by his verse. Beyonce announces that she is pregnant at the show as well. So, the VMAs show more than artists. It shows images of mind control, superficial subjects, materialism, the self destruction of real culture, the evil sexualization of children, and the bashings of various religions. The pop culture machine uses the eccentric and original motif as an excuse to have the same core message. Fake wigs, fake personas, fake smiles, fake voices, and a fake reality are a part of these likeminded award shows.

Showing the real truth has a great feeling in my heart. I can just possess real freedom in my heart when Im doing the right thing. Life is a long road. I have to do a lot more acts to make my life and others folks' lives to exist in a better position. So, the work isnt finished yet. Although, having joy, having fun, and still being serious about executing righteousness are excellent deeds to perform in our lifetimes. A honest appraisal of life and an adequate fight for justice are firm foundations to hold onto. The truth is still here after all of these years. Evil people couldnt stop the truth in the previous ages too. That is why I believe in cultural plus mental liberation, the essence of harmony among both genders, and a dedication to tranquil living. Presently and for the future, we should be all that we can be with inspiration, power, and precise fortitude. If you want great things in life legitimately, thats cool. Yet, you will have to fight for it and definitely work for it. It doesnt come easy and it doesnt come free.
By Timothy

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