ALSA Book of Guideline 2019-2020 (Half Term)

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T h e Book of Guidelines o f

Authenticated by:
ALSA International Board 2019/2020
Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

1. Vision 3
2. Mission 3
3. Purpose 4
1. Guidance For Guidelines
a. Introduction 5
b. Implementation 5
c. Responsibilities 7
2. Human Resource Development 9
a. Recruitment 9
b. Activities 10
c. Leadership Skill Improvement 10
d. Board Transitions 10
3. International Board Management
a. General 11
b. Internal Board Meetings 11
4. Governing Council Meeting Online
a. Introduction 12
b. Participants 12
c. Mechanism 13
5. Special Actions 14
a. Introduction 14
b. Definitions 14
c. General Regulations 14
d. Mechanism 15
6. General Assembly
a. Introduction 18
b. Objectives 18
c. Mechanism 18
d. Guidelines 19
7. ALSA Academic Theme
a. Introduction 19
b. Mechanism 20
8. International Events Guideline
a. Annual Conference and ALSA Forum 22
b. ALSA International Moot Court Competition (AIMCC) 27
c. ALSA International Legal Training and Workshop 32
d. Study Trip 37
e. ALSA International Mediation Competition (AIMC) 50
Ff9. Data Privacy Policy 54
10. Expansion Within National Chapters
a. Recruitment 56
Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

b. Preparation for Applying Institution 56

c. Observership Application 57
d. Membership Application 57
11. Observers
Preparation for Applying 58
a. Observership Procedures 58
b. Annex B 60


a. National Chapter Report 64
b. Executive Summary 64
c. ALSA Secretariat 67
d. Letter/Document guidelines 67
a. ALSA Claim Form 80
b. Finance Policy for ALSA Events 82
a. ALSA Organizational Training 88
b. STEP 92
a. ALSA Legal Newsletter 98
b. ALSA Law Review 101
c. Asian Journal of Legal Studies 104
d. International Video Conference 106
e. Guidelines for Academic Activities for International Events 109
a. Logo Policy for ALSA 112
b. Logo Policy for ALSA National Chapters 115


a. ALSA International Law Society 117


Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council


Place & Date Tokyo, Japan – 8/8/2011

Convention/ Meeting Name GCM AF 2011

Guideline Registration Number AD01110001
Status In Force

1. Vision

1.1. A bolder and stronger association with promising opportunities, sophisticated

management and global influence.

1.2. To become Asia‘s premier law student association by law students and for law

2. Mission

2.1 To create various fields of self-empowerment for members and also for law
students of Asia in general.

2.2 To create projects and avenues that will enhance and empower ALSA members
toward personal, group and professional development.

2.3 To develop, support and enhance programs of ALSA National Chapters to expand
ALSA to other Asian countries and prepare observer countries toward gaining full

2.4 To solidify functional relations between officers in Local and National Chapters
with the International Board.

2.5 To form various agreements and contacts route f or the development of ALSA.

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

3. Purpose

3.1 To be the driving force of change for law students in Asia to be internationally
minded, socially responsible, academically committed and legally skilled.

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council


1. Guidance For Guidelines

a. Introduction

1.1. The aim of the Book of Guidelines is to draw a common understanding among the
Governing Council (GC) Members. It is intended to facilitate the implementation of
decisions made by the GC that will apply to all chapters as well as the
International Board of ALSA.

1.2. The hierarchy of bylaws in ALSA puts guidelines under the Constitution of
ALSA, and therefore every provision in the guidelines must be in accordance
with the provisions of the Constitution.

1.3. As a bylaw of the association, these guidelines shall bind all officers serving the
National Board and International Board of ALSA, as well as every member and
board member in every level. The force of effect of the bylaw shall be in the form
of a Guidance.

1.4. During the drafting and voting of guidelines (at the General Council Meeting),
each National Chapter representative is deemed to represent the will of the entire
national chapter.

b. Implementation

2.1 The procedure for making guidelines shall be in accordance with Article 6 of the

2.2 The contents of a guideline shall be composed of three (3) sections:

a. Introduction: a brief introductory that will explain the intention and goals
of the guideline;
b. Implementation: a sequence or sort which depicts an in-depth procedure in
manifesting the guideline; and

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

c. Responsibilities: a list of duties which may include other parties‘ rights,

which are recommended by the guideline. The parties may include the
local board, national board or International Board.

2.3 Pursuant to Section 1.2 of Article 6 of the Constitution, the Book of Guidelines
shall be divided into five (5) sections:
a. Administration: This shall refer to guidelines intended for the regular
administrative management, documentation and other procedural policies
implemented for the effective management of ALSA;
b. Financial Management: This shall refer exclusively to the documentation,
reporting, auditing and maintenance of all finance-related concerns.
Pursuant to its goal of transparency and efficiency at all levels of the
organization‘s fiscal management, ALSA shall be represented by no less
than two (2) members of the International Board in any transaction on
behalf of the organization, which shall be determined by the International
Board upon the start of their term.
Further, in the event that no member of the International Board is able to
represent ALSA‘s interests in the execution of its financial activities, two
(2) members from the Governing Council shall be appointed by the
International Board, with the concurrence of the rest of the Governing
Council. For said authorization to be valid, there must be a concurrence of
every member of the Governing Council, and said appointee is required to
submit a report of all financial transactions made on ALSA‘s behalf upon
completion of the said transaction.
Further, in the event that no member of

the International Board or the Governing Council can represent ALSA‘s

interests in the execution of its financial activities, the Governing Council
can appoint an authorized representative to act on behalf of the
organization. For said authorization to be valid, there must be a
concurrence of every member of the Governing Council, and said
appointee is required to submit a report of all financial transactions made
on ALSA‘s behalf upon completion of the said assignment in question;
c. Academic Activities: This shall refer to all policies, guidelines and
procedures implemented for the effective mobilization of all ALSA
academic activities;

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

d. Public Relations and Marketing: This shall refer to all policies, guidelines
and procedures concerning ALSA‘s external relationships with partner
institutions and other similarly situated organizations. It shall also include
all policies, guidelines and procedures pertaining to ALSA‘s regional
expansion; and
e. Training, Exchange and Development: This shall refer to all policies,
guidelines and procedures concerning all activities and initiatives under
the Training, Exchange and Development Department including but not
limited to ALSA International Legal Training Workshop, ALSA
Exchange, STEP and ALSA Organizational Training.

2.4 The drafting of guidelines may only begin after the approval by the Governing
Council, with unanimous approval on the proposed guidelines.

2.5 A draft guideline can only be enforced after being voted (pursuant to Article 6
Section 2 of the Constitution).

2.6 A guideline which has been passed shall be numbered as follows:

(AD/FM/AA/IR - 01 - YY - N(No)NNN) e.g. AD01110001

2.7 In case there is a development in the association that can no longer be

accommodated by the guidelines in force at the moment, a Governing Council
member may motion for a review of the said guidelines. The motion must be
unanimously passed at the Governing Council Meeting. Should the Governing
Council agree, the procedure of the review shall follow the procedure for drafting.
The outcomes of the review can be:

a. A subtraction or addition of an article(s) from the guideline in force; or
b. A creation of a new guideline that shall replace the guideline in force.
Should this occur, the replaced guideline must be kept in the Book of
Guidelines for a year and have its status changed into Replaced (Not in
Force). Should a complete deletion of a guideline occur, the status shall be
changed into Revoked (Not in Force).

c. Responsibilities

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

3.1 Every Member

Every ALSA Member is obliged to abide by the said guidelines and apply its
provisions effectively a month after the guideline is passed (unless it‘s regulated

3.2 Governing Council

Governing Council members are obliged to represent the consent of the members of
their National Chapter, and to inform them for any news on the ALSA Book of
Guidelines no later than a month after the guideline is passed.

3.3 International Board

The International Board, through its Secretary General is obliged to maintain
the archiving of the guidelines and to distribute the latest edition of the Book of
Guidelines to the GC members, no later than one month after the guideline is

Asian Law Students‘ Association (ALSA) 8

Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

2. Human Resource Development

Place & Date Tokyo, Japan – 8/8/2011

Convention/ Meeting Name GCM AF 2011
Guideline Registration Number AD01110002
Status In Force

Human Resources Development is the essential point of focus of ALSA as the

objective of this association is to encourage the enhancement of the capabilities of
Asian law students to become internationally minded, socially responsible,
academically committed and legally skilled. A consistent yet well-managed
recruitment system shall be established in order to increase the quantity of its
members. Nevertheless, the quality of members shall be developed through the
commencement of various activities and trainings, as well as maintaining
organizational management, especially during the board transition period.

a. Recruitment

1.1. There shall be regular recruitment activities conducted every academic year in all
Local Chapters.

1.2. The International Board shall provide promotional materials for recruitment.

1.3. The National Board shall circulate promotional materials to every Local Chapter
and further advise the recruitment phase in their respective country.

1.4. Local Chapters shall report the latest number of members to the National Board
after all the recruitment phase has concluded.

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

b. Activities

2.1.Freshmen Recruitment.

2.2. Training Members to enhance their legal minds, as well as the ability to speak
English to be global, and to be eager to discuss, understand and accept the
different cultures.

c. Leadership Skill Improvement

3.1. The International Board holds the responsibility to improve the leadership of
ALSA members

3.2.The National Board holds the responsibility to create leadership improvement
programs for their members.

d. Board Transitions

4.1 A week to two weeks transition to teach successors to understand what they are
working for, and to explain how ALSA is being run.

Asian Law Students‘ Association (ALSA) 10

Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

3. International Board Management

Place & Date Tokyo, Japan – 8/8/2011

Convention/ Meeting Name GCM AF 2011
Guideline Registration Number AD01110003
Status In Force

a. General

1.1. Board management is one of the responsibilities of the President which include
activities and tools for organizing and coordinating the work of International
Board members and Directors of ALSA International.

b. Internal Board Meetings

2.1 Every decision from the Board shall be made during Board Meetings. Board
Meetings should be held at least once a month.

2.2 The President shall ensure that there is a prepared agenda. Every Board member
has the right to propose items for the agenda.

2.3 Information concerning date, time, place and agenda of a Board Meeting shall be
communicated to all of the Board members in due time before the Board

2.4 The President ensures that there is a Board-appointed Chair for every meeting.

2.5 A proper minute shall be made for every Board Meeting.

Asian Law Students‘ Association (ALSA) 11

Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

4. Governing Council Meeting Online

Place & Date Tokyo, Japan – 8/8/2011

Convention/ Meeting Name GCM AF 2011
Guideline Registration Number AD01110003
Status In Force

a. Introduction

1.1. In order to maintain good communication and coordination among ALSA officers
between the National and International levels, all Governing Council members are
obliged to attend Governing Council Meetings (GCM) Online, organized by the
ALSA International Board. The participation of all Governing Council members is
important as this meeting is one of ALSA‘s decision-making instruments which
require concern and cooperation from all ALSA members. Governing Council
Meetings Online, when needed, may be referred to as ―GCM Online‖.

b. Participants

GCM Online includes, but is not limited to:

2.1 ALSA International Board Officers
including Directors

2.2 ALSA National Chapter Representative(s)

a. Representation: Representation at the GCM is, unless with approval from
the GCM Chairperson, limited to 1 representative per National Chapter.
The President of the respective National Chapter shall be the default
b. Eligibility: Representative(s) from each National Chapter at the GCM
other than the President, shall be a member of the National Board and is
duly-appointed by the National Chapter President.

Asian Law Students‘ Association (ALSA) 12

Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

2.3 Any party-in-interest with the consent of the President of ALSA International
Board or Governing Council via a resolution may attend the Governing Council
Meeting :Every GCM online participant is encouraged to be familiar with the
topics beforehand, which will be discussed in the meeting.

c. Mechanism

1.1 The ALSA International Board representative shall organize the GCM Online
which requires certain acts, including but not limited to:
a. Setting the date, time and agendas of the upcoming GCM Online to be
announced to the Governing Council mailing list or any other publication
b. Announcing who will chair the meeting

c. Publishing the meeting resume/minute on the GC mailing list or any other
publication method

1.2 Technicality
a. Every participant must be punctual.

b. Every participant is encouraged to be online via PC/laptop rather than mobile
in order to avoid interruption on internet connection and to make document
sharing and reviewing possible.

Asian Law Students‘ Association (ALSA) 13

Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

5. Special Actions

Place & Date Tokyo, Japan – 8/8/2011

Convention/ Meeting Name GCM AF 2011
Guideline Registration Number AD01110005
Status In Force

a. Introduction

1.1 This guideline aims to ensure that each National Chapter of ALSA performs its
duty to ALSA by having the measure to enforce it.

b. Definitions

2.1 ‗Special Actions‘
 means the penalty measure that the Governing Council
imposes on a National Chapter based on Article 5 Section 6 of the Constitution of

2.2 ‗Duty‘ means the duty that a National Chapter owes to ALSA under the
Constitution of ALSA and/or under the decisions by the General Assembly and the
Governing Council.

2.3 ‗Complainant‘ means a person who proposes a Special Action

2.4 ‗National Chapter in Issue‘ means a National Chapter against which a Special
Action is proposed and/or imposed.

c. General Regulations

3.1 Special Actions can be imposed when a National Chapter is seriously neglecting
its duty without considerable reason.

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

3.2 Only an International Board officer or Governing Council member is authorized

to be a complainant.

3.3 Any voting with regard to Special Action decisions must be based on two thirds
(2/3) majority votes.

d. Mechanism

4.1 Proposal
a. The authorized complainant shall submit a complaint to the International
Board Secretary General and the National Chapter in issue. The proposal
shall be in the form set out in Annex A.

b. The International Board Secretary General shall notify the Governing
Council members regarding the submission of a proposal. This notification
shall include the date of the complaint, the parties involved and the date by
which the National Chapter in issue shall submit an answer to the
International Board Secretary General.

c. The National Chapter in issue shall submit an answer to the International
Board Secretary General and the complainant within fifteen (15) days after
receipt of the proposal. The National Chapter in issue is deemed to have
received the proposal on the date that the complainant sends it under point

d. After the International Board Secretary General receives the answer, he or
she shall release both the proposal and the answer to the Governing

e. If the National Chapter in issue does not submit an answer within fifteen
(15) days, the International Board Secretary General shall release the
proposal to the Governing Council.

4.2 Consideration and Decision-Making in the Governing Council

a. After the proposal is released to the Governing Council, the Governing
Council shall consider the proposed Special Action.

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

b. If the complainant is a National Chapter, then it shall not have voting

rights regarding the proposal.
c. When such Special Action is admitted as necessary, the Governing
Council shall decide its form.

4.3 Enforcement
a. Before enforcing the Special Action, the Governing Council shall make a
warning towards the National Chapter in issue with a deadline of two (2)
weeks or longer which it designates.

b. After the National Chapter in issue receives the warning under the
preceding section, it shall perform its neglected duty before the deadline
given in the warning. Upon performance of such duty, the National
Chapter in issue shall inform the Governing Council.

c. If the National Chapter in issue fails to perform its neglected duty by the
deadline given in the warning, the International Board President shall
enforce the Special Action and report it to the Governing Council

d. Any accomplished enforcement of Special Action shall be reported to the

next Governing Council Meeting and General Assembly after it.

4.4 Forms of Special Action

a. Every Governing Council member shall submit a proposal of sanction/s
for the National Chapter subject to the complaint or proposal. The
sanction proposal shall abide by the guidelines and limitations provided
for in Section 4.5 and subsequently be voted upon by the Governing
Council and the chosen proposal will be subject to a vote by two thirds
(2/3) in a Special GCM called for that purpose

4.5 Guidelines and Limitations to Submission of Proposal of Sanction/s

i. The sanction proposal shall not include or implicate any form of :

a. Economic sanctions whether on the National Chapter or any member of the
National Chapter.
b. Loss of membership recruitment into ALSA.

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

c. Withdrawal of recognition whereby the National Chapter shall permanently

remove all symbols associated with ALSA in its legal instruments, events, and
property including its social media presence.

ii. The sanction proposal may include or implicate the following:

a. Deferred suspension of recognition whereby for a designated period of time, the
National Chapter is given the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to comply to
the legal instruments of ALSA and abide by ALSA‘s expectation of behaviour.
If the National Chapter is found violating any of the provisions contained within
the Constitution and Book of Guidelines, the organization may be subject to
Suspension of Recognition.
b. Suspension of recognition; whereby for a designated period of time, the National
Chapter loses all recognition by ALSA. The National Chapter shall not within the
designated period of time utilize any symbols associated with ALSA, whether in
its events and/or its property including its social media presence.

4.6 Format of Special Action

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

6. General Assembly

a. Introduction

1.1 As enshrined in the ALSA Constitution, the General Assembly shall possess the
highest authority in all matters affecting the association. In addition, it shall
encompass the aims and fulfill the objectives of its establishment. It is where
amendments to the ALSA Constitution are discussed and ratified, and potential
nominees to the International Board are presented and inducted to their posts in a
transfer of power ceremony by the outgoing ALSA International Board officers to the
newly-elected ALSA International Board officers.

b. Objectives

2.1 To implement the mandate of the provisions of the ALSA Constitution;

2.2 To educate participants on how the amendment of the ALSA Constitution takes
place; and
2.3 To regenerate ALSA International Board

c. Mechanism

3.1 Presentation of ALSA Constitution amendments;

3.2 Questions and Answer session;
3.3 Presentation report from the outgoing ALSA International Board officers;
3.4 Question and Answer session;
3.5 Presentation from the ALSA International Board candidates;
3.6 Questions and Answer Session;
3.7 Elections for the new ALSA International Board officers;
3.8 Signing of the Appointment letter based on the results of the election by National
Chapter representatives;
3.9 Signing of the Transfer of Power letter between the outgoing International Board
officers and the newly elected International board officers; and
3.10 Ceremonial transfer of ALSA International Board pins

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

d. Guidelines

4.1 Make sure that all the plans and estimates are in line with the ALSA Constitution
and Guidelines of ALSA;
4.2 Follow the ALSA Halal Guidelines on food provided by the ALSA International
4.3 Provide adequate time for ALSA Muslim members for their prayers;
4.4 The host country shall provide a venue which allows a good interaction between
the outgoing ALSA International Board officers and the newly-elected officers;
4.5 The host country shall provide a venue where all activities mentioned above can
be concluded in a single event;
4.6 The host country shall provide a venue where it can facilitate interaction between
ALSA International Board and its members;
4.7 The host country shall provide a venue where a solemn situation and ambiance
can be built up; and
4.8 The symbol of ALSA is expected to be placed during the General Assembly

7. ALSA Academic Theme

a. Introduction

1.1. The aim of the ALSA Academic Theme is to have a specific theme for one year
of ALSA activities. The theme should be versatile and must reflect the most
recent and important topics in Asia and the whole world to create a better
understanding and promote awareness to its members. The ALSA Academic
Theme should also preferably be enticing to sponsors.

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

b. Mechanism

2.1 The ALSA Academic Theme and its duration are decided by the Governing

2.2 The ALSA Law Review and ALSA International Academic Program shall be in
accordance with the ALSA Academic Theme.

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

8. International Events Guideline

1. Golden Rules for Registration

1.1 Alumni
i. National Chapter shall keep the list of Alumni Registration. Any ALSA
member that is in the Alumni Registration of the National Chapter shall be
the Alumni within the definition of International Events.

1.2 Application
i. Interested applicants/delegates must sent in their registration and indemnity
forms through their respective National Chapters which will later on, be
passed to the Organizing Committee.
ii. The delegates shall be informed to send in their registration to respective
National Chapters by the information publicized by:
a. Organizing Committee, but not limited to; on either official invitation
email, official invitation letter, registration form and indemnity form or
b. National Chapters, but not limited to; on caption message of social
medias when helping publicize the said events.
iii. If any individual registrations has come to the attention of Organizing
Committee, the registration can only be proceeded once the Organizing
Committee has informed the respective delegates‘ National Chapters of it.

1.3 Withdrawal
i. If the Organizing Committee negligently accepted participants who applied
individually without going through the National Chapter and the participant
withdraw and/or seek refunds afterwards, the issue shall befall under the
purview of the Organizing Committee‘s.

ii. If the application is acknowledged by National Chapter and sent by the

National Chapter, and the participants withdraw and or seek refunds
afterwards; the issue shall befall under the purview of the respective
National Chapter.
iii. In any event where the application process is carried out or supervised by the
International Board, the International Board shall be responsible for any
negligence caused and shall be liable in the same manner as the Organizing
Committee as provided in section 1.3(i).

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

2. Sanction for Delay in Submitting International Event Report

If the written report is not submitted within the required time mentioned above, the
hosting National Chapter may be subjected to one or more of the penalties below:
a. A warning letter issued by the President of the International Board

b. Disciplinary probation period whereby the National Chapter would not be allowed to
vote in the next Governing Council Meeting.

c. Subject to the President‘s discretion in severe instances, be revoked of the right to bid
in upcoming International Events.

a. Annual Conference and ALSA Forum

The Annual Conference is an international event where all ALSA members gather and
participate in developing ALSA. Therein, the members are provided with the occasion
to garner more networks, as well as the opportunity to develop their academic

The ALSA Forum, as mandated by the ALSA Constitution, is an event annually held
around August providing opportunities equivalent to Annual Conference to members.

Generally, what sets the ALSA Forum apart from the ALSA Conference is the election
of the new set of International Board officers, as voted by the delegates who are
present in the General Assembly, in representation of the interests of their National
Chapter to ALSA.

1. Objectives
1.1. To broaden the network of members
1.2. To deepen the knowledge of members
1.3. To regenerate ALSA International Board
1.4. To promote the legal system of the host country
1.5. To engage members of ALSA in academic and cultural sharing

2. Activities
2.1 Welcoming Party
2.2 Cultural Party
2.3 Farewell Party

2.4 Seminar
2.5 Administrative Meetings

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

a. Governing Council Meeting

b. Academic Activities Department Meeting

c. Public Relations and Marketing Meeting

d. Training, Exchange and Development Department Meeting

e. Secretary General and Treasurer Department Meeting

2.6 ALSA Academic Activities Competition

a. Model United Nations

b. ALSA Client Consultation Competition
c. Table Discussion
d. English Debate Competition
2.7 Only applies to ALSA Forum: International Board transfer of power session
a. General Assembly
b. Transfer of power session
2.8 Cultural Visit
2.9 Social Charity event

3. Reminders for Host Countries

Host countries are required to :
3.1 All plans and estimates to be in line with the ALSA Constitution and Guidelines
3.2 All administrate issues to be finalized three (3) weeks prior to the event
3.2.1 Administrative issues refer to: accommodation permit and payment,
licensing, submission of documents to authorities and other issues related
to administrative matters

3.2.2 The receipts or invoices of accommodation payment shall be sent to

International Board.

3.3 Indemnity agreement must be clear on all and every expenses the registration fee will
cover; including transportation, accommodation, food and route trips.
3.4 Provide truthful information about the country‘s condition
3.5 Provide a list of things to prepare for participants
3.6 Follow the given ALSA Halal Guidelines from ALSA International Board
3.7 Provide adequate time for ALSA Muslim members for their prayers

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

4. Requisites for Host Countries

Host countries are obliged to :
4.1 Be capable of understanding objectives of the event
4.2 Have willingness to follow the Guidelines

4.3 Have been conducting transfer of knowledge session with the previous host with :
4.3.1 Declaration letter signed by the president of National Chapter which hosted the
previous event as proof
4.4 Have not hosted, nor proposed any bid in ALSA Conference or ALSA Moot
Court Competition within one period of ALSA Year

4.5 Have hosted at least one Study Trip

4.6 Propose for bidding to be presented and distributed in front of GC members
4.7 Have willingness to provide :
4.7.1 Accountability Report to be presented in the next immediate GCM
online following the event;
4.7.2 Certificates of Participation to be distributed to the participants on
departure day;
4.7.3 Complete information of the event seven(7) months after the bidding at
the latest containing :
a. Fixed date of the event;
b. Fixed theme of the event;
c. Fixed number of the participations up to distribution of information;
d. Fixed registration fee;
e. Fixed activities of the event;
f. Fixed contact person information;
g. Assumed participation quota

4.7.4 Written Activities Report for a maximum of two (2) months after the
event containing :
a. Definition of the event;
b. Background of the event;
c. Rundown of the event;
d. Participant activities;

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

e. Partners of the event;

f. Financial Report;
g. Photographs of the event;

h. Comments given by at least ten percent(10%) of participants as in the

Assessment Form;
i. Recommendation for future host
4.12 Must be approved by the GCM

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

5. Bidding proposal criteria

5.1 Proposal of event bidding shall contain:
a. The Objective/s of the bidding;
b. The Activities Plan consists of:
i. Academic Activities
ii. Non-Academic Activities
c. The Itinerary Plan shall contain:
i. An estimate schedule of the event

ii. An estimate day of arrival of participants
iii. An estimate day of departure of participants
d. Planned Accommodation;

e. Estimated Budget;
f. Directions on how to travel to the host country;
g. Fixed Cancellation Policy;
h. Expected Quota per National Chapter;
5.2 Made in 2 formats; one in soft copy (PPT & Docx) and another in hard copy

6. Miscellaneous

6.1 The application of this guideline shall be made in line with the ALSA

6.2 Should there be any issue with regard to this provision which has not been
stipulated in this Guideline, it shall henceforth be brought to any officer of ALSA
International Board, and the matter shall be discussed internally between them and the
Organizing Committee

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

b. ALSA International Moot Court Competition (AIMCC)

1. Introduction
a. AIMCC seeks to enable law students to deepen their understanding of law
and practice their legal skills. It is meant, to further enhance researching
skills and advocacy skills.
b. A quality moot court competition hosted by an organization had been
successful in increasing the credibility and recognition of an association (ig.
ILSA). AIMCC aims to do exactly that. In addition, ensuring the quality of
the competition can contribute to ALSA‘s expansion by attracting more
Asian law students to join ALSA and potential benefactors to support not
only moot court but other ALSA-related activities. Thus it is utmost
importance for ALSA as a whole that AIMCC is a success.
2. Mechanism
a. Participating team is allowed to have 3-5 members in a team
b. AIMCC consist of two phases—the memorial phase and the oral pleading
i. Memorial Phase
1) Fact problem (Moot Problem) shall be distributed to the participants
and uploaded in accessible channels.
2) Participants will submit memorial based upon the Fact Problem in
accordance to the rule provided for by ALSA International.
3) Submissions will be scored accordingly as the qualified team to
participate in oral pleading round is to be announced.
ii. Oral Pleading Phase
1) The qualifying teams shall present their arguments orally before
panelists which shall score them accordingly.
2) Awards shall be announced within the Oral Pleading round.
3. Responsibilities
a. International Board
i. Moot Problem
1) Find partner(s) who will help us create a Moot Problem (law firm,
professor, etc.)

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2) Finalize the Moot Problem (check the content, upload it on the

website, disseminate the Clarification/Correction, etc.,)
ii. PR (International)
1) Manage Website and Facebook page (update news, upload the Moot
Problem and registration forms, etc.)
2) Send the Official Invitation to NCs, law firms, and institutions.
3) Get Media Partners who will help us promote the competition.
iii. Sponsor Hunt
1) Formulate Sponsorship and Partnership Package– Find international
sponsors (international institutions, law firms, companies, etc.)
2) Actively approaches the prospect sponsors with the formulated
iv. Book Judges/Speakers
1) Find Judges for Written Memorials.
v. Scoring
1) Develop bench memorandum and grading system
2) Find qualified judges for memorial scoring
vi. Registration
1) Compile all the registration forms and send them to the OC
2) Choose participating teams for the Oral Round based on their written
3) Keep the participants updated with competition information/news
excluding logistical matters (flights. accommodation, etc.)

b. National Board
i. Organizing Committee (National Board that successfully bids for being one)
1) Book Venues
a) Book suitable venues for Accommodation, Opening
Ceremony/Symposium, Preliminary/Semi-final/Final Rounds,
Closing Ceremony, Closing Dinner, and After Party (not included
in the Registration Fee)
2) Transportation
a) Provide airport pickups

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b) Charter buses
3) Refreshment
a) Provide lunches and drinks during the competition
4) Timekeeping
a) Timekeepers will keep the time on watch according to the
Timekeepers Instruction (already made).
b) Timekeepers will also be responsible for the overall administration
of each hearing (prepare water & materials, escort judges, set up
the room, etc.).
5) PR (Local)
a) Contact local firms/companies/institutions at the request of ALSA
6) Financing
a) Create a provisional budget
b) Take care of the registration fees paid by participants
7) Manpower
a) Recruit a sufficient number of staff members to facilitate the
smooth operation of the competition (airport pickup, distribution of
food/drinks, operate ceremonies/ symposium, etc.)
8) Book Panelists/Speakers
a) Find panelists for Oral Pleadings including ―reserved/backup
panelists‖ in the event that the invited panelists cannot make it
b) Invite speakers of the field (arbitration/international investment
law) for Symposium
9) Sponsor Hunt
a) Find local sponsors (law firms, companies etc.) to accommodate
funds for logistics
ii. Other National Board
1) Advertise the through its media channel in accordance to materials
provided by the International Board
c. Local Chapter
i. Advertise the through its media channel in accordance to materials
provided by the National Board

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ii. Send members to participate in the AIMCC

4. End Goals
a. Increase the recognition and credibility of ALSA as a prominent law
students‘ association in an international legal community
b. Contribute to ALSA‘s further expansion by attracting more Asian law students
to join ALSA and potential benefactors to support ALSA‘s activities
c. To allow ALSA Member to create a network of like-minded law students

Annex 1: Sample Schedule

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Morning Delegates Opening Ceremony & Preliminary Rounds Semi-final Round

Arrival & Symposium
Afternoon Symposium Preliminary Rounds Final Round &

Evening Welcome Back to Hotel Back to Hotel Closing Dinner &

Dinner After party

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Annex 2: Operational Timeline

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ALSA International Legal Training and Workshop

1. Introduction
International level : Where a party, the International Board in
particular, is doing a fundraising and/or looking
for speakers for ALSA International Legal
Training and Workshop (―AILTW‖) AILTW
from countries other than the Organizing
Committee host country.

National level : Where a party, the National Board of AILTW

host country in particular, is doing a fundraising
and/or looking for speakers for AILTW from its
host country.
Reasonable time : A period of time that is suitable for International
Board and/or National Board to assist the
Organizing Committee for what the Organizing
Committee asked.
1.2 Introduction
Aiming to enhance the practical and technical legal skills of ALSA
members, AILTW was created as a platform that serves to enrich the
participants with an in-depth knowledge regarding a certain legal topic.
AILTW is also hoped to expose ALSA members to various legal
activities that could help them to figure out their future, as well as to
network with legal experts, practitioners and future lawyers around

2. Mechanism
a. Academic Activities
As the main focus of AILTW is legal training and workshop,
therefore the academic activities in AILTW shall have the

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biggest portion. Academic activities in AILTW must comprise

of the following topics:
i. Symposium.
ii. Training and workshop on legal English.
iii. Training and workshop on certain legal skills.
iv. Legal visit to legal institutions.
b. Non-academic Activities
AILTW shall also be comprised of non-academic activities,
which are as the following:
i. Welcoming dinner.
ii. Cultural night, only if possible.
iii. Closing ceremony.
iv. City trip, only if possible.
AILTW is ideally carried out in five (5) days, with the model activities
table as the following:
Morning Noon Night
Day (Arrival of (Arrival of Welcoming dinner
1 delegates) delegates)
Day Symposium Training on legal Workshop on
2 English legal English
Day Training on legal Workshop on Cultural night
3 skill A legal skill A
Day Legal visit Training on legal Workshop on
4 skill B legal skill B
Day City trip City trip Closing ceremony

2.2 Theme
AILTW must have a certain theme, and highly suggested to be
different each year. The theme does not necessarily need to follow the
ALSA International Academic Activities theme if it would burden the
Organizing Committee on looking for speakers. To attract participants,

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AILTW shall also have a title that will be used on every publication.
Theme : Investment Law
Topic : Understanding Foreign Direct Investment from

2.3 Participants
AILTW shall be opened for participants both ALSA and non-ALSA
members, with a different fee. The Organizing Committee has the full
discretion to set the quota of each National Chapter.

2.4 Communication and Information

a. To ensure the smooth enforcement of AILTW, an online
meeting, via Skype preferably, must be conducted each month
between the Organizing Committee, ALSA International and
the respective National Board. In the last month before the
AILTW, online meeting shall be conducted 2 weeks prior the
AILTW, and 1 offline meeting at least 2 days prior to AILTW
with the Organizing Committee, ALSA International and the
respective National Board.
b. The Organizing Committee shall inform all parties in the event
the condition of its country could be endangering, and shall
cancel AILTW in the event the condition of its country is
c. Everything must be settled by the Organizing Committee at
least two (2) days prior to AILTW.

2.5 Documents
a. The Organizing Committee must submit the Activities Report
and Accountability Report maximum one (1) month after the
event, and must be willing to present both reports in the nearest
online Governing Council Meeting.

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b. The Organizing Committee must distribute the Certificate of

Participation to the participants before the departure day of the

3. Duties
3.1International Board
a. To assist the Organizing Committee prior AILTW including,
but not limited to, fundraising at international level, finding
speakers at international level, event rundown arrangement, and
determining the theme and title.
b. To attend all meetings as stated in point 2.4.1.
c. To regularly check on the Organizing Committee.
d. To create a Memorandum of Agreement with the Organizing
Committee that clearly states the duties, job desk,
responsibilities, and other matters that entail the three (3)
abovementioned points.
e. To publish all information pertaining AILTW including, but
not limited to, registration

3.2 The Organizing Committee

a. To plan and arrange AILTW in details including, but not
limited to, fundraising, finding speakers, event rundown
arrangement, and determining the theme and title.
b. To notify the International Board and/or National Board in the
event the Organizing Committee seeks for assistance at a
reasonable time.
c. To hold meeting as stated in point 2.4.1, and give updates to the
attendees of the meeting all matters pertaining to AILTW
d. To organize an internal meeting every month prior to meeting
as stated in point 2.4.1.
e. To settle everything at least two (2) days prior to AILTW.
f. To submit the Activity Report and Accountability Report
maximum one (1) month after the event, and must be willing to

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present both reports in the nearest online Governing Council


3.3 The National Board

a. To assist the Organizing Committee prior AILTW including,
but not limited to, fundraising at their national level, finding
speakers at their national level, event rundown arrangement,
and determining the theme and title.
b. To attend all meetings as stated in point 2.4.1.
c. To post update the Governing Council all matters pertaining
d. To encourage its members to participate
e. To publish all information pertaining AILTW including, but
not limited to, registration

3.4 The Local Board

a. To encourage its members to participate
b. To publish all information pertaining AILTW including, but
not limited to, registration.

4. Discretion
a. It is up to the discretion of National Chapter to host AILTW if it

has shown interest.

b. If an/any National Chapter(s) shown interest to host AILTW, they

must inform the International Board beforehand and bidding will

be done at the following Governing Council Meeting.

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Study Trip

The ALSA Study Trip (ST) is an international event where all ALSA members gather
and participate in developing ALSA directly. In turn, the members are provided with
the occasion to garner more networks, as well as the opportunity to develop their
academic knowledge.

VP of Academic Activities 2013-2014 Notes: After observing, assisting, and

assessing the manner in which four (4) Study Trips were conducted in 2013,
as well as assisting and exchanging information and updates with regard to the
preparation of 5 Study Trips in 2014, I gathered stories and comments from
those who have experienced preparing their respective Study Trips.

Following the conclusion of each ST, I assessed the reports submitted by each
ST organizer. To corroborate the reports made, I talked and discussed with
those who have participated in the STs and was able to gather compliments,
complaints and some objections, which for reasons of confidentiality, I am not
allowed to disclose to all ALSA members.

To ensure that the best methods are adopted in STs, I made a comparative
research and observed several activities organized by other youth organizations at
the national and international level similar to the ALSA Study Trip. I continued to
conduct further inquiries, commented, suggested, requested, and was strongly
persuaded by the current condition to keep our STs competent and to keep
developing ourselves and not just remain on where we are now.


Whereas, a Study Trip should offer opportunities to understand diversity and
the various legal systems of the fourteen (14) National Chapters of ALSA,
instead of solely becoming a social event to gather and meet new friends, gain
new experience and add to the photo opportunities uploaded in various social
networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Path, and others.

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Whereas, a Study Trip should celebrate different cultures, which is not just under
the scope of knowledge in the arts, but also in the context of education, to be
shared not just between and among student-members, but also to be gained from
experts on the issue which is discussed in the respective Study Trip.

Without disregarding the nature of Study Trips, which is, first and foremost
educational, it should also be fun and attracting to potential attendees. Hence,
this proposal which I hope would be able to give a clearer understanding on
how the Study Trip should be conducted and organized for the greater benefit
of all ALSA members

1. Objectives

1.1 To broaden the network of members

1.2 To deepen the knowledge of members
1.3 To promote the legal system of the host country

1.4 To regenerate ALSA International Board

1.5 To provide opportunity for culture sharing among ALSA members

2. Purposes

2.1 To enrich the knowledge of ALSA members

2.2 To offer a unique opportunity for understanding different cultures and conditions
of ALSA members

2.3 To give opportunity to gather and strengthen relationship among ALSA members
2.4 To ease the organizing of Study Trips

2.5 To enhance the opportunity to promote Study Trips
2.6 To promote ALSA

2.7 To implement the ALSA Constitution

3. Benefits

3.1 More opportunity to gain sponsorship

3.2 More opportunity to gather bigger number of participants

3.3 More opportunity for ALSA to get in touch with various lecturers, lawyers, and
3.4 More opportunity to gain knowledge

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3.5 More opportunity to learn a new language

4. Activities

4.1 Welcoming Party

4.2 Cultural Party

4.3 Farewell Party

4.4 Academic Activities shall measure up to 15-18 hours with the following
a. Theories Learning shall constitute 70% of the Academic Activities. In this
session, it is expected that the ST provides an opportunity for participants
to enjoy educational enrichment through qualified speakers (a lawyer,
lecturer or expert) to teach the participants on issues prepared by the
Organizing Committee.
b. Practicing Theories shall constitute 30% of the Academic Activities. It is
expected of the Organizing Committee to provide, in order to ensure that the
theories delivered by the speakers are properly understood and absorbed
by the participants
4.5 Non-Academic Activities shall satisfy following specifications:
a. Social or Charitable Activities shall constitute 5% of the Non-Academic
Activities. As mandated by the ALSA Constitution that ALSA shall
facilitate the recognition of social responsibility to law students, it is
expected of the Organizing Committee to give opportunity for participants
to interact with local people with ―special conditions‖.
b. Cultural Visit or Legal Visit shall constitute 25% of the Non-Academic
Activities. The purpose is to maintain, benefit and enrich the knowledge
of the participants. Also, in keeping with tradition, the Organizing
Committee is expected to offer opportunities for participants to know
more about their culture or government by taking them to the key cultural
places or government buildings of the host country.

5. Content of Academic Activities

5.1 Theories Learning Session

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a. Introduction to the Domestic Law of the Host Country shall constitute

35% of the content of Academic Activities. This
material/course/subject aims to familiarize participants about the legal
educational system of the host country. An initial introduction shall be
delivered by the speaker to the participants.

b. Introduction to the Main Issue of the ST shall constitute 45% of the
content of Academic Activities. This material shall discuss the main
issue of the ST chosen by the Organizing Committee.

c. Introduction to Local Language or Slang shall constitute 20% of the
content of Academic Activities. This material aims to educate
participants to understand, learn, and be able to speak local language or
slang in daily activities such as greeting people, bargaining in the
market and asking for directions in going places. Understanding the
diversity of ALSA members, possessing the ability to speak a foreign
language will bring more advantage, not just during the ST but also in
future endeavors.

5.2 Practicing Theories Session

a. Model of United Nations / Table Discussion / Moot Court Competition
/ Working Group for Study Case shall constitute 75% of the Practicing
Theories Session. The above enumeration provides samples of this
session which shall be based on the theories which have been given by
the speakers on the Main Issue of the ST, in order to ensure that the
participants understand and properly absorb the materials delivered by

b. Shopping in Local Markets shall constitute 25% of the Practicing
Theories Session. Understanding the undeniable fact that almost all of
the participants of the ST will not skip on any opportunity to visit local
markets, it shall be used as an application of the Introduction to Local
Language working, with the participant‘s objective of being able to get
a discount as a reward from speaking the local language (VP of
Academic Activities 2013-2014 Notes: Caretakers must still
accompany the participants, to avoid the latter from saying something
rude or not in accordance with local tradition or culture).

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

6. System of Theme Selection

6.1 The selection of the Theme shall be made in line with the ALSA International
Academic Activities Theme. It is strongly suggested to develop the theme of the
entire event.
• ALSA International Academic Activities Theme : Health Law 

• Study Trip Theme : Protection of Patients from the Perspective of Law 

6.2 The Title of the event must be specific, informative, and must attract potential


• ALSA International Academic Activities Theme : Health Law 

• Study Trip Theme : Protection of Patients from the Perspective of Law 

• Title of Study Trip : Understanding How Patients Should be Protected from

the Legal Perspective

6.3 The Contents of the Academic Activities shall be specified as follows: 

a. Introduction

b. Main Discussion Topic
c. Main Discussion based on International Law Instrument

6.4 The quota below is provided in order to ease the Organizing Committee from
gathering participants. However, the Organizing Committee should still prioritize
ALSA Members from non-ALSA Members.

• Members of ALSA: 70%

• Non-ALSA Member: 30% where a different fee can apply

7. Reminders for Host Countries

Host countries are required to :
7.1 All plans and estimates to be in line with the ALSA Constitution and Guidelines of
7.2 All administrate issues to be finalized three(3) weeks prior to the event
7.2.1 Administrative issues refer to : accommodation permit and
payment, licensing, submission of documents

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7.3 Provide truthful information about the country‘s condition

7.4 Provide a list of things to prepare for participants
7.5 Follow the given ALSA Halal Guidelines from ALSA International Board
7.6 Provide adequate time for ALSA Muslim members for their prayers

8. Host requisites

Host Countries are obliged to :
8.1 Be capable of understanding objectives of the event
8.2 Have willingness to follow the Guidelines
8.3 Furnish an electronic information letter for GC Google Groups containing
a. Estimated date
b. Planned activities
c. Themes of activities
d. Estimated registration fee
e. Cancellation Policy
f. Planned accommodation
8.4 Have willingness to provide :
8.4.1 Accountability Report to be presented in the next immediate GCM
online following the event
8.4.2 Certificates of Participation to be distributed to the participants on
departure day
8.4.3 Complete information of the event seven months after the bidding
at the latest, containing :
a. Fixed date of the event;
b. Fixed theme of the event;
c. Fixed number of participations up to distribution
of information;
d. Fixed registration fee;
e. Fixed activities of the event;
f. Fixed contact person information;
g. Assumed participation quota;
8.4.4 A Written Activities Report for a maximum of one
month after the event containing :

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a. Definition of the event;

b. Background of the event;
c. Rundown of events;
d. Participant activities;
e. Partners of the event;
f. Financial report;
g. Photographs of the event;
h. Comments given by at least ten percent(10%) of
participants as in the Assessment Form
8.5 Publicize the specific dates 2 months prior to the Study Trip
8.6 Not host any Study Trip within 10 days before and after ALSA Forum and ALSA
Conference without approval from the International Board

9. Miscellaneous

9.1 The application of this Guideline shall be made in line with the ALSA Constitution
9.2 Should there be any issue with regard to this provision which has not been
stipulated in this Guideline, it shall henceforth be brought to any officer of ALSA
International Board, and the matter shall be discussed internally between them and the
Organizing Committee

Here is an example of the implementation of the modified Study Trip. Condition

ALSA Local Chapter XYZ was appointed by ALSA National Chapter JKL
to become the Host Country of Study (ST) Trip 2016. The event was set for 7 Days
including the arrival and departure of participants. Meanwhile, at that time, the
ALSA International Academic Activities Theme is ―Health Law‖. Unfortunately,
ALSA Local Chapter XYZ is not situated in the capital city of the Republic of JKL,
so not a lot of international carriers have flights in their airport, except for flights
coming from the Kingdom of DEF and the Republic of PQR. However, Local
Chapter XYZ have a lot of domestic transportation from every city of JKL. Local
Chapter XYZ has to submit a draft of activities, a rundown of its schedule, topic,
and title of the ST to ALSA National Chapter JKL, so the National Board can relay
the information to ALSA International as soon as possible.

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Solution :
1. Topic of ST: Protection of Patients from the Perspective of Law
: Understanding
How Patients Should be Protected from the Legal
2. Title of ST: Perspective
3. Rundown

Basic Calculations
• All participants are expected to take their flights within the day or in the
morning of Day-1, so that caretakers can wait at the airport of capital
city JKL to accompany arriving participants to go to XYZ province by
requested assistance from the participants

• The percentage calculation explained above applies only to the activities or
agenda such as seminar, academic activities, cultural visits, legal visits, etc.
and not for meal time such as breakfast, lunch, dinner or free time
• The total amount of hours that should be divided using the percentage
proposed above shall be 40 Hours (exclude free time, dinner, lunch,
breakfast, coffee break, and parties)

• Therefore, the division of time for the activities shall be made as follows
o Theories Learning Session: 20 Hours
o Practicing Theories Session: 8 Hours
o Social or Charity Event : 2 Hours o Cultural Visit or Legal Visit :
10 Hours
• While for the division of the topics to be discussed shall be:
• Intro to Domestic Law of the Host: 7 Hours
o Introduction to Procedural Law: 3 Hours
o Introduction to Civil Law: 2 Hours 

o Introduction to Constitutional Law: 2 Hours
• Intro to Main Topic: 9 Hours
o Introduction to Health law: 1.5 Hours
o Protection of Patients from Legal Perspective: 2.5 Hours 

o Class-Action Lawsuit for Medical Misdemeanor: 3 Hours

o Health Law from other International Instruments: 2 Hours

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• Intro to Language/Slang: 4 hours o

Daily conversation: 3 hours o
Reading words: 1 hour
• Practicing theories
o Model of UN/TD/Moot Court Competition/Working group for
Study Case: 6 hours
o Shopping to local market: 2 hours

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f. ALSA International Mediation Competition (AIMC)

1. Introduction

a. AIMC seeks to enable law students to deepen their understanding of law and practice
their legal skills. It seeks to divulge into an alternative mechanism of dispute resolution to
b. The focus of the AIMC is to effectively combine the use of the Mediator and
collaborative problem-solving skills to successfully present the Parties‘ interests and progress
towards resolution.

2. Mechanism

a. Participating team is allowed to have 2-4 members in a team

b. AIMC consist of two phases—the mediation plan and the oral pleading phase.

i. Mediation Plan Phase

1) Fact problem (Mediation Problem) shall be distributed to the participants

and uploaded in accessible channels.
2) Participants will submit memorial based upon the Fact Problem in
accordance to the rule provided for by ALSA International.
3) Submissions will be scored accordingly as the qualified team to participate
in oral pleading round is to be announced.

ii. Oral Pleading Phase

1) The qualifying teams shall negotiate before panelists which shall score them
2) Awards shall be announced within the Oral Pleading rounds

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3. Responsibilities

a. International Board

i. Mediation Problem

1) Find partner(s) who will help us create a Mediation Problem (law firm,
professor, etc.)

2) Finalize the Mediation Problem (check the content, upload it on the

website, disseminate the Clarification/Correction, etc.,)

ii. Public Relation (International)

1) Manage Website and Facebook page (update news, upload the Mediation
Problem and registration forms, etc.).

2) Send the Official Invitation to NCs, law firms, and institutions.

3) Get Media Partners who will help us promote the competition.

iii. Sponsor Hunt

1) Formulate Sponsorship and Partnership Package – Find international

sponsors (international institutions, law firms, companies, etc.)
2) Actively approaches the prospect sponsors with the formulated packages

iv. Book Judges/Speakers

1) Find Judges for Mediation Plan.

v. Scoring

1) Develop grading system

2) Find qualified judges for mediation plan scoring.

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vi. Registration

1) Compile all the registration forms and send them to the OC.
2) Choose participating teams for the Oral Round based on their mediation
3) Keep the participants updated with competition information/news
excluding logistical matters (flights, accommodation, etc.)

b. National Board

i. Organizing Committee (National Board that successfully bids for being one)

1) Book Venues

a) Book suitable venues for Accommodation, Opening

Ceremony/Symposium, Preliminary/Semi-final/Final Rounds, Closing Ceremony, Closing
Dinner, and After Party (not included in the Registration Fee).

2) Transportation

a) Provide airport pickups

b) Charter buses

3) Refreshment

a) Provide lunches and drinks during the competition

4) Timekeeping

a) Timekeepers will keep the time on watch according to the Timekeepers Instruction (already

b) Timekeepers will also be responsible for the overall administration of each hearing
(prepare water & materials, escort judges, set up the room, etc.).

5) Public Relations (Local)

a) Contact local firms/companies/institutions at the request of ALSA


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6) Financing

a) Create a provisional budget

b) Take care of the registration fees paid by participants

7) Manpower

Recruit a sufficient number of staff members to facilitate the smooth

operation of the competition (airport pickup, distribution of food/drinks, operate ceremonies/
symposium, etc.)

8) Book Panelists/Speakers

a) Find panelists for Oral Pleadings including ―reserved/backup panelists‖ in the event that the
invited panelists cannot make it
b) Invite speakers of the field (arbitration/international investment law) for Symposium

9) Sponsor Hunt

Find local sponsors (law firms, companies etc.) to accommodate funds for logistics

ii. Other National Board

1) Advertise the through its media channel in accordance to materials

provided by the International Board

c. Local Chapter

i. Advertise the through its media channel in accordance to materials provided by

the National Board
ii. Send members to participate in the AIMC

4. End Goals

a. Increase the recognition and credibility of ALSA as a prominent law students‘

association in an international legal community

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

b. Contribute to ALSA‘s further expansion by attracting more Asian law students to

join ALSA and potential benefactors to support ALSA‘s activities
c. To allow ALSA Member to create a network of like-minded law students

Annex 1: Sample Schedule

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Preliminary Round
Morning Delegates 1 Semi-final Round
Arrival &

Check-In Preliminary Round

Afternoon 2 Final Round &
Quarter Finals
Evening Ceremony Closing Dinner &
Announcing Semi

9. Data Privacy Policy

Data Privacy Policy of ALSA International

Amendment: -
Come into Effect on 3 October 2016

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council

Article 1

Section 1
―ALSA International‖ refers to the Asian Law Students‘ Association International
Board which consists of the President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Vice President of
Academic Activities, Vice President of Training, Exchange and Development, Vice
President of Public Relations and Marketing, and their Directors.

Section 2
―Applicants‖ is defined as members of ALSA and/or partner organizations of ALSA
International who apply for ALSA‘s programs and/or events.

Section 3
―Data‖ is defined as all information submitted to ALSA including, but are not limited
to, personal and general information, form, grading sheet, draft, article, paper,
statement, graphic design, image, music, video, agreement, proposal, letter, report
and/or minutes, and can be in the form of both hardcopy or softcopy.

Article 2
Data Submission, Using and Keeping

Section 1
ALSA shall only use, retain and/or disclose the Data received only for the specific
purpose(s) that the Data was submitted for. ALSA will only disclose the Data to third
parties insofar that it is necessary to do so for the specific purpose(s) that the Data
was submitted for.

Section 2
Any other use, retention and/or disclosure of Data not specific to the purpose(s) that
the Data was submitted for shall be prohibited, unless consent has been given by the
Applicants, creators and/or rightful owners of the Data.

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10. Expansion Within National Chapters

Expansion to new Local Chapters is important to encourage the enhancement of

Asian law students. It contributes to the building of a larger network amongst law
students. Additionally, it also provides all law students with an equal opportunity to
enjoy and benefit from ALSA. It is to be noted that National Chapters may modify the
expansion process to suit local needs. The process below serves as a guide or starting
point for National Chapters to engage with other institutions. However, National
Chapters must bear in mind that ALSA aims to include all law students in Asia, and
must do all it can to achieve that aim.

a. Recruitment

1.1 National Chapters should attempt to contact institutions within their jurisdictions
to recruit them as a Local Chapters, or actively engage with groups contacting
them from non-Local Chapter institutions.

1.2 The National Chapter could either engage with a group of students or with the
institution‘s administration. If the National Chapter engages with students, it must

ensure that the students are committed and capable of forming a Local Chapter.

b. Preparation for Applying Institution

2.1 The applying institution must select one representative to be the acting head and
to communicate with the National Chapter.
2.2 The applying institution must ensure that it recognizes the National Chapter and
permits the setting up of ALSA.

2.3 The applying institution shall set up a committee with the positions listed in the
ALSA Constitution and with additional positions if necessary. This ad-hoc
committee can be either elected or appointed. 

2.4 The National Chapter shall provide all necessary aid to the applying institution.

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c. Observership Application

3.1 Upon fulfilling the above requirements, the applying institution would be eligible
to fill up an observer application form, which shall be submitted to the National
Chapter. The National Chapter may adopt the application form used by ALSA
International and make necessary changes.

3.2 The application form shall be presented to the Governing Council of the National
Chapter for approval.

3.3 If accepted, the applicant shall be given a one year observership period. During
this period, the observer shall:
a. Send representatives to all online meetings and offline meetings held
during national events

b. Promote ALSA to all law students in its institution, with the aim of
acquiring a stable membership count
c. Organize activities for its members and also attend activities
organized by other Local Chapters

d. Membership Application

4.1 Upon the end of the observership period, the observer shall prepare a presentation
for an online or offline Governing Council Meeting, with the purpose of
convincing the Governing Council to approve the observer‘s membership


4.2 The Governing Council of the National Chapter can approve the application even
if the observership requirements were not fulfilled, but must do so only in
exceptional circumstances.

4.3 In the event the application is rejected, the observer shall go through another
observership period which will be decided by the Governing Council.

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11. Observers

a. Preparation for Applying

1.1 Externals interested shall fulfil the requirements contained in Section 3, Article 10 of
ALSA Constitution.

b. Observership Procedures

2.1 Upon fulfilling the above requirements, the applying country would be eligible to
fill up an observer application form which include details of the members of the
Board, which shall be submitted to the International Board.

2.2 The Observer shall submit proposal or brief summary of the future tenure plans.

2.3 The application form shall be presented to the Governing Council of the National
Chapter for approval.

2.4 Upon approval from the Governing Council, the Observer shall take cognizance
of the Guidelines and Regulations of Observership provided under the Book of
Guidelines and the Reference Book.

2.5 The representative or proxy of the Observer shall sign the Memorandum of
Understanding with the International Board President. Upon the signing of the
Memorandum of Understanding, the terms contained therein shall effectively
apply for the Observer.

2.6 If accepted, the applicant shall be given a one-year observership period. During
this period, the observer shall comply with all the terms contained within the
Memorandum of Understanding and the terms below:

a. Submit the completed list of the members of the Board to the International Board

b. The Observer shall create an official email address which would be used for
correspondence with the International Board President and the Governing
Council Members.

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c. Promote ALSA to all law students in its institution, with the aim of acquiring a
stable membership count.

d. Seek to establish local chapters within the nation

e. Organize activities for its members during the Obervership period and also attend
activities organized by its potential Local Chapters

f. Set up a logo representing the Observer institution

g. Set up a social media platform via Facebook

h. Set up an official website which includes descriptions and pictures of members of

the Board

i. Establish a sponsorship prospectus and subsequently establish liaisons with


2.7 Annex A details the template Memorandum of Understanding between ALSA and the
Observer Institution:

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a. National Chapter Report

1. Introduction

Each National Chapter shall report its updates to the ALSA International Board to
maintain communication and ease management control.

2. Definitions

National Chapter Reports comprised of, but are not limited to:

2.1 Half and Full Annual Report

a. A Half Annual report is a report which shall be submitted by the National
Chapters at least one (1) week prior to the ALSA Annual Conference.
b. A Full Annual Report is a report which shall be submitted by the National
Chapters at least one (1) week prior to the ALSA Annual Forum.

2.2 Offline Meeting Report

It is a report which shall be presented at:
a. ALSA Annual Conference
b. ALSA Annual Forum

2.3 Miscellaneous Report

It is a report which is collected upon direction of the ALSA International Board.

3. Reporting Mechanism

3.1 Half and Full Annual Report

3.1.1 The Report for the ALSA Conference shall be termed ―National
Chapter Half Annual Report‖.
3.1.2 The Report for the ALSA Forum shall be termed ―National Chapter
Full Annual Report‖.
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3.1.3 The reports shall include, but not limited to, the following:
i. Latest National Board composition;
a. Names and Positions of all Officers;
b. Date of Officers stepping down; and
c. Official contact email address of National Chapter
and officers.
ii. List of Local Chapters and official contact email address;
iii. International, National and Local Events hosted;
iv. Latest number of National Chapter members;
v. Public Relations, Academic and TED Activities; and
vi. Sponsorship and cooperation with external bodies.

3.2 Offline Meeting Report

3.2.1 This report shall be collected (either as a soft copy Power Point form or
hard copy printed form) based on what is to be presented during the
GCM at the ALSA Annual Conference or ALSA Annual Forum.
3.2.2 This report shall include, but is not limited to:
i. Latest National Board composition including official email;
ii. National Events;
iii. Latest number of National Chapter members;
iv. Activities and events recap; and
v. Sponsorship and cooperation with external bodies.

3.3 Miscellaneous Report collecting mechanism is conditional upon the ALSA

International Board consent.

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b. Executive Summary

1. Introduction

During every ALSA Annual Forum, the incumbent International Board shall
present an Executive Summary of their term of office, including information
covering all areas, adequate to summarize the work done during their respective
term before all the National Chapter representatives at the General Assembly.

2. Regulations

2.1 The Executive Summary shall include the reports of any successful
accomplishment, significant activities, obstacles, financial statement and
overall evaluation of the respective governing term.

2.2 The Executive Summary shall correspond to the term of office of the
International Board; from the ALSA Annual Forum when they were elected
until the next ALSA Annual Forum of their successors.

2.3 A written Executive Summary shall be distributed one (1) week before ALSA
Annual Forum to all National Chapters.

2.4 All National Chapters are obligated to provide any necessary information for the
Executive Summary upon the International Board‘s request.

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c. ALSA Secretariat
1. Duties

1.1 The ALSA Secretariat shall send in monthly reports to the Secretary General of
ALSA International 1 week prior to the IBM. The report is an archive of physical
materials they have received within the past month.
1.2 Any emails or notifications received shall be forwarded to the Secretary
General within 3 working days.

d. Letter/Document Guidelines
1. Letter

1.1 Structure

1.1.1 Form

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Number: Letter number / sub / type of letter / department or officer / ALSAIB /

month (in roman) / year
Attachment: Appendix A (1st Online IBM Agenda)
Appendix B (______)


Respectfully yours,

Name of ALSA President

Asian Law Students‘ Association
International Board

1.1.2 Header


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1.1.3 Footer


1.1.4 Signature

INTERNATIONAL Respectfully yours, a) The signature
President shall
contain with
the ALSA
- Name of ALSA Stamp.
President b) Name shall be
- President made bold.
- Asian Law Students‘ c) Year: For
Association example
- International Board 2016/2017
- Year

III. ALSA Respectfully Yours,

(except President)
- Name of ALSA IB a) Name shall be
Officer made bold.

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- Position of ALSA IB b) Year: For

Officer example
- Asian Law Students‘ 2016/2017
- International Board
- Year

IV.ALSA Respectfully yours,

OTHER OFFICERS a) Name shall be
- Name of ALSA made bold.
Director b) Year: For
- Position of ALSA example
Director 2016/2017
- Asian Law Students‘
- Year

1.2 Numbering

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Number: Letter number / sub / type of letter / department or officer / ALSAIB /

month (in roman) / year

For example: 001/OR/Alt/ADMIN/ALSAIB/I/2017

1.2.1 Letter Number

The letter number shall contain 3 digits. For example: 001 / 002 / 003

1.2.2 Type of Letter

Type of Letter Sub Details

Outgoing Letter OLt
Incoming Letter ILt
Decree Letter DeLt
Warning Letter WLt
Invitation Letter ELt
Recommendation RLt
Announcement ALt Official Release OR
Announcement ALt Press release PR
Cover Letter CLt International J
(agenda) Board Meeting
Cover Letter CLt Governing X
(agenda) Council Meeting
Cover Letter CLt Secretary- SGM
(agenda) Generals Meeting
Cover Letter CLt Treasurers TrM
(agenda) Meeting
Cover Letter CLt Academic AACM
(agenda) Activities

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Cover Letter CLt Training, TEDM
(agenda) Exchange and
Cover Letter CLt Public Relations PRMM
(agenda) and Marketing
Cover Letter (non- CLt Others O 1. Non-Agenda
agenda) 2. Cover letter

1.2.3 Department or Officer

Administrative Department ADMIN

Academic Activities Department AADEPT
Training, Exchange and Development Department TEDDEPT
Public Relations and Marketing Department PRMDEPT
President (Officer) PRESIDENT
Secretary-General (Officer) SG
Treasurer (Officer) TREASURER
Vice President of Academic Activities (Officer) VPAA
Vice President of Training, Exchange and Development VPTED
Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing (Officer) VPPRM
1.2.4 Month
The number of the month shall be written in roman.

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January 1 I
February 2 II
March 3 III
April 4 IV
May 5 V
June 6 VI
July 7 VII
August 8 VIII
September 9 IX
October 10 X
November 11 XI
December 12 XII

1.2.5 Year

The year the letter was received

1.2.6 Archive

Letter Type of Sub Date Subject Sender Addressed

number Letter to

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2. Document

2.1 Structure

2.1.1 Cover

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2.1.2 Header

2.1.3 Footer
The footer shall contain the page number.

2.2 Numbering

Document number shall be written either:

1) On the top left corner of the document; or
2) On the below right corner of the document.

2.2.1 Outgoing Document

Number: Document number / sub / type of document / department / ALSAIB /

month (in roman) / year

For example: 001/Ctf/K/AADEPT/ALSAIB/I/2017 Document Number

The document number shall contain 3 digits. For example: 001 / 002 / 003 Type of Document

Type of Document Sub

Outgoing documents K Certificate Ctf
without letter
Outgoing documents K Proposal Prp
without letter

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Outgoing documents K Minutes M

without letter
Outgoing documents K Others -
without letter Department

Administrative Department ADMIN

Academic Activities Department AADEPT
Training, Exchange and Development Department TEDDEPT
Public Relations and Marketing Department PRMDEPT Month
The number of the month shall be written in roman.

January 1 I
February 2 II
March 3 III
April 4 IV
May 5 V
June 6 VI
July 7 VII
August 8 VIII
September 9 IX
October 10 X
November 11 XI
December 12 XII

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This shall be year the document was received.

Document Type of Sub Date Subject Sender Addressed

number document to Archive

2.2.2 Incoming Document

Number: Document number / type of document / ALSANC or others / month

(in roman) / year

For example: 001/Z/ALSAID/I/2017 Document Number

The document number shall contain 3 digits. For example: 001 / 002 / 003 Type of Document

Incoming Documents Z

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Book of Guidelines, Asian Law Students‘ Association, Governing Council ALSA National Chapter (ALSANC) or others

This shall be the abbreviation of a National Chapter:

National Chapter Abbreviation

ALSA Philippines ALSAPH
Others (Non-National Chapter) - Month
The number of the month shall be written in roman.

January 1 I
February 2 II
March 3 III
April 4 IV
May 5 V
June 6 VI
July 7 VII
August 8 VIII
September 9 IX

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October 10 X
November 11 XI
December 12 XII Year

The year the document was received.

Document Type of Sub Date Subject Sender Addressed

number document to Archive

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a. ALSA Claim Form


1. Personal Information
☐ ALSA National Chapter ☐ ALSA International
Title (Mr/Miss/Mrs):
First Name: Surname:
Position: Email:
Phone Number (With Country Code):

2. Project Name:
3. Claim Information

Date Purpose of Expenditure Shop Name Amount


Total Amount:

4. Checklist
☐Invoices/Receipts attached with accurate reference to all item purchased,
the provider, and the cost.
☐I completed the claiming form

I declare and acknowledge that all information supplied in connection with this claim
is true and correct to my knowledge up till the date of the Claim. Further, I consent to
the retention, use and disclosure (whenever necessary) of my personal information
only for the purpose of the Claim in compliance with the Personal Data Protection

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For Internal Use Only

Date Processed
Claim Form Received
Claim Form Number
Amount of Claim Due

Claim Distribution Date

Approved By

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b. Finance Policy for ALSA Events

Come into Effect on 6 March 2017 as approved by the Governing Council Meeting

Article 1

Section 1.

―ALSA‖ refers to Asian Law Students‘ Association including ALSA International,

National Chapters and Local Chapters.

Section 2.

―Profit‖ shall be defined as: Total amount of money received for the event (All
participants registration fees + All sponsorships and donations) – (minus) Total
expenditure on the event = (equal to) More than USD $0.

Section 3.

―Policy‖ refers to this Finance Policy which has come to effect on 6 March 2017 as
approved by the Governing Council Meeting.

Section 4.

―Loss‖ shall be defined as: Total amount of money received for the event (All
participants registration fees + All sponsorships and donations) – (minus) Total
expenditure on the event = (equal to) Less than USD $0.

Section 5.

―Non-Profit Association‖ under Article 2 Section 3 of the ALSA Constitution, shall mean
that ALSA is an organization that has other purposes (as per the ALSA Constitution)
instead of generating profit. Any profit generated from ALSA events shall

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and must stay within ALSA‘s accounts for all necessities, namely, the expenses in the
smooth running of ALSA to achieve its vision and objectives and also for the
development of the association.

Section 6.

―International Events‖ refer to the following ALSA events only: (i) ALSA
International Legal Training and Workshop; (ii) ALSA International Moot Court
Competition; (iii) ALSA Annual Forum; (iv) ALSA Annual Conference; (v) ELSA
Moot Court Competition (Asia Pacific Regional Rounds); and (vi) ALSA
International Mediation Competition (AIMC).

Section 7.

―Independent Fund‖ refers to the fund received by ALSA International Board that is
only utilized for purposes specified within this Policy, from Host National Chapters
that has generated Profit from hosting an ALSA International Events.

Section 8.

―Host National Chapter‖ refers to the ALSA National Chapter that organizes the
ALSA International Events.

Section 9.

―ALSA Claim Form‖ refers to the Claim Form of ALSA, created by the ALSA
International Board‘s Treasurer.

Article 2
Application of Policy

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Section 1.

This Policy shall apply to the International Events.

Section 2.

All ALSA National Chapters shall abide by the rules and regulations of this Finance

Article 3
Rules and Obligations for Loss

Section 1.

This Article 3 will apply only if a Host National Chapter incurs a Loss in organizing
the International Events.

Section 2.

In the event that a Host National Chapter incurs a Loss, the Host National Chapter
may seek a claim from the ALSA International Board for such losses via submission
of an ALSA Claim Form, with the following documents within 30 days upon
conclusion of the event:
a. Post-Event Report including finance reports/budgeting/sponsorship etc; and
b. Latest finance (Bank) information of the Host National Chapter.

Section 3.

Host National Chapters of International Events hosted as of the effective date of this
Policy shall be able seek a claim from the ALSA International Board. The procedure
from Section 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Section 4.

With regard to all claim requests pursuant to Article 3 Section 3, the ALSA
International Board retains full discretion in deciding whether such claim will be

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successful, and the amount of money actually reimbursed. In reaching its decision, the
ALSA International Board shall consider, but is not limited to, the following:
a. Quality of the event;
b. Participation level of the Host National Chapters in Governing Council
c. Sponsorship efforts for the hosted event; and
d. Amount of money required for the continuous operation of the Host National
Chapter for the remaining of the ALSA year.

Section 5

Any claim requests received shall be processed and decided within 60 days and the
reasons for the ALSA International Board‘s decision under Article 3 Section 4 shall
only be disclosed to the Host National Chapter seeking a claim

Article 4
Rules and Obligations for Profits

Section 1.

This Article 4 will apply if a Host National Chapter obtains a Profit in organizing any
of the International Events.

Section 2.

Subject to Article 6 Section 2, in the event that a Host National Chapter obtains a
Profit in organizing International Events, the Host National Chapter shall pay, in a
progressive rate, according to the following profit bracket:

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Payment Rate Profit Bracket Calculation Formula Assistance

Exempted USD 0 – 250 Exempted

10% USD 250 – 500 [10%*amount exceeding USD 250]

12% USD 500 – 1000 [12%*amount exceeding USD 500] +

USD 25

14% USD 1000 – 2000 [14%*amount exceeding USD 1000] +

USD 85

16% USD 2000 – 5000 [16%*amount exceeding USD 2000] +

USD 225

18% USD 5000 - 12000 [18%*amount exceeding USD 5000] +

USD 705

20% USD 12000 - 25000 [20%*amount exceeding USD 12000] +

USD 1965

25% USD 25000 and above [25%*amount exceeding USD 25000] +

USD 4563

Article 5
Rules on Use of Funds Received by ALSA International Board

Section 1.

The ALSA International Board retains full discretion on when and how such funds
will be utilized but only within the scope of specified in Article 3. Any other usage of
this Independent Fund requires approval from the Governing Council and the ALSA
International Board shall present a proposal, before any dispensation of funds, to the
Governing Council for approval.

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Article 6
Rules on Transferring of Profits to ALSA International Board

Section 1.

The transfer of payable amount from the Host National Chapter to the ALSA
International Board shall be made in cash, at the next ALSA Conference or ALSA
Forum, whichever is earlier.

Section 2.

In any event that the transfer of cash pursuant to Article 6 Section 1 of this Finance
Policy is not made, the transfer shall be made through a bank wire, with the ALSA
International Board bearing all transfer fee(s) involved, no later than 7 days from the
conclusion of the ALSA Conference or ALSA Forum, where the transfer of cash was

Section 3.

Host National Chapters that fails to comply with Article 6 shall no longer be entitled
to the benefits provided under Article 3 until decided otherwise by the ALSA
International Board.

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a. ALSA Organizational Training

1. Introduction

1.1 The issues regarding inaccessibility of members towards ALSA International have
been raised, and this results in the lack of knowledge of members regarding
ALSA International. ALSA Organizational Training is designed not only to solve
this issue, but also to give a better understanding of ALSA itself and ALSA
International, as well as to sharpen members‘ leadership skills. ALSA
Organizational Training is taking place in ALSA International Events, including,
but not limited to, ALSA Conference and ALSA Forum, whenever feasible. This
program is comprised of two (2) activities, as the following:
a. Alumni Sharing; and
b. Mock Governing Council Meeting (―Mock GCM‖)

2. General Duties

2.1 International Board

a. To notify any information pertaining to ALSA Organizational Training to
the Organizing Committee
b. To coordinate with the Organizing Committee prior to the respective
International Event and during ALSA Organizational Training
c. To create ALSA Organizational Training guideline for the Organizing
Committee and participants
d. To arrange ALSA Organizational Training event rundown, unless
otherwise agreed between the International Board and Organizing
e. To prepare ALSA Organizational Training documents, unless otherwise
agreed between the International Board and Organizing Committee
f. To supervise the conduct of ALSA Organizational Training
g. To promote ALSA Organizational Training to ALSA members

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2.2 The Organizing Committee

a. To notify any information pertaining to ALSA Organizational Training to
the International Board
b. To coordinate with the International Board prior to the respective
International Event and during ALSA Organizational Training
c. To allocate three (3) hours, one (1) hour for Alumni Sharing and two (2)
hours for Mock GCM, in the respective ALSA International Event, unless
otherwise agreed between the International Board and Organizing
d. Venue arrangement
e. To promote this program
f. To distribute of ALSA Organizational Training guideline for participants
prior to the respective International Event

2.3 National Board and Local Board

a. To promote ALSA Organizational Training to their members

3. Alumni Sharing

3.1 Mechanism
The Governing Council alumni will be invited to speak about how their
experience as a National Board/International Board influence their life, in
particular their professional life. This activity will be carried out in talk-show
format, and each speaker will be given 20 minutes to speak, including speech or
presentation, and question and answer session, unless otherwise negotiated and
agreed between the speaker(s), the TED Department of ALSA International, and
the Organizing Committee.

3.2 Duties
a. International Board and the Organizing Committee
i. Alumni invitation.
ii. To create the Terms of Reference (―TOR‖).
iii. To distribute the TOR to the speaker(s) prior to the respective
international event

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b. The speaker(s)
i. Any material to be used during speech or presentation (e.g.
PowerPoint presentation file).
ii. To send the Organizing Committee the brief outline of their
speech or presentation.

4. Mock GCM

4.1 Mechanism
In Mock GCM, the participants will be doing a simulation of a Governing Council
Meeting. They will be separated into several rooms, and in each room they will be
divided into small groups comprised of six (6) people. One (1) group will be
acting as an International Board, and the rest will be acting as National Boards of
fictional National Chapter. They will be given some cases, stated in the agenda
that will be given on the spot, and are expected to settle the cases through GCM.
In addition, each group will also receive confidential information designated only
for each specific group which contains the condition and/or standing of each
group, and entirely left for their discretion whether to disclose or not. Mock GCM
will be conducted in the following order:
a. Roll call by the President of ALSA International;
b. Re-capitulation of the agenda by the President of ALSA International (or
in this event, any participant from the International Board group);
c. Going through the agenda in chronological order;
d. Questions by the Governing Council, if any; and
e. Meeting adjourned with the cases settled.

4.2 Duties
a. International Board
i. To coordinate with the Organizing Committee for the rooms set up.
ii. To set the number of the groups in each room.
iii. To provide the participants with, unless agreed otherwise between
the International Board and the Organizing Committee:
iv. National Chapter placards
v. Confidential information designated only for a specific group

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vi. Name tag for each officer of National Board group (a simple name
tag written the position of the respective officer)
vii. Rules of Mock GCM
viii. Cases, which will be put in the agenda of the Mock GCM
b. The Organizing Committee
i. To schedule Mock GCM in the respective international event.
ii. To assign participants into groups (based on the number the
International Board sets).

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1. Introduction

1.1 Student Trainee Exchange Programme (―STEP‖) is an internship program that

was established to enrich the practical and technical legal skills of ALSA
members. ALSA members will be experiencing a first-hand, real international
work environment, and enjoy the benefit to enter into a vast network of lawyers of
top institution in the world.

2. Mechanism
2.1 Selection process
a. First Stage
I. The applicants shall fill the registration form and complete all the
required documents
i. The registration form is made by the International Board
that will be posted on ALSA International‘s website and
distributed to all National Chapters
ii. The National Chapters will distribute the form to their
Local Chapters
b. Second Stage
I. The National Board will collect and check all the required
i. The International Board would highly recommend the
National Board to interview the applicants, to make sure
the applicants‘ capability, and commitment towards STEP
ii. The National Board has the discretion to approve or reject
the applicants
II. If the applicants have been chosen, the National Board will give a
statement letter confirming the applicants‘ status as an ALSA
c. Third Stage
I. The International Board will collect and recheck all the required

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II. The applicants whose applications are complete will proceed to

interview session with the International Board
i. The International Board retains the discretion to either
reject or approve the applicants based on their interview,
documents and number of slots provided by ALSA
International Employers and Partner Organization(s)
III. The International Board will give ALSA International Employers
all the approved applicants‘ documents
d. Fourth Stage
I. ALSA International Employers or Partner Organization will
interview the applicants and have full discretion to choose their

2.2 Prior the internship period

Before the interns depart for their internship, the International Board will hold an
online briefing session. In this briefing, the International Board will send the
interns documents as the following:
a. STEP Policy of ALSA International
b. Data Privacy Policy of ALSA International
c. Weekly Report format

2.3 During the internship period

The interns must submit their Weekly Report every week, on Sunday at 9 am the
latest, and they also must comply with STEP Policy of ALSA International.
Failure to comply could result in the non-issuance of their certificate (see STEP
Policy of ALSA International).

3. Duties

3.1 International Board

a. To publish information pertaining open registration of STEP to its members
b. To provide the list of required documents to National Boards, Local
Boards and/or members

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c. To hold an online briefing before the interns depart

d. To hold interview sessions
e. To collect the documents of the applicants
f. To forward the documents of the approved candidates to ALSA
International‘s Employers or Partner Organisations, and inform the
applicants pertaining the result of their application
g. To issue the certificate of completion for the interns
h. To comply with Data Privacy Policy of ALSA International

3.2 The interns

a. To comply with STEP Policy of ALSA International
b. To attend online briefing and read thoroughly the documents sent prior to
online briefing (STEP Policy of ALSA International, Data Privacy Policy
of ALSA International, Weekly Report Format, and any other related
documents sent)

3.3 National Board

a. To publish information pertaining open registration of STEP to its members
b. To issue a letter of statement concerning their members who apply
c. To facilitate the registration of its members including, but not limited to,
providing the registration form, and/or may include holding
interview/selection process

3.4 Local Board

a. To publish information pertaining open registration of STEP to its members
b. To facilitate the registration of its members including, but not limited to,
providing the registration form, and/or may include holding
interview/selection process

4. Policies


STEP Policy of ALSA International

For Interns

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Amendment: -
Come into Effect on 3 of October 2016

Article 1

Section 1
Student Trainee Exchange Programme (―STEP‖) is defined as an internship program
under the jurisdiction of the Training, Exchange and Development Department of
ALSA. This program aims to apply the knowledge the Interns have gained in school
in a real work environment and enrich the Interns with various practical legal skills.

Section 2
―Applicants‖ is defined as members of ALSA and/or members of partner
organizations of ALSA International who apply for STEP.

Section 3
―ALSA International Board‖ is defined as the officers of ALSA International Board
which consist of the President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Vice President of
Academic Activities, Vice President of Training, Exchange and Development, and
Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing.

Section 4
―Interns‖ is defined as the selected representative from the respective member
countries of ALSA or ALSA‘s partners organization to take part in STEP.

Section 5
―Employer‖ is defined as the institution(s) in partnership with ALSA and its
employee(s) that the Interns will be working at and with during the course of STEP.

Article 2
Rights and Obligations

Section 1
The Interns shall receive remuneration for the paid-internship only.

Section 2
All the Interns‘ personal data, including, but are not limited to, their personal
information such as contact number, email address, home address and financial

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statement, that has been submitted to ALSA International Board will be used by,
retained and/or disclosed (if necessary) to their preferred Employer and ALSA
International Board only.

Section 3
The Interns shall obey all the regulations of the Employer. This includes, but are not
limited to, the Employee‘s Code of Conduct and the customs of the city or country of
where the Employer is located.

Section 4
The Interns shall report for work in accordance to the official office hour of the
Employer, unless permitted otherwise or instructed by the Employer.

Section 5
The attire for the Interns shall be formal business attire, unless permitted otherwise or
instructed by the Employer.

Section 6
The Interns shall respect their colleagues, including, but are not limited to, the
Employer‘s external partner(s) and any other affiliated parties.

Section 7
The Interns shall not use, disclose and/or retain any of the Employer‘s data for any
purposes other than for work permitted by the Employer.

Section 8
The Interns shall attend all the Employer‘s activities, events and/or invitations
whenever requested. In the event that the Interns are not able to attend, they shall seek
prior approval from their supervisor for their absence.

Section 9
The Interns shall submit all work on time. This includes, but are not limited to, the
work required by the Employer and ALSA International Board.

Article 3
Other Provisions

Section 1

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The ALSA International Board has the right to conduct a selection process before
forwarding the Applicants‘ documents to their preferred employer(s).

Section 2
ALSA International Board shall not be held liable for any Intern‘s failure or
negligence in executing their obligations that are owed to the Employer(s), provided
under this document and/or any other documents.

Section 3

a. The Interns shall report to ALSA International Board in the event of non-
fulfillment of Section 1 in Article 2 entitled Rights and Obligations. ALSA
International Board shall discuss the appropriate measure that shall be taken.

b. The Interns shall report to ALSA International Board in the event of violation of
Section 2 in Article 2 entitled Rights and Obligations. ALSA International Board
shall discuss the appropriate measure that shall be taken.

Section 4

a. Failure to comply with Section 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and/or 9 in Article 2 entitled

Rights and Obligations and/or reporting of negative conduct(s) to ALSA
International Board by the Employer or any other affiliated parties may result in
the non-issuance of the Certificate of Participation upon completion of STEP by
ALSA International.

b. Withdrawal from STEP upon acceptance of the Applicants‘ application by

ALSA‘s partner(s) would result in future Applicants for STEP from such
National Chapters and/or ALSA‘s partner organizations to receive less priority in
the STEP selection process, unless the reason for withdrawal is acceptable.

Section 6

It is in the ALSA International Board‘s absolute discretion to decide on the following


a. Whether to issue Certificate of Participation due to a failure to comply with Section

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and/or 9 in Article 2 entitled Rights and Obligations and/or reporting
of negative conduct(s) to ALSA International Board by the Employer or any other
affiliated parties, as per Section 2 of this Article 3 entitled Other Provisions; and

b. Whether the reason for withdrawal from STEP upon acceptance of the
Applicants‘ application by ALSA‘s partner(s) is acceptable.

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a. ALSA Legal Newsletter

1. Introduction

1.1. Local legal news are usually written in local languages and there is a difficulties
surrounding anyone trying to gain access to it. Thus, preclusion inadvertently
occurs to other nationals towards legal news/issues simply because it is written in
different language or the news misses the international headline. The use and
technology will aid in the overcoming these barriers and broadening the horizon
of ALSA members living in different jurisdictions—giving them easy access to
legal news from thousand miles away.

2. Definition

2.1. Legal Newsletter is a compendium of write ups with regard to

hot/current/interesting legal issues/news within the respective National
Chapters‘ countries.

3. Mechanism

3.1. The ALSA Legal Newsletter is published tri-annually through media

information of ALSA International and National Chapters.

3.2. Each National Chapters, at its discretion, is to arrive with the most suitable,
interesting topic of the recent news in each issue of the ALSA Legal

3.3. National Chapter shall rely on the selected topic to compose a write up to be
submitted to the officer in charge.

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3.4. The frequency of the publication may vary each year as it is subject to voting
in the Academic Department Meeting.

4. Responsibilities

4.1. International Board

4.1.1. Request and follow up the write ups from each National Chapter

4.1.2. Create a presentable/professional template to be used for the ‗Write

Ups‘ for each National Chapter

4.1.3. Collect and compile the Write Ups into a Legal Newsletter (with
contents, cover pages, and acknowledgements)

4.1.4. Publish the Legal Newsletter in ALSA-Related Media Channels

4.2. National Board

4.2.1. Conduct researches on your respective countries regarding
hot/current/interesting legal news/issues

4.2.2. Put your researches into a Write Up to be submitted

4.2.3. Submit the Write Up to the officer in charge

4.2.4. Aid in the publication process and relay the finalized issue of the Legal
Newsletter to your respective local chapters.

5. End Goals
5.1. To make aware of Asian legal happenings and make such News available to
ALSA members

5.2. To broaden the perspective of ALSA members by enabling them to read news
in another jurisdiction

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5.3. To make ALSA members more knowledgeable about their fellow National

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b. ALSA Law Review

1. Introduction

1.1. On 16 December 2009, ALSA and ELSA have signed a Memorandum of

Understanding which entered into force at the beginning of the year 2010 which
desired to implement a better communication and cooperation between ALSA and
ELSA. One of the cooperation set forth on Article 5.1 of the Memorandum, is the
exchange of ALSA Law Review with ELSA Selected Papers on European Law
(ELSA SPEL). This also aims to enhance the understanding of various nations‘
point-of-view upon a particular issue as the spirit of ALSA is to accommodate the
exchange of information among its members to be implemented with the
publication of the ALSA Law Review Magazine.

2. Mechanism

2.1. The ALSA Law Review is published annually through media information of
ALSA International.

2.2. The ALSA Law Review topic shall be in accordance with the current ALSA
General Academic Theme.

2.3. Each National Chapter is to arrive at one most suitable law review, through a
selection process to be decided upon by such National Chapter, in accordance
with the International Board‘s policy. The aforementioned law review shall then
be edited or suggested to be edited, and compiled by the International Board
Academic Activities officer into one ALSA Law Review.

2.4. The ALSA Law Review shall be published in an electronic magazine annually
through the website.

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3. Format

3.1. The Law Review shall seek to discuss the existing issues of each NC which is in
line with the Academic theme.

3.2. The Law Review shall be composed in IRAC (Issue, Regulation, Analysis and
Conclusion) style and contains at least:
a. Background
b. Analysis
c. Conclusion

3.3. The submitted Law Review shall not be previously published in any form of media.

3.4. ALSA members are encouraged to pick another title other than the stated theme of
the Law Review, as long as it is in line with the theme

3.5. The Law Review should be written in English

3.6. Each Law Review must be not less than 2,000 words but not more than 5,000 words

3.7. Formal and academic English must be employed throughout the paper. Use of
informal slang or contractions are strongly discouraged.

3.8. Plagiarism is strongly prohibited. Work found in violation of plagiarism will be

immediately apprehended.

3.9. References should be in a form that is intelligible to all who will read the paper

3.10. Citations must be in footnotes or endnotes

3.11. The font should be Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing

4. Responsibilities

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4.1. International Board

a. To oversee the process of ALSA Law Review making

b. To provide a guide on writing the ALSA Law Review, if necessary
c. To be in-charge of editing as well as creating the layout for ALSA Law
Review Magazine before it is published

d. To publish the ALSA Law Review Magazine in the ALSA website and
mailing list

e. To ensure the publication is running well

4.2. National Board

a. To contribute one (1) law review to ALSA Law Review Magazine annually

b. To decide on which law review is their best nationwide

c. To assist authors of the ALSA Law Review in the making process

d. To publish the ALSA Law Review Magazine to every Local Chapter


4.3. Local Chapter

a. To encourage its members to contribute to the ALSA Law Review
b. To be the link between the members and the National Board on the ALSA
Law Review making process
c. To encourage and assist members to access the ALSA Law Review
d. Magazine

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c. Asian Journal of Legal Studies

1. Introduction

1.1. The Asian Journal of Legal Studies (AJLS) is the flagship journal of the Asian Law
Students‘ Association. It publishes articles relating to the study of the legal system
of Asian countries, and feature comparative legal analyses and broader issues on
legal reform in individual countries. The Journal fulfills the need for increased
communication and enhancement of understanding of legal studies among Asian
countries by serving as a platform for contributors to express their views on Asian
legal affairs. Through its wide dissemination of articles, the Journal hopes to serve
a broader Asian community.
The Journal‘s contributors and audience include
students, academics, professionals and others interested in the field of Asian legal
studies. It is an open-source Journal with its volumes accessible to all interested
persons. The Journal is also sent out to all ALSA affiliates and may be published
in hard-copy form.

2. General Terms

2.1. The AJLS is within the purview of the International Board Vice President of
Academic Activities

2.2. The opportunity to submit to AJLS is open to the public

3. Responsibilities

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4. Election of Board

4.1. The election of the Editor-in-Chief of AJLS shall be referred to as Director, who
should follow the provisions under the ALSA Constitution

4.2. The recruitment of the AJLS Board shall be made upon the discretion of the
elected Editor-in-Chief/Director of AJLS with the approval of the International
Board Vice President of Academic Activities

5. Closing

5.1. Should there be any issue with regard to this provision which has not been
stipulated in this Guideline, it shall henceforth be referred to the ALSA
Constitution or Book of Guidelines, or discussed internally between ALSA
International Board and the AJLS Editorial Board.

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d. International Video Conference

1. Introduction

1.1. One of ALSA‘s objectives is to motivate law students to develop a creative spirit
through a network of joint activities among Asian law students. The use of
technology will be helpful to accommodate a fruitful discussion among law
students regardless of the distance barrier. Every ALSA National Chapter (NC) is
encouraged to conduct an International Video Conference (IVID) on the
academic theme at least once a year.

2. Mechanism

2.1. Format
a. Preparation for IVID shall be communicated to the International Board
Vice President of Academic Activities.
b. The IVID Officer from each participating NC should provide the
participants with a simple handout about the theme to make sure they are
well prepared.
c. Each participating NC shall provide a moderator in order to make the
communication easier.
d. If possible, a copy of the PowerPoint slides from the speakers be printed
out or emailed to the International Board Vice President of Academic
Activities before a handout is distributed to all participants.
e. After the presentation of the speakers, there shall be time allotted for
discussion. In the discussion session, a representative from the participants
of each National Chapter/Local Chapter (NC/LC) will answer several
questions prepared by the IVID officer of each participating NC/LC. The
question shall be country-based, argumentative, and requires analysis. This
way, the discussion will flow smoothly in the right direction and be
f. If possible, a rehearsal one (1) day prior to the actual day between the
participating NC/LCs be conducted.

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g. There shall be a person in charge to manage communication between

International Video Conference participants through another medium other
than the video conference itself, to make sure that everything is running

2.2. Materials
a. Each participating NC shall provide an expert/professor as a speaker. This
is aimed at getting an in-depth explanation about the theme.

b. Each speaker is set to explain a different detail about the theme.
E.g.: if the theme is ―Legal Response to the Carbon Credits Issue‖ 1st
speaker: Carbon Credits from an Environmental perspective 2nd speaker:
Carbon Credits and the law related to it
3rd speaker: Carbon Credits and
Carbon Trading
c. This is aimed at getting a wider knowledge about the theme.
2.2.3 The
speaker/s should explain from a general perspective (not based on his/her
country‘s point of view).
d. The theme should be recent, important and internationally relevant. At the
very least, the participating NCs should have pressing issues about the

3. Responsibilities

3.1. International Board

a. To provide IVID Guidelines for members

b. To coordinate members in organizing an IVID
c. To publish IVID report through the ALSA website

3.2. National Board

a. To conduct or participate in an IVID, at least once a year

b. To encourage Local Chapters to conduct an IVID

c. To provide IVID Guidelines for Local Chapters

d. To assist Local Chapters which will host an IVID

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e. To forward and assess documents sent or submitted by the Local Chapter

and International Board

.3. Local Chapter

a. To initiate to conduct an IVID

b. To host an IVID in accordance with IVID Guidelines

c. To prepare the technical equipment involved in an IVID activity

d. To prepare IVID speakers and materials

e. To promote IVID event to members

f. To fill-out the report form sent by the International Board Vice President
of Academic Activities

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e. Guidelines for Academic Activities for International Events

1. Table Discussion

1.1. Background
Table discussion activity is an activity which aimed to expose the
participants of this activity to be updated, and learned current condition of
legal system from fellow members of ALSA National Chapter, followed with
presentation of various legal proceeding, and governments‘ policy dealing
with chosen topic as the theme of Table Discussion. It is simulation
of government discussion to overcome certain issue.

1.2. Preparation
a. Academic Issue
i. Determine Goal
1) The goal shall be in-line with current condition of topic chosen,
picking goal also shall be made as cornerstone to encompass
and direct the content of the event. Either topic or speaker for
seminar, and table discussion as well.
ii. Set-up Table Discussion Topic
1) Discussion topic must have a correlation to ALSA Academic
2) The topics shall have a clear distinction between one table from
iii. Set up Assignment for Participants
1) Organizing Committee shall set up an assignment prior to the
day of the discussion to ensure preliminary knowledge of the
participants in the debating issues.
2) Examples of assignments are essays on the topic of the Table
Discussion or write ups to be submitted to the Organizing
b. Table Coordinator (TC)
i. Roles
1) TC shall act as the moderator, leading the discussion, to ensure
that the result of the discussion will achieve expected goal
made by the Organizing Committee.
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3) TC shall be responsible to ensure fruitful discussion with less-

offensive debate and prevent personal clashes among
ii. Qualifications
1) Fluent in English
2) Understand the issue
3) Discipline and
punctual c. Logistic
i. The following shall be provided with adequacy and sufficient
1) Venue
2) Food/Beverages
3) Supporting Equipment
1.3. During the Event
a. Ice Breaking
i. There shall be a game session where each participants will be able
to communicate more fluently and relax.
ii. Participants will get to know each other more through this session.
b. Table Discussion
i. Herein, there will be: presentation, debating, arguing, and
exchanging of ideas among knowledge between each participants.
ii. Following the listed above, there shall be a discussion to solve
problem occurred which is able to be adopted and implemented
c. Conclusion of Discussion
i. Summary of problem, findings and possible solutions shall be made
d. Table Rotation
i. Participants shall present and disseminate the result of their table
discussion to other tables
1.4. Post-Event
a. Internal Evaluation
b. Report
i. With the conclusion of Table Discussion, the result, findings, and
work of each tables within the International Event shall be compiled.

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together with the overall report to be submitted to

sponsors/national board/international board.
c. Publication of Work
i. The preliminary essay assigned prior to the Table Discussion shall
be published and showcased within the report or compiled for
future references.

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MARKETING a. Logo Policy for ALSA

Number: 023/K/ALSAIB/IX/2016
Logo Policy for Asian Law Students’ Association

Amendment: -

Come into Effect on 3 of October 2016
Passed by the Governing Council

1. The title of this association is ―Asian Law Students’ Association‖ and shall
be referred to as ―ALSA‖ thereafter.
2. Logo of this association shall be called the ―ALSA Logo‖ and is as shown

3. Details of the ALSA Logo are:

a. Color: Red Maroon, color code: #8d0101
b. Font: Gotham Black Regular
c. Lady Justice holding a scale
d. Terms of ―ASSOCIATION‖ placed below ―ASIAN LAW

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4. Philosophy of the ALSA Logo:

a. Lady Justice holding a scale signifies that this association stands for
honesty, integrity and credibility of Asian law students in promoting
the awareness of justice.
b. ―ALSA‖ shall be a solid platform to execute the stated visions of Asian
law students.
c. Red color defines the bravery to enforce the goals of this association.

5. Rationale:
a. The ALSA Logo will represent ALSA
b. Branding action to unify ALSA from ALSA International to ALSA
Local Chapters
c. Dispelling all distances and stigma in each part of ALSA
d. To relieve all confusions that potential partners might have about
ALSA and its respective National and Local Chapters

6. Aims:
a. Introduce ALSA as a unified association, and Local Chapters as a
representative of Universities members of ALSA
b. Unification of ALSA Logo to help clarify the different parts of ALSA
c. A firm unification of the association beginning from the ALSA Logo.

7. Rules on the logo usage (applicable to ALSA International Board, National

Chapters and Local Chapters):
a. The ALSA Logo represents ALSA, including the respective National
and Local Chapter;
b. Any form of promotional materials issued or made by this association
shall include the ALSA Logo;
c. The ALSA Logo shall be placed side-by-side with other ALSA National
Chapter and/or ALSA Local Chapter Logo on the promotional materials
depending on who creates the promotional materials

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i. Promotional materials by an ALSA National Chapter shall

include their respective ALSA National Chapter Logo and the
ii. Promotional materials by an ALSA Local Chapter shall include
it‘s own ALSA Local Chapter Logo, their respective ALSA
National Chapter Logo and ALSA Logo.

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b. Logo Policy for ALSA National Chapters

Number: 025/K/ALSAIB/IX/2016
Logo Policy for Asian Law Students’ Association
(National Chapters)

Amendment: -

Come into Effect on 3 of October 2016
Passed by the Governing Council

1. The title of this association is ―Asian Law Students’ Association‖ and shall
be referred to as ―ALSA‖ thereafter.
2. Logo of ALSA shall be called the ―ALSA Logo‖ and is as shown below:

3. Rationale:
a. Branding action to unify ALSA from ALSA International to ALSA
Local Chapters
b. Dispelling all distances and stigma in each part of ALSA
c. To relieve all confusions that potential partners might have about
ALSA and its respective National and Local Chapters
4. Aims:
a. Introduce ALSA as a unified association, and Local Chapters as a
representative of Universities members of ALSA

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b. Unification of ALSA Logo to help clarify the different parts of ALSA

c. A firm unification of the association beginning from the ALSA Logo.

5. Rules on the use of ALSA National Chapters Logo:

a. Any National Chapters of ALSA shall have their own identity with
regard to their own ALSA National Chapter Logo;
b. In creating the respective ALSA National Chapters‘ Logo, the
following rules shall be followed:
i. Include the ALSA logo :
1. Lady Justice holding an equal balance;
2. The letters ‗ALSA‘; and
3. Leaf design on both side of the letters ‗ALSA‘
ii. Replace ‗ASIAN LAW STUDENTS‘ with the words
iii. Replace ‗ASSOCIATION‘ with the name of the National
Chapter (i.e INDONESIA, THAILAND or TAIWAN etc);
iv. Covered by an outer
v. circle; and
vi. ALSA National Chapters retains the autonomy to design
(pictures/colours etc) their ALSA National Chapter Logo within
the circle while ensuring compliance with the above rules.
c. ALSA National Chapter may redesign or change their respective logos
as long as it complies with the above rules.
d. ALSA National Chapters must inform the ALSA International Board if
there are any changes in the ALSA National Chapter Logo and the
ALSA International Board reserves the right to request a change in the
ALSA National Chapters Logo if the ALSA National Chapters Logo
does not comply with the above rules.
e. ALSA National Chapters shall include their respective ALSA National
Chapters Logo (in compliance with the above rules) in every projects,
publications and/or programs organized by them.

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16. Collaborative Programs

a. ALSA International Law Society

1. Introduction

1.1 In reference to recent statistics up to 2018, only small fraction from ALSA Membership
are able to participate within the wider ALSA International Community. This is either
through attendance at international ALSA Events (i.e. ALSA Forums, Conferences,
AILTW, or AIMCC), or participation in small-scale activities (i.e. IVID or visits). Such
small degree of participation could be attributed to the large cost barrier, which as a
result, confined over 99% of ALSA members being able to enjoy the benefits of being
part of international ALSA community. Therefore, it becomes self-evident that a more
approachable activity must be introduced.

2. Definition

2.1 ALSA Law Society is international online – based shared – interest groups composed of
members with similar passion in certain legal areas. An ALS may be formed under any
specific legal area in accordance to the interests of ALSA members (e.g. ALSA
Intellectual Property Law Society, ALSA International Law Society, and ALSA
Arbitration Society) and will organize online social events relating to that specific legal
area, in which any persons can partake in such activities.

2.2 The activities may range from online discussions, debates, and lectures, to even
conferences, and will require very little to no entry cost, thus allowing any ALSA
members, as well as ALSA Alumni and other interested parties, to be involved
without obstructions

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3. General Terms

3.1 The ALS will be under the purview of the International Board Vice President of
Academic Activities and Vice President of Training, Exchange and Development.

4. Mechanism

4.1 Prior to session

a. Multiple ALSA Law Societies may be established based on the interests of ALSA
b. Each ALSA Law Society will be established with themes according to the proposed legal
topics (i.e. if selected, ALSA Intellectual Property Law Society will be under the theme
of Intellectual Property law)
c. The theme and establishment of each ALSA Law Society shall be proposed by
the Academic Activity coordinators of ALSA National Chapters
d. The theme of ALSA Law Societies proposed by the Academic Activity coordinators of
each NC shall be in accordance with the general interest of the members of their National
Chapter (i.e. After conducting survey, Vice President of Academic Activities from
respective National Chapter found out that the majority members of the said National
Chapter is interested in the legal field of Intellectual Property Law, therefore the Vice
President of Academic Activities propose the theme of Intellectual Property law to the
Vice President of Academic Activity International as a theme for an ALSA Law Society)
e. The theme and establishment of each ALSA Law Society shall be approved by
majority of the Academic Activity coordinators during the monthly Academic Activity
Coordinator Meeting.
f. Upon establishment of an ALSA Law Society, it shall function as a club, being
composed entirely of ALSA members and law students, and organize any form of
activity under such the theme of such society.
g. The International Board will create a social media platform or instant messaging
group for ALSA Law Society.

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4.2 During the session

a. The discussion will be held online on Skype or Zoom, unless agreed upon
otherwise between the International Board.

b. While ALSA Law Societies are managed by members of such societies, being composed
of ALSA members and law students, and superintended by the Vice-President of
Academic Activities and Vice President of Training, Exchange and Development of the
International Board.

4.3 After the session

a. After all discussions are concluded, Training, Exchange and Development Department
of ALSA International Board will make a report and send it to members of ALSA Law
b. The International Board will also make a publication regarding the discussion.
c. This publication could be in form of newsletter or poster, and will be published in
ALSA International‘s social media.

d. Responsibilities

5.1 International Board

a. To provide assistance and guideline for ALSA Law Societies.
b. To assist ALSA National Chapters and interested ALSA members on the establishment
of ALSA Law Societies.
c. To oversee the function of ALSA Law Societies
d. To create discussion agenda
e. To be the chairperson of the discussion, and may appoint the Director whose job scope
and responsibilities include this program
f. To make report of all session, and distribute it later to all National Chapters

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5.2 National Board

a. To seek for National Chapter members who would be interested in joining ALSA
Law Societies.
b. To survey the interests of their National Chapter members and find the area of law
their members are most interested to propose as a theme for ALSA Law Societies.
c. To promote ALSA Law Societies, especially through their respective social media
and other platforms, to members of their National Chapters, and encourage National
Chapter members to participate in activities of ALSA Law Societies.

5.3 Participants

a. To attend the discussion on time and to be prepared beforehand

6. End Goals

6.1 To provide an accessible alternative for ALSA Members to become part of

international ALSA Community and further connect ALSA members.
6.2 To provide activities from ALSA Training, Exchange and Development and ALSA
Academic Activities departments which suit the legal interests of ALSA members.
6.3 Encourage ALSA members to be further involved in activities of the international
ALSA community as a whole.

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17. Indemnity Agreement Template

a. Template (1)


Indemnity Agreement

Agreement of Indemnification dated [Date] between Asian Law Students’ Association,

[National Chapter] (―ALSA [National Chapter]‖) and the Undersigned [Delegate’s Full


1.1. The purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that delegates are willing to provide
specific costs which the Organizing Committee of the ALSA [Type of ALSA
International Events / Study Trip] [National Chapter] [Year] shall pay in advance in
regards to the confirmed reservation on behalf of the delegates throughout the
period of Conference. These costs, including, but not limited to, the following:

a. Accommodation costs
b. Transportation costs (Flight tickets are NOT included as part of the
registration fee. Delegates have to pay for their own flight tickets separately)
c. Food catering costs
d. Route Trips / Non – Academic Activities

1.2. Delegate shall also need to pay additional fee for visa, if it is needed.

1.3. These costs are generally non-refundable.

2.1. *If a delegate decides to withdraw by [date] after paying the full registration fee,
the Organizing committee will refund [___ USD or ___%] from the total
registration fee paid.
2.2. No refund will be provided for withdrawals after [date].

2.3. The Organising Committee will only recognise a participating delegate once they
have made payment.

2.4. A delegate must also pay for all other reasonable pre-paid costs expended for
him/her prior to his/her date of withdrawal.

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2.5. Once the Indemnity Agreement is signed, the delegate has agreed that he/she
understand the terms. Therefore, the delegate is completely bound with the
Indemnity Agreement.
2.6. No proper reasons and/or with valid supporting documents for withdrawal will be

2.7. Request to seek for refunds after the permissible refundable time has passed will
not be entertained at all.

2.8. By signing this indemnity agreement, your parents/guardian(s) and yourself are
aware of its terms and have reached a common understanding and agreement with
the Organizing Committee.

Delegate’s Full Name:


Country (National Chapter):

National Identification Number:

Passport Number:



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b. Template (2)


Indemnity Agreement

Agreement of Indemnification dated [Date] between Asian Law Students’ Association,

[National Chapter] (―ALSA [National Chapter]‖) and the Undersigned [Delegate’s Full


1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that delegates are willing to provide
specific costs which the Organizing Committee of the ALSA [Type of ALSA
International Events / Study Trip] [National Chapter] [Year] pay in advance in
regards to the confirmed reservation on behalf of the delegates throughout the
period of Conference. These costs, including, but not limited to, the following:

a. Accommodation costs
b. Transportation costs (Flight tickets are NOT included as part of the
registration fee. Delegates have to pay for their own flight tickets separately)
c. Food catering costs
d. Route Trips / Non – Academic Activities

1.2 Delegate shall also need to pay additional fee for visa, if it is needed.

1.3 These costs are generally non-refundable.

2.1 No refund will be provided for withdrawals after [date] / No refund will be
provided at all.

2.2 The Organising Committee will only recognise a participating delegate once they
have made payment.

2.3 A delegate must also pay for all other reasonable pre-paid costs expended for
him/her prior to his/her date of withdrawal.

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2.4 Once the Indemnity Agreement is signed, the delegate has agreed that he/she
understand the terms. Therefore, the delegate is completely bound with the
Indemnity Agreement.

2.5 No proper reasons and/or with valid supporting documents for withdrawal will be

2.6 By signing this indemnity agreement, your parents/guardians and yourself are aware
of its terms and have reached a common understanding and agreement with the
Organizing Committee.

Delegate’s Full Name:


Country (National Chapter):

National Identification Number:

Passport Number:



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c. It is up to the discretion of the Host National Chapter/Organizing Committee if they

wish to have further addition of Section 2.1 provision in their Indemnity Agreement.
d. It is under the discretion of Host National Chapter/Organizing Committee to choose
which template they wish to implement.
e. Host National Chapter/Organizing Committee shall use this indemnity agreement
template for ALSA International Events and Study Trip. Furthermore, it is highly
encouraged for the Host National Chapter/Organizing Committee to use any of the
templates in order to provide clarity and prevent any further mishaps.

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18. Checking System on ALSA International Events

1. Introduction
As proposed by the Governing Council at the first Offline Governing Council Meeting in
ALSA Conference Thailand 2019, a certain system for monitoring the host National
Chapter‘s preparation for ALSA International Events is significantly required. Therefore, the
International Board would like to propose the checking system for ALSA International
Events, specifically ALSA Annual Conference, ALSA Annual Forum, ALSA Moot Court
Competition, ELSA Moot Court Competition, and ALSA International Legal Training and

This system is intended for the following reasons:

1. To minimize the gap of communication between the host National Chapter and the
Governing Council;
2. To ensure that the events are well prepared, particularly in line with the proper
timeline/plan by the Organizing Committee;
3. To consistently monitor and follow up with the host National Chapter in order to be
informed of the issues that the Organizing Committee may be facing and look for
possible ways that the Governing Council may assist;
4. To prevent future shortcomings or any miscommunication with regards to
organization of the events.

2. Mechanism
a. National Chapter
1. The host National Chapter of ALSA International Events (AC, AF, AIMCC, EMCC,
and AILTW) shall provide monthly updates on preparation to the Governing Council
at the Online/Offline Governing Council Meeting, starting from at least 6 months or
less prior to the events as agreed by the IB and the host National Chapter;
2. The updates must be accompanied by fundamental/necessary supporting documents
which include, but not limited to:
a. Approved proposal from institutions authorizing the organization of the
b. Estimated costs of the academic and non-academic programs (i.e. expenses
of the academic venue, non-academic sites, operational expenses for
panellists/guest speakers, etc.);
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c. Estimated costs of the academic and non-academic programs (i.e. expenses

of the academic venue, non-academic sites, operational expenses for
panellists/guest speakers, etc.);

d. Anticipated costs for the delegates‘ travels, meals and accommodation;

e. Fundraising strategy and expected revenue from various sources (i.e.
f. Receipt/confirmation
3. The updates shall be presented by the Executive Director of the event, or in any case
that such person is not available, the National Board member of the host National
Chapter or the International Board members responsible for such event.

b. International Board

1. The International Board shall inform the host National Chapter to prepare updates at least
one week prior to the Governing Council Meeting in which the updates are required;

2. The International Board in charge of the events shall represent the Organizing Committee
of the host National Chapter in any case of their absence in the Governing Council Meeting
to give updates on their behalf;

3.The International Board shall collect and keep the supporting documents provided along
with the updates for further reference

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19. Regulation on Study Trip

i. Introduction

Considering the current performance of ALSA Study Trip, it has come to the International
Board‘s attention that the National Chapters have been facing issues with regards to declining
participation of members in recent years. As far as we have received complaints from the
host National Chapters, the number of international delegates hardly met their target resulting
in cancellation of the events. Since the International Board has been observing the causes of
low participation in Study Trip, we have found several reasons, particularly over-saturation
of Study Trips and events throughout the year and unsuitable timing for members in other
National Chapters to participate. Therefore, the International Board has agreed to propose a
regulation on hosting Study Trip, which is believed to resolve the aforementioned issues.

The regulation is to impose the bidding process for Study Trip by granting three rights to the
most suitable or well-prepared National Chapters to host Study Trip each year. Additionally,
the blackout period of one week will be applied so as to prevent the possibility of other
events clashing with one another. Most importantly, this regulation is expected to help
produce Study Trip in qualitative results and simultaneously encourage the National Chapters
to host other ALSA international events as well.

ii. Pre – Bidding Stage

a. The International Board shall notify the National Chapters the events calendar of the
term as well as open bidding for Study Trip, accompanied shall be a centralized
events calendar, maintained by the International Board‘s Secretary General, that will
show the Study Trips planned as well as other events;
b. National Chapters planning to bid for a study trip shall submit their planned dates
anywhere from September 1st until September 30th by reporting to the International
Board Secretary General. In the case a new International Board is not elected by this
time, the previous one shall facilitate the calendar and submissions from the National

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iii. Bidding Stage

a. The bidding shall take place in the Governing Council Meeting;

b. The International Board shall supervise, proceed and facilitate the bidding;
c. Three National Chapters will be granted rights to host Study Trip with majority votes
from the Governing Council;
d. In case that two National Chapters share bidding submissions overlapping the same
period within 2 weeks, such biddings will be counted as one bidding round. Meaning
that only one
e. National Chapter will be granted the right to host Study Trip in such period proposed;
f. In the case that there is a daisy chain of planned Study Trips, the International Board
will attempt to separate the bids into groups as far apart from one another as possible
(for further details on grouping see appendix A);
g. In the case that the bidding has resulted with only two planned Study Trips as
winners, there will be no rebids, and that academic year would only have two Study

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