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The Veterinary Journal xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

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Intratesticular injection of a zinc-based solution for contraception of domestic

cats: A randomized clinical trial of efficacy and safety
E.C.S. Oliveira a,⇑, A.K.F. Fagundes b, C.C.S. Melo c, L.T.B. Nery b, R.G. Rêvoredo a, T.F.G. Andrade a,
K. Oliveira-Esquerre d, J.P. Kastelic e, V.A. Silva Jr. b
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco – UFRPE, Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros s/n, Dois Irmãos, CEP 52171-900 Recife, PE, Brazil
Department of Animal Morphology and Physiology, UFRPE, Recife, PE, Brazil
Northeastern Biotechnology Network – RENORBIO, Recife, PE, Brazil
Department of Chemical Engineering, Polytechnic School, UFBA, Salvador, BA, Brazil
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: It has been reported that a commercial zinc gluconate preparation disrupts spermatogenesis and appar-
Accepted 17 January 2013 ently causes permanent sterilization in male dogs, but there is little information regarding similar
Available online xxxx approaches in the male cat. The objective of this study was to evaluate zinc gluconate as a permanent
contraceptive for domestic male cats. Sixteen sexually mature mixed breed cats were allocated at ran-
Keywords: dom, by replicate, into two groups and given a single injection into each testis of either isotonic saline
Cat or zinc gluconate, respectively. Clinical and reproductive parameters were assessed immediately before
injection and after 60 and 120 days.
On day 120 the testis size of treated cats was decreased (P < 0.05). Azoospermia occurred in 8/11 (73%)
Testis cats, and penile spines were decreased in 6/11 (55%) and absent in 4/11 (36%) cats, and there were sub-
Zinc gluconate stantial reductions in male behavior. However, plasma testosterone concentrations (single samples col-
lected at each assessment) were not significantly different between treated and control cats at any
time point. Although additional studies are warranted, intratesticular injection of zinc gluconate might
have potential as a permanent contraceptive for cats.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction Cats

Sixteen intact shorthair male cats from two private colonies, approximately 9–
There are very few reports regarding chemical sterilization of 12 months old and 2.0–4.5 kg bodyweight, were used. The number of animals was
male cats although intra-epididymal injection of 4.5% chlorhexidine based on differences between groups in a previous study in dogs (Wang, 2002), as
digluconate caused azoospermia or severe oligospermia (Pineda well as logistics and available funding. The study was approved by the Animal
and Dooley, 1984); intratesticular injection of calcium chloride Experimentation Ethics Committee of Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (Pro-
tocol 008/2010). All cat owners were given detailed information and signed a re-
has been shown to have potential for permanent contraception
search consent form.
(Jana and Samanta, 2011), and preliminary studies of an intratestic- The work was undertaken between January and November in Recife, PE, Brazil
ular injection of zinc gluconate have been very promising (E.C.S. (8°040 South; 33°550 West). At this location, there is approximately 12 h of light per
Oliveira et al., unpublished data). The objective of the present study day and a mean temperature of 26.4 °C. There were no clinical abnormalities in any
of the cats based on a physical examination, hematology and clinical chemistry. All
was to investigate the effects of a single injection of intratesticular
cats produced ejaculates with P80% progressively motile sperm; sperm counts
zinc gluconate as a permanent contraceptive method for cats. were within normal limits, and all males displayed sexual interest in an estrous
Cats were randomly allocated (in replicates of three; all assignments were made
Materials and methods by the primary investigator) into two groups, controls (n = 5) and treated (n = 11),
and each cat was given a single injection into each testis of either isotonic saline
Test compound or zinc gluconate, respectively. Group assignments were known to investigators
conducting animal-based procedures, but were not known to cat owners or to per-
The test compound was a proprietary zinc gluconate solution for intratesticular sons assessing hematology, serum chemistry, or plasma testosterone concentra-
injection (Testoblock, BioRelease Technologies LCC). The product contained 0.2 M zinc tions. All cats remained at their owners’ residence throughout the study and all
gluconate (13.1 mg zinc/mL), which was pH-neutralized in a physiological vehicle. animal-based procedures were done there.

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 81 3320 6432.

E-mail address: (E.C.S. Oliveira).

1090-0233/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Oliveira, E.C.S., et al. Intratesticular injection of a zinc-based solution for contraception of domestic cats: A randomized
clinical trial of efficacy and safety. The Veterinary Journal (2013),
2 E.C.S. Oliveira et al. / The Veterinary Journal xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Anesthesia in all cats receiving zinc gluconate but in none of the cats receiving
saline. However, there was no apparent scrotal or testicular pain or
Cats were anesthetized for intratesticular injections and semen collection. Ac-
cess to food and water was withheld for 12 h and 7 h, respectively, before anesthe-
tenderness, except for one treated cat, with apparent discomfort
sia, which was induced with an injection of xylazine (0.5 mg/kg, IM; Rompun 2%, (reduced activity and feed intake) 2–3 h after injection. This cat
Bayer) followed by ketamine (5.0 mg/kg, IM; Ketalar, Pfizer). If needed, additional was given sodium dipyrone (25 mg/kg orally three times per day,
anesthetic drugs (approximately 25% of the original dose of each product) were for 2 days) and the animal recovered uneventfully.
subsequently given.
In both groups, hematology and clinical chemistry were consis-
tently within normal reference ranges for domestic cats (ÓBrien
Intratesticular injection
et al., 1998). For bodyweight, neither main effect nor their interac-
Anesthetized cats were restrained in a supine position and the scrotum was tion was significant (data not shown).
cleaned (10% povidone iodine, SLF). The width of each testis was measured with cal- Mean ± standard error (SEM) testis width on days 0, 60, and 120
ipers, and a single injection of isotonic saline or zinc gluconate was given into each was 10.5 ± 0.26, 10.5 ± 0.92, and 10.5 ± 1.03 mm in control cats,
testis (1 mL of solution for every 27 mm of testis width; adapted from Wang, 2002).
and 12.4 ± 0.18, 8.7 ± 0.62, and 7.9 ± 0.65 mm in treated cats
The volume injected per testis ranged from 0.44 to 0.51 mL. Injections were per-
formed using a 0.5 mL U100 insulin syringe with a 28 G, 12 mm needle (a separate (group x time interaction, P < 0.005). Testis width of treated cats
needle was used for each testis). The injection was given in the cranial area of the decreased over days 0–120 (P < 0.05). Furthermore, testis width
testis, lateral to the caput epididymis (near the ductuli efferentes), with the needle was smaller (P < 0.05) in treated cats compared to control cats on
parallel to the long axis of the testis. days 60 and 120. However, testis width did not change over time
in control cats (P > 0.05; Fig. 1).
Clinical and laboratory assessments On day 120, testosterone-dependent penile spines were promi-
General attitude, bodyweight, ability to walk, scrotal changes, and rectal tem-
nent in control cats, but were absent in 4/11 (36%) and decreased
perature were evaluated on days 0 (immediately before treatment), 60, and 120. in 6/11 (55%) treated cats (Fig. 2A). One cat still had well-devel-
Concurrently, testis width was measured (with calipers), the penis was examined oped penile spines (Fig. 2B).
for the presence of testosterone-dependent spines, and blood samples were col- On day 60, 10/11 treated cats (91%) were azoospermic and the
lected (saphenous venipuncture) for complete hematology, hepatic and renal func-
remaining cat had reductions in both sperm count and sperm
tion (alanine and aspartine aminotransferase, urea and creatinine), and plasma
testosterone concentrations. The latter were measured using radioimmunoassay motility. On day 120, eight cats (73%) were azoospermic, one with
kits (Coat-A-Count, Diagnostic Products Corporation), previously validated for well developed penile-spines had necrospermia, and two had
domestic cats (Levy et al., 2004). sperm in their ejaculates (scale 1/3 or 2/3), with reduced motility.
Urine collected by cystocentesis after eletroejaculation did not
Semen collection and evaluation contain sperm on day 60, although a few non-motile sperm were
present in 2/10 cats at day 120. In contrast, cats in the control
On days 0 (pre-treatment), 60, and 120, all cats were anesthetized (with xyla-
zine/ketamine, as previously described) and semen was collected with an electro- group consistently had excellent semen quality (normal sperm
ejaculator (Eletrojet, Eletrovet) connected to a 12 V source. A rectal probe counts and progressive motility) throughout the study. Further-
(10.0  0.8 cm) with two stainless steel electrodes was used and the procedure more, 3/5 cats in the control group (60%) had evidence of retro-
was performed as described by Wildt et al. (1983). Semen was collected into plastic grade sperm flow. Regarding plasma testosterone concentration,
tubes and immediately evaluated (by the same person). Total sperm count was as-
there were no significant differences for group or time, nor was
sessed on a scale of 0–3 (0, azoospermia; 3, apparently normal sperm count) and
progressively motile sperm (increments of 10%) were evaluated subjectively by there a significant group by time interaction. On days 60 and
light microscopy (400). Following ejaculation, urine was collected (by cystocente- 120, owners reported that treated cats had reduced aggression,
sis) and evaluated for sperm (retroejaculation). roaming, mounting and urine marking (spraying), whereas these
activities persisted in control cats.

Libido was assessed on days 0 (pre-treatment), 30, 60 and 120. Each male cat
was individually allowed access (for 30 min) to a female cat in spontaneous estrus
(confirmed by behavior) from the same private colony. It was subjectively assessed
(by a trained observer from the research team, who was responsible for all of these)
on a scale of 0–3, where 0 represented no interest, 3 represented rapid interest and 18
mounting, and 1 and 2 were gradations between these extremes. In addition, own-
ers completed a standardized questionnaire (regarding aggressive behavior, mount-
ing, roaming, urine marking, etc.) and were interviewed by the research team 15
Average testis width (mm)

throughout the experiment. Note that for assessment of sexual interest, mounting
behavior was considered the cardinal sign.
Statistical analyses

A mixed models ANOVA (for repeated measures) was used to determine the ef- 9
fects of group, time, and their interaction, on bodyweight, testis width and plasma
testosterone concentrations. For testis width, the average of the left and right mea-
surements was used in the statistical analysis. Testosterone concentrations were 6
highly variable and not normally distributed; therefore, a log 10 transformation
was done before analysis. Furthermore, for testosterone concentrations, due to Control
some missing values (lost samples), statistical analysis was restricted to days 60 3
and 120. For main effects and interactions, P < 0.05 was considered significant. A
Bonferroni test was used to locate significant differences. All analyses were done
with Statistical Analysis System (SAS) software (SAS Institute). 0
0 30 60 90 120
Results Time (days)

Fig. 1. Testis width (mean ± SEM) of cats following intratesticular injection of

Following treatment, rectal temperature remained normal. either isotonic saline (control, n = 5) or a zinc gluconate (treated n = 11) according
Owners reported no biting or licking of the scrotum or testes, but to the period of evaluation. Treated cats had a reduction (P < 0.05) in testis width
they did report transient testicular swelling (1 day after injection) from day 60 to the end of the study.

Please cite this article in press as: Oliveira, E.C.S., et al. Intratesticular injection of a zinc-based solution for contraception of domestic cats: A randomized
clinical trial of efficacy and safety. The Veterinary Journal (2013),
E.C.S. Oliveira et al. / The Veterinary Journal xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 2. Penile spines were absent in a cat after the intratesticular injection of zinc gluconate (A) but were well-developed in a control cat injected with intratesticular isotonic
saline (B) at 60 days.

Discussion ticular zinc gluconate did not significantly affect testis width in
dogs compared to those given intratesticular isotonic saline (Oli-
To our knowledge, this is the first report of azoospermia in cats veira et al., 2012). It is possible that zinc gluconate causes more se-
treated with a single injection of zinc gluconate into each testis. At vere damage to the seminiferous tubules in cats than in dogs. The
120 days post-injection, ejaculates of eight cats (73%) were azoo- three cats that were injected with zinc gluconate and had only a
spermic, one had necrospermia, and the remaining two ejaculates modest decrease in testis width still had some sperm in their ejac-
had reductions in both sperm count and sperm motility. Further- ulate, consistent with incomplete suppression of spermatogenesis.
more, there were no indications of any adverse effects in treated Intratesticular injection of zinc gluconate did not significantly
cats, consistent with a lack of adverse effects in previous studies affect libido in dogs (Oliveira et al., 2012). Although many dog
(Tepsumethanon et al., 2005; Soto et al., 2009; Oliveira et al., owners require contraception but want to preserve behavior (e.g.
2012). Therefore, although a long-term study with a large number guarding behavior), for other species including cats, an ideal chem-
of cats is necessary to positively establish safety and the long-term ical contraceptive would one that would render the animal infertile
irreversibility of these effects and to document changes in behav- and suppress androgenesis and libido, to mitigate secondary sex
ior, this is evidence that intratesticular zinc gluconate has potential characteristics (Jana and Samanta, 2011). In that regard, since zinc
as a permanent contraceptive for cats. Clearly, however, care will gluconate did not alter sexual behavior in dogs, the dose used in
be needed to identify cats that do not become azoospermic. the present study was approximately twice that recommended
Transient testicular swelling was observed in zinc gluconate- for intratesticular injection in dogs (Levy et al., 2008; Oliveira
treated cats 1 day after treatment, presumably due to mild inflam- et al., 2007). Wang (2002) recommended 0.3 mL of zinc gluconate
mation. However, no injection site reactions (e.g. scrotal dermatitis solution for a testis 12–14 mm wide, whereas in the present study,
or ulceration) were noted during the 120 day observation period, 0.44–0.51 mL was injected into each testis. Testicular atrophy and
consistent with zinc gluconate being pH neutral and containing apparent reductions in libido, mounting, aggression and urine
zinc, which is present in male reproductive fluids and tissues (Fa- marking (spraying) in the present study were attributed to the
him et al., 1993). Similarly, in previous studies of chemical castra- higher dose used. Furthermore, it was noteworthy that only one
tion of male dogs with intratesticular zinc gluconate, no injection- treated cat had apparent mild discomfort following the procedure,
site reactions were reported (Soto et al., 2009; Oliveira et al., 2012). but responded well to symptomatic treatment.
Intratesticular injection of zinc gluconate clearly suppressed Plasma testosterone concentrations were not significantly dif-
spermatogenesis in 91% (10/11) of cats at day 60 (the remaining ferent between groups and remained within normal reference
cat had reductions in sperm count and sperm motility). At day ranges for domestic cats (Kirkpatrick, 1985). However, in both
120, azoospermia was present in 73% (8/11) of the treated cats. groups, there was a general trend for testosterone concentrations
Furthermore, at day 120, the two cats that were azoospermic at to decrease between days 60 and 120, perhaps due to an effect of
day 60 had necrospermia or poor semen quality and semen quality breeding season (Tsutsui et al., 2009). Only part of the experiment
remained poor in the remaining cat (it also had poor semen quality reported here was performed during the breeding season. Regard-
at day 60). Since the duration of spermatogenesis in cats is less, it was noteworthy that at day 120, testosterone-dependent
46.8 days (França and Godinho, 2003), the effects of zinc gluconate penile spines were prominent in control cats, but absent in four
persisted for more than two spermatogenic cycles (120 days) in treated cats (36%) and decreased in a further six treated cats (55%).
most cats. Therefore, zinc-gluconate had a specific and prolonged Time savings for chemical castration versus orchidectomy in
action on the seminiferous epithelium. Similarly, in sexually ma- male cats could be different to those in dogs, because surgical cas-
ture male dogs, intratesticular injections of zinc gluconate im- tration is a simpler and faster procedure in cats than in dogs.
paired spermatogenesis (changes in the seminiferous tubules Regardless, intratesticular injection of zinc gluconate is an inher-
seemed irreversible; Oliveira et al., 2007). ently less invasive contraceptive method for cats. Although no
On day 60, 73% (8/11) of cats injected with zinc gluconate had behavioral changes were reported in dogs, in the present study
substantial testicular atrophy (approximately 30% smaller than at there were apparent effects on cat behavior (e.g. reduced urine
day 0). Furthermore, testis width was significantly lower in treated marking, vocalizing, fighting with other cats), which are important
cats on days 60 and 120 compared to controls. In contrast, intrates- benefits of this procedure.

Please cite this article in press as: Oliveira, E.C.S., et al. Intratesticular injection of a zinc-based solution for contraception of domestic cats: A randomized
clinical trial of efficacy and safety. The Veterinary Journal (2013),
4 E.C.S. Oliveira et al. / The Veterinary Journal xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Conclusions França, L.R., Godinho, C.L., 2003. Testis morphometry, seminiferous epithelium cycle
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Research 1–15.
treatment. It was effective in the majority of cats; was economical
Kirkpatrick, J.F., 1985. Seasonal testosterone levels, testosterone clearance, and
and easy to perform, and did not require orchidectomy. Although testicular weights in male domestic cats. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63, 1285–
sedation is recommended and the current administration protocol 1287.
Levy, J.K., Miller, L.A., Crawford, P.C., Ritchey, J.W., Ross, M.K., Fargestone, K.A., 2004.
requires attention to detail, this method appeared to offer savings
GnRH immunocontraception in male cats. Theriogenology 62, 1116–1130.
in cost, time and facility requirements, relative to conventional Levy, J.K., Crawford, C., Appel, L.D., Clifford, E.L., 2008. Comparison of intratesticular
surgical castration. injection of zinc gluconate versus surgical castration to sterilize males dogs.
American Journal of Veterinary Research 69, 140–143.
ÓBrien, M., Murphy, M.G., Lowe, J.A., 1998. Hematology and clinical chemistry
parameters in the cat (Felis domesticus). Journal of Nutrition 128, 2678–2679.
Conflict of interest statement Oliveira, E.C.S., Moura, M.R., Silva Jr., V.A., Peixoto, C.A., Saraiva, K.L.A., Sá, M.J.C.,
Douglas, R.H., Marques Jr., A.P., 2007. Intratesticular injection of a zinc-based
None of the authors has any financial or personal relationships solution as a contraceptive for dogs. Theriogenology 68, 137–145.
Oliveira, E.C.S., Moura, M.R.P., Sá, M.J.C., Silva Jr., V.A., Kastelic, J.P., Douglas, R.H.,
that could inappropriately influence or bias the content of the Marques Jr, A.P., 2012. Permanent contraception of dogs induced with
paper. intratesticular injection of a zinc gluconate-based solution. Theriogenology
77, 1056–1063.
Pineda, M.H., Dooley, M.P., 1984. Surgical and chemical vasectomy in the cat.
Acknowledgements American Journal Veterinary Research 45, 291–300.
Soto, F.R.M., Viana, W.G., Mucciolo, G.C.B., Hosomi, F.Y.M., Vanucchi, C.I., Mazzei,
C.P., Eyherabid, A.E., de Fátima Lucio, C., Dias, R.A., Azevedo, S.S., 2009.
This study was supported by the Scientific and Technological Evaluation of efficacy and safety of zinc gluconate associated with dimethyl
Support Foundation of State of Pernambuco (FACEPE). We thank sulphoxide for sexually mature canine males chemical neutering. Reproduction
BioRelease Technologies LLC for providing zinc gluconate; B.E.T in Domestic Animals 44, 927–931.
Tepsumethanon, V., Wilde, H., Hemachudha, T., 2005. Intratesticular injection of a
Laboratories (USA and Brazil) for testosterone assays, and Dr. Telga balanced zinc solution for permanent sterilization of dogs. Journal of Medical
Almeida and Dr. Simone Vaz from the Clinical Analysis Laboratory Association of Thailand 88, 686–689.
of UFRPE, and the staff from the Laboratory of Andrology (Andro- Tsutsui, T., Onodera, F., Oba, H., Mizutani, T., Hori, T., 2009. Plasma hormone levels
and semen quality in male cats during non-breeding and breeding season.
lab) of UFRPE for their assistance. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 44, 292–293.
Wang, M., 2002. Neutersol: Intratesticular injection induces sterility in dogs. In:
International Symposium on Non-surgical Methods for Pet Population Control,
References pp. 62–65.
Wildt, D.E., Bush, M., Howard, J.G., ÓBrien, J.E., Meltzer, D., Van Dyk, A., Ebedes, E.,
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dogs with intra-epididymal injection of zinc arginine. Contraception 47, 107– comparative evaluation in the domestic cat. Biology of Reproduction 29, 1019–
122. 1025.

Please cite this article in press as: Oliveira, E.C.S., et al. Intratesticular injection of a zinc-based solution for contraception of domestic cats: A randomized
clinical trial of efficacy and safety. The Veterinary Journal (2013),

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