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Information Technology Department

Academic year: 2020 - 2021

Microproject on

Medical Store Stock Management


Program Name: Information Technology

Program Code: IF5I
Course Name: Advance Java Programming

Course Code: 2251

Name of Students:- 1. Prachi Ushkewar 2. Ankita Kottawar 3. Varsha


Name Of Professor :- Shaikh Moshin Sir

This is to certify that Mr. /Ms Prachi Prashant Ushkewar roll no. 1536 and
Enrollment No 2000200542 , Ankita Kottawar roll no. 1545 Enrollment No
2000200547 , Varsha Yelne roll no. 1535 Enrollment No. 2000200545 of IF5I
semester of diploma in Information Technology of Institute, GOVERNMENT
POLYTECHNIC, NANDED has completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in
Subject Advance Java Programming for the academic year 2020- 2021 as prescribed
in the curriculum.


Date: ……………………… Exam. Seat No: ………………........... Subject Teacher Head

of the Department Principal Prof. Mohsin Shaikh Sir Prof. S.N.DHOLE

Medical Store Stock Management System

Academic Year: 2020 - 2021 Semester: IF5I Course : Advance Java Programming
Course code : 22517

Co addressed by Micro Project:


Major learning outcomes achieved by students by doing the project

(a) Practical outcome:
1. Learned to handle the Netbeans Software properly.

(b) Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain:

(c) Outcomes in Affective domain:

Comments/suggestions about teamwork /leadership/interpersonal communication (if any)


1536 Prachi Ushkewar

1545 Ankita Kottawar

1535 Varsha Yelne


1. Abstract ……………………………………page no 5.
2.Introduction………………………………page no 6.
3. Proposed methodology ………… ………… page no 7.
4.ResourcesRequired…………………………… page no 9.
5. Output of theMicroproject……………… page no 11.
6.References……………………………………… page no

The project is designed for developing the medical store

management system whose purpose is to reduce the complexities
of record keeping and documentation in the inventory
management,list of the products sold , list of the products in
stock. This work discusses the scope, objective and aim of the
project along with the analysis of the risks and constraints in the
project. The entire project plan is also discussed in this work . The
staffing required for completing this project is also mentioned in
this work.

In the present time, the medical stores are looking for the
services that are accurate and reliable for providing services to
the customers and workers. Every store is making efforts to
computerize their activities for providing better services to the
customers. The medical store management system is the system
used for medicine stock inventory in the medical stores. This
system enables the manager of the store to record and manage
all activities of the medical shop.

This system also enables the workforce of the medical store to

offer their services in a manner which is more efficient and
systematic which also improves the medical store. This also helps
in analyzing the performance of the store. The medical store
management software can organize the daily activities in the
medical store such as information about tablets, billing, details of
stock and others. The medical store management software
enables to maintain the details of purchase stock by the store and
the details of the selling stock by customer wise (Hull, 2012).

This software generates the automated bill for every sale and also
generates the reports for the customer detail, sell and stock. The
use of this system reduces the time and effort involved in
managing inventory of the medical store. It also reduces the hard
work involved in using paper for record keeping. The use of this
system enables the managers to easily record the details of their
suppliers and assess them whenever required.

Proposed methodology

In the proposed system, the management needs not to keep any

type of registers, which they used to keep in old one. They work
only with one computer. All the details are stored in computer
files. The dual entries are done very quickly as entry in one file
only affects the other file where it has to record. In the way there
there is no need to record the computer operator. The working
through registers system is not only very laborious and
time consuming , but there are a number of errors found. In
comparison to old system
The proposed system of computer processes has many

● FlowChart

Following is the FlowChart of Medical Store Stock

Management System.

Add ( you can add new items in the stock.)

Display → Delete
( You will get the list of the products available in the stock.)

Purchase ← Main Menu → Exit

( you can search any item in the stock here,by entering its name. You will get the details of the entered Item.)

Features of Medical Store Stock Management system :-

1. Proper Log-In System.

2. Proper Validations.
3. Users can Generate bills.
4. There Different Categories. ( Suppliers, Medicine,
5. Users can easily Add, Edit, Delete, View & Search

Resources required

Medical Stock management system is a java application project

which is designed to keep track of the stock. This project is
written in Java and works properly in NetBeans.

Following are Some important resources Required to Perform

the Project Successfully :-
1. Computer System :- Computer(i3 - i5 preferable RAM>2GB
2. Operating System :- Windows/Linux
3. Development Software :- NetBeans/ JDK 1.5 Onwards
Output of the Microproject

The medical store management system helps in gathering the

perfect management in the details. The collection and storage of
data with the help of this project will be sensible, obvious and
simple. It also helps in understanding the management of the
previous time vividly. It also helps in performing the various
functions of a medical store. The medical store management
system is developed to provide ease in documentation, keeping
records, maintaining inventory and payment in the medical store
which requires proper record keeping and management . The
project also helps the manager or administrator of the medical
store to assess the stored information in the time of need such as
for contacting the suppliers.

The details of medicine which are available in medical stores

are easily managed and organized by using this system.
The medical store management system also helps in keeping
track of the available stock of medicine and also updates
them on a regular manner.
It also helps in analyzing the location of the specific medicine
available in the medical store.
This project also enables us to store the details of suppliers
and the stocks supplied by them.
The medical store management system also provides the
facility of generated automatic bills for the customers.
The database for the customers and employees can also be
managed by using this project.
The designing of medical store management systems saves
the time which one spent in keeping records and managing
payments of the stocks.
The process of sailing medicine is very crucial as the medical
stores must keep eye on the expiry date of every stock and
medicine. This project helps the medical stores to keep track
on the expiry date of every medicine they have in the store.
After the designing and developing the software of the medical
store management system, it can be used by the medical stores
for conducting, organizing and managing the different activities
that are involved in keeping inventory, managing payments and
others in the medical stores.

At the end of this course students will be able to create

sophisticated applications to include.

1. Explore Exception Handling.

2. Work with Streams and File Input/Output .
3. Manipulate Dynamic Data Structures.
4. Use Recursion.
5. Manipulate Window Interfaces Using Swing Objects .
6. Explore Applets and HTML.
7. Program with Swing Objects.
8. Program with Graphics Objects.

1. Java the Complete Reference, ninth edition by Herbert

Schild, Publisher: McGraw Hills
2. Head First EJB 3.0 by Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates,
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
3. Head First Servlets and JSP by Bryan Basham, Kathy
Sierra & Bert Bates, Publisher: O'Reilly Media
4. Just Hibernate, A Lightweight Introduction to the
Hibernate Framework by Madhusudhan Konda,
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
5. Programming Jakarta Struts, 2nd Edition by Chuck
Cavaness, Publisher: O'Reilly Media

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