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- Employment is a relationship between two parties regulating the provision of paid labour services. <wikipedia>

- Usually based on a contract
- The employer, which might be a corporation, a not-for-profit organization, a co-operative, or any other entity, pays
the other: the employee, in return for carrying out assigned work.
- Employees work in return for wages, which can be paid based on an hourly rate, by piecework or an annual salary,
DEPENDING on the type of work an employee does, popular working conditions and the bargaining power between
the parties.
- May receive gratuities, bonus payments or stock options.
- In some types of employment, employees may receive benefits in addition to payment, include health
insurance, housing, disability insurance.
- Employment is typically governed by employment laws, organisation or legal contracts.
Types of employment
1. Full-time employment
- The most common employment classification.
- Work regular hours and have full leave entitlements.
- Most work between 38 and 40 hours, but they may work more or fewer hours depending on their employer or
industry award.
2. Part-time employment
- Have similar benefits and responsibilities to full-time employees.
- They also work a regular number of hours that is less than full-time employees.
- They may regularly work on set days of the week or have irregular shifts
3. Casual employment
- Work irregular hours, according to the business's needs.
- Are responsible for checking their rosters and working their scheduled shifts or swapping them with another
employee. Their employers may call them to cover shifts outside their rostered work when the business is busy or
other employees are unwell.
4. Contract employment
- Also known as fixed-term employment because it involves a fixed-term contract, work for an employer for a set
- Businesses often hire contractors to perform particular tasks or work on specific projects, to boost staff numbers
during busy periods or replace employees on leave. After the contract ends, the employer and contractor may part
ways or negotiate another contract.
- Contractors may work as full-time, part-time or casual employees during their contract period.
5. Apprenticeship
- People who have apprenticeships are new to trade industries.
- This employment type gives them practical experience in their chosen trades while they're working towards
vocational qualifications.
- Work under the supervision of trained and registered tradespeople. They typically have more responsibilities over
6. Traineeship
- People who have traineeships are new to non-trade industries, such as the media, banking and advertising.
- Like apprentices, trainees receive practical experience in their chosen career while they work towards a
-Traineeships are usually registered.
7. Employment on commission
- Also called piece rate employment
- An employment type where people work on a specific single task.
Ex: council may employ an artist on commission to paint a mural on a public wall. The artist receives a set agreed
amount for the piece of art they create, rather than an hourly or weekly wage for the time they spent creating it.
- A commission is a fixed-term contract which only lasts for the named project. However, if the person who
commissioned something is happy with the work produced, they may commission further works.
- People paid on commission have flexible working conditions. They can set their own hours, so long as these hours
see them produce the commissioned work by the timeline they agreed on.
8. Probation
- Probation is a short period lasting from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the employer.
- While they are on probation, employees familiarise themselves with the business and their new role.
- They may work on a full-time, part-time or casual basis, depending on the position they accepted. Employment
rates of our country - Ftu - logistics
Vietnamese labor force in general
The number of laborers of Vietnam from 2020 to the 1st quarter of 2022

What to consider when thinking about employment?

as someone looking for jobs
as someone hiring people
Employer and employee relationship
Employment contract

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