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I like = I am fond of …

I am (quite) fond of painting and drawing.

I am not fond of DIY.

What are you fond of doing in your free time?

= I am keen on … ( = very interested or enthusiastic about smth – a hobby, an activity)

I am really keen on gardening.

I am not very keen on maths.

Which subjects were you keen on at school?

= to be a fan of … (= to admire – a person, a sport, a sports team)

I am a big fan of football.

I’ve never really been a fan of Formula 1.

Are you a fan of a particular sport or team?

= to have a soft spot for… (= to have a particular fondness or affection for smth)

I ‘ve always had quite a soft spot for chocolate.

She has quite a soft spot for a group called AC/DC.

Is there a type of food you have a soft spot for?

= to appeal to smb (smb likes the idea of it or finds it attractive)

A few things appealed to me about working abroad.

Going to the gym has never really appealed to me.

What have you never done that appeals to you?

= to be into… (slightly informal) ( = you find it interesting and enjoyable)

I am really into trying different food.

I am not really into keeping up with the latest fashions.

Is there a singer or a group that you are really into?

I don’t like = I can’t stand (to hate smb or smth)

I eat all food. There is nothing I can’t stand.

I can’t stand loud music.

Is there a TV show you can’t stand?

= I can’t bear ( can’t accept or tolerate smth)

I can’t bear getting up early.

I can’t bear the thought of having nothing to do.

Is there anything about studying you can’t bear?

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