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ab Telephone: 044 - 28989333/2B4t 5tO2

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+Fc dfirs d- 376s, 763 3{uurT sr*, H 600 oo2
lndian Overseas Bank
Centrol Offlce: p.B.No .: 37 65, 7 63 Anno Soloi, Chennoi
lnvestor Relotions Cell 600 002

tRc/2\y 2022_23
The Senior Generol Monoger The Vice President
Deportment of Corporote Services Nolionol Stock Exchonge of lndio ltd
BSE Limited "Exchonge Plozo", C-1, Block G
Floor 25, P J Towers, Dolol Streel Bondro-Kurlo Complex, Bondro (E)
Mumboi - 400 001 Mumboi - 400 051
Deor Sir / Modom,

sub: Inlimolion regording limely poyment of lnleresl to lhe Bond Holders of

Bosel lll, Tier il Bonds, Series il, lStN: |NE565A09264

ln terms of Regulotion 57 (l) of chopter v of sEBl (Listing obligotions ond

Disclosure Requiremenls) Regulotions 2015, it is hereby ceitified ihot interest
poymeni to the debenture holders of Bosel lll Tier ll Bonds, series ll 1.70%} is
due on 10.12.2022 ond hos been releosed on 12.12.2022 os 10.12.2022 ond
11.12.2022 were holidoys on occount of Second Soturdoy ond Sundoy. The
detoils ore os under:

No Series Due Dole Acluol lnleresl Principol Mode of Remorks

for Dole of Amount (Rs.) Amounl Poymenl
Poymenl Poymenl (Rs.)
I Bosel lll 10.12.2022 12.12.2022 35, r 0,00.000/- Nir NEFT /
Tier ll RTGS /
Bonds CBS
Series ll

Yours foiihfully,

DGM & Compony Secretory


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