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Class: 9th

Aim: usage of learned grammar structures (present tenses, gerund and infinitive), writing skills,
knowledge of linking words, speculating phrases, range of vocabulary (appearance, personal
adjectives etc.).

Task – write a description of a person in 200 words.

Writing Content:

1. Introduction (topic, hook!)

2. Main part (description of a person basing on various points - full description and
explanation is needed!)
3. Conclusion (ending phrases to sum up)
Choose who to describe:

• Someone you admire;

• A famous person;
• Someone who had an impact on you/ your life
• An interesting person you met
Main points to include in your description:

✓ Physical appearance
✓ Personality, character
✓ Interests, hobbies, profession (1-3 interesting facts)
✓ Your personal opinion/ impression
✓ Why did you choose him/ her, what can you learn from him/ her.
While writing be aware of using:

• Personal adjectives (sensitive, self-confident, assertive, etc.),

• Other adjectives (large range of various descriptive adjectives – wonderful, charming,
fascinating, etc.),
• Range of vocabulary (clothing, appearance, linking words, speculating phrases),
• Various tenses (Simple past, Present tenses, gerunds and infinitives).
• Linking words (To start with, Next, Moreover, Despite, Considering, To sum up etc.)
• Paragraphing and topic sentences!
Wish you good luck! Be creative.


Content (length, all the information included) 4
Organization (parts of the speech (introduction, main part, ending, 4
paragraphing), linking words)
Grammar (tenses, mistakes!) 4
Range of vocabulary (descriptive adjectives, word choice) 4
Spelling 4
Creativity (hook, facts, etc.) 3

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