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Exercise 3

Hook: There are more than 15,000 nuclear warheads in the world today.
General Statement 1: Nuclear weapons are extremely dangerous devices that destroy large sums of
material when it is detonated.

General Statement 2: 86 countries in the world have signed the United Nations’ Treaty on the Prohibition
of nuclear weapons.

Thesis statement: The prohibition of nuclear weapons is due to the risk of destruction, high amount of
radioactive materials exposure to the general public and environmental pollution.

1st body paragraph

Topic sentence: The risk of destruction caused by nuclear weapons is too high as it can lead to total
annihilation of entire cities.

First supporting detail: The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War Two has shown the
world the destructive capabilities of nuclear weapons.

Second supporting detail: The bombings of these two cities in Japan had been estimated to caused roughly
190,000 casualties.

Third supporting detail: These two nuclear bombs are believed to have released about 36 kilotons of
energy equivalent to 37,000 tons of TNT.

Concluding Line: The prohibition of nuclear weapons should be reinforced due to the high destructive

2nd body paragraph

Topic sentence: High amounts of radioactive materials exposed to the general public has been
scientifically proved to be extremely harmful.

First supporting detail: The aftermath of the bombings in Nagasaki and Hiroshima has enforced the
notion of radioactive materials being harmful.

Second supporting detail: The victims that were exposed to the high levels of radiation later suffered
from all sorts of illnesses such as cancer.

Third supporting detail: Japan later relieved a study that showed its future population being affected
by the bombings due to the high amounts of birth defects caused by the radiation.

Concluding Line: High levels of radiation caused by nuclear weapons that are extremely harmful
should not be exposed to the general public.
3rd body paragraph
Topic sentence: High levels of radiation also caused damages to the environment.
First supporting detail: The cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima was determined unsafe and immediate
evacuation was ordered after the bombings.

Second supporting detail: The chemicals and radiation released from the nuclear bombs caused the
destruction of all the surrounding flora and fauna.

Third supporting detail: Many years were required for the environment to recover and deem safe to

Concluding Line: A large amount of time and effort is needed for the environment to recover from a
nuclear blast, therefore it should be forbidden.

Concluding statement: Nuclear weapons should be prohibited.
Evaluation: No organization should be trusted with such great and deadly power and no reason should
justify the use of such weapons.

Suggestion: Enforce diplomatic solutions to current and future conflicts between countries and prohibit
the use of nuclear weapons.

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