Gagne's 9 Events of Instruction

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Name: Marian M.

Codilla Course Yr Level & Section: BSED-ENGLISH 3A

Choose a topic with a particular lesson objective in any grade level. Make a teaching sequence
applying Gagne’s Nine Instructional Events. Use the table provided below.

Topic: Verb Tenses

Objective: Identify the different verb tenses and use them in a sentence.
Target group: Grade 7

Event of Instruction Lesson Example/Conditions of Learning

1. Gaining Attention Teacher provides motivational activity about verb tenses through
interactive games.

2. Informing the Teacher says, “For today’s objective, we will know how to identify
Learner of the the different verb tenses and use them in a sentence.”

3. Stimulating Recall In this class, they already tackled verbs and adverbs in the past
of Prior Learning meeting. Teacher associates the knowledge of students with this
current lesson.

4. Presenting Teacher presents visual aids and provides a module of the

Stimulus definition of the different verb tenses with examples.

5. Providing Learner Teacher demonstrates how to use the right verb tenses in a
Guidance particular sentence.

6. Eliciting Teacher asks students to read the given sentences and choose
Performance the correct verb tenses.

7. Giving Feedback Teacher gives feedback when the students answered the activity
excellently or if there are still confusions.

8. Assessing Teacher assigns an activity where students are tasked to create

Performance their own sentences using the given different verb tenses.

9. Enhancing Teacher gives an assignment in which the students are tasked to

Retention and make a journal about the happiest moment in their lives using
Transfer the different verb tenses to be shared with the class at the next

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