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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

It’s an honor to have the opportunity to

do my presentation here. My name is MOM SORithy, I’m a third year student of
ITC TBK. In this presentation, what I would like to do today is Total Station . The
purpose of this presentation is to provide you some information related to How
importance of Total Station . I have organized this presentation in these 3
following topic. Which are :
1. What is Total Station? (Have you guys heard the word Total Station
➔ A total station or total station theodolite is an electronic or optical
instrument used for surveying and building construction.
2. How to use total station for surveying? (Before build the building or
house, first thing we need to do is surveying, and the necessary material
in surveying is Total Station, So to use it we, …)
➔ Set the instrument to an identified level and set the horizontal circle.
➔ The coordinates of the point are to be stacked out.
➔ Turn the total station until the horizontal circle turns to zero.
➔ Keep the reflector at this point.
➔ Finally, measure the distance.
3. Types of Total Station. (In survey work, we have 3 different types of Total
Station such as…)
➔ Mechanical Total Stations
➔ Motorized Total Stations
➔ Auto-lock Total Stations
4. Advantages of Total Station.
➔ Field work is carried out very fast.
➔ Accuracy of measurement is high.
➔ Manual errors involved in reading and recording are eliminated.
➔ Calculation of coordinates is very fast and accurate. ...
➔ Computers can be employed for map making and plotting contour and

Thank you for your attention!! Are there any questions?

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