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Criterion B Planning assessment- Physical exercise impacts our fitness components and health.

Achieve- Achievement level and level Task specific clarification

ment level descriptor
The student does not reach a The student does not reach a standard described
0 standard described by any of the by any of the descriptors below.
descriptors below.
The student: The student:
i. states a goal to enhance i. Provides very briefly (max. 4-5 words) (states)
performance an unclear aim/goal to improve the chosen
ii. outlines a limited plan for fitness component.
1-2 improving physical performance ii. Submits a brief account (outlines) of a limited
limited and health. plan that:
•is uncompleted with limited information (many
elements/parts missing).
•is illogical and unreasonable.
• doesn’t connect with the goal proposed.
The student: The student:
i. lists goals to enhance i. Very briefly gives the general aims/goals (two
performance or more) (lists) to improve the chosen fitness
ii. outlines a plan for improving components that are not specific/specific enough
physical performance and health. and that may not be measurable but that may be
relevant, attainable and/or timely (at least 1
3-4 letter of the SMART goal setting can be
adequate identified).
ii. Submits a brief account (outlines) of the haka
dance plan that:
•is illogical with reasonable examples.
•is uncompleted with almost all the information
(some elements/parts are missing).
• doesn’t connect with the goals proposed.
The student: The student:
i. identifies goals to enhance i. Briefly provides the aims/goals (two or more)
performance (identifies) to improve the chosen fitness
ii. designs a plan for improving components that are not specific/specific enough
physical performance and health. but that may be, measurable, attainable, relevant
and/or timely (at least 2 letters of the SMART can
5-6 be identified).
substantial ii. Presents/produces a detailed (designs) fitness
plan that includes detailed information that:
• is logical with reasonable examples.
• completed with all the elements detailed.
• connects somehow with the goals proposed.
• is supported with images/graphics/diagrams of
the elements.
7-8 The student: The student:
excellent i. outlines goals to enhance i. Briefly summarizes goals that are specific,
performance measurable, attainable, relevant and timely
ii. designs and explains a plan for (outlines) to improve the chosen fitness
improving physical performance components.
and health. ii. Presents/produces a detailed (designs) haka
dance plan including reasons and causes
(explains) of the information provided that:
• is logical and clear with creative examples.
• demonstrates logical progression.
•completed with all the elements and valid
explanations (reasons and causes).
• clearly connects with the goals proposed.
• is supported with clear
images/graphics/diagrams of each element.

Command term Definition

Analyse Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure. (To identify parts and
relationships, and to interpret information to reach conclusions.)
Apply Use knowledge and understanding in response to a given situation or real circumstances. Use an
idea, equation, principle, theory or law in relation to a given problem or issue.
Construct Display information in a diagrammatic or logical form.
Define Give the precise meaning of a word, phrase, concept or physical quantity.
Demonstrate Make clear by reasoning or evidence, illustrating with examples or practical application.
Describe Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process.
Design Produce a plan, simulation or model.
Develop Improve incrementally, elaborate or expand in detail. Evolve to a more advanced or effective
Evaluate Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations.
Explain Give a detailed account including reasons or causes. (See also “Justify”.)
Identify Provide an answer from a number of possibilities. Recognize and state briefly a distinguishing
fact or feature.
Investigate Observe, study, or make a detailed and systematic examination, in order to establish facts and
reach new conclusions.
Justify Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion. (See also “Explain”.)
List Give a sequence of brief answers with no explanation.
Outline Give a brief account or summary.
Recall Remember or recognize from prior learning experiences.
Solve Obtain the answer(s) using appropriate methods.
State Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.
Suggest Propose a solution, hypothesis or other possible answer.
Summarize Abstract a general theme or major point(s).

1-Complete the following basic information before starting the task:

Your name (coach):
Name of your client:
Client’s height:
Client’s weight:
Client’s 3 min. Step up test result:
Client’s press up test result:
Client’s sit up test result:
Client’s sit and reach result:
2-With the results from your client, set up 2 realistic SMART goals about 2 of the tests using the
following template:

Goal 1 about your client:

SMART goals meaning Your answers

Specific: 1. What fitness component/test do 1.I want my client to improve….

you want your client to improve?
2. What does your client have to do to 2.To reach this goal, my client needs to….
improve the mentioned fitness
Tip: Remember you will be creating a plan to
improve the fitness components and you will
be coaching your client.

Measurable: What is the expected result your I will know my client have reached then goal
client should achieve to reach the goal? when….
Tip: For example, if your client completed 3
push ups in the test, you could answer this
part by saying that you expect your client to
complete 5 push ups.

Timely: By when? Deadline to finish the goal. By…

Attainable: Are your answers achievable/realistic within your client’s capacities? Yes or not?
Relevant: Are your answers linked to the unit we are doing and the chosen fitness component to
improve? Yes or not?

Goal 2 about your client:

SMART goals meaning Your answers

Specific: 1. What fitness component/test do

you want your client to improve?
2. What does your client have to do to
improve the mentioned fitness
Tip: Remember you will be creating a plan to
improve the fitness components and you will
be coaching your client.

Measurable: What is the expected result your

client should achieve to reach the goal?
Tip: For example, if your client completed 3
push ups in the test, you could answer this
part by saying that you expect your client to
complete 5 push ups.
Timely: By when? Deadline to finish the goal.

Attainable: Are your answers achievable/realistic within your client’s capacities? Yes or not?
Relevant: Are your answers linked to the unit we are doing and the chosen fitness component to
improve? Yes or not?

3-Use the table of exercises and methods of training document to design and explain a fitness plan
for your client to improve their scores in the tests, following the next guidelines:

In each session you must plan a 45 session:

-5-10 minutes warm up.
-10-15 minutes working on cardiovascular endurance.
-10-15 minutes working on the upper body and core strength.
-5 minutes working on the flexibility.

To create your plan, pick the exercises provided by Mr. David in the table of exercises and methods
of training document and pick only one method of training out of the 2-3 provided.

Also, take into account the following principles of training when planning the sessions:
-Specificity: The training must be matched to the needs of the sporting activity and individual.
-Overload: The body must work harder than normal so there is some stress and discomfort.
-Progression: Each session must also become gradually more difficult.
-Reversibility: Any adaptation/improvement that takes place as a result of training will be lost if you
stop training.


Week 1 Plan:

Specific Part of the session/Fitness Exercises Method of training

time component/Test worked Except for the warm up, picked from the
allocated. pick the exercises from supporting
For the supporting document.
example, document and write the
5, 10, 15 name of the exercises
minutes… and order.

Warm up (Explain in the next box

the exercise you would do in the
warm-up, for example running
laps, general dynamic stretches…).
Cardiovascular endurance (step up
Body composition (BMI, %Fat).
Upper body muscular strength and
muscular endurance
(Press up test)
Core muscular strength and
muscular endurance
(Sit-up test)
Cool down
Hamstrings flexibility test (sit and
reach test)

Based on the goals proposed for your client and the principles of training (specificity, overload,
progression and reversibility) why did you choose these exercises and methods of training

Week 2 Plan:

Specific Part of the session/Fitness Exercises Method of training

time component/Test worked Except for the warm up, picked from the
allocated. pick the exercises from supporting
For the supporting document.
example, document and write the
5, 10, 15 name of the exercises.
Warm up (Explain in the next box
the exercise you would do in the
warm-up, for example running
laps, general dynamic stretches…).
Cardiovascular endurance (step up
Body composition (BMI, %Fat).
Upper body muscular strength and
muscular endurance
(Press up test)
Core muscular strength and
muscular endurance
(Sit-up test)
Cool down
Hamstrings flexibility test (sit and
reach test)

Based on the goals proposed for your client and the principles of training (specificity, overload,
progression and reversibility) why did you choose these exercises and methods of training?

Week 3 Plan:

Specific Part of the session/Fitness Exercises Method of training

time component/Test worked Except for the warm up, picked from the
allocated. pick the exercises from supporting
For the supporting document.
example, document and write the
5, 10, 15 name of the exercises.
Warm up (Explain in the next box
the exercise you would do in the
warm-up, for example running
laps, general dynamic stretches…).
Cardiovascular endurance (step up
Body composition (BMI, %Fat).
Upper body muscular strength and
muscular endurance
(Press up test)
Core muscular strength and
muscular endurance
(Sit-up test)
Cool down
Hamstrings flexibility test (sit and
reach test)

Based on the goals proposed for your client and the principles of training (specificity, overload,
progression and reversibility) why did you choose these exercises and methods of training?

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