Define These Sentences As Follows

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Define these sentences as follows: are true or false and why?

Identify the

1. The decrease in crime can be attributed to a rise in the number of the police
office, more than 500 joined the last year alone

2. Falling in love with him, her career was relinquished. For the time being, she has
been aimless

3. An advertisement was withdrawn by the producer of the local news program that
was considered offensive by the city’s minority communities

4. The book is written by Margaret Michel , being one of my favorites

5. Litigation against chicken farm continues to increase year after year, farmers are
now introducing organic and free-range chicken

6. My hobbies include swimming, gardening, and to read reading science fiction

7. Some argue that it is necessary to propose some big cutbacks on subsidies for
farmers, other disapprove this idea for fear that domestic farmers will suffer a
competitive disadvantage

8. Facilities of city’s hospitals are much more well-equipped than the country’s

9. With prices of commodities going up and inflation worsening, the government

decide to increase tax in hope of enticing more people to invest more money in

10. Municipal committee doled out three thousand dollars to the retired who
suffering from adverse conditions

11. The Humber Bridge in Britain was completed in 1981, it is the longest single
span suspension bridge in the world

12. Unlike his cat, Lan is mischievous and greedy

13. Some people argue that it is unfair to impose parents’ idea on children, others
support parents’ tough discipline on children which helps reshape kids’ personality
on the right track at the early age

14. My ambition is to conquer my fear, raise my voice when necessary and going
beyond the limits
15. We were in love, we decided to tie the knot as soon as possible

16. When it comes to sensitive matters, just play it by ear

17. His new policy on safety net for farmers gave him leverage in the next election

18. It was obvious that work neglect lost him the job

19. Flying for the first time, the roar of the jet engines intimidated the small child,
and he grew frightened as the plane roared down the runway

20. In times of ups and downs, people often seek moral support from each other

21. In exchange for limits on political freedom, china bestow upon Tibet the
constant economic aid

22. Provided with safety net, farmers find it easier to confront with the cycle of
economic boom and bust

23. With grain soaring federal budget deficit widen, farming is more vulnerable to a
serious pruning

24. His presidential campaign alms at shoring up more support from the grass-root,
emphasizing the ever greater importance of citizens’ equal access to health care
system and to raise awareness of environment pollution

25. Unlike those living below the poverty threshold, a luxurious life is being
enjoyed by the rich

II. Decline which is the main clause, verb, subject,object, complement, and
subordinate verb, subordinate clause,verb, object and complement

1. That his life is bound to suffer ups and downs is palpable

2. She relies on what his parents offer

3. The fact that the developing countries have experienced social unrest does make
them become poorer and poorer

4. I don’t believe in the idea that utopia is well-established in the modern life

5. Such argument that he is the bread-winnerin the family because he is the only
man is without foundation

6. Some of them have given up the notion that women are weaker sex
7. Why he decides to move to America is understandable

8. How she can reach that place is open to doubt

9. Life is not easy as you suppose but you should believe in what you do

10. He is torn with the decision whether he stays here or leaves for America

11. There is no idea that can solve the problem

12. It is palpable that many people were ruthlessly killed in the second world war

13. What drives me crazy is the way that she studies

14. He is not sure not about where she is living right now

15. Home is not where your heart is

16. Let us know your address where you live in term three

17. She asked the man when will he graduate from that university

18. It is necessary that we be more aware of environmental protection

19. That is not what she is craving for

20. What makes for a good marriage isn’t necessarily what makes for good
romantic relationship

21. Once you're married, it’s not about whom you want to go on vacation with; it’s
about whom you want to run a household with

22. What they understood is that/the fact that as your priorities change from
romance to family, the so-called “deal breakers” change

23. But when I chose to have a baby on my own, the plan was that I would continue
to search for true connection afterward; it certainly wasn’t that I would have a baby
alone only to settle later

III. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Tôi băn khoăn cái gì xảy ra với cô gái dễ thương đó

I wonder what happend to that cute girl

2. Thật đau khổ khi anh từ chốt lời đề nghị sáp nhập công ty
2. It was painful when he stopped closing the company merger offer
3. Cái anh ta đang tìm kiếm là một công việc lương cao và một cô vợ đảm đang

What he is looking for is a job with handsome salary and a good wife

4. Việc anh ta rời khỏi công ty trong vài ngày tới là điều ai cũng biết trước

5. Làm thế nào để thành công là vấn đề của thời gian, công sức và ý chí

How to become sucessfully is the problem of time , effort and will

6. Khi nào khủng bố kết thúc vẫn là một điều không thể đoán trước
When terrorism will end is unpredictable

7. Căn nhà này là nơi anh ta sinh ra và lớn lên

This house is where he was born and raised

8. Bạn có thể trả lời cho tôi là anh ta đang sống ở đâu, làm gì và liệu rằng anh
ta đã lấy vợ chưa

You can answer me where he lives , what he does and if he has married

9. Việc công ty liên tiếp thua lỗ lớn trong vài tháng đầu năm đã khiến cho công
ty anh ta hoàn toàn tê liệt

10.Việc việt nam trở thành một thành viên của WTO đã khiến cho rất nhà nhiều
nhà đầu tư đang để mắt đến thị trường việt nam

11.Tôi thật sự sốc bởi cái mà cô ta gây ra

12.ý tưởng cho rằng việc thực thi nghiêm ngặt quyền sở hữu trí tuệ là không cần
thiết là một quan điểm lạc hậu

13.Việc anh ta thất bại trong vụ làm ăn vừa qua bắt nguồn từ cả sự thiều năng
lực cũng như vốn của anh ta

14.Đừng tin vào cái anh ta làm mà hãy nhìn cái anh ta làm

15.Khi nào nào thế giới thoát khỏi xung đột cũng là khi mà con người hoàn toàn
sống vì nhau theo đúng nghĩa của nó

16.Cái định kiến cho rằng phụ nữ phải ở nhà nội trợ và đàn ông là người trụ cột
nuôi cả gia đình đã dần biến mất trong xã hội hiện đại. Ngày nay, phụ nữ đã
có thể làm cái mà chỉ đàn ông được cho là có thể đảm nhiệm ví dụ như: chủ
tịch hội đồng quản trị, hay chính khách tài ba cũng nổi tiếng “thép” như cánh
mày râu.

The stereotype that women have to stay at home and stay at home and men are the
breadwinners for the whole family has gradually disappeared in modern society.
Today, women can do what only men are said to be able to do, for example:
chairman of the board of directors, or a talented politician who is as famous as
"steel" as a man.

17. Cô ấy thích giao du với bạn bè. Với cô ấy việc được tham gia các bữa tiệc đông
người hay tổ chức các sự kiện gặp mặt mang lại cho cô ấy cái cảm giác được thuộc
về đâu đó
She likes to hang out with her friends. For her, being able to attend large parties or
organize social events gives her a sense of belonging.

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