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Wide Sargasso

Study Guide by Course Hero

Wide Sargasso Sea is told in both present and past tenses. The
What's Inside tense changes based on the speaker and the section of the

j Book Basics ................................................................................................. 1 ABOUT THE TITLE

The title Wide Sargasso Sea refers to an often windless area in
d In Context ..................................................................................................... 1 the northern Atlantic Ocean where ships are said to get caught
in masses of seaweed. The title is a metaphor for the
a Author Biography ..................................................................................... 2
characters who are also trapped in real or perhaps imagined
h Characters .................................................................................................. 3 ways between countries and racial heritages.

k Plot Summary ............................................................................................. 7

c Part Summaries ........................................................................................ 11

d In Context
g Quotes ........................................................................................................ 28

l Symbols ..................................................................................................... 30
Jane Eyre
m Themes ....................................................................................................... 31
One inspiration for Wide Sargasso Sea was Charlotte Brontë's
e Suggested Reading .............................................................................. 32 Jane Eyre, in which the character Bertha Mason appeared.
Brontë's Bertha is a mad, unspeaking Creole who is locked in
the attic. She is described as an alcoholic and adulterer with
movements compared to an animal's.
j Book Basics
In Jane Eyre Bertha's husband, Rochester, is portrayed as a
victim. He is poor and, as the second son of his family, he does
not stand to inherit anything. Rochester goes to Jamaica,
Jean Rhys
where he is manipulated by his and Bertha's family into
YEAR PUBLISHED marrying Bertha for her wealth. In an example of situational
1966 irony, when Rochester returns to England, his father and older
brother die, leaving him the entire inheritance and negating the
GENRE need for his marriage. Meanwhile he is forced to deal with his
Fiction wife's increasingly violent and sexualized insanity.

PERSPECTIVE AND NARRATOR While Wide Sargasso Sea preserves much of the backstory
Wide Sargasso Sea is told from a first-person perspective. The and even the details of Jane Eyre, there are some changes, the
narration alternates among three people: Antoinette, biggest of which is in sympathies. Wide Sargasso Sea
Rochester, and Grace Poole. humanizes Antoinette (Rhys's name for Bertha) and brings her
to the forefront as a sympathetic character. Although
Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Author Biography 2

ultimately Antoinette does go insane, she is pushed to this Jamaica, by 1838. The small landowners were affected
mental break by Rochester, who is portrayed as the financially by the emancipation of the slaves. The British tried
antagonist: his treatment of Antoinette, his lust for power, and to assist these landowners and gave them some minor
his excessive desire for money drive the action of the story. compensation, and Jamaica became a Crown colony in 1866.
However, even in Wide Sargasso Sea, Rochester has suffered In 1872 the seat of the British government moved from Spanish
because of his background; he claims he is unloved and that Town to Kingston, by then a thriving center of trade.
his brother is favored. Rochester believes everyone knew
about Antoinette's problems and simply did not tell him;
everyone, he feels, should therefore pity him and look on him Creoles
with empathy.
The term Creole has different meanings. It was first used to
Even though Jane Eyre provides a rich context for the novel,
distinguish descendants of British and European settlers who,
Wide Sargasso Sea stands as a classic in its own right,
like Antoinette Cosway in Wide Sargasso Sea, were born in the
developing characters and themes in ways that stand
Caribbean. Creole comes from a Portuguese word, crioulo,
independently from Brontë's novel.
meaning a slave born in the master's household. Over time
Creole came to refer to Caribbeans of mixed blood. Jamaican
Creole is the name for the language that developed as
Jamaica enslaved Africans in Jamaica interacted with their English and
European slaveholders.
Jamaica has a long history of racial conflict whose lasting
effects are woven into the social fiber of Rhys's novel. When

a Author Biography
Christopher Columbus explored the Caribbean island of
Jamaica in 1494, it was inhabited by Arawak Indians, also
called Tainos. Columbus claimed the island for Spain, and in
1509 Spanish colonists began occupying the land. The majority Jean Rhys, whose given name was Ella Gwendolen Rees
of the Arawaks were enslaved by the Spanish, and most died Williams, was born on August 24, 1890, in the West Indies
from overwork and diseases introduced by the colonizers. islands of the Caribbean Sea. Her mother was Creole, and her
father was Welsh; therefore, Rhys grew up feeling
In 1655 the British captured Jamaica and rid the island of its disconnected both socially and intellectually because she was
Spanish inhabitants, who freed their slaves before fleeing to of mixed background in a predominantly black community.
Cuba. These freed slaves and their descendants were called
the Maroons. Jamaica was formally ceded to the British in 1670 By 1907 Rhys went to England for schooling and returned only
and became a colony in the British Empire. Sugar became a one time to her birthplace. Although it shaped her views,
major crop for the British settlers, who used enslaved Africans ambivalence toward the Caribbean can be seen in Rhys's
to work on their plantations. writing, which explores the tension between the ordered world
of colonial life and the seductive world of island sensuality.
Jamaica had a thriving slave market, and the number of both
slaves and European immigrants in Jamaica grew during the After being educated and working as an actress in London,
second half of the 17th century. The slaves rebelled frequently, Rhys moved a number of times with her husband, Jean Lenglet,
and many escaped to join the Maroons. Major revolts occurred before settling in Paris. It was there that she began writing
in 1760 and 1831. The clash of such events created a social professionally, after being encouraged by novelist Ford Madox
environment in which many inhabitants were torn between the Ford, with whom she had an affair. She eventually separated
different cultures. The novel's character of Antoinette is an from her husband and left their daughter with him. Rhys was
example of such a person who must balance how culture involved with a number of men in her life and felt a certain
impacts identity. dependence on them due to her lifelong alcoholism. She also
suffered from depression and drank to excess; these
The British Parliament outlawed the transatlantic slave trade in challenges led to confinement in mental institutions on a few
1807 and gave slaves their freedom in all its colonies, including occasions.

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Characters 3

Rhys wrote a collection of short stories followed by four her off to the Englishman Rochester, who marries Antoinette
novels; these five books were published over a span of 12 for the money she brings as dowry, which should legally be set
years (1927–39). Her next and most critically acclaimed novel, aside for her and her heirs. He eventually comes to hate her
Wide Sargasso Sea, was not published until 1966 and tells the and is convinced she is crazy. Antoinette suffers because of
story of Bertha Mason, the mad Creole wife of Rochester from her marriage and her inability to understand and articulate her
Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre. Jean Rhys was very familiar with Creole self.
Jane Eyre, which she read as a child, and she resented the way
in which Creole women are presented in it. Brontë's rendering
of Bertha paints her as one clearly belonging to the "other" Rochester
category of a supposedly lesser ethnic minority, not to mention
how white Creole women were still associated with the native Rochester goes to Jamaica from England to meet Antoinette.
population by European settlers and typically viewed as He is aware of her wealth and agrees to marry her because of
immoral. her money. After they are married, he comes to feel lust for her
but not love. Later he becomes convinced she is crazy and he
Rhys's own background played an important role in all of her
locks her up in an attic so she cannot hurt herself or others.
novels, evident in this one by the similarities between her
background and her heroine's: both, for example, were from
the island of Dominica and educated at convent schools. Both
had siblings who died as children, and as a result, both felt
distanced from and alienated by their mothers and forever
Christophine works for Annette and is a gift from her husband
searched for love. Rhys's mother's relatives were slaveholders,
when they got married. Christophine, like Annette, is from
whose house, like Coulibri, was burned down by former slaves
Martinique. This connection enables Christophine to better
after the emancipation. Moreover, both Rhys and Antoinette
appreciate Annette. She remains loyal to her and later to
were "given" names by men: Rochester dubs Antoinette
Antoinette. She is a fiercely independent woman who is proud
"Bertha," and Rhys's lover and fellow author, Ford Madox Ford,
to earn her own money. She practices obeah and has gotten in
gave her the name Jean Rhys, which she adopted as her pen
trouble with the law. Christophine stands up to Rochester and
name. Like her heroine, Rhys throughout her life was
tries to save Antoinette from him.
dependent on men for financial support, validation, and a sense
of purpose. When she lost that support she was left depressed
and devastated. These themes from her life—exile, loss, and
alienation—fill Rhys's novels, especially Wide Sargasso Sea.
Jean Rhys died on May 14, 1979. Annette is an emotional woman. Her husband dies, leaving her
with their two children, including a son who has a disability.
Faced with very limited means, Annette is overwhelmed.

h Characters Eventually she marries Mr. Mason. She begs him to leave
Jamaica because she feels hated there, but he refuses. When
their house burns down, her son dies. Annette is inconsolable
and eventually goes insane from the grief.
Antoinette Cosway
Antoinette is the protagonist of the story. Her mother, Annette, Mr. Mason
is depressed because she has lost her livelihood and social
standing as a result of the emancipation of the slaves. Mr. Mason comes to Jamaica from England with the goal of
Antoinette is left to fend for herself and is not accepted by the increasing his wealth. While in Jamaica he meets and marries
people around her, who view her as different. Antoinette is a Annette. He is an opportunist who believes he can capitalize on
sensitive person and has no one with whom to regularly share the economic downfall of the slave owners to purchase land
her burdens. Antoinette's stepbrother, Richard Mason, marries cheaply. He misjudges the former slaves, seeing them as

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Characters 4

harmless. Ultimately these freed slaves burn down his house,

killing his stepson. His wife blames him.

Richard Mason
Richard Mason takes responsibility for Antoinette when his
father (and her stepfather) Mr. Mason dies. Mr. Mason
intended to marry Antoinette off and Richard Mason follows
through on this plan. However, instead of providing the money
as a dowry, he gives it to Rochester without legal provision for
Antoinette. Neither Aunt Cora nor Christophine approve of
Richard Mason's choice of a husband. They believe that by
giving Rochester full control over her money, Richard is doing a
great disservice to Antoinette.

Amélie is a servant to Antoinette and Rochester in Granbois.
She is attracted to Rochester, in part because she despises
her mistress, whom she calls a "white cockroach." She looks
down upon Antoinette and gets into a fight with her. Rochester
and Amélie have a one-night affair, which he regrets the next

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Characters 5

Character Map

Pretentious, unloving Briton;
marries for money

Formidable servant in
Scornful servant;
Jamaica; practices
lusts after her master
black magic


Antoinette Cosway
Isolated Creole girl;
Caretaker descends into insanity
as her marriage fails
Mother Annette
Aunt Cora
Destitute widow; goes
Wealthy widow in Jamaica
insane after her son dies



Richard Mason
Mr. Mason
Son of a wealthy British
Rich British man; puts
planter; arranges
his family in jeopardy
Antoinette's marriage

Main Character

Other Major Character

Minor Character

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Characters 6

Full Character List Aunt Cora

Aunt Cora is Antoinette's aunt; she
shows her niece love and affection.

Character Description Alexander Cosway is one of Old

Cosway's illegitimate children and
Sandi's father.
Antoinette Cosway is a troubled
young woman who loses her father at
an early age, is sent to a convent by Daniel Cosway is Antoinette's alleged
her stepfather, and whose husband, Daniel Cosway half-​brother, who tells the family's
Rochester, marries her for money. dark secrets to Rochester.

Though Rochester is unnamed, Old Cosway is Antoinette's father,

readers of Jane Eyre recognize him who was reportedly a drunk and had
as the romantic interest of that novel Old Cosway
relations with a number of former
Rochester because of his family situation: he has slaves.
a father and an older brother who do
not mean to give him any substantial
share of the family wealth. Louise De Plana attends the same
convent school as Antoinette; she is a
Louise De Plana
model student who helps Antoinette
Christophine is Antoinette's nanny; adjust.
she is a strong, independent woman.

Mrs. Eff runs the house in England

Annette is Antoinette's mother; she Mrs. Eff and has known Rochester since he
goes insane after her son dies. was a boy.

Mr. Mason Mr. Mason is Antoinette's stepfather. Emile is a porter, who helps move the
Emile luggage that Rochester and
Antoinette are taking to Granbois.
Richard Mason is Antoinette's
Richard Mason stepbrother; he gives her away to
Rochester. Mr. Fraser is a solicitor who reveals to
Mr. Fraser Rochester information about
Christophine's background.
Amélie is a servant who works at
Amélie Granbois; she has relations with
Rochester. Godfrey is a servant to the Cosways
while they are at Coulibri.
Baptiste is the caretaker at Granbois;
he does not care for Rochester. Hilda is a young servant at Granbois
who is always laughing.
Nameless boy is a servant at
Granbois; he is fond of Rochester and Jo-​jo is Christophine's son and a big
Boy Jo-​jo
cries when he cannot go with him to gossip.
Spanish Town.

Leah works at the house in England

Caroline is a friend of Antoinette's; Leah
and often speaks to Grace Poole.
she invites Antoinette and Rochester
to stay with her to wait out a
rainstorm. Mr. Luttrell is Annette's neighbor and
Mr. Luttrell the only person who remains friendly
to her.
Coco is Annette's pet parrot; he dies
Coco during the fire because his wings have
been cut, and he cannot fly away.

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Plot Summary 7

Maillotte is a friend of Christophine's
who is also not from Jamaica; she is
k Plot Summary
Tia's mother.

Mannie is a servant whom Mr. Mason
hired and brought to Coulibri.
Part 1
Wide Sargasso Sea is set in post-emancipation Jamaica in the
Sister Marie Augustine is a nun at the
Sister Marie convent school Antoinette attends; early 18th century. A young Antoinette Cosway, her brother,
Augustine Antoinette shares one of her dreams Pierre, and her mother, Annette, live at Coulibri, a rundown
with her. estate. Mr. Cosway, Antoinette's father, who died a few years
earlier, was in financial ruin after the slaves were freed, and the
Myra is one of the servants at hated slave owner drank himself to death. The remaining
Coulibri; when the mob starts the fire,
Myra Cosways are in bad shape: Pierre is sickly, and Annette is
she leaves Pierre alone, leading to his
death. depressed (and shows little interest in her children). Antoinette
takes comfort from her black nurse, Christophine. The
Pierre is Antoinette's brother; he community—both black and white—look down upon them.
Pierre suffers from some unnamed condition
and dies in the Coulibri fire. Mr. Mason, an Englishman, marries Annette. Despite the
vicious gossip of the servants and the locals, things seem to be
Grace Poole is the caretaker who looking up for the family. The estate is repaired, and Annette's
Grace Poole looks after Antoinette while she is disposition improves. However, she is adamant that the family
confined to an attic.
should leave the area due to the resentment she senses from
the former slaves toward the whites. Mr. Mason thinks she is
Sandi is the son of Antoinette's half-
brother, Alexander; he may have had exaggerating their discontent. A protest occurs, and the mob
Sandi burns their home. Pierre dies from injuries suffered in the fire,
an intimate relationship with
Antoinette. while Antoinette suffers serious injuries from both the fire and
the mob.
Disastrous Thomas is a servant to the
Cosways at Coulibri; he leaves when After a few weeks Antoinette wakes from a coma. She is in her
they have no money and returns when Aunt Cora's house in Spanish Town. She learns about her
Mr. Mason arrives.
brother and finds out that her mother has had a mental
breakdown due to the grief. Antoinette visits her one time, but
Mother St. Justine is the head of the
Mother St. her mother reacts violently.
convent school Antoinette attends;
she teaches the girls about the saints.
Aunt Cora enrolls Antoinette in a convent school. She stays
with the nuns and is taught how to be a lady. She rarely sees
Tia is a childhood friend of
Tia Antoinette's who proves to be disloyal her family as Aunt Cora has moved to England and Mr. Mason
and spiteful. travels around Jamaica on business and visits infrequently.
One such visit occurs when Antoinette turns 17. Mr. Mason tells
Young Bull is a man to whom Antoinette that friends are coming to visit from England and
Rochester speaks and who questions implies one will marry her.
Young Bull
Rochester on why he is in the West

Part 2
The wedding has taken place and Antoinette's husband,
Rochester, narrates. The couple is traveling to the Windward

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Plot Summary 8

Islands for their honeymoon. Rochester worries that he rushed Antoinette to England.
into the marriage and does not really know his new wife.
Richard Mason, Antoinette's stepbrother, paid Rochester to
marry her, and Rochester agreed because he is desperate for Part 3
money to pay off a debt.
Beginning from the perspective of Grace Poole, the woman
Rochester does not enjoy the honeymoon spot (a property
who guards Antoinette in the attic, the perspective shifts to
Antoinette has inherited) and does not trust the servants,
Antoinette. She is clearly confused about where she is and
particularly Christophine, to whom Antoinette is especially
how long she has been there. When her stepbrother visits,
close. Antoinette tries to explain the way of life and the ways
Antoinette becomes violent, but she quickly forgets the
of the servants. While Rochester never seems completely
incident. Antoinette has a recurring dream involving stealing
comfortable, he and Antoinette grow closer and enjoy a
Grace's key and exploring the rest of the house, lighting
passionate love life.
candles, and setting the house on fire. One night after

A few weeks pass and Rochester receives a letter from Daniel awakening from the dream, Antoinette steals the keys, leaves

Cosway, who claims to be an illegitimate child of Antoinette's the room, and heads downstairs while holding a candle.

father. The letter says Antoinette comes from a family with

madness, which she has inherited. Rochester believes the
letter is true and starts to see signs of Antoinette's madness.
Antoinette senses that Rochester has changed the way he
feels about her, so she goes to Christophine and convinces her
to give her an obeah (a spell, in the form of a potion, common
to the native peoples of the Caribbean), even though
Christophine suggests she should leave him instead.

Rochester gets a second letter from Daniel Cosway and visits

him. Cosway makes more accusations about Antoinette, and
while Rochester is disgusted by Cosway, he believes what he
is told. When Rochester gets home, Antoinette confronts him
and suggests he no longer has feelings for her. He tells her
about his meeting, and Antoinette defends herself as she tries
to explain her past. She becomes very upset, so Rochester
suggests she go to bed. They then continue the conversation
the next day, and she asks Rochester to come to her room,
where she slips him the love potion.

When Rochester awakens early the next morning, he realizes

he has been drugged and seduced by Antoinette. He is furious,
and later that day, he has sex with Amélie, a Negro servant,
while Antoinette is within hearing distance in the next room.

Antoinette is devastated. She goes to Christophine's and is

away for a few days. Upon returning she is furious with
Rochester and loses control. Her actions are like those of a
madwoman. She eventually collapses. Christophine comes and
says Rochester has destroyed Antoinette. She suggests he try
to love her again or go to England without her. Rochester
refuses and orders Christophine off the property. Refusing
both of her suggestions, Rochester makes plans to take

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Plot Summary 9

Plot Diagram


Falling Action
Rising Action
5 8



7. Rochester sleeps with Amélie and Antoinette overhears.


1. Coulibri is burnt, leaving Pierre dead and Annette insane.

Falling Action

8. Christophine tries to persuade Rochester to free Antoinette.

Rising Action

2. Antoinette and Rochester marry and reside in Granbois.

3. The couple is intimate, and Antoinette feels love.
9. Antoinette escapes the attic to set the house on fire.
4. Rochester learns of Antoinette's family's history.

5. Antoinette visits Christophine and begs for a potion.

6. Antoinette explains her family history to Rochester.


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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Plot Summary 10

Timeline of Events


Pierre is deemed incurable, and Annette becomes


A few months later

Annette and Mr. Mason marry.

One year later

Coulibri is burned by the former slaves. Pierre dies.

Annette goes insane.

A few months later

Antoinette begins convent school while Aunt Cora is in

England and Annette is being cared for.

A few years later

Antoinette and Rochester marry and go to Granbois for

their honeymoon.

A few weeks later

Rochester learns of Antoinette's family's history via a

letter from Daniel Cosway.

A few weeks later

Antoinette gives a potion to Rochester; it does not work,

and he sleeps with Amélie.

A few weeks later

Rochester and Christophine argue over Antoinette, and

he refuses to let his wife go.

A few years later

Antoinette escapes the attic with the intention of burning

the house.

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Part Summaries 11

servants stay out of a need for money. Antoinette worries

c Part Summaries Christophine will leave the household.

One day a black girl sees Antoinette and insults her, "Go away
Wide Sargasso Sea has three parts. This study guide breaks
white cockroach, go away, go away." Christophine finds
parts 1 and 2 into smaller sections for the purpose of summary
Antoinette and the next day provides a playmate for her, Tia;
and analysis.
the two become friends, but only briefly: one day Tia sees that
Antoinette has some money. They make a bet, and Tia takes

Part 1 (The Burning of Coulibri) Antoinette's money, and the girls insult each other. Tia leaves
while wearing Antoinette's dress, leaving her to wear Tia's old
one. When Antoinette arrives home, she finds there are visitors.
Her dress, that of a poor black girl, embarrasses both her and
Summary her mother.

As Wide Sargasso Sea opens, Antoinette, the protagonist and That night Annette does not talk to Antoinette, who becomes
narrator, explains why her mother (Annette) and the family are convinced that her mother is angry with her. Later Antoinette
not accepted by their community in Jamaica. Annette is young, has a dream about being chased in the forest. She believes life
pretty, and from the French colony of Martinique, while is about to change. Her mother starts leaving the house again
Jamaica is an English colony. In addition Annette is a Creole, (she uses the neighbor's horse), has new dresses made, and
which leaves her on the outside of both races. Antoinette's attends social functions. Antoinette goes off on her own and
father has been dead a few years, and the estate where the enjoys the solitude.
family lives, Coulibri, has fallen into disrepair due to the family's
financial struggles since his death. Soon Annette marries Mr. Mason. At the wedding the guests
gossip about Annette and her former husband and wonder why
The slaves have recently been freed, and there is resentment Mr. Mason would marry her. Antoinette overhears them. While
toward their former masters, the white people. Antoinette's the couple honeymoon in Trinidad, Antoinette and Pierre stay
family used to have slaves, and they currently have a few black with their Aunt Cora in Spanish Town. While the family is away,
servants. Like the other slaveholders, the Cosway family were Mr. Mason is having repairs done on Coulibri. New servants
promised compensation for releasing their slaves, but they come in as well, and they talk about Christophine's obeah
have not received any. practices, which causes Antoinette to be fearful.

Annette's mother goes horseback riding every day, but her A year after they are married, Annette wants to leave Coulibri
horse gets poisoned, which leaves her feeling stranded. Later because she believes the people hate them. She and Mr.
she convinces a doctor from Spanish Town to come to their Mason argue about it regularly. Antoinette agrees and thinks
estate and check on Pierre, her son, who is unable to walk or things are worse because now they have money. Mr. Mason
talk properly. The doctor delivers bad news and never returns. does not see things in the same way and laughs at Annette's
This turn of events impacts Annette greatly; her grief causes concerns. Later Aunt Cora warns Mr. Mason about how he
her to grow thin and silent, and she eventually becomes talks in front of the servants.
housebound. When Antoinette reaches out to her, she does
not respond and even pushes her away. Antoinette is lonely One night Antoinette is awoken by her mother and told to
and spends time in the garden, which is overgrown and in need come downstairs. When she arrives, the family is all there
of care. She also spends time in the kitchen with Christophine, (except Pierre), as well as Christophine and the servants.
a servant who is from Martinique like Annette. There is a protest going on outside, and the protesters are
throwing rocks at the house. Annette debates whether to get
Like Annette, Christophine was not accepted by others in Pierre, whom she left with Myra, a servant. Mannie, another
Jamaica. Over the years Antoinette has become fond of servant, notices the protestors have set fire to the house.
Christophine, who sings to her and provides company. Annette Meanwhile Myra joins the protestors and leaves Pierre.
says the family would not have survived without Christophine, Annette dashes to Pierre's room. She returns with Pierre,
who stays with the family out of loyalty. She believes the other whose crib has been burned, and he appears lifeless. Despite

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Part Summaries 12

her burned hair and hands, Annette is livid and screams at Mr. her. It is only when blood is running down her face that
Mason for his trust in the black people. Antoinette realizes that Tia has thrown a stone at her.
Antoinette requires violence to learn the lesson that she
The family leaves with the house in flames. Mr. Mason is forced personally, and not just her family, is in exile. For this reason,
to drag Annette away from the home; she has been trying to while she finds the Caribbean landscape beautiful, she often
save her parrot, Coco. Once outside, the mob screams at feels bewildered and overwhelmed by it.
them. Two of the servants bring the horses around but the
family cannot get to them. After Mr. Mason prays, the crowd It seems the only person who does not understand and
stops yelling: they are focused on Coco, who has fallen to appreciate this tension is Mr. Mason. The Englishman came to
death due to clipped wings. The people see this as bad luck. the West Indies to increase his fortune, and it appears he has
Mannie brings the carriag,e and the family enters. One of the been successful on this front. However, he does not recognize
protestors verbally assaults the family, but Aunt Cora's firm the socio-economic issues driving the mood of the people.
speech stops him. As Antoinette takes a look at the house, she Though he is warned by Annette and Aunt Cora, Mr. Mason
sees Tia and runs to her, seeing her as all that is left of her old insists the ex-slaves are "too damn lazy to be dangerous."
life. Tia throws a rock at Annette that hits her in the face and While he capitalizes from the downfall of the previous slave
draws blood. owners, he believes himself impervious to a similar fate.
Annette's fierce anger at him, leading her to attempted murder,
is almost understandable. His inaction causes the death of her
Analysis son and a grief so intense it causes her madness. Readers
familiar with Jane Eyre will see some of the events of that novel
From the first lines of the book, Rhys establishes Antoinette prefigured here.
and her family as outsiders. Both Annette and Christophine are
from Martinique, a French, not an English, colony. Annette's A number of times in this section, Antoinette is victimized or
Creole ancestry makes her an outsider to all races. Both the insulted. Before her mother's wedding, people were degrading
white people (who closed ranks, leaving the Cosways on the Annette and wondering why Mr. Mason would marry her. Tia
outside of the circle) and the black people (who refer to the and others say cruel things to Antoinette, who all the while
family as white cockroaches) view Antoinette's family as other. does practically nothing to defend herself: although she seems
Coulibri thus becomes an island by itself within the Islands of to realize she is being insulted, she also seems to realize it is
the West Indies. The status of being on the outside is useless to fight back. At the end of this section, Coco the
compounded for Antoinette, since her mother favors her sickly parrot is burned and falls to his death. Because Coco's wings
brother over her, for whom her mother shows little affection. have been clipped, he is unable to fly away and protect himself;
Antoinette is essentially left to fend for herself with occasional instead he must rely on others. In many ways Antoinette is like
periods of closeness to her Aunt Cora and Christophine, the Coco. She is young, beautiful, and white, all of which should be
family servant. assets to her, but her wings have been clipped in the sense
that she is unable to protect herself and has no one to look out
When Antoinette does find friendship in Tia, it is with a black for her. Her father is dead and her mother is preoccupied with
girl whose family is also not from Jamaica. However, as soon her own grief. Her later behavior, or lack of it, should be judged
as Tia realizes Antoinette has money (while the family is poor, with this beginning in mind.
they have more than Tia), their friendship dissolves. Her
deception of Antoinette, which includes stealing her dress and Multiple images of death are presented in the first pages of the
money, shows Tia is unable and perhaps unwilling to truly book. Mr. Luttrell, Annette's neighbor and only friend, kills his
reciprocate Antoinette's friendship. Despite her youth, she dog before killing himself. He does so out of desperation since
recognizes the differences between herself and Antoinette, his fortune, like the Cosways', has been lost as a result of the
and like the adults around her she spurns the Cosways. liberation of the slaves and the never-ending wait for the
promised compensation from the English. Annette's horse has
Antoinette recognizes the cruelty Tia displays toward her and been poisoned, and flies buzz around it, picking it as they wish.
decides it is better to be on her own. However, when trouble This death ultimately leads to an empty house next door and
erupts at Coulibri, Antoinette turns to Tia and wants to be like more isolation for Annette and her family. The smell of dead

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flowers even pervades their neglected garden, which admired for their beauty and behavior. While at the convent
Antoinette compares to the Garden of Eden: "large and Antoinette sews and learns about the saints.
beautiful as that garden in the Bible."
Antoinette wonders about her mother. She receives few visits
There are parts of Coulibri Antoinette has yet to discover and because Christophine has left, Mr. Mason is often away, and
doing so brings her joy. The biblical story says Eve eats from Aunt Cora has moved to England. While Antoinette seems
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, after being lonely, she adjusts to the schedule at the convent school. Later
convinced to do so by the snake, despite being commanded by Mr. Mason comes more regularly and brings Antoinette
God not to. She then has Adam do the same. Because Adam presents when he visits. On one visit, which occurs after
and Eve defy God's command, they are deemed unworthy of Antoinette turns 17, Mr. Mason says it is time for her to leave
paradise and are exiled from the Garden of Eden; they will now the convent. She will live with him, Aunt Cora, and his son.
need to work the land to support themselves. Like Eve When he leaves, he says he has asked some English friends to
Antoinette discovers a snake on one of her nature walks. The spend next winter there, so things will not be dull.
snake—along with the neglected, wild gardens at the Coulibri
estate—adds a sense of danger. The scene foreshadows both That night Antoinette again dreams of the forest and walking

the family's exile from Coulibri and Antoinette's more intimate with someone who hates her. She awakens and tells one of the

knowledge of evil. nuns she dreamed she was in hell. The nun gives her hot
chocolate and says it was an evil dream, and Antoinette should
put it out of her mind. While drinking the hot chocolate,

Part 1 (Antoinette's Schooling) Antoinette recalls her mother's funeral, which was the previous
year. The only people who attended besides her were
Christophine and Mr. Mason. Her mother and the dream
become intertwined. Antoinette asks the nun why terrible
Summary things happen, but the nun has no answer.

Six weeks have passed and Antoinette wakes up from her

sickness and finds herself in Aunt Cora's house. Aunt Cora
catches her up on what has transpired. Antoinette's hair has
been cut, the Luttrells helped the family to safety, Pierre has As Antoinette awakens, Aunt Cora is there. It is one of the few
died (Antoinette suspected this), and her mother is times an adult shows true affection for Antoinette, and she
recuperating in the country. Antoinette does not say she knew soaks in the attention and feels safe. However, Antoinette gets
about her mother, having heard her screams when she rejected yet again when she visits her mother who acts
periodically awoke from her sickness. violently when she realizes, again, that Pierre is dead. Then
Aunt Cora goes to England, leaving Antoinette in the convent
Antoinette goes, along with Christophine, for a visit to see her
school. She receives little attention, direction, or affection
mother, whom she recognizes only because of her hair and
throughout her childhood. The loneliness she feels from being
dress. Antoinette hugs and kisses her mother. While they are
outside the community is compounded by the lack of attention
embracing, Annette looks at the door for Pierre. Antoinette
she gets from her family and leaves her feeling unguarded and
shakes her head to show he is not coming, and Annette
unsafe, without a place of refuge.
screams no and throws Antoinette aside.

Antoinette is perceptive regarding the feelings of those around

Aunt Cora enrolls Antoinette in convent school. While on the
her. When she visits her mother, Antoinette recognizes she is
way to school, Antoinette is accosted and bullied by two teens.
looking for Pierre and is unable to bring herself to say Pierre
Sandi appears on the scene, and the bullies run off.
has died. When she wakes up and sees Aunt Cora, Antoinette
When Antoinette arrives at the school, she is anxious to get in again shows sensitivity as she immediately recognizes, with
and cries when she enters. A nun comforts Antoinette and just a look, the strain her aunt has been under. Before she is
introduces her to another student who shares stories about told, she also perceives that Pierre is dead. As soon as Mr.
the convent. The student is there with her sisters. They are Mason comes to see her (after she turns 17), Antoinette

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recognizes something is different based on his behavior and spend time on a small estate in the Windward Islands.
intuits he has a plan in store for her. Rochester is critical of himself, the people around him, and
Her intuition and feelings of insecurity make her overly
sensitive. She cries a number of times, most memorably when Antoinette sees a friend of hers, Caroline, and she speaks to
she goes to the convent after being bullied. Even the nuns, who her privately. Caroline invites the couple to come to her house,
act in a kindly manner, find her crying excessive. Antoinette but Rochester declines. While Antoinette is talking to Caroline,
has been through a number of ordeals at an early age and is Rochester speaks to one of the porters who says, "This a very
therefore an easy mark. She is often taken advantage of (just wild place - not civilized. Why you come here?" As they
as when Tia took her dress) and is incapable of fighting back. continue on their journey, Rochester says he understands why
Instead she breaks down. Her sensitivity makes her more the porter said it is a wild place; he feels menacing should be
vulnerable to attacks of all sorts, just as it will during her ill- added to the description. Rochester feels as if "everything is
fated marriage, causing her to overreact and to do so in ways too much," including the red of the flowers and the height of
that are emotional rather than logical. Antoinette learns while in the mountains.
convent school that whoever harms the "unfortunate or ...
unhappy insult[s] Christ Himself ... for they are His chosen Rochester composes a letter to his father in his head. He says

ones." Like Christ, Antoinette is destined to suffer. Unlike Him he was given 30,000 pounds "without question or provision"

she will not do so meekly. when he married Antoinette. This unusual arrangement
enables Rochester to be financially independent. He considers
While in the convent school, Antoinette has little interaction it to be a good deal as Antoinette is beautiful, but he has
with the other students. Nothing is noted after her initial doubts and is critical of her. Rochester notices Antoinette
conversation with Louise De Plana, nor is the interaction with smiling, and she tells him to put on his coat and brings him
the nuns extensive. More of Antoinette's time is spent water. Antoinette points out the red dirt, and Rochester says
contemplating sin, hearing stories about saints, and learning they have that in England. Antoinette mocks his comparison to
how to sew and other such tasks. Despite this existence England.
Antoinette seems content with the convent school. Safety and
security matter more to her than love, human interaction, or a While Rochester compares the house with an English summer

sense of place. She can deal with loneliness and alienation, in house, he proceeds to note the poor quality of the lawn and

part because she has never known anything different. the house. Rochester says the house is "more awkward than
ugly a little sad as if it knew it could not last." The servants are
waiting for them, and Antoinette introduces Rochester to them.

Part 2 (The Honeymoon and She saves Christophine for last, "my da, my nurse long ago."
Later Rochester takes a deep breath and says, "An intoxicating

Rochester's Regret) freshness as if all this had never been breathed before."

Antoinette gives Rochester a tour of the house, and the two

enjoy a toast to happiness. Frangipani, a type of delicate
Summary flower, is left for the couple, but Rochester carelessly crushes
it. Antoinette asks Rochester if he likes it there, as she senses
Part 2 is narrated by Rochester, who when Part 2 opens, is he does not. The house is special to her, and she feels
married to Antoinette and has used her money to pay off his comfortable there. When Christophine knocks, Rochester asks
debts. The couple along with a servant, Amélie, are in if Antoinette is afraid of her, but it is he who is afraid.
Massacre and are on their way to their honeymoon house
when they are caught in a rain storm. While waiting out the Rochester is shown his dressing room and begins to feel
storm, Rochester briefly reflects on the recent happenings: he comfortable. However, when Baptiste says it can be cold at
had been in Jamaica for one month before he and Antoinette night, Rochester is thrown. After examining the room further,
were married. For three of those weeks, he was bedridden with including taking note of the books, Rochester again composes
fever. After the wedding, the couple left Spanish Town to a letter to his father. He tells his father where he is and of
Antoinette's appreciation for the house. Rochester talks of

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Richard Mason, whom he praises and who trusts him Unlike Rochester, Antoinette goes to lengths to try to make the
completely. Rochester notes it is beautiful where he is, but his best of their marriage and please her husband. This portion of
illness has left him too exhausted to truly appreciate it. the novel is described from another point of view, so the
Rochester rereads the letter and adds some details about his reader does not know her feelings about the marriage. The
sickness. only clue the reader has is that earlier, when her stepfather
hinted at removing her from the convent and having parties
and visitors, she felt uneasy and fearful. Her optimistic behavior
Analysis could be genuine or it could be an attempt to set her new
husband at ease—the reader simply does not know.
From Rochester's very first words, "So it was all over," he
appears uncertain, uncomfortable, and unhappy. Rochester What we do know is that she tries to set Rochester at his ease
implies he has simply been led along—"I agreed. As I had and make him feel comfortable with the surroundings, make
agreed to everything else"—and his lack of power annoys him. him feel safe as she has always longed to do. She shares her
He implies he has been manipulated, which he has—his father feelings about the land and the house with Rochester in the
and brother refuse to give him enough of the family's hope that he too will enjoy and appreciate them as she does.
inheritance for him to survive independently, and he resents Antoinette shows a nurturing quality toward Rochester as she
them. A mystery surrounds him, and the fact that he is in debt brings him water, tells him to put on his coat, and wipes his
implies that his family is right not to trust him. Rochester claims forehead when he is sweating. She is concerned about his
that entering into the marriage for financial reasons while sick feelings and his health. When Rochester declines the invitation
and without much knowledge of the girl is akin to selling his to Caroline's house, Antoinette accepts his decision.
soul, and in many ways he is correct. Antoinette shares her fears with Rochester in an attempt to
help him understand her. She praises him: "You look like a king,
However, the arrangement is unusual and dangerous for an emperor." Antoinette instigated the toast to their happiness,
Antoinette as well. Wealthy women in the 19th century were and it is she who tries to make their happiness real.
usually married with a dowry that was an incentive for marriage
but was also financial protection or insurance for them in case From their first interaction, Rochester and Christophine do not
their husbands proved to be stingy or unable to provide. The care for each other. Rochester declares of her that "she
money also reverts to them if they are widowed, while if there seemed insignificant" and senses Christophine disapproves of
is an heir, only the father's wealth is passed down. In this case him. The two stare each other down, and, when Rochester
her stepbrother has given Rochester all of her money with no looks away, Christophine smiles. She wins the battle of wills in
legal reservations, leaving her completely exposed in the case this first encounter, and Rochester declares her scary. When
of Rochester's death, a divorce, or even the birth of an heir. Antoinette declares her feelings for Christophine, it sets up
Christophine as a rival to Rochester, who wants to control his
Rochester is not used to being an outsider and is wife. The battle between Rochester and Christophine will
uncomfortable in the role. When the couple passes Massacre, continue and ultimately, their different visions for how to
Antoinette explains that people, presumably outsiders, were handle Antoinette will clash.
killed there. This explanation heightens Rochester's
discomfort. In addition Rochester envies Antoinette and her
comfort with the surroundings. She interacts with the people, Part 2 (Meeting and Marriage)
appreciates the beauty of the area, smiles comfortably, speaks
the native language, and so on. Antoinette is in control, and
Rochester is clearly uncomfortable in a subordinate role. It is,
after all, the part he has left England to escape. There is some
situational irony, then, when he uses England to attempt to
Rochester recalls his meeting and courtship of Antoinette. He
regain his footing and assert his dominance: even England has
says he was playing a role and acting a part and is surprised
made him an outsider. The novel will not even give him the
few people noticed. Those who doubted his sincerity or were
dignity of a name.
curious about it were the black servants and not the white

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people.åç stepbrother wants to marry her off and thinks little of her,
calling her "the little fool." Richard Mason sees Antoinette as a
Rochester's recall of the wedding is also fragmented. All the burden, and he unloads her onto Rochester: the marriage is
women seemed to look alike to him. He remembers Antoinette purely a business transaction. With limited options Antoinette
was dressed in white and that her hand was freezing when she accepts Rochester. Should she have rejected him, Richard
came out of the church but not what she looked like. People Mason would have found someone else to unload her on. With
seem to show him pity, but Rochester does not understand little choice Antoinette merely hopes Rochester will keep her
why—he feels he has done well for himself. safe. Like her soon-to-be husband, Antoinette's expectations
for the marriage are minimal.
The morning of the wedding Richard Mason tells Rochester
that Antoinette has decided she does not want to go through
with it. Antoinette does not explain why. Rochester goes to her.
When she says she "is afraid of what may happen," he reminds Part 2 (Sexual Longing)
her of his promise to protect her. However, Antoinette doubts
him because he laughed with Richard Mason afterward. She
also says Rochester does not know anything about her. Summary
Rochester sweet talks Antoinette, and when he asks her to
reconsider, she nods her approval. Rochester awakens and goes to the dining room, which is laid
out in an attractive way. He sees Antoinette and wonders,
"Why I had never realized how beautiful she was." Rochester
Analysis and Antoinette chat and enjoy their meal. The conversation
turns to England, and the couple debate which country is more
Rochester's instabilities lead him to be driven by pride. He unreal.
believes he has fooled everyone in Spanish Town society by
making a good marriage, yet people recognize he has entered After dinner they go on the veranda and eventually for a walk.

the marriage for financial reasons. Rochester feels and resents Antoinette says how she used to come to this place when she

the disdain shown him by servants and other black people, who was a child and shares a story: one night Antoinette woke up,

see his insecurity and naïveté. It is their eyes that so disturb and two enormous rats were in her room; she fell back asleep,

Rochester, and those same eyes do not hide their disapproval. and when she woke up later that night, there was a full moon,

Many of the white people are Englishmen who came to the the rats were gone, and Antoinette was frightened. She looked

West Indies to make money, just like Rochester and Mr. Mason. for them outside and fell asleep out there. The next morning

They have learned to ignore the natives as they conduct Christophine said it was bad to sleep outside in a full moon.

business and to avoid trouble. Marrying Antoinette is simply When Antoinette asks Rochester what he thinks, he rocks her

another financial deal; therefore, they do not bat an eye at this in a childlike way and sings to her. The couple go into her room

transaction. where Rochester pours them wine and toasts to their

happiness and love.
Ultimately Rochester is fooling no one, least of all Antoinette.
The first part of the novel shows how perceptive she is, easily The next morning Rochester awakens and is ready to be

able to see through him. When discussing why she called off intimate again when Christophine knocks on the door.

the wedding, Antoinette says it is because Rochester laughed Although she is smiling, wishing them good morning, and

with Richard Mason after promising to keep her safe. She sees bringing them breakfast, Rochester still finds her imposing.

in Rochester the same thing she saw in her stepfather—a When Christophine leaves, Rochester praises her coffee but

foolish British businessman who does not understand the questions her talk and actions. Antoinette explains the

native environment and its inherent dangers. When Mr. Mason customs, but Rochester continues to judge based on his

was in control, her life was destroyed. Now her future husband background.

is laughing off the danger as he did.

Antoinette declares she is lazy and will stay in bed that

Still, like her mother, Antoinette has few options. Her morning and maybe even all day. Rochester starts spending
time at the bathing pool and begins to enjoy life there. He says

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the weather was beautiful week after week, and "My fever when she is most vulnerable, he does not give her the
weakness left me, so did all misgiving." In the mornings he is by emotional safety and security she craves.
himself in the bathing pool, but in the afternoons, Antoinette
joins him. Rochester is uncertain about Antoinette, but he is Rochester's days and nights are both submerged in the

very attracted to her. physical. He enjoys the food and drink offered by Christophine
and the bathing pool where he can be either alone or with
The couple discuss the island. They agree it is lonely. Antoinette, basking in the warmth of the island. The smell of
Antoinette says she loves the island as if it were a person, and the night flowers intoxicates him. But he remains uneasy about
it is her favorite place in the world. Rochester teases her by the islanders and the island, and he withholds the emotional
noting she has not been around much. The couple settle into a support Antoinette craves. Like Antoinette Rochester has been
pleasant routine and are regularly intimate. However, impacted by his childhood: Rochester believes his brother was
Rochester awakens at night and wonders why Antoinette looks the loved child, and his father and brother have colluded
sad while she is asleep. He curses himself for marrying her but against him.
wakes her up and listens to her sad stories in the dark.
Antoinette tells Rochester that before him, she did not wish to Antoinette's brute honesty about wanting to die before

live. She never told this to anyone because there was no one to meeting Rochester and her willingness to do so at his

tell. command makes Rochester uncomfortable. Just as Antoinette

seems to be different at night from how she is during the day,
Rochester notes that Antoinette acts like any other girl, playful Rochester goes through changes as well. There are many
and pleasant, during the day. At night things are different as times when Rochester will praise one moment and insult the
Antoinette always talks of death. Antoinette says she is not next: the land, the people, and Antoinette. In one scene he is
used to happiness, and the feeling makes her afraid. Rochester toasting their love and happiness, and in the next he is saying
has made her want to live and she says she will die if he says he feels nothing for her. His change in emotions is not because
to. The two are in bed together often, and Rochester says, of something Antoinette did or did not do; his natural paranoia
"Very soon she was as eager for what's called loving as I was." and mistrust prevent Rochester from fully enjoying the
However Rochester says Antoinette is a stranger, and he feels moment. He insists he feels nothing for Antoinette, yet this
neither love nor tenderness for her, only lust. does not prevent him from having relations with her repeatedly.
The back and forth of his emotions introduces some situational
Rochester describes Antoinette as being like an obedient child irony, since Rochester comments on the emotions of the island
whose ideas cannot be changed. Rochester assures people and how they cannot control them.
Antoinette she is safe but needs the assurance himself. It
always seems to rain at night, but when the mornings come, The sensual aspect of the islands impacts both Antoinette and
there is little evidence of the rains from the night before. Rochester: whereas the island allows Antoinette to overcome
her fears and feel vulnerable and even happy, Rochester, who
often seems cold and heartless, is overcome with a lascivious,
Analysis physical need for Antoinette. His ability to bring her physical
satisfaction thrills him, and he revels in it. His destruction of
Both Rochester's and Antoinette's personalities are deeply flowers, delicate and beautiful like Antoinette, foreshadows his
affected by the time of day and the weather. During the day control and dominance over Antoinette. Rochester will control
Antoinette is pleasant and happy. She laughs easily and smiles and break her—all because he can.
often. However, at night she is sad and dramatic and often
talks of death. Antoinette had a sad and lonely childhood that Death and dying are mentioned repeatedly in this section.
left her fearful and unhappy, and she wants her husband to Antoinette is obsessed with the topic and is even willing to die,
make her feel safe. During the day she is able to give him what which is what Rochester wants. Even moths and beetles
she perceives he wants in a wife, but she feels he is invade Rochester and Antoinette's romantic dinner table. The
withholding something from her, especially at night, when they bugs fly into candles and die right on the tablecloth, much like
share a physical relationship but when Rochester is not as Coulibri, which was consumed in flames. Just as the couple
intimate with her as she wants him to be. During the moments ignores the bugs and proceeds with their dinner, Rochester

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ignores Antoinette's fears, also as her stepfather had ignored Rochester again, she will hurt her. Then Christophine turns to
her mother's warnings at her childhood home. Antoinette and kisses her goodbye.

Rochester and Antoinette are left alone, and she explains how

Part 2 (The Letter) she is not accepted by either black people or the English. She
then asks Rochester to go so she can dress as Christophine
said. When Rochester knocks later, there is no answer, so he
has Baptiste bring him something to eat. After a strong drink
Summary with his dinner, Rochester goes to sleep. Later he wakes up
and goes into Antoinette's room but she is sleeping. It's the
Amélie delivers a letter to Rochester who thinks nothing of it.
middle of the night yet Rochester finds the quiet disturbing.
Later he opens the letter, which is from Daniel Cosway, a half-
brother to Antoinette. The letter says Rochester was deceived Rochester goes for a walk outside and eventually enters the
and goes on to shame Antoinette and her family, describing forest. He thinks of his father, brother, and Richard Mason and
them as "wicked and detestable slave-owners." The letter also how they played him for a fool. "How can one discover truth?"
notes, "there is madness in that family." The letter details Rochester wonders, and he feels as if he is on his own. At this
Annette's descent into madness and how she tried to kill her time Rochester feels as if he is being watched. While
husband. Daniel Cosway says he is sharing the information as Rochester is lost, he comes across a little girl who screams
a way to warn Rochester of Antoinette's background because when she sees him and runs off. Rochester still cannot find the
it is "my Christian duty." The letter instructs Rochester to path. Baptiste finds him and leads him back. On their way
consider how things occurred when he got married and to Rochester asks about the little girl and inquires if she is a
confront Richard Mason to confirm what is in the letter. Finally zombie. Baptiste says he knows nothing about this and also
Daniel Cosway requests that Rochester come see him and says there is no road. When they return, Antoinette's door is
notes that Amélie knows where he lives. still bolted, so Rochester has some rum and reads a book on
obeah that discusses zombies.
Rochester folds the letter and puts it away. While he claims he
is not surprised and suspected something, Rochester is
disturbed by the letter and he is unsteady as he heads back to
the house.

The relationship between Rochester and Antoinette has

Amélie notifies Antoinette that Christophine is leaving. Then
deepened. They are regularly intimate with each other, and
Amélie makes a comment about Rochester that Antoinette
Antoinette views what they have as love. For Rochester the
takes offense with, and the two ladies slap each other. The two
physical is still primary, but he has some feelings for his wife.
are fighting when Rochester enters. He breaks it up and
However, he continues to have doubts about his situation and
Amélie walks away, pretending to sob and playing up to
suspects he has been duped. Cosway's letter is the piece of
Rochester. When out of sight and hearing distance, Amélie
the puzzle Rochester has been looking for. From the very start
sings a song calling Antoinette a white cockroach and saying
of the relationship, he has been uncertain and waiting for the
she bought Rochester. Antoinette is furious about Amélie's
revelation to confirm his doubts. As upsetting as Daniel
Cosway's letter is, it also provides a sense of comfort because
Christophine comes into the room and tells Antoinette she is Rochester now feels he knows the truth. The same paranoia
indeed leaving. Antoinette asks, "And what will become of and mistrust he and Antoinette both feel are confirmed for him
me?"Christophine instructs Antoinette to have spunk so she as reasonable.
can survive in the wicked world. She explains she will go off to
Significantly the comfort comes to Rochester in written form.
her house, which Antoinette's mother gave her, and enjoy her
Many of the black islanders do not know how to read or write,
garden, which her son will work for her. Christophine is also
and the written declaration carries connotations of business,
leaving because she and Rochester do not like each other and
conducted in written bills and receipts; the law, formalized in
staying might bring trouble. Amélie returns, and she smiles at
written code; and English civilization, educated and well read.
Rochester; Christophine threatens her that if she smiles at

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Although the letter from Daniel Cosway provides some sense interpretation. When Christophine confirms she is leaving,
of comfort to Rochester, it also leaves him feeling isolated. Antoinette is hurt. However, Antoinette accepts Christophine's
Many times when he goes to Antoinette in this section of the leaving because of Rochester. Antoinette realizes she must
book, her door is locked or she is otherwise unavailable. By decide between the two of them, and she chooses her
choosing to believe the letter and by receiving the opportunity husband in an attempt to make the best of the situation.
to have his fears confirmed, he has become separated from Despite Christophine's encouragement, Antoinette does not
her. She too has fears, but hers can be neither confirmed nor seem capable of taking care of herself. In the very same scene,
denied. Antoinette needs Christophine just to put Amélie in her place.
At the very moment Rochester feels most isolated from and
In addition, when he comes home after first receiving the letter, distrustful of her, she is left most dependent upon him.
Antoinette is acting in a melodramatic way. Her fight with
Amélie and her cutting up of the sheets seems particularly odd Daniel Cosway claims to tell Rochester about Antoinette's
and disturbing to Rochester as he is already viewing her in a background because it is his Christian duty. Yet it seems his
different light. Any chance for Antoinette to explain her side of letter is more about envy and anger. Daniel Cosway says his
the story is lost. Antoinette's self-isolation along with her lack father did not like him and abandoned him. While Cosway
of explanation in the past allows the story of Daniel Cosway to received some financial support, he feels it was not enough: he
stand as truth in Rochester's mind. As time passes, is living in poverty. Cosway is jealous of Antoinette, who is a
Rochester's mistrust grows and cements itself in his mind. wealthy woman with every benefit in the world. He even admits
Antoinette has shown herself to be perceptive in the past; to wanting revenge, "Let him wait my day will come." Despite
however, in this case she allows her love and trust of the letter's jealousy and vengeance, Rochester is tempted to
Rochester to blind her. believe it; it allows Rochester to be right about his suspicions,
which is more important to him than creating a good life with
Rochester's walk home after receiving the letter as well as his his wife.
walk in the forest deepen his isolation. While walking home,
Rochester plucks and destroys an orchid, one of Antoinette's
favorite flowers. His isolation is emphasized when he returns
home and the place is quiet and appears deserted. During
Part 2 (Rochester's Rejection
Rochester's walk into the forest (after he finds Antoinette
sleeping), he senses that everyone—his father, brother,
of Antoinette)
Richard Mason, and Antoinette—knew about Antoinette's
background and deliberately kept him uninformed. The only
person who enlightens him is Daniel Cosway.
While in the forest Rochester senses another person and feels With Antoinette away at Christophine's, Rochester receives a
he is being watched. However, the only "person" he believes he second letter from Daniel Cosway. He speaks to Amélie about
sees is a zombie. The definition Rochester discovers about a the letter and tells her he no longer wishes to receive the
zombie—"a living person who is dead"—is the way he now letters. Rochester questions Amélie about Daniel Cosway, and
views Antoinette. She is no longer a regular person to him, let she says he is always reading his Bible and is like a white man
alone a wife. Instead she is a burden, a problem waiting to with a big house. She encourages Rochester to go see Daniel
happen. His treatment of her will eventually cause her to fulfill Cosway because if he comes to the house he will make
his prediction. trouble.

Antoinette also feels abandoned in this section. Christophine Rochester visits Daniel Cosway, who talks bitterly about the
has been by her side since she was a child. She has supported awful treatment he received from his father. Daniel Cosway
Antoinette in many ways, by sheltering her from her mother then slanders Christophine and says she went to jail and
and securing her a playmate in Tia. Some of these have been practices obeah. He implies there was something going on
helpful; others have not. Like her namesake, Christopher between Antoinette and Sandi. He then says Antoinette tells
Columbus, her legacy is destined to be ambiguous and open to lies and Rochester is not the first to kiss her. Rochester is

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repulsed by him, and when he tries to leave, Daniel Cosway wife was on the other side of the partition, but he felt
grows angry. He wants money from Rochester but does not differently the next morning. The two speak that morning, and
get any. Amélie shares her plans for the future. Rochester says he will
give her a present. Before she leaves, Rochester asks if she
In the next scene Antoinette asks Rochester why he hates her, still feels sorry for him. Amélie says yes and adds, "But I find it
but he denies feeling this way. She follows up with why he in my heart to be sorry for her too." Rochester remains and
does not approach her then. Rochester questions Antoinette waits to hear Antoinette leave the house.
about her mother. Rochester tells her he saw Daniel Cosway,
and Antoinette correctly guesses what Cosway probably told Rochester is content in the home by himself. He exchanges a
him. Rochester says they should wait till the next morning to letter with a magistrate who says Christophine is trouble. He
talk about this, but Antoinette insists they talk then. Antoinette says if Christophine starts practicing obeah again, Rochester
tells of the struggles her mother had after her father died. should contact him, and he will have her arrested and make
sure she gets a long sentence.
When Rochester asks how Antoinette was during those times,
she says, "I was always happy in the morning, not always in the Antoinette returns with Christophine and goes right to her
afternoon and never after sunset." She believes the house was bedroom. Later Rochester forces his way into seeing her.
haunted. She also talks of Coulibri's beauty and is upset Antoinette has been drinking, and she is livid. She says
Rochester cannot see it. Antoinette says her mother started Rochester has made this place another one she hates and
having guests and tried to change their lives because she was says, "Before I die I will show you how much I hate you."
ashamed of how Antoinette was growing up. She then Rochester says he does not love her at all, and Antoinette calls
mentions that the house was burned down and she him a stone. The two get into a fight. Christophine comes in,
recuperated at Aunt Cora's house. She talks about her and Antoinette collapses on the sofa in tears. She asks
brother's death, being hit in the head with the rock, and how Rochester why he was with Amélie, but he walks out of the
her mother hated and threatened Mr. Mason. Antoinette room. Christophine calms Antoinette, and she goes to sleep.
shares a story about how she visited her mother. At the end
Antoinette stops and says, "... I have tried to make you Christophine confronts Rochester, telling him about how

understand. But nothing has changed." Antoinette was when she came to visit her. She goes on to say
Antoinette is better than he and all he cares about is money.
Antoinette laughs afterward, and Rochester calls her Bertha. Christophine says Rochester made love to Antoinette "till she
When she asks him why, Rochester says he calls her that can't do without it" but he never felt love for her. Rochester
because he is fond of the name. Antoinette tells him she went then accuses Christophine of trying to poison him.
to see Christophine, who advised her to leave him. He seems Christophine explains how Antoinette begged her to help so
to think it good advice and says it might be wise for one of that Rochester would love her again. Finally she says
them to leave for a little while. Rochester says she should go to Rochester deliberately had relations with Amélie so that
bed, and she asks him to come in with her. Rochester notes Antoinette would cry.
she looks very beautiful and grows desirous of her and says,
"We are letting ghosts trouble us. Why shouldn't we be happy?" Rochester presses Christophine about what he did to

Rochester says this happened before he drank and Antoinette Antoinette. Christophine says she gave her something to make

did not need to give him anything. her sleep and took care of her, but Antoinette slept too much.
When she woke her up, she started giving her rum instead.
When Rochester awakens in the early morning, he feels sick Antoinette insisted she return home and begged Christophine
(and ultimately vomits) and believes he has been poisoned. He to come with her. Christophine says all the work she did to help
goes back to the bedroom and tastes the wine and finds it is Antoinette was ruined when Rochester said he did not love her.
bitter. Rochester leaves the house and collapses by a ruined Rochester says Christophine turned Antoinette into a drunken
house where he sleeps the day away. He returns to the house, wreck.
sees no one, and goes to his bedroom. Amélie comes into
Rochester's room, and the two of them have relations. After saying Rochester will not help Antoinette, Christophine

Rochester says he felt no remorse despite the fact that his begs Rochester to love Antoinette. She says, "Wait, and
perhaps you can love her again. A little, like she say. A little.

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Like you can love." After Rochester shakes his head no, the Rochester earlier, now that she knows him and has seen his
two of them discuss Daniel Cosway and what he said about behavior, she is completely turned off. Clearly her motive was
Antoinette and her mother. Christophine tries again to revenge on Antoinette for being white and of a higher social
convince Rochester to take Antoinette, saying "If you forsake class than herself, a situation neither of them created, but from
her they will tear her in pieces—like they did her mother!" She which both she and Amélie suffer.
tries to reason with Rochester and suggests he leave and give
Antoinette some money. Christophine says she would take After she returns with Christophine, Antoinette's behavior

care of Antoinette. Eventually Antoinette would forget about toward Rochester is reminiscent of her mother's behavior

Rochester and find someone to marry and be happy. toward Mr. Mason. She acts violently and threatens to harm
him. Clearly she is terrified of what he intends to do with her
This causes Rochester to feel jealous, and he laughs at after already beginning to torture her with Amélie. He is
Christophine and insults her, saying he has heard enough and prepared with his next step: robbing her of her name and
insists Christophine leave. He says she is to blame for what calling her Bertha instead. She now realizes she is utterly
has happened. When Christophine resists, Rochester says he within his power, and she is terrified. In her confusion and hurt,
will have the police come and take her. Christophine asks she acts out. Given what he has learned about her past,
Rochester what his plans are for Antoinette, and he says he Rochester views Antoinette's actions as crazy, but they are
will bring her to Spanish Town and have doctors look at her understandable based on the circumstances.
and consult with Richard Mason. Christophine says Rochester
only wants her money and will have Antoinette declared mad Christophine and Rochester have been headed toward a

and the doctors will say what he wants them to say. confrontation since they first met. Christophine was
Antoinette's protector. She knows her past and what she has
gone through and has tried to help her through her challenges.
Analysis As her husband Rochester is supposed to have taken on the
role of Antoinette's protector, but beginning with the financial
Daniel Cosway is an angry and bitter man. Although he earlier arrangements made by Richard Mason, his adoption of that
claimed to be telling Rochester the information about role has been a failure. When Rochester mistreats Antoinette,
Antoinette and her family because he is a good Christian, it she returns to her former protector, Christophine. Although
becomes clear by the end of their interview that he is after Rochester does not truly care about Antoinette, he cannot
money. Daniel Cosway writes a second letter and urges accept Christophine as his wife's protector, a move that
Rochester to visit him. There is nothing in the second letter and emasculates him as a man, a husband, and a businessman.
nothing said in the visit that Daniel Cosway did not say in his
Rochester is a white, European, moneyed male. In nearly every
initial letter. The reason he wants Rochester to visit is because
way—black, Caribbean, former slave, female—Christophine is
he feels he should be paid for the information he has provided.
Rochester's opposite. In addition to gaining independence
When Rochester, who is sickened by Cosway, does not want
when the slaves were freed, Christophine has managed to earn
to pay him, Cosway becomes angry and threatening. These
money and is financially free. She is also unmarried and
actions are reminiscent of how Daniel Cosway describes the
therefore not dependent on men. Finally, she has inherited a
interactions between himself and Antoinette's father and of the
home from Antoinette's family, so she has property. For all of
baseness he accuses Antoinette and her family of. Despite
these reasons, Christophine is not intimidated by Rochester at
recognizing these truths, Rochester believes everything he
All of this would be enough to make Rochester despise
The next morning after Rochester and Amélie have relations,
Christophine, resent her, and feel compelled to dominate her
Rochester says he is going to give her money. Amélie says she
the way he dominates Antoinette, except that Christophine
plans to go to Rio because there are rich men there, which
also has two advantages. First, she lives outside the law. His
proves she is far more practical than either Antoinette or
communications with Daniel and a local magistrate have
Rochester. His coldness that morning causes Amélie to want
warned him that she was arrested in Martinique for an
to be away from Rochester as soon as possible and even
unknown crime and spent time in jail. Second, Christophine is
allows her to pity Antoinette. While Amélie had flirted with

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obeah, meaning she has religious powers associated with the Like Antoinette, Rochester feels a lack of love from a parent
gods of the Caribbean islands, gods the slaves brought with (his father), which affects him very differently from how it
them from Africa and whom they believe are angry because of affects Antoinette. For her the lack of love from her mother
the savage crimes committed on them and their ancestors. For makes her needy, weak, and fearful. However, she remains
both of these reasons Rochester is reluctant to confront loyal and sympathetic to her mother and defends her, as the
Christophine directly. Still he has no intention of bowing to her reader sees when she shares her mother's background story
will. with Rochester, during which it becomes clear Antoinette was
greatly upset at how poorly her mother was treated.
Like the island's emancipated slaves, Christophine has powers Rochester's back story is not given here. It is clear, though,
that can either nurture or destroy; the island people can that he feels unloved by his father and believes his brother is
choose to work the land, calling forth its lavish fruits, or they favored. Yet he continues to reach out to his father, share what
can burn down their masters' homes in acts of rebellion and is going on in his life, and seek his approval. While Antoinette
violence. For the most part Christophine chooses to be a wanted love to fill the void left by a lack of parental love,
nurturer. She gives Rochester options, so he can appear to Rochester wanted money and power and approval. Rochester
have made up his own mind, and she offers him a solution that feels his father might appreciate him more if he were self-
could allow him to leave with grace. She understands the sufficient. The way he obtained the money and how he uses it
devastating power of a white man's pride, and she knows and leads the reader to believe Rochester's father will continue to
cares for her charge, Antoinette. In other words she tries to be distant from his son.
negotiate a peace, as many generations of island people have
done. That the effort is doomed should come as no surprise to Despite not having money or the love of his father, Rochester
anyone remotely familiar with history. still feels superior. After all, Richard Mason pursued him to
marry his stepsister, offering Rochester £30,000 with no
Rochester's cruelty is never more apparent than when he strings attached, despite barely knowing him. Although
rejects Christophine's request. It seems Christophine has Rochester complains repeatedly about feeling duped, this
convinced Rochester he should let her take Antoinette. transaction is the source of his superiority. He is now a wealthy
Rochester grows hesitant when Christophine asks him to give man and can do as he pleases. Antoinette is the vehicle
Antoinette half her money back. He believes it is money through which he got his power, and letting her go would be
Christophine is after. He is all about money and is convinced tantamount to relinquishing his power. His stated desire to take
other people act out of the same need. Yet it is not until care of her is another way to control her.
Christophine says Antoinette will forget about him, marry
someone else, and be happy, that Rochester loses it. He says, Christophine tries to encourage Antoinette to share in her
"A pang of rage and jealousy shot through me then. Oh no, she strength, but in reality the Creole has few of the black woman's
won't forget. I laughed." advantages. The novel's heroine has neither property nor
money, thanks to her stepbrother's mismanagement of her
The obvious question is, Why should this situation bother affairs. Likewise she has no family, apart from Richard Mason
Rochester? He will leave the Caribbean with money and no who has already effectively disowned her. She is completely
obligations. He will be rid of a woman whom he has said he dependent upon her husband, in many ways a slave to him.
does not love or understand. The only answer can be that
Rochester is a cruel person whose interests are money and Antoinette's fate seems to have been sealed before she
power. He has control over Antoinette, and he will not married. The two people who care for her most—Aunt Cora
relinquish it. The same thirst for power led Rochester to be and Christophine—did not approve of her marriage to
aggressive and rough during intercourse with Antoinette. It led Rochester. They argued with Richard Mason and said his
him to allow Antoinette to grow to need him despite the fact father would not approve. Yet Richard Mason does not heed
that he felt little for her. It led him to sleep with Amélie when he the argument and he seals Antoinette's fate. He is happy to
had no interest in her. It led him to Daniel Cosway whom he have found a match for Antoinette and latches on to the first
had no intention of helping. The thing that drives Rochester to man he can find: Rochester. Richard Mason convinces himself
action is power. it is a good match and promises are not needed. Antoinette is
traded from one man to the other with little choice. Despite

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having a number of privileges, primarily money, Antoinette now, so how can it get worse. Antoinette says she cannot
never has any power, and therefore she is left helpless to leave Rochester because that would be a scandal, which he
suffer her fate. hates. Both Rochester and Richard Mason would force her

Part 2 (Help Me, Christophine) Christophine insists Rochester loves money and shares that
there are many rumors going around that confuse Rochester.
A conversation is recalled between Aunt Cora and Richard
Mason. Aunt Cora believed it was wrong to turn Antoinette's
Summary financial fate over to Rochester. The argument took a lot out of
Aunt Cora, who is no longer in good health.
Antoinette is once again the narrator. She rides off on her
horse to Christophine's house. When she finds her, Antoinette Christophine instructs Antoinette to tell Rochester calmly and
comments on how Christophine smells as she always did, rationally about her family history. Antoinette says she tried,
which is a comfort to Antoinette. After thinking this is where but Rochester does not believe her, and she is now afraid.
she belongs, Antoinette tells Christophine, "He does not love Christophine says if she will try and explain one more time, she
me, I think he hates me." She explains how the two interact and will then give her the obeah. Antoinette gives Christophine
notes they no longer have relations. money but she is not interested in it. As she leaves, Antoinette
hears a cock crow and says it is for betrayal. She wonders,
Christophine is silent when Antoinette asks for advice on how
"Who is the traitor?"
to make Rochester love her again. She suggests leaving him
but Antoinette does not like this suggestion. Christophine says,
"When man don't love you, more you try, more he hate you.
Man like that." She adds that if you do not love a man, he will
try and get you back, but if you do love him, he will treat you It is easy to think Christophine is a modern woman rather than
badly. Antoinette says she cannot leave because he is her an ex-slave in 1800s Jamaica. Her belief that a woman should
husband. Christophine says she is happy to not be living with remain independent of a man puts her ahead of her time.
the men who fathered her children. Christophine has her own money and her own home and can
therefore do as she pleases. She has no need to stay with a
Antoinette is stuck with Rochester because all her money is
man unless she wants to. In a twist of situational irony, this is
now his. Christophine says Antoinette should tell Rochester
not the same as Antoinette. While Antoinette inherited great
she is sick and would like to go visit her cousin in Martinique.
wealth, she essentially has nothing, since her money has been
She should ask for her own money and go and then stay away.
given over to Rochester. Therefore, Antoinette is at his mercy
Eventually Rochester will come to her to see if she can get
and cannot break free of him. Antoinette has been brought up
along without him. When he finds she is doing well, he will want
to be financially dependent upon others and cannot survive on
her back.
her own.
Antoinette says if she goes she would rather go to England as
The greater reluctance Antoinette voices to Christophine's
she is curious about the place. Christophine does not know if it
plan of leaving Rochester is being on her own. Just as she
really exists. This response causes Antoinette to question
counts on others to support her financially, Antoinette
whether Christophine can help. Antoinette asks for a love
struggles emotionally and needs the guidance of others. When
potion, which she says is the reason she came; Christophine
Annette pushed her away as a child, it was done because of
seems to have known this from the moment she saw her.
her own issues and not because she wanted to teach
Christophine again says you can't make a man love you, but
Antoinette to be independent. The impact of her mother's
Antoinette says Christophine can. Christophine says trouble
coldness toward her has made Antoinette more in need of
comes with that, especially when béké or white people try it,
emotion, love, and support. While Christophine has already
but Antoinette insists that if Rochester comes to her bed again,
taken herself out of the picture, Antoinette will not also
she can make him love her. Christophine disagrees and tells
abandon her husband. This would leave Antoinette without
that afterward he will hate her. Antoinette says he hates her

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anyone near her with whom she feels close. She is not also feels she could be a different person there. However, part
someone who would do well on her own—even if she had the of her vision of England includes a house, "where I will be cold
financial means. and not belonging." Antoinette also says there will be a bed
where, "I will dream the end of my dream." The second part of
Another reason Antoinette will not consider leaving Rochester Antoinette's vision of England is a premonition, in which she
is her concern about how others view her. There are several envisions her own dark, miserable ending.
scenes in Part 1 in which Antoinette either overhears people
talking about her and her family (at the marriage of Annette
and Mr. Mason) or is teased directly (while on her way to the
convent school). Antoinette also is very aware of how the
Part 2 (Poor Me)
servants perceive her and is sensitive to their gossip.
According to Daniel Cosway's letter, her concerns are
legitimate. Antoinette does not want to leave and cause some
sort of scandal that would cause people to start talking. She
Rochester looks out at the landscape, of which he says he will
does not have the strength to be the subject of ridicule and is
never see lovelier, and comments on the weather—the
not able to stand up for herself.
hurricane season is approaching. Currently it is cool and grey
This section begins and ends on ominous notes. While riding like an English summer.
toward Christophine's house, Antoinette passes some rocks
Rochester feels pity for himself and wonders if anyone else
entitled Mounes Mors, or the Dead Ones. Even Antoinette's
pities him for being "tied to a ... drunken lying lunatic—gone her
horse is impacted by this as it stumbled after shying away from
mother's way." In his mind Rochester replays part of the
the rocks. This forces Antoinette to have to walk the rest of
conversation he had with Christophine. He believes Antoinette
the way. While riding away on her horse, Antoinette hears a
is incapable of truly loving and hopes she will show some
cock crow and says it is for betrayal. She wonders, "Who is the
emotion. He will then take her in his arms, because she is "My
traitor?" Antoinette says it is Christophine although Antoinette
lunatic. My mad girl."
has forced her into such behavior. Despite these ominous
signs, Antoinette remains determined to use the obeah or love
potion Christophine gave her. Antoinette does not consider
Christophine's repeated warnings that it will not cause
Rochester to love her but will only cause him to lust after her
Rochester compares his feelings and emotions to nature. His
even more. Antoinette's desperation and need cause her to
revenge will be like a hurricane that uproots and destroys
deliberately ignore the many signs indicating this plan is bound
whatever is in its path. With Antoinette in a stupor, he has
for failure.
already destroyed her and soon she will be uprooted, as
There is some situational irony in Christophine's prediction of Rochester plans to take her to England. Rochester acts drunk
the obeah's effect, since this is essentially how Rochester felt with power as he talks about his ability to control Antoinette,
before. It is only Antoinette who felt love (out of a desperate yet he wants pity from others. However, Rochester has
need for comfort and protection), while Rochester felt lust. become an angry and mean bully. His anger goes beyond his
Rochester shows interest in Antoinette and talks with her, but marriage and Antoinette as he declares he now hates music
he never sees it as love. It's not even clear he is capable of love and poetry.
as he shows no warmth toward anyone, including his father
Rochester believes he is protecting himself and Antoinette. He
and brother (his mother is never mentioned). Rochester may
has been wronged and is saddled with the burden of caring for
be capable only of lust.
a lunatic whom he also sees as a drunk and a whore, despite
While Antoinette goes to Christophine for obeah, she herself the fact that her behavior mirrors his own. He will take away
has visions. These visions focus on England. She is fascinated her instrument—the mirror—and make sure she never dresses
by the country and views it in a spectacularly positive light, or smiles at herself again. Still, Rochester manages to make
curious about the landscape, and longing to see it. Antoinette himself feel good about his decision because he claims to be
protecting her, his lunatic. In this posture Rochester most

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obviously represents the dysfunctional relationship between the next minute he is determined to lock her up. When the
European colonizers and the colonies they control. nameless boy begins crying, Rochester is baffled and angered
by emotion. Again his attitude resembles the caprice with
which the European powers have toyed with the West Indies.
Part 2 (Leaving Jamaica) He married with no intention of providing for or protecting his
wife, as a husband was both legally and morally required to do.
Now he plans essentially to kidnap and imprison her, enslaving

Summary her just a few years after the slaves in the colonies have been
emancipated. Nothing has changed.

The next morning Rochester and Antoinette are leaving and

Despite all that has occurred, Antoinette remains sensitive to
headed toward England. Antoinette shows no emotion and had
the feelings of others. She is able to understand and empathize
nothing to say about the landscape she used to enjoy talking
with the young boy. She even attempts to assist the boy by
about. As they ready to leave, Rochester feels sadness when
telling Rochester the child has learned English. It is only toward
he looks at the house. He wants to say goodbye to one of the
Rochester that Antoinette has gone blank. He has treated her
servants, but she has left. Rochester senses the servants hate
terribly and broken his marriage bond (and vows: he committed
him, but he says he does not care.
adultery when he had relations with Amélie). Antoinette, feeling
she has no choice but to go with Rochester, shows no
For a moment Rochester starts to wonder if he is acting right
emotion—what good would it do? He has broken her. Her
toward Antoinette. Maybe Daniel Cosway was wrong. He looks
anger toward Rochester seems justified and it is she, in this
at Antoinette, who is staring out at the sea. While looking at her
section, who is rational.
he remembers moments they had together and longs to have
more of them. Finally Rochester apologizes to Antoinette, "I
Throughout the text, many have looked at Antoinette
have made a terrible mistake. Forgive me." These words are
indifferently or negatively. Here, however, we see the servants
met with hatred in Antoinette's eyes, which causes Rochester's
have come to appreciate or at least pity her. Baptiste, who
hate to reappear. Rochester stares Antoinette down and sees
shows disinterest toward Rochester, shows kindness and
her hate and beauty disappear.
courtesy toward Antoinette. As people get to know Rochester,
their pity for Antoinette grows. This is ironic since earlier
A nameless boy begins crying, and his emotions annoy
Rochester felt he deserved pity for being stuck with
Rochester, who asks why he is crying. The only person who will
Antoinette, his lunatic. Instead, the pity is for Antoinette, who is
answer is Antoinette. She says the boy loves him and had
stuck with Rochester, her cruel husband.
asked Antoinette when they first moved into the house
whether Rochester would take him with him when they left;
Antoinette had said he would. Now Baptiste has told the boy
he will not be allowed to go with Rochester, and he cries at the Part 3 (Grace's Watch)
news. Rochester says she has no right to make promises on
his behalf; Antoinette apologizes with an indifferent voice and
reassumes her blank expression. Summary
By the time they leave, Rochester hates everything and Grace Poole narrates the beginning of Part 3. While Rochester
everyone. He is anxious to make Antoinette a locked-away was in Jamaica, both his father and his brother died, and their
memory. money went to Rochester, making him extremely wealthy. Mrs.
Eff speaks to Grace. She doubles her offer and warns her
about gossip, although Grace is convinced everyone in the
Analysis whole county knows what is going on. When Grace questions
Rochester, Mrs. Eff, who has known him since he was a boy,
The great swing in Rochester's emotions leaves one doubting
praises him greatly. Grace describes the girl she is to watch as
his sanity. One moment he is ready to see the best in
living "in her own darkness ... hasn't lost her spirit ... She's still
Antoinette and believe that all the harsh talk was rumors and

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fierce." Grace is happy to have the job and feels some pity for when Sandi came to see her. She recalls the two of them used
the girl. to meet when Rochester was not around. The last time they
saw each other, they shared a memorable kiss. Someone
Antoinette takes over at this point, and she is the girl referred eventually told of their meeting, but Antoinette does not know
to in the description above. She says her room is very cold. who.
Grace lights a fire, which Antoinette describes as beautiful.
Antoinette wonders why and when she was brought to the That night Antoinette has a dream, which she has had two
room. She has lost track of time. Antoinette recalls she spoke times before. In the dream Antoinette takes the keys from a
to Rochester and said he can have all her money and a snoring Grace Poole and lets herself out of the room while
promise to not trouble him if he would let her go, but he does holding a candle. Although the house seems empty, Antoinette
not come to see her. feels as if someone is chasing her and laughing. She looks to
the right and the left but not behind her because she does not
Grace sleeps in the same room as Antoinette. She keeps the want to see "that ghost of a woman whom they say haunts this
key in a canvas bag and hangs it around her neck. Antoinette place." She goes to the front hall, sits down, and then lights all
pretends to be asleep while she does this. Before going to bed, the candles. Feeling miserable, she takes a candle and finds
Grace drinks and falls asleep drunk. Antoinette takes the key herself in Aunt Cora's room. She angrily knocks a candle over,
and leaves the room. Antoinette goes through a room where which sets the curtains on fire. As the fire surrounds her, she
she has seen Grace talk to a servant, Leah. Antoinette has calls out to Christophine for help and then runs up the stairs
heard them whispering unintelligibly. Antoinette is not clear with a candle to get away from the heat and the shouting.
about where she is; she does not believe she is in England but Antoinette gets to a cool place and sees her life in the sky. At
on a voyage on a ship. She recalls the voyage to England. the end of the dream, Antoinette is ready to jump into what she
During the voyage she put her arms around the neck of a man imagines is the pool at Coulibri where Tia is taunting her.
who brought her food and asked him for help. When she did
not get help, she flipped out and started smashing glasses and Antoinette wakes with a scream that causes Grace to awaken
plates. Antoinette was given a sedative, and when she awoke too. Antoinette waits for Grace to fall asleep. Then she takes
she was somewhere different. the keys, unlocks the doors, and walks out of the room while
holding a candle.
Antoinette describes the contents of her room, which are
sparse. There is no mirror in the room, and Antoinette is upset
that she does not know what she looks like now. She recalls Analysis
looking at the mirror when she was young. Antoinette is left
wondering, "Now they have taken everything away. What am I Grace Poole has never met either Rochester or Antoinette.
doing in this place and who am I?" She is British, but she is a woman, so it is uncertain whether
she would side with either spouse against the other. While she
One morning Antoinette awakens and her wrists are swollen
says, "I don't serve the devil for no money," she initially refuses
and red but she does not know why. Although Grace does not
the job, only taking it when her salary is doubled. And she does
believe Antoinette doesn't remember the night before, she
her job poorly, drinking and often passing out while caring for
reminds her of what happened. The night before Richard
her charge. These facts align her with the West Indian
Mason came and insisted on seeing her. When he told her he
servants, but she has neither been enslaved nor emancipated.
could not legally come between Antoinette and Rochester,
She remains in the attic, safe from the outside world, in
Antoinette tried to stab him. When the knife was taken away,
darkness, confined to a house that is not her home. It is fitting
she bit his arm. Reminded of the story, Antoinette starts to
at the novel's end that we should have a narrator, someone
remember that Richard did not recognize her at first and spoke
who does not fit anywhere within the novel's established social
to her as if she were a stranger.
hierarchy. Only she can give us a clear-eyed picture of the
Antoinette believes Richard Mason would have remembered Rochesters.
her if he saw her in her red dress and she becomes obsessed
Referred to only as Mrs. Eff, the head servant of the household
with it. She holds the dress to herself and smells it. This brings
is an allusion to Mrs. Fairfax from Jane Eyre. In that novel, as in
her back to a time when she wore a dress of a similar color

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Part Summaries 27

this one, she is a staunch supporter of Rochester, who claims and your husband") that the reader can piece together what
his stay in the West Indies has changed him, made him more happened. Having no one to turn to in her struggle to be free
morose and less forgiving. The reader knows enough to both (just as she felt on the boat), Antoinette goes into a rage, like a
believe and disbelieve her story. He certainly returns bitter, but caged animal.
he was not content when he arrived, angry at his father and
brother and composing letters of vindication upon what should Antoinette's situation of captivity and her violent reactions are

be his honeymoon. reminiscent of her mother, Annette. Just as Christophine

predicted, daughter has become like mother. It seems mental
Antoinette is barely recognizable from the last time she is instability was passed down from mother to daughter.
mentioned in the book. Her mental state has dramatically However, both mother and daughter suffer from extreme
changed and for the worse. She is terribly confused about circumstances (loss of a child and loss of and manipulation by
time, place, and self and has become the deranged woman in a lover) that push them over the edge and drive them to their
the attic Charlotte Brontë created in Jane Eyre. insanity.

Antoinette's physical self has changed dramatically: people The relationship between Antoinette and Sandi is unclear.
close to her, like Richard Mason, do not even recognize her. Daniel Cosway's letter to Rochester is harsh in its description
Although Antoinette was previously described as beautiful, she of what happened to Antoinette and her family, yet from the
is now wild, excessively thin, and has streaming hair. Antoinette reader's perspective, it is essentially accurate. As with all of the
longs for her mirror and her red dress. She wants to see information Cosway shares, the truth resides in one's
herself and bring her old self back and recapture her past grip perspective, how one chooses to interpret the same bit of
on life. evidence. Therefore, the reader is left to determine whether
Antoinette and Sandi actually had an intimate relationship.
Antoinette's last memory of place is when Rochester brought While in the attic, Antoinette thinks of Sandi and notes they
her to England. At that point Antoinette feels trapped and kissed often and he would come to see her when Rochester
desperate. When an employee on the boat refuses to help her, was away. If Antoinette was in her right mind, this could be
Antoinette loses hope and reacts violently. She remembers explained as innocent. However, the way it is described leaves
taking medicine and waking up elsewhere. She is convinced the reader unclear as to the true extent of their relationship.
the elsewhere is another place on the boat. Because there is
only one window in her room, which she cannot access, Antoinette is desperate to find her red dress. Its smell reminds
Antoinette believes she is wandering around on the boat. She her of Jamaica and the past. The dress is a tie to her former
and Grace have many discussions about England, and no self/life. Red, which is symbolic of passion, also symbolizes fire.
matter what Grace says, she cannot convince Antoinette they There are the two sides of Antoinette that Rochester has
are in England. After all Antoinette is convinced that if she brought out in her. Their romance brought out a passion in her
were in England all would be well: "If I could be here I could be that had not existed previously. Now her dreams are filled with
well again and the sound in my head would stop." fire—a passion that is out of control.

Antoinette has no idea of how long she has been in England. In the dream Antoinette is completely lost and is scared of
Time has lost all meaning to her:"But [time] does not matter. herself. She does not recognize herself and does not
Time has no meaning." Antoinette's memories as well exist understand that the ghost she hears talked about is actually
outside of time. Pieces of memories flicker in and out, with her. She is convinced the ghost is watching her. As Antoinette
nothing clear. These memories include the last time she saw creeps about the house, she does not think of leaving; she is
Sandi, buying a knife, being on the boat, a conversation with trapped by her dreams and memories. The mistreatment she
Rochester, and so on. The confused memory adds to the has received throughout her life haunts her, and once again,
reader's lack of clarity as well. One has to piece together she is scared. Antoinette wants to destroy everything. She is
stories to get a clear picture. For example, at first it seems paranoid—she has heard people whisper about her throughout
Antoinette stabbed Richard Mason as soon as he entered the her life—and longs for revenge. When she considers jumping to
room to visit her. It is only after Grace shares what Richard Tia, it is not clear if that is an act of revenge or an attempt to
said to Antoinette ("I cannot interfere legally between yourself get back to Jamaica.

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Quotes 28

Antoinette is entering the white world and leaving the black

g Quotes one behind.

"They say when trouble comes "You must not concern yourself
close ranks, and so the white with that mystery ... The devil must
people did." have his little day."
— Antoinette Cosway, Part 1 (The Burning of Coulibri)
— Sister Marie Augustine, Part 1 (Antoinette's Schooling)

The slaves have been freed and things are changing in

Antoinette has recently learned of her mother's death. During
Jamaica. In times of great change people cling to what they
this time, the girl is studying in a convent school. Her family is
know. Antoinette and her family, who are Creole, a mixture of
absent, and she has no one besides the nuns and her
races, are not accepted by the white society. Because the
classmates. She shares with one of the nuns a dream she had
family owned slaves, neither are they part of the black
of her mother. While Sister Mary Augustine intends to comfort
community. This leads to Antoinette's crisis of identity and
Antoinette with these words, she offers little solace. As with
most of her other emotional experiences, Antoinette is left to
grieve and cope on her own.

"The Lord make no distinction

between black and white. Black "Have all beautiful things sad
and white the same for Him." destinies?"

— Godfrey, Part 1 (The Burning of Coulibri) — Rochester, Part 2 (Sexual Longing)

Godfrey, a black servant who works for Antoinette's family, Antoinette is trying to explain the customs of the area to
sees the world from a religious perspective. While God sees all Rochester. He seems curious yet a bit confused and also aloof.
people in the same light, this is not the case in 1830s Jamaica. He touches a rose whose petals fall—the flower is dying. While
The people are very aware of color and the tension among Rochester is referring to the rose, his statement foreshadows
them is very high. the fall of Antoinette. Like the rose Antoinette falls because of
Rochester's touch and actions. He does not understand her
needs nor recognize how fragile she is.

"We stared at each other ... It was

as if I saw myself. Like in a "These people are very vulnerable.
looking-glass." How old was I when I learned to

— Antoinette Cosway, Part 1 (The Burning of Coulibri)

hide how I felt?"

— Rochester, Part 2 (Sexual Longing)

Just after Tia hits Antoinette with a rock, young Antoinette
reflects how Tia, a black girl, and she are in different races and
classes. Their friendship cannot survive the troubled times; Rochester is not comfortable in Jamaica and with Jamaicans.
His British background has taught him to be stoic and keep his

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Quotes 29

emotions in check and to himself. He looks down on the Rochester is sure he has gotten the truth from Daniel Cosway,
Jamaicans and sees them as immature, simple, and unsavory. Antoinette's half-brother. He has slandered her character
His inability to appreciate the differences between the cultures greatly, and Rochester confronts Antoinette with these
leads to his mistrust and disapproval of the people around him, accusations. She pleads with him to hear her out and to
including Antoinette. recognize there are always two sides to a story. Like the book
itself and the two hemispheres it describes, the reader hears
both Rochester's and Antoinette's perspectives and is left to
"How can one discover the truth ... discern which is true.

No one would tell me the truth."

"She'll have no lover, for I don't
— Rochester, Part 2 (The Letter)
want her and she'll see no other."
From the beginning of the marriage, Rochester questions his
— Rochester, Part 2 (Poor Me)
decision. Like Antoinette he feels abandoned by his family and
is left to his own devices. In addition he does not understand
the people or the culture of Jamaica and is left by himself. When Rochester says he is taking Antoinette to England,
Rochester has no one to talk to whom he genuinely trusts and Christophine argues with him. She pleads with Rochester to
is unsure of what he has gotten himself into. His lack of faith in leave Antoinette in Jamaica where she is familiar with her
his wife foreshadows a poor end for the couple. surrounding and she can heal from her broken marriage.
Ultimately Christophine believes Antoinette will find another
man to love. Rochester insists she will have no one else. He
"There are always two deaths, the believes it is his responsibility to care for her, yet his words
come off as vindictive and petty.
real one and the one people know
"Only the magic and the dream are
— Antoinette Cosway, Part 2 (Rochester's Rejection of true – all the rest's a lie."

— Rochester, Part 2 (Leaving Jamaica)

Antoinette is sharing the details about her mother's life and
death with Rochester. At this point Rochester does not trust
For a moment Rochester reconsiders Antoinette. He thinks
Antoinette and feels he has caught her in a lie. Antoinette
maybe he has misjudged her and the circumstances. Perhaps
explains that while her mother died on a specific day, a part of
they could be happy and love each other. He misses the few
her died when Pierre was killed in the fire. After Pierre's death
moments of bliss they shared. While he still does not
Annette goes mad and she never recovers.
understand her or the setting around him, Rochester wants to
have Antoinette again. The moment is fleeting, however, and
ultimately he again feels hate and believes he was tricked into
"There is always the other side, marrying her.


— Antoinette Cosway, Part 2 (Rochester's Rejection of

"There is no looking glass here
Antoinette) and I don't know what I am like

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Symbols 30

— Antoinette Cosway, Part 3 (Grace's Watch) the former slaves protest and burn down her ancestral home.
Readers of Jane Eyre will recognize in this scene a violent
parallel to the one Mrs. Fairfax recounts to Jane after Bertha
Antoinette is locked in the attic with Grace Poole. She has lost
Mason's death and Rochester's maiming. The fact that it
all sense of self and everything is confused. Her isolation has
happens at the beginning of the novel increases the sympathy
caused her to lose track of time and place and her past. She
and suspense surrounding Antoinette.
exists in the moment with only fleeting and confused
recollections of the past. After she marries Rochester, the fire of the candles in their
honeymoon retreat draws the moths and beetles. During a
romantic dinner Antoinette and Rochester are enjoying, the
bugs fly into the fire and die. Rochester is distressed by so
l Symbols much death and tries to sweep them up, but Antoinette
accepts it as part of life. In this scene she shows she has
learned the lesson of the Garden of Eden—death and evil are

Garden part of this world, but they need not be feared if one can face
them with a partner. Rochester does not share her

Antoinette lives a secluded life. The seclusion is brought on by Likewise the moths and beetles cannot control their urges.
others and by herself. Because she is viewed as an outsider, They are so attracted to the fire that they go to it despite the
Antoinette is unable to make friends. The one friend she does ending they will meet. The fire satisfies them despite its
have, Tia, ultimately turns her back on Antoinette and treats destructive capabilities. Over time this passion and capacity for
her poorly. This treatment leads Antoinette to grow to destruction will consume both Rochester and Antoinette—him,
appreciate nature more than people. figuratively; her, literally.

Antoinette walks alone in the gardens at Coulibri. This time and

these walks give Antoinette peace and comfort. They are a
barrier to the outside world that has treated Antoinette so Forest
harshly for seemingly no reason. She can be happy in the
garden and relaxed. In addition the gardens are so beautiful,
and Antoinette believes they are even more beautiful than the
As opposed to the garden of the West Indies, a place of life
Garden of Eden.
and death, growth and decay, sustenance and beauty, the
Adam and Eve, the inhabitants of the original Garden of Eden, forest is a dangerous and evil place. The forest features
are thrown out after they eat from the tree of knowledge. This prominently in Jane Eyre, and both Antoinette and Rochester
knowledge causes them to lose their innocence. When have negative experiences there, lending it a more British
Antoinette and her family are forced to leave Coulibri, they flavor than a Caribbean one. In the forest, superstitions
enter a harsh world. The innocence Antoinette felt is rudely (primarily of death and danger) abound. People can easily
ended as she comes to recognize the full extent of anger and become lost or confused and separated from the ones they
frustration that exists in the former slaves. love.

When she is frightened, Antoinette has many dreams in which

she walks in a forest. The fear often comes from pending

Fire change, which she fears because she has generally led an
unpleasant life and been mistreated. In these dreams,
Antoinette is with the devil or someone who hates her, and she
is scared. She is walking in an unfamiliar place and is lost. The
Fire shapes Antoinette's life, and she is fascinated with it for its trees in these forests are unfamiliar. Antoinette, who feels a
beauty and its power. She first encounters it at Coulibri when great appreciation for nature and feels more comfortable with

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Themes 31

it than people, is not familiar with these trees. This unfamiliarity The cycle of dependence upon a man's financial support
adds to her fear and is more troubling because something she repeats itself with Antoinette. While Antoinette is a wealthy
once loved now haunts her. woman due to her inheritance, Richard Mason turns over her
fortune to Rochester, with no strings attached. Rochester can
Antoinette's dreams symbolize confusion, fear, and do whatever he feels is best with Antoinette's money without
unfamiliarity. They also serve as a foreshadowing. She will any input from her. Richard Mason's decision to do so was a
ultimately be taken by someone who hates her (Rochester) to controversial one: both Aunt Cora and Christophine beg him
an unfamiliar place (England). Her descriptions at the end of not to do so. They are unsuccessful, however, and Antoinette
the novel of an England that is not England are reminiscent of is essentially given to Rochester to do with as he pleases.
these earlier dreams.
When issues in the marriage occur, Christophine encourages
Rochester, awake, chooses to walk alone in a forest in an Antoinette to leave Rochester, but Antoinette refuses, noting
excursion similar to Antoinette's. He grows concerned when he that she has no money and cannot go anywhere. She is
gets lost in the forest. He is alone, save for what he believes to trapped and must stay with Rochester; she has no skills with
be a zombie who does not talk to him. And he passes an which to earn money and has always depended on others to
abandoned house. Unlike Antoinette Rochester retains control take care of her.
in his forest "dream." He will control the zombie Antoinette, the
Antoinette he calls Bertha, the woman who has lost all passion Unlike Annette and Antoinette, Christophine is independent.
for life, and he will use her to keep him safe in the forest. Despite her status as an ex-slave, she has managed to earn
money, which gives her independence. When she becomes
unhappy in Granbois, she simply leaves and goes to her own
house. She reveals she has three children with three different
m Themes men, whom she did not marry, saying "I keep my money. I don't
give it to no worthless man."

In the novel marriage serves to handcuff women and leave

Women and Power them powerless, and it works as a symbol of the relationship
between European powers and the colonies they established
in the West Indies.

From the outset Rhys makes it clear Annette is struggling. With

the loss of her husband and the ending of slavery, she is in a
grave financial position. When her horse is killed and a doctor
declares Pierre untreatable, Annette falls into a state of
Alienation and Identity
despair. She feels trapped and powerless. This feeling is
enhanced by the fact that she had come to Jamaica from
Martinique in order to marry her husband. Annette is therefore The first words of the text, "They say when trouble comes
left alone with two children. close ranks ... But we were not in their ranks," reflect
Antoinette's feeling of being an outsider. The outsider status is
It is only through her marriage to Mr. Mason that her hope is predicated on a number of issues, including the problem of
restored, and then only momentarily. Annette is anxious to go place. Annette, Antoinette's mother, is a Creole from
to England and meet with doctors in the hope of helping Pierre. Martinique and speaks French. The white people in Jamaica
She begs Mr. Mason to leave Coulibri, but he refuses. This never accept her because of her outsider status as a
becomes the source of many arguments between the couple. francophone. She is also much younger than her husband and
Ultimately Annette has no choice but to stay with Mr. Mason extremely attractive, which makes the women uncomfortable.
and do as he wishes. Without him she and her children would The black people do not accept Annette and her family
find themselves in the same state of despair they were in because they were slaveholders.
before Annette married Mr. Mason. The relationship prefigures
what will happen with her daughter. The feeling of being an outsider is compounded for Antoinette,

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Wide Sargasso Sea Study Guide Suggested Reading 32

because she is an outsider in her own home. Her mother is so financial provisions made for them by their husbands. They
concerned about her sickly son that she hardly spends any lack the freedom of movement and decision that would enable
time with and or shows any concern for Antoinette. It is difficult them to better their station in life and even to protect
to even find a playmate for Antoinette. When Christophine themselves in the case of danger. For Annette this results in
finds her one in Tia, the friendship does not last because of the the loss of her son and her descent into madness. For
differences in the girls' race and social position. Antoinette the result is similar but harsher. She has no son to
lose, and her insanity rips her from the only home she has ever
The only place Antoinette ever seems to fit in is the convent known and thrusts her into a nightmarish netherworld.
school. She does as the nuns say, whether she believes or not.
But even there Antoinette does not make any deep Grace's symbolic slavery is only hinted at and not fully
connections. In fact the only connections Antoinette makes developed, but Rochester's slavery is as angry and violent as
throughout the text are with Aunt Cora and Christophine. Her the freed slaves who burn Coulibri. He is first shamed and
differences leave Antoinette feeling like an outsider and impoverished by his father and brother, who force him to find a
ultimately scared. She does not seem to belong anywhere. wife outside his social position to free himself from debt,
essentially selling himself. Then he tries to free himself by
ripping off what he perceives as the shackles of Antoinette's
love and the burden of her family history, only to find himself
Slavery and Entrapment entrapped in a violence of his own creation.

The story opens during a tumultuous time in Jamaica's history.

The slaves had recently been emancipated and gained their e Suggested Reading
freedom. While happy to have their freedom, they were still in a
precarious position. The slaves had little opportunity and many Gilbert, Sandra, and Susan Gruber. The Madwoman in the Attic.
continued in similar to positions they had been while in slavery. New Haven: Yale UP, 1984. Print.
Slaveholders, like the Cosway family, also suffered when the
Humm, Maggie. "Third World Feminisms: Jean Rhys, Wide
slaves were released because there was no one to work the
Sargasso Sea."Practicing Feminist Criticism: An Introduction.
land, which is clear in Coulibri's overgrown condition.
London: Prentice, 1995. Print.
The British, who declared the slaves free, promised
Kubitschek, Missy D. "Charting the Empty Spaces of Jean
compensation to both the slaves and the slaveholders. The
Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea." Frontiers: A Journal of Women
compensation was slow in coming or did not come at all
Studies 9.2 (1987): 23-28. Web.
(causing people like Mr. Luttrell such desperation he chose
suicide), while the economic pressures and challenges
Sarvan, Charles. "Flight, Entrapment, and Madness in Jean
continued to mount: it was slaves frustrated by the lack of
Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea." International Fiction Review 26.1-2
economic opportunity who set fire to the house at Coulibri.
(1999): 58-65. Web.

The former slaves who continue to serve as servants are in an

Schapiro, Barbara Ann. "Boundaries and Betrayal in Jean
awkward position. Myra, who served the Cosways, abandons
Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea." Literature and the Relational Self.
her post when a protest erupts and joins the protestors. Amélie
Ed. Jeffrey Berman. New York: New York UP, 1994. Print.
has no respect for her employers and insults them. Her only
goal is to go to Rio and meet a rich man. While the slaves have
broken out of their shackles, they continue to strive for
freedom and protest their treatment and situation.

Other characters in the novel end up being enslaved

symbolically: Annette, Antoinette, Grace, and even Rochester.
Both Annette and her daughter are subject to the legal and

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