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My biggest concern in the future is not only about myself but also about my family and
what I can contribute to the society in the near future. Life as a young and once in a while
immature young men had so many things to consider that sometimes ends up being
irresponsible and so dependent to our parents especially at home. I’ve been through a lot
of hardship in life as I grown up. I don’t even think to learn how to do some household
chores. Oftentimes I end up offending my parents and I always had so much expectation
from them.

2. Real wealth is never measured in money or possessions.

* Real Wealth is Never Measured in Money or Possession” Most of us think of wealth as money,
possession,property and power. ... Real Wealth would be values, personality and stuff like that
while Wealth would just be material prosperity and an abundance of possessions and money.


At Cultural Survival, conservation is a people issue, not a biological one. Trees don't cut
themselves. Streams don't pollute themselves. the ozone layer is not self-destructing. We are the
ones putting our environment in peril.
Conservation is the wise use of resources in such a way that future generations will be able to
benefit from the same resources base. Conservation. however, does not mean preservation. It
does not mean building fences, around the world's resources or buying significant amounts of
land to preserve them. All of the world's land and resources are claimed by different peoples, and
most have been used by these peoples since long before the creation of the states or legal systems
that today control or regulate these riches. For indigenous peoples, conservation is nothing short
of survival.

4. Real love is not the stuff of pop songs.

For different people, the different views are noted. For some slow songs symbolize
the feeling of real love, for some the rock music. It depends on the personality of
person to person.
Real love can be found in the lyrics of many pop songs. These songs expressed the
love in their own way. For some the beats are counted as the beat of a heart. For some
the flow of flutes are counted in the breath of chest.
5. If I were an animal I'd be a...
 If I was an animal, I would be a lion because the lion is the king of all animals in
the jungle. All other animals respect him. The lion does not tolerate nonsense
from other animals. Even human beings are afraid of the king of the jungle. It can
walk anywhere in the jungle without fear and no one dares to cross his territory.
The things that are so special about the lion are the way it roars and jumps on
other animals when it hunts."

6. Plants have feelings too.

 Plants may not have feelings but they are indeed alive and have been described as
sentient life forms that have “tropic” and “nastic” responses to stimuli. Plants can
sense water, light, and gravity — they can even defend themselves and send
signals to other plants to warn that danger is here, or near.

7. Junk food's popularity relies on marketing.

 Everyone would be healthier if they didn't eat junk food.”  The tsunami of junk
food has struck the entire world.  It has wreaked havoc on the health of people,
especially of children. Obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol
imbalance, headaches, depression, dental problems, etc, never ever abounded as
much before the advent of junk foods as they do now. 

8. To err is human. To forgive is divine. Discuss.

 To err is human; to forgive, divine means that it is the nature of a human being
to make mistakes, because humans are not perfect. However, forgiving
someone for his mistakes is an imitation of the mercy of God. Of course, the idea
is that it is good and moral to forgive people for their human failings.

9. The world is a smaller place these days.

The world has become a smaller place due to advancements made in

communication technology and due to massive advancements made in the
transportation industry. These are the days where people can travel thousands
of kilometres in a matter of a few hours.

Aeroplanes, High speed railway lines, cars etc have revolutionized the way
people travel. With mobile phones, people are able to communicate with people
anywhere on the globe in a matter of seconds. With the spread of the internet,
and the growing number of satellites, people can access information on events
taking place in far off places in a matter of a few seconds. Hence the world has
become a smaller place these days.

10. The more we communicate, the less we really say.

"The more we communicate,the less we say." as the more we listen, the more we understand the
world, the more knowledge we possess. It has been rightly said, "The more we listen,the lesser
we speak".

11. When I grow up...

I want to be a successful human being, I want to help my family, friends and the community
around me. I wanna achieve my dream and to be the best version of myself.

I want to be *(become a future educator)* so that I can help other people and make the
world a little bit brighter for the next generations

12. The best letter of the alphabet is ...

13. Goals are good for you.

14. The most important lesson of my life so far...
15. Intelligence is not enough.
16. If I ruled the world...
17. Color affects the way people feel.

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