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Gabriel’s portfolio Special Exercise w. Passive Voice Un 14, Adv.

Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse in 1920.

Mickey Mouse was created by Walt Disney in 1920.

In the fist sentence we are talking about what Walt Disney did. And the action of the verb passes
to the object. (… created Mickey Mouse)

In the second sentence, we are talking about what happened to the subject. (Mickey Mouse was

This is the principle of the passive voice.

Marian writes beautiful poems. Beautiful poems are written by Marian.

Susan is cleaning the kitchen. The kitchen is being cleaned by Susan.

Charlie may use my car. My car may be used by Charlie.

Rossie bakes amazing pastries. Amazing pastries are baked by Rossie.

When the active subject is people in general, we omit the doer and the conjunction “by”.

People speak Portuguese in Brazil. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.

People use the US dollar in Ecuador. The US dollar is used in Ecuador.

People grow potatoes in Carchi. Potatoes are grown in Carchi.


1. People speak English and French in Canada.

English and French are spoken in
Canada_________________________________________________________ .
2. Leonardo da Vinci painted “The Monalisa”.
The Monalisa was painted by Leonardo Da
vinci_________________________________________________________ .
3. James Cameron directed “Avatar”.
Avatar was directed by james
cameron_________________________________________________________ .
4. They use the euro in most Europe.
The euro is used in most
Europe_________________________________________________________ .
Gabriel’s portfolio Special Exercise w. Passive Voice Un 14, Adv. 2


The Assembly should pass a law to protect stray animals.

A law should be passed to protect stray animals by the Assembly.

The Government shouldn’t permit corrupt people to work in the public sector.
Corrupt people shouldn’t be permitted to work in the public sector by the Government.

Corrupt politicians must return the stolen money.

The stolen money must be returned by corrupt politicians.

Exercise 2.
1. The Government must assign more money for Education.
_________________________________________________________ .
2. Judges must condemn assassins and rapists to death penalty.
_________________________________________________________ .
3. Parents need to educate children on ethical values.
_________________________________________________________ .
4. The Assembly must pass stronger laws to control drug trafficking.
_________________________________________________________ .

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