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I Term
❖ Review personal information.
❖ Simple past: was and were.
❖ Simple past: Leisure
❖ Past habits: used to.
❖ Used to: negative form.
❖ Present simple vs past
A) Listen and practice with a partner. (cd 1. Track 1)

David: Hello, I’m David Garza. I’m a new club member.

Beth: Hi, my name is Elizabeth Silva, but please call me
David: Ok, Where re you from, Beth?
Beth: Brazil, how about you?
David: I’m from Mexico.
Beth: Oh, I love Mexico! It’s really beautiful.
Beth: Oh, good. Sun Hee is here.
David: Who’s Sun Hee?
Beth: She’s my classmate. We’re in the same math
David: Where’s she f’rom?
Beth: South Korea. Let’s go and say hello. Sorry, what’s
your last name again? Garcia?
David: Actually, It’s Garza.
Beth: How do you spell that?
David: G-A-R-Z-A.

✓ Match the questions with the responses. Listen and check.

Then practice with a partner. (cd 1. Track 2)

1. I’m sorry. What’s your name again? …. a. S-I-L-V-A.

2. What do people call you? …………. b. It’s Elizabeth Silva.
3. How do you spell your last name?......... c. Everyone calls me Beth.
1. Asking for and giving personal information: Answer the questions
about people’s information

What´s his first name?_____________________________________________

What´s his telephone number?_______________________________________

What´s his surname? _____________________________________________

What´s his address? _____________________________________________

Is he eighteen years old? ___________________________________________

Is her first name Jill ? __________________________________________________

What´s her telephone number? ____________________________________________

What´s her surname? ___________________________________________________

What´s her address? ___________________________________________________

How old is she? ________________________________________________________

2. Writing: fill in the form with your personal information. Share it with
the class.
Personal Information Questions.

3. Ask your partners the following questions.



What do
you do?

What’s What’s
your your ID
hobby? number?

What’s What’s your

your email phone
address? number?
4. Reading: Read about Bradley’s information and answer the questions.

a) Look at Bradley’s room. What do you know about his preferences?

Check (✓) the sentences.

1. He surfs.

2. He speaks japanese.

3. He eats fast food.

4. He loves sports.

5. He wears T-shirts with slogans.

6. He listens to music.

7. He likes movies.

8. He reads magazines.
b) Read again and correct the information in red.

1. Bradley is American.
Bradley is Australian.

2. He hates science and music.

3. He plays basketball after school.

4. He listens to music at school.

5. He reads romance books.

6. He loves T-shirts with slogans.

c) Answer these questions and the asks your partners.

1. Where is Bradley’s school?

In Palm beach.

2. What is his favorite school subject?

3. What is the Gazette?

4. What is Bradley’s favorite movie?

5. Who is in the movie?

6. What’s Bradley’s opinion about T-shirts with slogans?

Possessive Adjectives

1. Write the possessive adjective in the correct place.

Pronouns Possessive

1.2. Complete the sentences with the possessive adjectives.

1. I’m Lysa. ______hometown is in Toronto.

2. She is a teacher._______students are good.

3. Ben has a brother. _________name is Tom.

4. We love cycling. Cycling is _______hobby.

5. I have a lot of books. _______books are great.

6. You need to go back. _______mom is calling.

7. The monkey is hurt. ________tail is bleeding.

8. Dave and Dolly are siblings. ________parents are kind.

1.3. Complete the sentences with the verb to be and correct possessive
adjective and tell a partner about yourself.

2. My name is David Garza. _______from Mexico, ___family is in Mexico City. ___

brother is a university student. ______ name is Carlos.
3. ______name is Sun Hee Park. I’m 20 years old. My sister _____ a student here, too.
_______ parents are in Korea right now.
4. I’m Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Beth, _____ last name is Silva. _____a student
at City College. My parents ______ on vacation this week. ________in Los Angeles.

Speaking and writing

2. Write about your best friend and introduce him/her to the class.
3. Read the dialogue, follow the example to create a new one. Then act it out
in class.
An exchange student came to your class. Please talk with him/her.

Student: Good morning. My name is Mike. What’s your name?

Akira: Hi Mike, my name is Akira. Nice to meet you.

Student: Nice to meet you too, Akira. Where are you from?

Akira: I am from Toyama, a small city in the middle of Japan.

Student: Wow, so what’s your address?

Akira: I live in 231 Prince street - downtown

Student: Are there any school clubs that you want to join?

Akira: Yes, I really want to join the science club. (the soccer club, the

volleyball club...)

Student: What’s your cellphone number?

Akira: It’s 987-456-321

Student: After class, let’s go talk to the science teacher about joining.


Akira: Sounds good. Thanks for your help, Mike.

I. Listen and practice with a friend. (cd 2. Track 18)

How was your vacation?

Celia: Hi, Don? How was your vacation?
Don: It was excellent! I went to Hawaii with
my cousin. We had a great time.
Celia: Lucky you. How long were you there?
Don: About a week.
Celia: Fantastic! Was the weather, ok?
Don: Not really. It was cloudy a lot. But we
went surfing every day.
The waves were amazing.
Celia: So, what was the best thing about the
Don: Well, something incredible happened.
You won’t believe it

a) Listen the rest of the conversation: What happened?


b) How was your vacation?

Ex: It was amazing because I traveled with my family and hung out with my friends.



➢ Last year, Ricardo and Maria were in Los Angeles, they were 17.

➢ When I was 6 years old, I was in Primary School, I enjoyed that time.

➢ Last month it was my mother's birthday, and I gave her a new car.


➢ It was so cold in the morning.

➢ Marian and Christian were hungry when they arrived home.


➢ In the morning, I was in the school, but in the afternoon, I was in the


➢ Michael Jackson was the king of pop. He was the best pop singer ever.
1. Complete these conversations, then practice with a partner.

A) How was your vacation in Peru, Julia?

B) It _______great. I really enjoyed it.

A) How long_______________you there?

B) We______________there for two weeks.

A) _____________you Lima all the time?

B) No, we__________. We _________in the

mountains for a few days.

A) And how_________the weather?________it good?

B) No, it ________good at all. The city______very

hot, and the mountains________really cold!

2. Ask your classmates about their last vacations. Ask These questions.

a) Where did you spend your last vacation? I was in…

b) How long were you away?

c) Who were you with?

d) What did you do there?

Reading Comprehension

3. Circle was or were.

3.1. Answer the following questions.

a) Where was Ann last summer?____________________________________________

b) What was the weather like?_____________________________________________
c) How old were her brothers?______________________________________________
d) Where was the school?_________________________________________________
e) Who was looking at the children? __________________________________________
f) Where was her mother? ________________________________________________
g) What time were they in the camp again?______________________________________
4. Choose the correct questions to complete the conversation.

Namibian meerkats

A: How was your vacation in Africa?

B: It was a great trip. I really enjoyed South Africa and Namibia.
A: _____________________________________________________________
B: For ten days.
A: _____________________________________________________________
B: I was in Namibia for about five days.
A: Wow, that’s a long time._________________________________________
B: It was hot and sunny the whole time.
A: _____________________________________________________________
B: Oh, it was wonderful. And the wildlife was terrific. We saw some meerkats.

5. Write a description of your vacation using was and were.

I. Check the activities you do in your free time.

✓ List three other activities you do in your free time.

✓ Put the activities you do in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
II. Listen and practice. (cd 2. Track 12)

Did you do anything special?

Rick: So, what did you do last weekend, Meg?

Meg: Oh, I had a great time. I went to a karaoke bar and

sang with some friends on Saturday.

Rick: How fun! Did you go to Lucky’s?

Meg: No, we didn’t. We went to that new place

downtown. How about you? Did you go anywhere?

Rick: No, I didn’t go anywhere all weekend. I just stayed

at tome and studied for today’s Spanish test.

Meg: Our Spanish test is today. I forgot all about that!

Rick: Don’t worry. You always get an A.

1. Listen to the rest of the conversation. What did Meg do on Sunday?


Read the information.

Did you study on Saturday? What did Rick do on Saturday?

Yes, I did. I studied all day. He swam in the club and surfed the net.

No, I didn’t. I didn’t study at all. How did Meg spend her weekend?

Did you go anywhere last weekend? She rode her bike and made some desserts.

Yes, I did. I went to the movies.

No. I didn’t.
Regular verbs Irregular verbs
Present Past Present Past
Play Played Go Went
Stay Stayed Swim Swam
Surf Surfed Ride Rode
Watch Watched Sing Sang
Listen Listened Make made

2.1. Complete these conversations.

1. A: Did you stay (stay) home on Saturday?

B: No, I called (call) my friend. We drove (drive) to a café for lunch.

2. A: how ………… ……………(spend) your last birthday?

B: I……………..(have) a party. Everyone…………….(enjoy) it,

but the neighbors …………………(not, like) the noise.

3. A: What ……………you ……………..(do) last night?

B: I……………….(go) to the new Jim Carrey film?

I…………………(love) it.

4. A: …………you ……………….(do) anything special over the weekend?

B: Yes, I…………… . I ………………… (go) shopping. Unfortunately,

I……………….. (spend) all my money. Now I’m broke!

5. A: ……………….you …………….(go) out on Friday night?

B: No, I…………. . I ……………….. (invite) friend over,

and I ……………. (cook) dinner for them.

2.2. Answer: What did you do on Saturday?


2.3. Listening: What did you do last night?

A) Listen to John and Laura describe what they did last night.
Check (✓) the correct information about each person.
B) Listen again. What did each person do? Take notes and share it with the

Jhon Laura

Had a boring time

Had a good time

Met an old friend

Got home late

2.4. Write the past tense of these regular verbs.

1. cook____________ 4. love_____________ 7. visit _______________

2. enjoy ___________ 5. study____________ 8. wash______________

3. invite___________ 6. try______________ 9. watch______________

2.5. Write the simple form of these irregular verbs.

1. _________________bought 5. _____________________slept

2._________________gave 6.______________________spent

3._________________met 7.______________________took

4._________________saw 8.______________________went
2.6. Reading

-Read these reports about Thailand.

-Who did these things on the trip? Check (✓) the answers.

2.7. Use the cues to answer the questions.

1. Where did you go this weekend?

I went to a party. (a party)
2. Who did you meet at the party?
_________________________________ (someone very interesting)
3. What time did you and Eva get home?
__________________________________ (a little after 1:00)
4. How did you and Bob like the art exhibition?
__________________________________ (a lot)
5. What did you buy?
__________________________________ (the new Madonna CD)
6. Where did Jeff and Joyce go on vacation?
__________________________________ (to the country)
2.8. Answer these questions with negative statements. Then add a positive
statement using the information below.

1. A: We had a great time at Carrie’s party. Did you and Jane enjoy it?
B: No, we didn’t. We had a boring time.
2. I stayed at home from work all day yesterday. Did you take the day
off, too?
3. A: I worked all weekend on my research paper. Did you spend the
weekend at home, too?
B: ___________________________________________________
4. A: I studied all weekend. Did you and John have a lot of homework,
5. A: Carl drove me to work yesterday morning. Did you drive to work?
6. A: Kathy went to the baseball game last night. Did you and Bob go to
the game?

2.9. How did you spend your weekend? Make a description.

I used to go camping for holidays.

1. Listen to these sentences about changes. Check those that are

true for you!

“When I was a kid, I used to be very messy, but now I’m very neat”.

“I used to have a lot of hobbies, but now I don’t have any free time.”

I didn’t use to collect anything, but now I do. “

“I used to be really into fashion, but these days I’m not interested


“I never used to play sports, but now I like to keep fit.”

“I never used to worry about money, but now I do.”

“I didn’t use to follow politics, but now I read the newspaper every day.”

“When I was younger, I used to care a lot about my appearance. Now,

I’m too busy to care how I look.

Used to

Then Now

I used to collect shells when I Now, I collect toy cars.

was a child.

When he was 7, he used to Now, he plays videogames.

play with toys.

She used to watch cartoons Now, she usually watches

many years ago. Korean dramas.
2. Read and practice with a partner.

3. Complete these questions and answers then compare with a partner.

1) A: Did you use to collect comic books when you were little?

B: No, I …………………….collect comic books.

2) A: ……………you and your friends ……………play at the playground as


B: Yes, we ……………..spend hours there on the weekends.

3) A: What video games …………you ……………play?

B: I……………… play video games. But now I play them all the time!
4) A: What music ……… ……………listen to?

5) B: I …………………………….listen to pop music a lot, but now I prefer

4. Choose the correct word or phrase.
a) I used to collect comic books (hobbies / scrapbooks / comic books) when I
was a kid.
b) My favorite pet was a ______________(cat / beach / crayon) called Felix.
c) We used to go to _________________(vidego games / summer camp / toys)
during our vacations. It was really fun.
d) There was a great ________________(fish / playground / soccer) in our
neighborhood. We used to go there every afternoon.

5. Look at these childhood pictures of Kate and her brother Peter. Complete
the sentences using USED TO.

1. In the summer, Kate and Peter

sometimes used to play in their tree house.

2. They also_________________________.
Their dog Bruno used to follow them.

3. And every year they__________________

4. During the Winter Peter


5. Kate and Peter both

6. Look at the answers. Write questions using USED TO.

1. A: What did you use to do in summer?

B: We used to go to the beach.

2. A: ___________________________________________
B: No, we didn’t collect shells. We used to build sand castles.

3. A:
B: Yes, we did. We used to go swimming for hours. Then we played all kind of sports.

4. A: Really? What__________________________________
B: Well, we used to play beach volleyball with some other kids.

5. A: ______________________________________________
B: No, we didn’t. We used to win!

7. Complete the word map. Add two more words of your own to each

Beach, cat, collect comic books, crayons, fish, play soccer, play videogames,
playground, rabbit, scrapbook, summer camp, toys.
8. Write a paragraph about things you used to do as child. Use some words
from exercise 7.

Ex: I used to go to the beach with my cousins.


I. Read and practice.

I didn’t use to be good at sports.

I didn’t use to be good at languages.

I didn’t use to play in the street.

I didn’t use to eat pizza.

Then Now

When I was a child, I didn’t use to go to Now, I often go camping with

summer camp. my friends.

I didn’t use to skate as kid. I often go skateboarding.

I didn’t use to be tall. Now, I am the tallest girl of the class.

II. Look at the pictures and write sentences. Use the verbs below.

Save – play – have – watch – use - drink

Ex: I didn’t use to use a computer when I was a kid.

III. Re-write the sentences below using “didn’t used to”.

1. Last month, I didn’t ride my bicycle to school. Now, I ride my bicycle

to school.
Last month, I didn’t use to ride my bicycle.
2. Ten years ago, I didn’t study Japanese. Now, I study Japanese.
3. Before, I didn’t do exercise. Now, I do exercise.
4. Last year, my classmate didn’t study hard. Now, he studies hard.
5. A long time ago, people didn’t have electricity. Now, people have electricity.
IV. Make an affirmative sentence, negative sentence or question using used

1) I / live in a flat when I was a child. _______________________________________

2) We / go to the beach every summer?____________________________________

3) She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it___________________________

4) He / not / smoke ____________________________________________________

5) I / play tennis when I was at school _____________________________________

6) She / be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all ____________________

7) He / play golf every weekend? _________________________________________

8) They both / have short hair____________________________________________

9) Julie / study Portuguese_______________________________________________

10) I / not / hate school _________________________________________________

V. How have you changed in the last five years? Write answers to these

1. What hobbies did you use to have five years ago? What hobbies do you have


I used to




2. What kind of music did you used to like then? What kind of music do you

like now?



3. What kind of clothes did you use to like to wear? What kind of clothes do

you like wear now?


“I didn’t do what I usually do”

✓ ✓
Discussion time:

a) What TV programs do you usually watch?


b) Do you do exercises?


c) What did you do on Saturday?


d) Did you watch “Spiderman no way home”?

Leny usually reads magazines.
She didnt’ read a magazine yesterday..
She read a blog post yesterday,.

I usually have a headache after a stressfull day..

I didnt’ have a headache yesterday.
I had a neck pain yesterday.
I usually eat healthy food for lunch..

I usually drive to the city on Sundays..

I usually drive to the city on Sundays..


Ago: ten minutes ago, some
always, usually, sometimes, often,
weeks ago, ten years ago.
Last: last week, las night, last
On: Monday, Tuesday, etc.
month, last year, last Monday.

➢ I don’t usually go to the cinema but yesterday I went to see a

film, I was fantastic, I cried a little because the film was very
➢ Melissa was with me, she never cries at the cinema, so she
didn’t cry yesterday but she also enjoys the film very much.
➢ I sometimes talk to my friend; he usually lives here in London.

1. Read and complete.

1. My mother …………….(cook) dinner every day.

2. He…………………..(not go) to school last year, he ………….(be) five.

I. Read and answer the questions.
3. What
1. Number ……………….(you
these do)Drew
sentences about yesterday?
Barrymore from 1(first event) to (last
I ………………….. (go) to the cinema.
……….a. She became a film director.
4. ….……………….(she, eat) ice cream yesterday?
……….b. She became a film producer.
5. We……………….(usually
……….c. drink) coffee in the morning.
She gave away $1 million.
6. LittleShe was in a TV commercial.
Kate…………………(see) an elephant two days ago and she
……1…e. She was born in California.
………………..(be) surprised.
………..f. She started working for the United Nations.
7. My sister
………..g. ………………(like)
She got her first role in atofeature
sing a film.
lot. Last week she ………….(take) part

in a big
2. Complete concert
the and ………………(feel) proud of it.

8. What ………………….(he draw) last Sunday?

9. My friend ………………….(always have) breakfast before school. He

…………………..(not like) to eat somewhere else.

2. Type the missing words below. Use the present form or the past form.
There may be more than one answer.

A: Where do you work?

B: I …………. in a restaurant, but I …………………..yesterday. (work)

A: What ………………… yesterday? (do)

B: I ……………………… golf .(play)

A: Where………………………..? (play)

B: At the golf club. How about you? What sport ……………………..?(like)

A: I ………………… sports. I ………………… tennis last week, but I

……………….. it. (like, play, like)

3. Read the following text and answer the questions.

Hi, I’m Sasha Thompson. I’m from Berlin but I live in Boston – USA
with my mother, father, and my two sisters.

I have a good friend in the school and we are neighbors, too. He is

Robert. We go to school every day; our lessons start at half past nine
in the morning. We always have breakfast in the canteen, at 8:00
o’clock. He takes karate lessons on Tuesdays and Fridays; he like it
so last week he invited me to go with him. His karate lessons started
a 6:00 p.m. It was interesting I like it but it is a little difficult for me,
anyways it was fun! After the lessons, I went to the amusement park
with my sisters, and we ate at a restaurant, and then we took the
subway because our house isn’t near the amusement park.

Last Sunday I had an exam, so I couldn’t go with my friends, because

I studied all weekend to pass it. I was very tired so my mom brought
me a bowl of fruit salad because she knows I love it. At night we watch
a movie, we laughed a lot.

1. What time does his lessons start?


2. What does his friend practice?


3. Where did Nick go at 6:00 p.m?


4. Did he like the karate lessons?


5. Is the amusement park near his house?


6. What did he do with his mom last Sunday?

4. Tell me about you! You have to include:

1) - Where are you from? - Daily routine

- Where do you live? - What do you study?
- Who do you live with? - What’s your favorite subject/film/color?
2) What did you do on your last holidays?
- Where did you go? – Who did you go with? – What did you do there? – What
did you like or dislike?

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