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٠bject.18‫؛‬٧es 18-1
‫" ؛ر نم‬Discussion Of Fundamentals 18.2................................ 18-1
18,3 ‫خ‬١‫ ال‬Equipments Required..................................................... 18-11
III Experiments And Records.............................................. 18-11
|٦ '‫ب ن‬ Experiment 18-1 ASK Modulator
Experiment 18-2 Nonco erent ASK Demodulator
Experiment 18-3 Manchester CVSD System ‫نير‬:
Experiment 18-4 Coherent ASK Demodulator ‫"اسس‬
Questions 18.5.........................................‫■ت;لم‬،. 18-22

CamScanner ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا د‬

١‫ل‬ ‫_______________________________________هلئإعيل‬ ASK System


1. To study the principles ofASKmociuiation and demodulation.

2. To implement an ASK modulator.
3. ]‫؛؟‬Implement coherent and noncoherent ASK demodulators.


When it is required to transmit digital ‫ وايه‬ever a bandpass channel, it is

necessary to modulate the incoming data onto a carrifave with fixed
frequency limits imposed by the channel. 1٠٥٠ may represent
digital computer output or PCM waves generated by digitizing audio or
video signals. The channel may be a telephone channel, microwave
radio link, or a satellite channel. ‫■ألرر‬

Modulation is d٠ed as the process by which some characteristic of a

carrier is٠:Varied in accordance with a modulating wave. In digital
communications, the modulating wave consists of binary data or an
Mary eH‫؛‬. version of it. For the carrier, it is customary to use a

sinusoidal wave. With a sinusoidal carrier, the feature that is used by

the modulator to distinguish one signal from another is a step change in
the amplitude, frequency, or phase of the carrier. The result oflhis
modulation process is amplitude-shift keying (ASK), frequency-shift
keying (FSK), or phase-shift keying (PSK), which may bq‫؛‬٠ed۶as
special cases of amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, and
phase modulation, respectively.

ASK Modulator

An ASK modulated signal can be expressed as

X٨sK(t)=Ai cos )‫ هس‬،+،><( 0‫اآ>اك‬ i=٦. M ,■■■■•.2,

where the amplitude Ai has M possible values, the angular frequency w٠

and the phase <t>o are constant. If M=2 (AO and AA, where A is an


CamScanner ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا‬

ASK System

arbitrary constant), X٨SK(t) wllk|٠‫؟‬blp٥|SK modulated signal as

shown In Figure 18-1. The Ask signal transmits a binary message which
is on when the modulating data is a logic high and off when the
modulating signal Is a logic low. it Is also called On-Off Keying (OOK)


Figure 18-2 shows an ASK modulator. The A represents a de bias, the

sinusoidal carrier ٧c(t)A cos2 7rf٠t, and the modulating signal ٧D(t) is a
binary data. The modulated signal ٧T(t) can be expressed as

■٠ v,(t) - IVo(t) + A A C0S2 n fet

The Weforms of ٧o(t), (VD(t) + A] and ٧T(t) are shown in Figure 18-3.

Clearly the ASK modulated signal ٧T(t) consists of two levels [٧D(t)+٧٥Ac
and (VD(t)+٧H]Ac corresponding to VL and ٧H of the modulating signal
Vd(،), respectively.

Figure 18-2 Block diagram of ASK modulator

18-2 )‫وس‬

CamScanner ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا‬

Unit 18 ASK System

A digital communication system la referr d to as coherent if a loca

reference is available for demodulation that is in phase with the
transmitted carrier (with fixed phase’ghlfts due to transmission delays
accounted for), otherwise^ ‫ ئ ة‬referred to as noncoherent. Likewise,
if a periodic signal is available at the receiver that is synchronous with
thelransmitted sequence of digital signals (referred to as a clock), the

٠ً‫اًةئا‬٠‫ببب‬١‫ا*عث‬١‫ ’ءها‬such
reed to a ٥‫؛لالالدج‬
l٥٥k !‫ ج‬unnecessary,
!fa signaling ' :‫ئ‬٦‫ب‬:
the system is
is called


(a) v٥(t)


(c) ٧r(t)

Figure 18-3 ASK modulator waveforms


CamScanner ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا‬

nit 18 ASK System ٩

ASK Demodulator ‫ح‬

ASK demodulation Is a pr٥٥es‫؟‬٩thh‫ ؛‬restores the digital modulating

signal from the ASK signal received. Figure 18-4 shows the operation of
ASK demodulation.The electronic circuit that perform ASK demodulation
ed ASK demodulator. ASK demodulators can be categorized into
،٠٠٠١٦٩١٧٥s: noncoherent and coherent demodulators.
٠ ‫آل'ا‬



0 1 0001 11 ٥

Figure 18-4 ASK demodulation

A. incoherent ASK Demodulator

Figure 18-5 shows the functional blocks and waveforms of a

noncoherent ASK demodulator. The envelope detector removes the
high-frequency carrier and blocks the negative half of the received ASK
signal ٧R. The output of the envelope detector, VE, is therefore the
positive envelope ‫ اع‬arid sawtooth components. The de component
is blocked by ac-couplihg and the high-frequency sawtooth component is
rejected by the lowpass filter.

The voltage comparator compares the LPF output VLp(t) with a fixed
threshold voltage and produces the digital output signal Vo equal to the
original modulating signal.

18-4 ‫ا‬

CamScanner ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا‬

ASK System

CamScanner ‫حة ضوئيا‬

rnrtis ASK System

B. Coherent ASK Demodulator ‫ه‬

Figure 18-6 shows Ihe block diagram of coherent ASK demodulator.

The received ASK signal ‫ؤه‬ Is equal to the transmitted ASK signal


w٧ the|

VL0(t) = Alo cos(2 it fct -‫مح‬ ٠ ‫(ما‬

When the received ‫م‬، signal ٧R(t), and the reconstructed carrier signal
٧Lo(t) are connected to the inputs of the multiplier, the multiplier output

٧x(t) ‫[ ج‬V٠(t) ‫ ب‬AJAr Alo C٥s2 n fct cos(2 n f٠t +0)

- coscp + [(Ar A|_o)/2J - COS<b٧o(t) +
[Vo(t) + A] •[(ArAlo)/2] - C0S(2rr2fct+<t))

TheWst term of the equation is a de component, the second term the

modulating digital signal, and the third term is the ASK signal with a
frequency of 2fc, twice the carrier frequency. The de component is
blocked by ac-coupling and the high-frequency sawtooth component is
rejected by the lowpass filter.

The voltage comparator compares the LPF output VLp(t) with a fixed
threshold voltage and produces the digital output signal Vo equal to the
original modulating signal. ‫ؤ‬


CamScanner ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا ب‬

Unit 18 ASK System
Practical Circuit Description
1. ASK Modulator ٠.٦٢

The practical ASK modulator is shown in Figure 18-7. The multiplier(l)

performs the function of ASK modulation.

Figure 18-7 ASK modulator

The multiplier gutput ٧T(t) is expressed as

. ‫ب‬ .....

‫©ط‬ a value is divided byVRI potentiometer. If the carrier

٧c(t)=Ac C٠s2 Tt fct, ٧T<t) becomes ‫م‬

٧T(t( = ]٦Vo(t)+a]Accos2;zfct ‫د‬١‫نم‬:٠‫؛‬٠: ‫آلردآلر‬
10 <

(1) The digital modulating signal ٧D(t) has two voltage levels: ٧H = 5V
and Vt = ov. ٠
lfVD(t)= VH = 5V, thenVr(t) 0.5) ‫ئ‬+a)Accos2Hct
IfVc(t)- ٧‫ ء‬٥ OV, thenv٣(t) ‫ خ‬aAcCOs2jrfct
(2) ASK ‫؛‬T!‫؟‬iulat٩(i signal VT(t) has two discrete voltages: the (0.5+
a)Ac representsa high and the other(aAc) represents a low.
(3) If 0, two voltage levels of v٦(t) are 0.5Ac and 0. This is also
called an 0n-0ff Keying (OOK) modulation.


CamScanner ‫الممسوحة هوي ب‬

Unit 18 ASK System ‫م‬١
2. ASK Demodulator ‫ام‬ ‫ؤر‬
A. NoncoherentASK demodulator Is Shown In Figure 18-8.

Figure 18-8 Noncoherent ASK demodulator

(1) Multiplier(')) operates as an ASK modulator.

٣1 Envelope detector blocks the negative half 0f٧R in signal and
detects the positive half. ٠
(3) Lowpass filter (LPF) rejects the sawtooth component of٧E out
signal. The de component of VE out signal is blocked by the
coupling capacitor C2 when the signal is connected to the

ln(ac) terminal. ٦‫ؤ‬١٦‫رز ثم?ر‬

(4) Comparator shapes the LPF output signal (VLp out) to a digital
signal with two voltage levels ov and 5V.

B. Coheren^ASdenadiatdris shown in Figure "

18-8 ‫فا‬

CamScanneN ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا‬

Unit 18 ASK System

(2) Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) and bandpass filter (BPF) construct

a carrier recovery circuit which reconstructs the carrier signal.
The frequency of the recovered carrier signal on Vlo out
terminal is equal to the original carrier in transmitter. The
phase can be synchronized to the original carrier by turning
the potentiometer VR5.
(3) Multiplier(?) performs the multiplication of the received ASK
signal and the recovered carrier signal.
(4) Lowpass filter (LPF) is used to reject the high-frequency
components of Multiplier(?) output signal (Vx out). The de
component is blocked by the ac-coupling capacitor C2.
(5) Comparator compares the Vlp out signal with ground potential
and recovers the original modulating signal.


CamScanner ‫الممسوحة هويا ب‬

Unit 18 ASK System

The KL-94OO5 module shown In Figure 10-10 consists of ASK/hlpdulator, noncoherent ASK
demodulator, and coherent ASK demodulator.

Figure 18-10 KL-94OO5 module


CamScanneN ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا‬

١ «"<٠٠٠ ASK System


1-Module KL-92OO1
2-٠u,e KL-94OO5

Experiment 18-1 ASK Modulator ,

1. Locate the ASK modulator circuit shown in Figure 18-7 on the

KL-94OO5 module. ‫يج‬١
2. Connect a 500KHZ, 4٧pp sinewave tie VC Carrier in terminal.

3. Connect a 20KHz, TTL-level square wave from Function Generator

TTLZCMOS out to the VD Signal in terminal.

4. Turn the VRI fully CW to obtain a maximum amplitude of ASK

‫؛‬nodulated signal on VT out. Measure and record the ASK signal
waveform in Table 18-1.

5. Turn the VR1 fully ccw to obtain a minimum amplitude of ASK

modulated signal on the VT out. Measure and record the ASK signal
waveform in Table 18-1. ٠٠٣١٦‫يشر‬

6. Connect a IKHz, TTL-level square wave from Function Generator

TTL/CMOS out to the VD Signal in terminal.

7. Repeat steps4 and 5. ١;٦

Connect a .8 ‫؛؛؛؛‬ TT -‫ادا‬ square wave from Function Generator

TTL/CMOS out to the VD Signal in terminal.


CamScanner ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا ب‬

it 18 ASK System

9. Repeat steps 4 and 5.

10. Connect a 50KHz, T٠٠a wave from Function Generator
TTL/CMOS out to the VD Signal in terminal.

11. Repeat steps 4 and 5.


CamScanner ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا‬

Unit 18 ASK System

Experiment 18-2 NoncoherentASK Demodulator '‫خي‬
1. Complete the noncoherent ASK demodulator shown in Figure 18-8 by
placing the jumpers in positions 2, 6, and 8.

‫مم‬ Connect • 500KHZ, 4Vpp sinewave to VC Carrier in terminal.

3. Connect a 20KHz, TTL-level square wave from Function Generator

٠ ,

TTUCMOS out to VD Signal in terminal.

4. Turn VRI fully CW to set maximum amplitude onVT out terminal.

Measure and record the waveforms on terminals yr out, VE out, VLP
out, and Vo out in Table 18-2. ‫ون‬

5. Connect a IKHz, TTL level square waye.from Function Generator

TTL/CMOS out to VD Signal in terminal.;

Repeat step .6،‫؛‬.

7, Connect a lOKHz, TTL-level square wave from Function Generator

TTL/CMOS out to VD Signal in terminal.

8. Repeat step 4. : ‫رر‬

9. Connect a 50KHz, TTL-level square wave from Function Generator

TTLZCMOS out to VD Signal in terminal. ‫ إزأةذجلم‬.

10. Repeat step 4. Jy

11. Compare the waveforms on VD Signal in and Vo out terminals and

write down your comment.


CamScane ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا د‬

Unit 18 ASK System

Experiment 18-3 ASK System with Manchesul> ‫ؤر‬

1. Assemble KL-94OO4 ‫ هأهؤه‬Modules as shown In Figure

18-10. ٧٨*
Figure 18-10 combines the experiments of CVSD, Manchester ASK
modulation and demodulation.


CLKout CLK-in

Figure 18-10 ASK system connections

2. Place jumpers in positions 1, 3, 5, 7, and 8 on Module ٠)4004.
Place jumpers in positions 2, 6, and 8 on Module KLO.

3. Connect the ME-out terminal on KL-94OO4 to the VD Signal in

terminal on KL-940Q5. ٦: : :
4. Connect the Vo ‫اله‬٤‫جا‬٢‫ قة‬on KL-94OO5 to the MDD-in terminal on

KL-94OO4. 7‫حند‬.‫ر'ل'ال‬

5. Connect a 500KHZ, 4Vpp sinewave to VC Carrier in terminal on

KL-94OO5 Module.

18-14 ‫ن‬

CamScanner ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا ب‬

Unit 18 ASK System

6. Turn on ,he power. -.’,‫ردك‬

7. Turn the potentiometer ٧R1 on KL-94OO4 clock generator section to

obtain a 90KHZ clock signal on CLK out terminal.


8‫ا‬. Connect 3 IKHz, IVpp sinewave to the ٨" terminal on Module

9 ‫ه‬. TntheVRI on KL-94OO5 Multiplier(-!) fully CW.

٦١٦?'١ ‫بب‬٧

1٠. Measure and record the waveforms at the test points listed in Table

11. Connect a 3KHz, IVpp sinewave to the A-in terminal on Module


12. Repeat step ٠0.

13. Connect a 200Hz, IVpp sinewave to the A-in terminal on Module

KL-94OO4. ‫ا‬

٠، ,..HtsKp It

CamScanner ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا د‬
ASK System ‫التم‬
‫<ما‬٢‫' ك‬-':":'.‫ج‬

Experiment 184 ‫ا‬ CoherentASKDemodulator »

1 Complete the coheren٠SK demodlator shown In Figure 18-9 by

placing the jumpers in portions 1, 3,4, 7, 89,10 ‫ا‬, and 11.

;‫؟؟?؟‬Connect a 500KHZ, 4Vpp sinewave to VC Carrier in terminal.

^m?ned a 20Hz. TTL-level square wave from Function Generator

،CMOS out to VD Signal in terminal.

٠١٧٦ ‫أل‬

4. Turn VRI fully CW to obtain the maximum amplitude on VT out

terminal. The VT out waveform is an ASK modulated wave.
٠‫؛ ؛‬:٠■ ‫ء‬
5. Turn VR4 to make the vco OUT signal frequency equal to the carrier
frequency 500KHZ. ;٦‫مىجزمر‬

6. Turn VR5 to Ifke the signals on VLO out and ٧1 out in phase.

7. Turn٧R2r?٠in maximum signal amplitude on Vx out.

8. Turn VR3 to obtain a 5٧pp signal on VLP out.

9. Measure and record the signal waveforms on terminals VT out, ,ut,

٧59 in, VLP out, and ٧0 out in Table 184

10. Connect a IKHz, TTL-level square wave from Function Generator

TTL/CMOS out to VD Signal in terminal.

11. Repeat steps 6 through f

12. Connect a KHz TTL-level square wave from Function Generator

TTL/CMpSfo٠yD Signal in terminal.

13. Repeat steps 6 through 9.

18-16 ‫ن‬

CamScanner ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا‬

Unit 18 ASK System

14. Connect a SOKHz, TTL-levei square wave from Function Generator

TTL/CMOS out to VD Signal in terminal.

15. Repeat steps 6 through 9.

!‫؟‬. Compare the waveforms on Vo out and VD Signal in terminals and

write down your comment.

CamScanner‫الممسوحة ضوئيا ب‬
Unit 18____________________________________________________________ ASK System ، ‫ك‬٦
Table 18-1 ASK modulator (VC Cafftettif OOKHz, 4٧pp)

18-18 ‫ن‬

CamScanner-j ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا‬

I"'.» ASK System

Table 18-2 Noncoherent ASK demodulator

(VC Carrier ln=S00KHz,4Vpp٢

VT out VE out VLP out Vo out

Waveform Waveform Waveform Waveform


■ ٠‫جنم‬

CamScanner ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا ب‬
‫«"ال‬,, ASK System

Table 18-3 ASK system with Manchester CVSD
(VC Carrier In ٥ BOOKH،, 4٧pp)
__________ _______ ‫لعفنفغغعغسئ‬
‫ ا‬Output ٦٨.٦.‫؛‬٧٧|n;‫)؟‬IVpp sjnewave( ‫ا‬
‫ ا‬Waveform IKHz ‫جج‬ 20012


١٨٢ out
‫؛؛؛‬ 1


KL-94OO5 ‫م‬
VLP out

I KL-94OO5

Vo out

1 .
KL-94OO4 ‫ "' م‬١” '‫;ق؛‬


18-20 ‫أل‬

CamScanner ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا ب‬

Unit 18 ASK System

Table 18-4 Coherent ASK de٠‫س‬٠

‫سسسسسسسسسسسسسيسسس سببيبببيييي‬

VT out Vxol .VSOin VLP out

Waveform Waveform ‫ي‬ Waveform Waveform




٦‫بذ‬٦ If -

CamScanneN ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا‬
Unit‫»؟‬ ASK System ‫تمك ه‬٠


1. Is the waveform on VI out terminal an ASK modulated signal?

2. Is the waveform on VT out terminal - OOK modulated signal?

e wave orm on QU mo

٠ 3. Describe the function of Pll circuit.

4. Describe the function of bandpass filter.

5. Why the signals on vto out and VT out terminals must be in phase?

6. Discuss the relationship between Vx out and VIP out signals.

7. Describe thefahction of comparator.


CamScanneN ‫الممسوحة ضوئيا‬

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