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© Simon Miller



Several years ago, some friends and I embarked on a project to run
a large-scale display game to commemorate the 200th anniversary
of the Battle of Ligny. We found that working towards a shared goal
encouraged us to get our model soldiers painted much quicker
than would normally be the case. It also enabled our regular group
of wargamers to ‘grow’ our armies alongside our opponents’ and
play many smaller (but equally enjoyable) games along the way.

By James Oram

ince ‘Project Ligny’, our group As a group, we gave some thought to
has dabbled in various war- what new project we could organise.
gaming projects appealing to However, work and family commit- by club member Ben’s collection of Ro-
our individual historical inter- ments mean that a project similar in mans and Macedonians. Ben tends to
ests. Although many models scale to Ligny buy an army and turn up with it assem-
have been painted, at least on my part, is not pos- bled and painted a single month or two
no new armies have taken the field; sible at pre- later. A quick poll of our group’s mem-
my WWII Germans cannot reasonably sent. We were bers indicated that the ancients period,
face Sassanid Persians without a very inspired particularly that of imperial Rome,
creative approach to wargaming! held a common interest for most of us.
Given that there are plenty of figures
available in both plastic and metal, this
seemed an ideal choice. One problem:
everyone wanted to be the Romans!
Thankfully, history provided us with
the ideal solution; and thus was born
the Year of the Four Emperors – 69 AD,
where legion fought legion.

Tacitus’ Histories will provide us

with the inspiration to build a ba-
sic framework for our armies. One
thing is clear from this work: armies
were a mixture of allied and legion-
ary troops, which means we’ll be
having fun painting some more ex-
otic or unusual units, such as Celts,
Germans, and gladiators. As all the
players are starting their armies from
small beginnings, we will be play-
ing skirmish games using systems
in the first instance, with a view
to dusting off our old cop-
ies of Warhammer Ancient
Battles and Hail Caesar for
large-scale actions involv-

Chaotic and bloody night combat during

1 Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy 107

Second Battle of Bedriacum, fought

tween the forces of Vitellius and Vespa
© Séan Ó’Brógáín
Gladiators know how to fight, but are they disciplined?

© Simon Miller

Bridges are best crossed when undefended. Legionary versus legionary and not a barbarian in sight.

ing multiple players. We have agreed LIST OF PROVINCES AND BONUSES

to all use 25mm/28mm-scale troops,
with infantry individually based on
20mm-square bases and cavalry on Achaia Temple* Italia Gladiators
25mm by 50mm, with the occasion- Aegyptus Grain – always have a Iudaea In revolt – no bonus
al multi-based unit. Our intent is to 10% army point bonus
allow our models to be used with
Africa Proconsularis Elephants Lusitania No bonus
various systems, so we are keeping
our basing flexible. Alpes Poeninae, Legion light infantry Lugdunensis Gallic infantry
Cottiae, Maritimae (barbarian warriors)
I intend to represent Vitellius and am Aquitania Gallic noble cavalry Macedonia No bonus
already painting up a warband of
Asia Cataphract cavalry Mauretania Numidian cavalry
tribesmen to assist his bid for power.
My friends Ben, Chris, and Guy (Mr.
Editor!) will represent the other claim- Britannia Barbarian allies Mauretania No bonus
ants for the imperial throne, and Mal- Tingitana

com will help out Vespasian by play- Belgica Barbarian warriors Moesia Fabrica – heavy armour
ing as Marcus Antonius Primus. upgrade

Baetica Marines Narbonensis Marines

Finally, our group intends to keep
readers appraised of our progress Bithynia & Pontus No bonus Noricum Veteran legionaries

through a blog on the WS&S website. Cyrenaica No bonus Pannonia Veteran legionaries
Perhaps you’d like to join in and lend
Cilicia & Cyprus Marines Raetia Fabrica – heavy armour
your troops to one of the factions? upgrade

Corsica & Sardinia Marines Roma Praetorian Guard, temple

Here are some basic campaign rules Dalmatia Illyrian cavalry Sicilia Marines
for the Four Emperors. The campaign is Epirus No bonus Syria Camelry
designed to be played for approximate-
Galatia Barbarian fanatics Tarraconensis Legion light infantry
ly twelve rounds, with players
having two to four weeks to Germania Inferior In revolt – no bonus Thracia Thracians (Barbarian light
complete their turn. Battles infantry with falx)
can be played out using Germania Superior Veteran legionaries
whatever system the
* A temple allows D3 one use +1 bonuses to any combat in a battle.

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy 107

© Phil Hendry
players choose – it is the result then the emperor is deposed and the
that matters. victor becomes the new emperor.

Becoming emperor Should an emperor be deposed, he

The emperor for the is considered slain, losing Rome and
first game round is de- another province. The player may
termined by a simple then choose either to retire from the
ballot of the players. game (in which case the provinces
The suggested basis for controlled by him cease to be con-
these votes is a painting trolled by any player) or to name a
competition. In the event of a successor to continue the struggle
tied ballot, the oldest player (whether (we suggest a senior general or son
or not he bothered to paint a figure) of the deceased).
becomes emperor instead.
The round
The emperor gains the province of Players (with the exception of the
Rome in addition to his other prov- emperor) must issue one invitation at
inces. He immediately loses the the beginning of each round. Should
province of Rome should another a player fail to do so, then he shall be
player become emperor. deemed to have issued an invitation
to the emperor.
If the emperor loses a battle, then
his victorious opponent may imme- The emperor may issue a single in-
diately declare that a challenge is vitation per round after having re-
issued to the emperor. A challenge ceived invitations from the other
is resolved between the current em- players. Unlike the other players, he
peror and the victor of the last game is not obliged to issue an invitation an invitation to that player (or received
by a dice roll-off, with the current but may choose to do so. an invitation from that player) being
emperor adding 2 to his result. considered to have won a battle.
Players must play at least one battle
Should the victor of the last game per round; failure to do so will result A player may (but cannot be forced to)
beat the current emperor’s result, in any and all opponents who issued play more than one battle per round.
© Maxime Plasse

The map shown here provides a slightly

simplified version of the Roman Empire
in AD 69. You can use it for a shorter
version of the campaign, or view a map
with a complete breakdown of the prov-
inces online:

3 Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy 107

© Andy Singleton
Senior command: a tribune and centurion with the Aquila.

© Andy Singleton
The emperor is challenged and his Praetorian Guard (left) takes the field against his enemies. Artillery on the field - nothing will stop those bolts!

Should players fight and get a draw, province gained unless it is the may be selected. For the avoidance
there is a chance (roll 5–6 on a D6) only province controlled by a of doubt, the points for these units
that the province will become dev- player. Control of Rome will must still be paid; control of the rel-
astated. If this happens, it no longer usually be determined by a suc- evant province merely gives the op-
gives a troop bonus nor counts to any cessful challenge. tion to choose that unit type.
player’s total for provinces controlled.
Sea crossings Any player who controls more prov-
PROVINCES AND MAPS Any province bordering the Oceanus inces than his opponent is entitled to
Control of provinces is key to victory Atlanticus can cross to any other. field an additional 10% points in ad-
in the game. All players start with Any province bordering the Mare In- dition to the points limit agreed with
one province (ideally a province to ternum can cross to any other. his opponent for that battle.
which historically they had the great-
Troop selection for each battle is If, on completion of the agreed num-
A player will gain a province of their limited to ‘basic’ types (legionaries, ber of rounds, the emperor is the
choice at the end of a round by win- raw legionaries, auxilia, auxiliary player with the most provinces, he
ning a battle, subject to the following cavalry, auxiliary archers, and artil- wins the campaign. If the emperor is
restrictions: lery). Heavy armour cannot be taken not the player with the most provinc-
by the legion, unless the player owns es, the player with the most provinces
i. The province gained must al-
a province with a Fabrica. Additional must play the current emperor. The
ways be one that is adjacent to
choices will be gained by control of winner of this battle wins the imperial
one already controlled by the
certain provinces, representing the throne and the campaign. WS&S
selecting player.
player being able to recruit troops for
ii. A province already controlled
which that province is famous. The You can read more about history be-
by another player may only be
table on the previous page states the hind the Year of the Four Emperors
selected if the selecting player
additional units that in Ancient Warfare X-6.
defeated the player controlling

that province in the current
round, or if the player control-
ling that province did not ac-
cept an invitation issued
by the selecting player.
iii. The province of Rome
may not be selected as the

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy 107


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