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(1689-1755), Robert Beverly (f.

1700), and William Byrd

in Plutarch, Diogenes Laertius and other writers, show that

year, and an English cocoa manufacturer is supposed to have

the esters of nitric acid with alcoholic ammonia at 100 deg.

she is practically identical with Copia, Annona and similar

along the sea-board; it was naturally greatest in the more

Archaeology.--Algeria is rich in prehistoric memorials of

laying down to pasture of land once under the plough, and

St Dionysius, Fort Stikine and Fort Wrangell), founded in

avoid disputes about pre-eminence, all came to its meetings

latter. They are lithe and well built, but small: the average

on account of it. It was destroyed at the Revolution. The

Swinburne, ``Electric Light Measuring instruments,'' Proc.

primary, secondary or tertiary amides, according to the

state to exempt any immigrant ship from its provisions if he

authors whom he consulted. In the preface to the first volume

discriminated. Dorsey, again, draws a distinction between


by M. and Mme Curie, and investigated by them and by E.

each. When after the second Sacred War the Phocians were

success against the monarchs of the Tigris and Euphrates,

Spanish Federations contain excellent expositions of Anarchism;

marked by some nausea and very frequently by vomiting. The

5000. It is a town of medieval aspect and is surrounded

of that nation. They did not secure their independence nor

elsewhere. Hence arose a general feeling of disappointment,

and labour (1903), it has taken over from other departments

of agistment or ``tithe of cattle and other produce of grass

Haube, Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Albinovanus Pedo (1880).

se recueille''; and for fifteen years he avoided foreign

The temple of Seti I. was built on entirely new ground

55'' Perhaps independently of Aryabhatta (born at Pataliputra

a scrubber so as to wash out the ammonia this danger is

of work done by a given quantity of air is increased by the

unpopular. After Osiander's death in 1552 he favoured a preacher

iii. 115; Tim. Lex. Plat., s.v. 'Amfiktuones), and

in the Aegean isles including Crete, together with Aegean

artists of the day, resigned in 1768, and headed by William

a chapel of St Thomas Becket in the crypt of the cathedral.

on the earth's motion was detected. As will be seen later,

are distinct signs of an algebraic analysis. The particular

Uganda, returning by Tanganyika and Nyasa, and in 1896 C. W.

Algae. Penicillus is brush-like, Hallimeda and Cymopolia

mortmain, and now for the paying off of a debt, particularly

whether a zone of three miles round the shores of the United

characters of the crystals. Before the blowpipe the mineral

Prevention Act 1866 (29 & 30 Vict. c. 2) made compulsory the

test either of the truth of doctrine or of their certitude of

I. Necessary. b. Workshops.

Cyrene, suspected that they had been betrayed in order that

emotion. That our attitude when we watch a beautiful object,

appeal to the exuberant imagination of his new-found friend.

Climate and Health.---Lying almost entirely within the

rules, which are founded upon the well-established customs

against his trembling masters, and without caring to assume

them separately than to follow the confusing chronological

years in England, assisting Archbishop Oswald of York in

consist of olein, almond oil being a type, others contain a

London from the south. Nothing came of Lord Hardinge's proposal

(March 1756) in the 3rd Dragoon Guards. He served with his

conflicting). Antony's heavy battleships endeavoured to

he married a daughter of John Ebers the publisher, and started

cycles that follow the rest. Hence the third hypothesis

destroyed (1855) by the Russians themselves. Pop. (1897) 6676.

Russia, Servia and the canton of Geneva provide no means

different situations it may represent (see X). No alphabet

Poets, and reprinted with small additions in subsequent issues

ADDISON'S DISEASE, a constitutional affection manifesting

(5) Spongin, &c.

stomach and the intestines is ciliated; in Selachii that

and that relief ``must be given by them [the people of the

1892 15 95 1,248 3,412 107

found guilty, however, and his body was ordered to be exhumed

Boniface IV. consecrated the Pantheon at Rome to the Blessed

Armour-piercing shot or shell are generally cast from a

Constantine, king of the Scots, and Ealdred of Bamburgh, and

proportionally greater effect on rare substances. The passage

The iliac colon stretches from the crest of the ilium

associated with the reigning prince. It is probable that

in accordance with the order in council of the 18th of

the contact area. The positive and negative tapers being

him by the Rhenish archbishops and the count palatine of the

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