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English III


Last name___________________________________________

Grade: _____________________________________________

Group: ______________________________________________


Bloque I “life memories”

Propósito del bloque Explica experiencias, costumbres propias y de otras personas usando la
forma verbal “used to” a través de las habilidades comunicativas, favoreciendo la asertividad que
le permita la reflexión sobre los usos y costumbres de diversos contextos

Actividades de desarrollo: El alumno encuentra la forma de expresar y usar “used to” en un

texto real que describe hábitos y rutinas pasadas, en su forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

Used to

“Getting to know my parents when they were my age”

Bienvenido al tercer semestre de Ingles, debido a la pandemia el semestre continuara de esta

modalidad semipresencial.

Used to (solia) se utiliza para expresar acciones que se realizaban en el pasado y que ya no las
hacemos en la actualidad. Esta palabra la podemos utilizar en afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo:

Afirmativo (solia) Negativo (no solia) Interrogativo (solia?) + -

I used to I didn’t use to Did I use to? Yes I did, no I didn’t
You used to You didn’t use to Did You use to? Yes I did, no I didn’t
He used to He didn’t use to Did He use to? Yes he did, no he didn’t
She used to She didn’t use to Did She use to? Yes she did, no she didn’t
It used to It didn’t use to Did It use to? Yes It did, no It didn’t
We used to We didn’t use to Did We use to? Yes we did, no we didn’t
You used to You didn’t use to Did You use to? Yes we did, no we didn’t
They used to They didn’t use to Did They use to? Yes they did, no they didn’t

Read about the people below


When I was younger I used to go to school. I used to play football and tennis, I loved sport. I also used to
read a lot of books. Now, I don’t like reading books and I never play sport-I’m too tired after work!


When I was young I used to be a pilot and I loved my job because it was interesting. I used to live in
London. Now I’m retired and live in Scotland.

When I was younger I used to live in Spain, that’s where I was born. Now I live in Ireland, near
Dublin. I used to have problems speaking English but now I understand everything people
Then and now.

1. What did use to do when you were child?



2. Did you used to play any sport?



3. What song did you used to listen?



4. Where drink did you used to drink?


5. Where did you use to study?


6. What tv program did you use to watch?



A. Choose the correct verb and write what Lulu

and Benny USED TO do in winter, when they
were younger. Then match the sentences
with the pictures.
1. Lulu ___________________________________ cakes.
2. Benny and Lulu ______________________ snowmen.
3. Benny and Lulu _________________________
decorate the Christmas tree.
4. Benny ________________________________ his kite.
5. Lulu ___________________________________ skiing.
6. Benny ________________________________ his bike.
7. Benny and Lulu _______________________ snowball
8. Benny ______________________________ the snow.
9. Benny and Lulu ____________________ in the frozen
10. Benny and Lulu ______________________ ice-skating.
11. Benny and Lulu _______________________ to the
roof of their house and count the snowflakes.
12. Benny __________________________ snowboarding.
13. Benny and Lulu _____________________ at the stars.
14. Benny and Lulu ____________________ sausages and
hot dogs.
B. Answer the questions.
1. Did Benny use to ride his motorbike? _____________
2. Did Lulu use to make cookies? ___________________
3. Did Lulu and Benny use to make snowmen? ________
4. Did Benny use to go snowboarding? ______________
5. Did Benny and Lulu use to count the stars? _________
6. Did Benny and Lulu use to eat sausages and hot dogs?
7. Did Benny use to fly his kite? ____________________
8. Did Lulu use to go swimming? ___________________
9. Did Lulu and Benny use to have snowball fights?
10. Did Lulu and Benny use to fish in the sea?

WHAT DID YOU USE TO DO WHEN YOU WERE YOUNGER? _______________________________________

We use Used to + verb to indicate an habit in
the past and make past facts and

A) Complete the text with the correct form of USED TO.

When I was I child I ____________ cry a lot and I _____________ eat a lot,
but I __________ study as hard as now. I ___________ drive cars because I
couldn’t drive. I __________ go everywhere with my parents and I
___________ be happy all the time. I __________ play with my friends at the
park, but we ____________ play football, we ___________ basketball, which
_________ my favourite sport. And now, I ________ go out with my friends and
we __________ to the cinema on Saturdays. 5 years ago, I also __________
that life was very difficult, now as I’m older I __________ that life is easy, but
anyway I love to stay with my friends and I also ___________ to the swimming
pool, because now it is my favourite hobby and the reason is that when I was
younger, I ___________ swim because my parents didn’t let me to do it.

B) What did you use to do when you were a C) What didn’t you use to do when you
child? were a child?

When I was I child I used to... When I was I child I didn’t use
__________________________________ to...
__________________________________ ____________________________
__________________________________ ____________________________
__________________________________ ____________________________
__________________________________ ____________________________
__________________________________ ____________________________
__________________________________ ____________________________
__________________________________ ____________________________
__________________________________ ____________________________
__________________________________ ____________________________
__________________________________ _________.

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