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From Algeo, J. and Pyles, T. (1982). Problems in the origins and development of the English language.

New York: Harcourt, Brace,


Exercise 4. In each of the following pairs, the first term is a reconstructed Indo-
European root and the second is a related English word. The English word may be
based on a form with affixes added to the root or may involve a change in vowel, but
the Indo-European consonants you are asked to examine correspond regularly with
those in the root of the English vowel. No exceptions and no examples of Verner’s Law
(step 3 of the Shift) are involved. Supply the missing letters.

*bha ‘speak’ / ban *magh- ‘can’ / (OE) magan ‘may’

*dheu- ‘flow’ / dew *wegh- ‘go’ / (OE) weg ‘way’
*ghans- / goose *plōu- / flow
*bend ‘protruding point’ / pen *aug- ‘increase’ / eke
*de- / to *kel- ‘cover’ / hell
*gel- / cool *leb- / lip
*pau- / few *dem- ‘build’ / timber
*tr- ‘cross over’ / through *bhlō- / bloom
*kan- ‘sing’ / hen *dhō ‘set, put’ / do
*angh- ‘tight’ / anger *tum- ‘swollen’ / thumb
*bher- / bear *tong- ‘feel’ / thank
*koimo- / home *pet- ‘fly’ / feather
*pā- / food *treud- ‘squeeze’ / threat
*swād / sweet *bhreg- / break
*gl- ‘ball’ / clue *bheid_ ‘split’ / bite
*dhrēn- / drone *dhragh- / drag
*lab- / lap ‘lick’ *grebh- ‘scratch’ / krab
*pūlo- ‘rotten’ / foul *porko- / (OE) fearh ‘small pig’
*wadh- ‘pledge’ / wed *kwerp- ‘turn about’ / wharf
*wāb- / weep *ghreib- / grip

Exercise 5. In the following examples, the Indo-European stress was on some syllable
other than the first; consequently Verner’s Law (step 3 of the Consonant Shift) applies.
Supply the missing letters.

*kaput / (Goth.) haubiþ ‘head’ *sep(t)m- / (Goth.) sibun ‘seven’

*plōtu- / flood *klūto- / (OE) hlūd ‘loud’
*konk- / hang *dukā- / (OE) togian ‘tow’
*was- ‘dwell’ / were *sauso- ‘dry’ / sear

Exercise 6. Examine the following pairs; then list the Indo-European consontants that
underwent no change in Germanic.

*lem- ‘break’ / (OE) lama ‘lame’ *newo- ‘new’ / (OE) n

*mā- ‘damp’ / (OE) mō-r ‘moor’ *wel- ‘wish’ / (OE) wel ‘well’
*mel- ‘soft’ / (OE) mel-tan ‘melt’ *wen- ‘strive’ / (OE) winnan ‘win’
*mer- ‘harm’ / (OE) mare ‘nightmare’ *wir- ‘man’ / (OE) wer ‘man’
*nas- ‘nose’ / (OE) nosu ‘nose’ *yēro- ‘year’ / (ModE) year

m, n, l, r, j, w, s* (*except for Verner’s law)

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