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Global Change Biology Intro Class

Wednesday, September 08, 2010 9:04 AM

Midterm and final as well as presentation. We can choose a topic of interest. The presentation can be approx.. 20 minutes. START EARLY Topics: List will be posted on D2L. Figure it out by Friday. Office: SN1093 Lectures will be posted in .pdf format. There are both biological and environmental factors that affect the environment. Global warming: Human and astronomical factors pose opposite views. Truth is likely somewhere in the middle. Biotic and Abiotic factors need to be taken into account. The previous warm period was around Viking era and this was probably not as related to human activity. Human activity affects environment and the environment affects the human activity. Flooding, tornados, heat is a circle. We need to learn how to REGULATE this in order to prevent it. Human Impacts: Index of human influence varies throughout the globe and can have long term effects. High human impact, drastic changes. Former Soviet Union (Aral sea) has receded do to human usage. Greenland: Ice coverage has shrunk drastically in 10 (0.03%-0.04% change in ~15 years) years. Not uniform everywhere. Melting of Greenland ice and cold Labrador current makes it hard to see changes here in NL but more prominent in Western Canada. CO2 change usually related to human activity. Temp is not as straight forward as period of warm and cool. Year 2000 probably hottest summer in most area. Most likely indicates global warming but biosphere so complex that it is hard to draw conclusions. CO2 is a major greenhouse gas. Main greenhouse gas is water vapor. Oxygen concentration of atmosphere: 21% Nitrogen concentration of atmosphere: 78% Inert gases: 1% [CO2] in early 20thC = 300ppm Low during ice ages and high during interglacial periods [CO2] now = 390 ppm [CO2 glacial periods]= 180ppm [CO2 interglacial] = 280ppm (pre-indstrial CO2 about year 1900) For one million years it was oscillating between 180-280 now some drastic change? It rises about 2ppm per year. Human activity higher in northern hemisphere and in winter when fossil fuels are being burned. In summer it decreases a little. Mauna Loa: Biggest Volcano in Earth. (If measured from bottom of ocean then 10K bigger than Everest) We have precise [CO2] for almost 700 000 through direct measurements of ice cores. On CO2 graph peaks are interglacial periods ~ 100 000 years and dips are glacial periods.
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interglacial periods ~ 100 000 years and dips are glacial periods.

Change in trend possible due to Younger Dryas If we go earlier than Cenozoic high CO2. Indicates that we live in the epoch of major global change.

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Lecture 2
Monday, September 13, 2010 9:03 AM

Use room C3053 for seminars Know CO2 concentartions and temperatures will be on test How climate changed through periods Younger dryas: after this cooling event agriculture appeared. (6000 years ago approximately) Then there was the medieval warm period. Then there was minor cooling event called the little ice age.
In 19C called Dicken's Winters

6000 years ago there was a holocene maximum then MWP 2000 yag then 500 years ago LIA
Biotic factors and abiotic factors Sunspots solar activity (relatively low in 19C then 20C increase, decrease, then increase again.) CO2 concentration is mainly due to fossil fuels but as CO2 increases CO2 goes from the ocean. There was a temp increase in global temp until 1940 then until 1970s cooling trending and now warming trend again.

Know degrees of solar activity, temp, and CO2 concentration. Temp is now increases less than 1C but if this continues it could be problematic. Warming is much more evident in Western Canada than Eastern Canada/
Lecture 2 (new slides: Biosphere and Evolution)

Know Geological Timescale!

We know that oxygen is regulated in the atmosphere by photosynthesis.

Life was almost from the beginning when earth was formed but what kind of life was it? Prokaryotic
If life existed 3.6 billion years Eukaryotic life 1 billion years Multicellular life 20-25 million years before Cambrian In the snowball period of earth it is unlikely that eukaryotes existed

Cambrian explosion started the pherozoic

Most possible places where life can exist contain methane (Europe...huge ice crust and ocean inside and Mars) Such oceans can exist other moons.

Methane and O2 can not exist a long time if they are in eqb. 300 million years ago there was most likely 35% oxygen Methane is a greenhouse gas 30X stronger than CO2
Best places to find life will have gases in diseqb.
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Best places to find life will have gases in diseqb.

Planets with atmosphere: Earth Mars Ditan

This diseqb is generated mainly by photosynthesis which generates diseqb which generates oxygen. In early stages methane forming bacteria is needed. Phtosynthetic organisms convert around 100 billions tons of biomass a year (intensity of photosynthis). Photosynthis is the main process that determined atmospheric content of the earth. Geological Timescale Supereon Eon Era Period Epoch Haidion: no life, huge bombardment of asteroids Arecon: 3.6 billion years ago cyanoobacteria, life apeared Proterozoic: Live developed and O2 increased Eukaryotic life apperaed at the end of mesophrotic Several events of snowball Earth Multicelluar life existed from proteozoic onward
Prokaryotes are the most abundant organisms.

Cambrian explosion of life may have occurred because lots of organism appeared with skeletons.
Know eras and periods.

Silurion-Devion: Land plants evolved \Carbonfifous: Oxygen increased to 35% Between Permin and Triasic there was a huge asteriod impact and another between Mesozoic and Cenozoic.

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First Lecture Continued...

Friday, September 10, 2010 9:07 AM

From the point of view of global change it is difficult to make judgments. From Cambrian times we can be more or less certain on how things work.
Had glacial and interglacial periods which had different concentrations of CO2 (180 -280 ppm) now it is greater than 390ppm. It is something unusual. Somehow CO2 is a greenhouse gas and there is a correlation between CO2 and temperature. Temperature usually comes first and C02 after. Now we produce a lot of CO2 and we expect that the temperature will rise. Some scientists think that temperature comes first. If temp increases than CO2 comes up from the ocean and [CO2] increases. Temp drops [CO2] decreases. This is why there is some uncertainty about global warming. There is a formula of how you can derive temperature from CO2 concentration.

Temp is not straight fwd like CO2. Biotic and abiotic factors both act but because the system is very complex we can not understand how it works.
Bubbles in Antarctic ice show us very clearly concentration of CO2.

KNOW!!!!!! Beginning of 20thC 200ppm Pre-Industrial level of CO2 End of 20C 365ppm Present 380ppm Minimum Glacial 180ppm Max interglacial 280ppm
Lowest Ever 145ppm too hard for plants to survive

(300ppm = 0.03% at 30 Pa)

CURRENT RISE of CO2= 2ppm/year

It is very uncertain how water effects climate...if it forms clouds then sunrise can't get through
Geological Timescale Quaternary period: Cenozoic era

Pleistocene (most new) epoch 2mln to 12 thousand years before present) Humans here Holocene (entire new) epoch agriculture started here. Anthropocene epoch (human new) When to start? Crutsion suggested 1784 when James Watt developed the steam engine when burning of fossil fuels developed/
Geological event usually needed to start a new epoch so: 1815: huge volcanic eruption in Indonesia 1816: the year without summer

Biosphere: the global sum of all ecosystems Lamark: concept of biosphere Eduard Suess: understanding of biosphere Vernadsky: Self regulating system with own laws and dermination of evolution Chardin: development comes to point omega
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Chardin: development comes to point omega

Noosphere:Sphere of mind. Different views, something spiritual or how human mind affects processes
Biosphere is the global ecosystem. Robisca is one of the most abundant protiens on the earth. 100Pg of C biomass per year converted by photosynthetic organisms. The dry weight of all living organisms is less than conversion of C a hear. Conversion includes much more mass than organisms. Organisms affect all these processes.

Vernadsky: biosphere itself determines movement of atoms.

JaqAmes Lovelock Gina concept somesort of self regulating system. A kind of other presentation of biosphere.

Paul Crutzen: concept of Anthropocene but Vernadsky more critical.

Bill Ruddiman: strong impact of organisms on climate started early than Crutzen said and now we should be in cooling trend, he thinks that human activity was prevented.

Holocene and Eemian graph. Peak on tip of iceberg is warm period.

Trends are different. Trend of Holocene is different because of human activity.

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Lecture 3
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 9:02 AM

A week before presentation send abstract.

***Photosynthesis slide is important!

Geological timescale We know more about the phanerazoic eon It is sometime difficult to distinguish the border between neogene and quatereary The age of the Earth is 4.6 BY Hidian peroid there is no life, moon formed Archearon: life Phraerzoic is divided into Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Asteroid impacts 250 mya 65 mya (may be related to extension of dinosaurs) Miocene: appearance of C4 plants Quaternary starts after pliceoticene Holocene: recent epoch Humans appeared somewhere after pliocene. Neadethal man was developing in paralelle with homohabilius Development of Human Civilization Present Day Iron Age Bronze Age Chalcolithic Neolithic Mesolithic Prokarotes: baceria and cyanobacteria Oxygen developed as a result of photosynthesis and cooling of climate: snowball earth effect...much stronger than ice age. RNA hypoyhisis: early evolution Early stromatalites. Most likely first organisms were hetrotrophs but phtosyhis started very very early. Photsynthitic early aracaric Age of Signal Hill: 550 million years ago Mistaken Point: 20 million years earlier

Age of Rocky Mountains: Late mezozoic

Smallest bacteria has only 470 genes
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Smallest bacteria has only 470 genes Smallest flowering plant 34 000 genes Humans 100 000 genes Snowball Earth: Cooling took place when O2 concentartion increased, very high CO2 concentartion. Methane may have decreased.Neoproterozoic era At least 3 peroids snowball earth.CO2 also started to drop. Huge ice crust but there could be life inside. Similar like soom moons and Jupiter and Saturm. Not many clods or no clouds at all because water is frozen and lots of UV radiation. UV + water forms H2O2 which forms O2 which causes O2 increases. Now it is more supported by photosynthis. Like Europea or Enceladus moon

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Lecture 4
Friday, September 17, 2010 9:10 AM

Without atmosphere it would be much cooler. In some epochs avg temp would be much higher.
Last snowball event was 700 MYA after which a worm period occurred. Land plants appeared which preformed photpsynthesis/ Depletion of CO2 and huge amounts of O2 is the carboniferous period. Oxygen was about 35%. Cooling may be due to the activity of life. Metoorite in 1908 To big impacts 250 million years ago Another 65 million years ago CHECK TIMELINE BOARDERS Flowering plants are very active in photosynthesis. Cooling until recently. Global warming: burn huge amounts to reach 25C will be disaster for some species. Even during phanerozoic there were impacts that killed most species on the earth.

On mars, if impact, mars could lose atmosphere. The moon also stabilizes the earth. Cooling may be related to land plants but 55 million years ago
Biggest mountain in solar system: Olympus on Mars Dinos mesosoic 20-25C Glacial maxium: avg temp +12C Events in Canada caused events in holocene. Determined climate. Shallow seas in late Cambrina NL W from North American Plate Middle Bottom of Atlantic Ocean Avalon: Morrcoo Ordocavin: cold times but not as cold as snowball earth. Coral wreaths and land plants developed in the Silurian/ Divonia: Land plant development, ferns, forests(fern) Permina: Just before aterorid impact 99% of life paraished impact somewhere between austrilia and antarctic. Late creatious: contentients are almost recognizable. India was a separate contenent for ,many years.

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Lecture 5
Monday, September 20, 2010 9:00 AM

We do not need to remember all the plate tectonics. Oxygen when it is produced initally its concentartion in the atmosphere did not rise too much because there were a lot of rocks could be oxidized.
Early photosynthisis could us CO2 and H2O...the problem is splitting water which is thermodynamically difficult. They use H2S CO2+H2S->CH20+ 2S + H2O This happens very early. Cyanobacteria appeared more than 3 billion years ago. 3000 years ago start O2 Photosynthis 2.8 billion years ago cyanobacteria appered From Archean era we can find stromattolites (acient rementants of life as they were formed by cyanobacteria) can be found in old rocks. Rocks start to get oxidized around 2500 million years ago. Proterozoic was 2 billion years...very difficult to estimate [O2] No terriestrial photosynthis.

Phranozoic: Easy to estimate. CO2 was high. ON GRAPH of Atm Oxygen Paleozoic SHOULD be Proterozoic!!!
[O2] low and increase in phranerozoicin last 400 million years it was more or less stable. Early photosynthis could produce oxygen but at a relatively low level. Very early bacteria and archera split. Then Acera and Eukara split (Proterozoic) No real oxygenic phtosynthisis until Phanerozoic by 550 million years ago O2 was probably about 10% and next 100 million years probably about 35% then stablized at about 20-22% Most impt characteristic of proterozoic Oxygenic phtosynthis and oxygen build up leading to oxidizing rocks Oxygen in the ozone layer results in some cooling of climate which can lead to snowball earth...end of protozoizic...cyogenic period. Only aboy 10s millions of years. Can not say that [CO2] and temp correlate. CO2 was high and still ice age. All euk have mitochondria and plants have chloroplasts. Some protobacteria formed mitos and some cyanobateria formed chloroplasts. 5% of protein in mito Up to 80% of all protiens are in chloroplats 15% of proteins in cytosol Early algae occurred in protrozoic.

Squiggly black and white graph = oxygen in phanerozoic.

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Late carboniferous peroid oxygen high, and co2 starting to low. Land plants incresed o2 and depleted co2
There was a lot of carbon and coal acculmated. Huge fires which regulated co2 and oxygen concentartion in the atmosphere. In mesozoic (Triasic, Jurasic, Crutatious) ferns then gynosperms...high CO2 concentration and oxygen concenration was moderate (15-17%) A lot of oxygen means it is easier for animals to undergo metabolism. First insercts were dragonflys and were very big almost 1m when O2 was 35%. Oxygen was the highest 300 million years ago in late carboniferous. O2 and CO2 are equilabrated by land plants.

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Lecture 6
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 9:00 AM

Generally CO2 high and O2 low. CO2 increased due to photosynthis and O2 increeased (in proterozoiz, first in rocks then the atmosphere) Finally O2 stablized before phanerozoic, probably due to photosynthisis.
Major events in proterozoic...evolution of land plants.

Land plants resulted in drecrease of the levels of 0.3% just like today. O2 was up to maybe upto 35%. This was a periord when coal was deposited and dragonflys were almost 1m long. What happened later...decrease in O2 and increase of CO2...mirror effect (during mesozoic) Flowering plants appered and depleted CO2 and O2 increases. All during Phranozoic...very IMPT!
There are many diff methods how to estimate this. Sulfur cycles ect These curves were suggested by Robert Burner, suggested geocarbon model

If you invistigate fossils you can yuse the stomal index to count how many stoma...very difficult to do when fossils are very old (eg ferns) The main enzyme that was impt for CO2 was very high O2 it becomes less efficient. Allowed for eqb of gases.
Biodiversity Can be measured. Number of families, number of genera. Higer biodiversity at peak Lower biodiversity at mesozoic. More evolution more oxygen...more reactive O2 species...higher mutation rate.

Funny green hill graph: Check Dudley R (2000) paper Landplants were very impt in getting high O2 and low Co2 in carboniferous and equilbrating the two now.
In relation to our fossil fules emissions biosphere will deplete CO2 Early land plants seem to have very low biomass and were not very active. 80 to 100 MY needed to deplete CO2 and increase O2

Weathing of rocks also decreases CO2, in this case silicate weathering.

C most abudent on earths crust Si second most

Roots extract organic acids. Robert Burner suggests this might be one of the main causes of CO2 depletion

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Beerling was also an important guy. Development of plants started in Silurian and Devonion...they flourished in the carboniferous. They built up this atmosphere causing it to become more and more disequlibrated. *** Abiotic factors Solar activity: sun got brighter and brighter. 300 MYA 5% less bright. Proterzoic maybe 20% less bright.
CO2 was still high.

Asteroid Impcats Canada: West Hawk Lake manitobia111m depth. Impact probably devoina or early carboniferous. 351 mya. Best Shaped: Barringer Arizona 49 000 years ago. 50m asteriod 1200 crater.
The great lakes were somehow changed after youngery dryas event. Event on the borader of palozoic and mesozoic Permiian-triasic boundry 250 mya (30km) 90% of life killed Mesozoic-Cenozoic (cretatious- tertiary) 65 mya 70% of life killed

Asteriod Craters Simple in Arazonia Complex crater: uprise in middle, melting takes place
65 MYA: Chicxulub crater

Asteroird hits earth...usually associated with volcanism. Huge CO2 emissions. Both warming and cooling takes place. Warming due to CO2 emissions and cooling do to nuclear winter. Impact generates wildfires, water and dust injections, Nos leasing ozone depletions, acid rains, shockwaves...leading to mass extinction.
In ocean it will be giant Tusmani up to 100s of ms Ocean temp would change, lowering sea level.

For us most IMPT atmosphere and ocean. Get table form Conway Morris 1998

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Lecture 7
Friday, September 24, 2010 9:01 AM

Huge catastrphic events that resulted in huge amounts of CO2. We need need to know how these events work to cope with our current increase of CO2. The contents were aprox in same shape as now during Mexican Asteroid Impact 65MYA Recovery time= 2.5 BY In less then 1 million years there was major recovery the rest was a little slower. The boundries between eras mostly related between major events. In NL we have very good prof of contential drift.

NL geologicaly consists of 3 parts. Tunguska Event (1908) these type of events can take place every 100-200 years.
Kill Curve tells percentage of genra killed. 30km asteroid can kill up to 70% Vaclav Smil: good books for papers After 9mths dust cloud starts clearing. There is cooling period for about 10 years then we get a Fern Spike. Fern recover earlier. Increase spores. 1500 years marine ecosystem starts to recover. It is much more vurnarable then land ecosystms due to very narrow range of existance. After Perminan 90% of marine genera and 70% of plants.

Year without summer: 1816 mainly effected Western Europe. Huge catastrphus events trigger evolution.
Huge extinctiond shown on pointy graph of Phranozoic Devoina land plants started to evolve then gap. Between triasic and jurassic huge gap. 5 major exteniction events during phanerozoic. Maybe 6th major extinct event now? Possibly? Releated to human activity

Know peaks 3 (western austrilia and antarctic) and 5 (yuktan paninsula) Thw whole civilization may not survive if asteroid greater than 1k
Contenial Drift Huge earthquake in 1948 Fossil patterns due to plate techtonics Super volcanic eruptions are rare. Risk of it in Yellowstone. Toba in Indonesia is the big one. Eruptionm shruk population of humans to 2000. Greatest impact on humans.

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Methane can be formed by the activity of microorganisms

Some bacteria can use CO2 as terminal e acceptor and convert to methane Melakovich cycles Oldest volcanos are north west Youngest south east

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Lecture 8
Monday, September 27, 2010 9:00 AM

Recent Volcanic Eruptions like Mount St. Helens in Washington State...Krakatu in 1883 (Indonesina) 21 km erruption. Novarupta: erruption caused the 'year without summer'. Toba...big guy73 thousand years ago. Very impt event for human evolution. We are lucky to have survived as a species. Nuclear winter for 5-10 cold years. Indonesia is very active! Yellowstone is very geologically active (Wyoming) Lava Creek seems to erupt every 640 000...super volcano. Effect = Global Cooling! Cumbre Vieja on the Canary Islands (Spain) could affect us...possibility of huge landslide if eruption. Could cause Tsumani in atlantic ocean. Now Green House Gases 300MYA sun was 5% less bright.even lesser in proterozoic. Table of greenhouse gases. KNOW IT! Most impt is water vapour and has a lifetime of a few days. Cause formation of clouds which may result in cooling. Algae may release compunds to form clouds. GWP taken as...very difficult to determine.
CO2 has a varibale atmospheric lifetime. It is used by plants and has a geochemical cycle. GWP is 1 used as a baseline.

Methane has a GWP of 21...industrial concentation more than doubled. Cows and Sheep produce a lot of methane.
N2O very stable compound. NH3 is reduced N and NO3- is oxixdized. When bacteria use nitate as e acceptor they reduce nitarte to nitrite and nitrite to N2O. N2O is a very impt gas because we put a lot of nitate in soil. Sometimes afetr flooding O2 is deprived from soil and bacteria will produce N2O.

Water vapor can have up to 80% GWP SF6 is still used in batteries HUGE GWP Climate forcing= green house effect. Power of thing makleing it warmer...heat introduced through GWP. (W/m^2) Ozone layer is very high in stratosphere. Here in troposphere it works as greenhouse gas and is toxic. ***Aerosols significant for cooling.***
Ozone: stratospheric ozone results in in cooling, throphozpheric in warming. Red giants will be cooler.

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Lecture 9
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 9:09 AM

Table of green house gasses is in % NOT ppm as noted! Global Carbon Cycle Most likely the plants were major driving force in establishing CO2 and oxygen concentrations. Amounts are in petograms of billon tons. Huge amount of CO2 in oceans 40 000 billion tons Coal/Oil/Gas10 000 billion tons Fossil fuel burning on half goes to atmosphere...the rest is accumulated in oceans. Respiration is a little bit less than photosynthesis. Fossil fuel burned aprox 6.5 billion tons a year. Petograms= billion tons KNOW estimations 750 billion tons is 360 ppm Fossil fuels burned more like 8 billion tons a year (anthroprogenic emissions) The rest will accumlate in the oceans. 1.4 acculation of carbon by photosynthsis Soil is also a huge deosit. How much land and ocean contributes to photosynthsis is controversal Carbon Balance More CO2 more acidic ocean. Ocean ecosystems are more venurable to changes than land ecosystems. Coral reefs, just decimals in temp changes...not survive. In land conditions are harsher facilitating a higher degree of adaptation. CO2 goes to ocean it acidfis ocean and less carbonate. Robert Berner and David Beerling Can plants deplete CO2 completely? Robisca can use CO2 and O2 but O2 more wastful process called photorespiration. Rubisca has duel function! It fixes CO2 and reduces carbohydratyes (Photosynthisis) Can use Oxygen to produce CO2 (Cellular Respiration) If CO2 is very low and O2 high plants will not grow well because they can not reach a compensation point. (Abrivated by capital gamma)
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(Abrivated by capital gamma) Glacial CO2 180 ppm is close to biological compensation point. For enzyme comp point abot 50ppm Plants can not survive about some gain of biomass. For plants comp point in which they can not grow is about 150 ppm Huge depletion took place twice Early carboniferous Now Teritray also called palogen and neogen Last cyclic process 100 000 years It is not just depletion of CO2 but increase of O2 ***CO2 concentartion is increasing CO2 and Temp equation may not be correct. Real phanerozoic temperature is different. Lage scale CO2 is not the only factor that detrmins CO2 concentration. ***Land plants and weathering of rocks for 2ndy decrase

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Lecture 10
Friday, October 01, 2010 9:04 AM

If rubisca takes CO2 there will be net C gain and carbohydrates made If O2 photorespiration C will go away from the system. (when O2 is high and CO2 low thus CO2 produced...also at high temp)
Maize can take CO2 from wheat due to photorespiration.

Silicate weathering
Metamorphism: gelogical process that releases CO2 Weathering: mostly through non and biological systems depletes CO2. Biological process: organic acids secreted by roots acidfies rocks.

Marine organisms form CaCO3

CO2+CaSiO3 equation KNOW...volcanic activity, marine enzymes.

Biodiversity follows ratio of O2:CO2 More O2 less CO2 more reactive O2 species increase mutation increase biodiversity determine rate of evolution. Controlled by photosynthetics consistant with evolution of rubesca.
Cenozoic Area 50MYA Indian conetent formed still high CO2 In miocene concentration dropped to 300ppm At leat 25-30 MYA we never experice the conc of CO2 that we are having now, Still we can say that life existed here thus biosphere will servive at high CO2 humans and civiliation we don't know. 220 and 160 in miocene VERY LOW!!! (25-30MYA) This was due to WEATHERING and ACTIVE PHOTOSYNTHSIS Lowest ever was 145ppm...can not go lower or kill plants

C3 pathway just rubisca fixes CO2 C4 pathways...leaves have bundle shapes and rubisca is there in bundleshape PEP Carboxalase fixes CO2 which is transported to rubica. As a result plants will not phtorepirat and do not lose carbon. Corn, Sugar Cane Phtosynth was discovered by C14 labing. C3 plants are ligher in C than C4 plants. Ligheter C C4 plants are different in isotopic compostion. Heavier C
Also animals...C istope fossils will depend on diet.

Between 8 and 6 MYA in miocene we are getting plants that are not discriminating very much. C4 grass expansion takes places during this very low CO2 event. Even from animals we can make certain comclusion about the diet. Sugar beat: ligher C3 Sugar C: heavier C4

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This evoloution took place ~30-40 times in families.

Recent Changes in the Biosphere. Hypoth: actual trend is cooling but due to human activity CO2 did not go down as it could without cooling...could be cotrrect...early anthropogenic hypoth. Glaciantion in Ordovician Mesozoic: high CO2 Pilocene: low temp the 100 000 year periord of glacial-interglacial osscilations.
Slow cooling (90 000 years)and less that 10 000 recovering to maxiumum. In general there was a halocene optium with higher temps then some uncertaity. Then some cooling trend due to antropogenic emissions of CO2. The MWP the Younger Dryas (1400-1800s).

Holocene If we look at ice core temp and snow accumlations...recovery from ice age then a long drop for 1300 years...youger dryas drop just starting holocene. First indcations of argicultre...then ice age then recovery. Cleois Culture all died near the great lakes. 13000 people moved through bearing stait and got stuck in Alaskia.
Dryas eight pettle plant (octo petal) used a fossils indicator.

Older Dryas before holocene 100-500 years BP: Before Present

Wisconsin Glacation: used as a marker as starting holocene.

Very harsh condtions in North America.

Homocene Climatic Opt: 4000 years max= 8000 also cooling events where temp would drop for 10s of years and lake Agassiz drained here. (Sea level increased at least by 1m)

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S2 Lecture
Friday, October 01, 2010 3:01 PM

Holocene and Younger Dryas Younger Dryas was mark selecte to start holocene Year without summer better then invention of steamenchine. 8.2=8.2 lake agutz drained...may be related to bibloical flooding major cooling event. (Old Perion Transgression) Sea level was 4m higher. In last ice age it was 150m lower and that is why people could move. Younger peron transgression: some cooling 3m sea level...still warm Rottnest: first warm period when historical civilization started to appear. Mainly south of Greece like Crete and Cypris, Roman Warm Period Little Ice age...very cool, worst years in our era very cool. MWP: temp rise debatable Ice age and coorlation of sun spots In little ice age CO2 about 265ppm temps were very low.

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Lecture 11
Monday, October 04, 2010 9:04 ? AM

Cooling and warmings were realted to some extent to solar activity. To what extent? What happens now depends on anthropogenic factors. We can distingish at least 4 warm periods in the last 4000 years Previous one was Minonin Roman MWP Late 20th C See Greenland Ice Core Cycle Green house gas effects are also very important but how Just know that Milankovich cycles exsit in cycles of 41 000 period but last ice age was 100 000 years. The ice field in younger dryas period, intaitally there was some space without ice in Alaskia and people walked across bering strait. When ice melted they moved across american contenent. Younger Dryas: 11 000 years ago. The huge amount of ice in central Canada. Great lakes were reshaped by meteroite impact. Lake Winnipeg and Lake Manatoba are very shallow. In Holocene warm period it was warm almost everywhere but a bit cooler in Labrador as Augtiz lake was there. Aprox 6000 years before present (Holocene warm period...melting of Greenland ice) Most recent change. Before there was no clear record as they have to drill 4km of ice. In earlier periods 41 000 year osscilitations while in later periods 100 000 year osclations. This PRIMARY data from air bubbles in ice. Last 1000 Years 2 approchs Michael Mann: tried to elimated MWP IPPC "hockey stick model" a bit over estimates Ruddman's Graph (climatic changes in Europe) 1500-1720 = -220 little ice age MWP is Viking era Tempeartures of Last 1000 years critized by IPPC but certain evidence exists. Paintings show that at that time painters and artists noted a very cold climate. Also refelected in litriture.
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Paintings show that at that time painters and artists noted a very cold climate. Also refelected in litriture. Glacial shortening started after 1800. Greenhouse gases started to increase after burning of coal and gas causing the trend to continue. 11 years is the smallest cycle of sunspot oscillations. If IPPC prediction does not occur it would mean CO2 has a lesser effect on climate change. Still we have doubt that CO2 can cause such an increase in temperature. Increase of temp results in an escape from oceam. Yearly oscliations due to burning in winter. In supper photosynthsis decreases quite a bit. KNOW Global warming Potentials Expecially CH4 and N20 Anthropgenic changes Is it or isn't it an epoch? What is most impt last 200 years we define as anthropocene. In 2009 gelocial comiteenee decided that quant period is a real period. During quant have development of homo genes which is related to major changes it is impt to distnigush this. Maybe anthropogene sugessted Last 8 million years was separate period. During holocene was more than 100 m below so people could move from asia to america without promble In

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Exam Review
Wednesday, October 06, 2010 9:04 AM

Evolution of biosphere Early to recent Greenhouse gases

6 Questions

CO2 and O2 CO2 -420 000 graph

O2 in % CO2 ppm CH4 ppb

Know CO2 concentrations Current CO2 = 390ppm Increase per year~ 2ppm Preindustral CO2 = 290 Glacial= 180 Interglacial= 280 Permacarboniferous= Can not say for sure but ~300 Mesosoic= More than 1000 ppm...estimation, long era Oxygen Current= 21% Glacial AND Interglical= did not fluxuate could not be changed in short peroid= 21% Permacarboniferous = 30-35% Mesozoic= 15-20% KNOW PERMACORBONIFEROUS Happened 300 million years ago Causes of gas concentration High O2 ;low CO2 Evolution of Landplants Why would land plants do this? Imput of C cycle is much stronger and weathering of rocks Know weathering of rocks...a kind of replacement of silicates by carbonates. Carbon becomes bound to CaCO3. Sun, brightness was 5% less maybe cooling events took place at a bit higher concentration of CO2 It took landplants 100 MY to deplete CO2 and establish O2. Permacarboniferous event took place for a few 10s of millions of years. Also glacial/interclacial ___________ CO2 Photosynthetic depletion in canopies...check rates Oxygen A result of photosynthisis During snowball earth probably made by H2O2 formation. Even if conc was hi it would deplete Main oxygen evolution took place in Proterozoic where O2 conc began to rise. Intially reducing atmosphere once more reduced then O2 started to accumlate it was low and infulenced pharneozoic.
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Intially reducing atmosphere once more reduced then O2 started to accumlate it was low and infulenced pharneozoic. At least 3 snowball earth events. Check snowball earth side (Cryogenian peroid) some of them lasted for something like 20MY Late crogenic multicelluar organisms appeared that were difficult to ID as they were very soft
Concentration of about 2-5% in proterozoic but it is hard to ID

Only in Cambrian there were organisms with skeleton...cambrin explosion Mistaken Point is great to observe them. (570-580 MYA) 10% close to phanerozoic then with landplants increase up to 35%...very dangerous situation, ligheting strikes= huge fires in carboniferous. Fires regulated gas conc to some extent. Recent Changes Rudemann For recent cooling events Younger Dryas: Major cooling event when temp became warmer and then unexpectedly went down for 1300 years Older dryas was not as important Warm= Mid holocene with 8.2 killoyear event...Lake Aguitiz drained into Atlantic Ocean...flooding. Recent: MWP ~1000 YA Little Ice Age Minoan and Roman warm peroids Cooling events were related to low sunspot activity now we have much higher sunspot activity. Osscilations noted in ice cores may be related to Milacovich Cycles Greenhouse Gasses KNOW TABLE Table in % not ppm Most likely we can not link H2O vapour to temp as it is too difficult to calculate input CO2 CH4 N2O (Nitrosoxide) most stable of all oxides CHF3 Chlorofloro carbons or halocarbons Methane incraesed 1-2 ppm huge increase of methane. Sources fossil fuels, rice paddies, waste dumps. N2O 270ppb to 320 ppb due to fertlizers Using seeds for biofuels is probably not all that efficient...only sugar cane gives a postive effect (Paul Krutzan) Major Events during history Plate techtonics Volcanos Asteroid impacts (perminain-Traistic 250 MY 30 km, KT boundry 65MY 10km)

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Lecture 12
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:59 AM

Carbon Balance- Rubisco Regulation of O2 and CO2

Balance of the leaf: CO2 and O2 picture is a C3 plant leaf. Most plants are C3...Rub is major enzyme that fixes C.
Long name: Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase

Discovered by Nevil Calvain

Andrew Benson may have even been more impt.

How was it discovered?

Radiolable C14...development of atomic bomb lead to avaliable isotopes.

Used Chlorella in bicarb labled with C14 and fixed material and measured metabolites.
6 Carbons is split into 3 carbon molecukes which is most plants are called C3 plants.

CO2 is fixed by Rub and PEP carboxlase in C4 plants. CO2 is relesed by TCA and Glycine decarboxlase
Rub can also take O2. Rub make take both CO2 and O2 and if it takes both some CO2 can be released. Respiration also takes O2 and some additional reactions occur. O2 is evolved by Photosystem 2. Oxygen can be both taken and evolved.

Photosythis Oxygen is MAJOR DETERMIANTE in atmosphere. Chlorplasts

Rub can take O2 for cellular respiration which occurs in mitochondrias.

At low CO2 plants will take O2 if CO2 is high CO2 can be taken more easily and phtorespiration will be surpressed. This shows the balance of O2/CO2 by the leaf. Balance between this and volcanic outgassinhg.
Rub is major enzyme in chloroplasts with 8 large subunits incoded in chloroplast and 8 small encoded in the nucleus. We immedably think of James Lovelock and Gaia hypth. James Lovelock considers biosphere as a superorgaism but it is self-regulatiing. Tolbert discovered oxgenase function. Suggested that Rub can regualte o2/co2 concentrations. Releaized that the main process that regulates o2.co2 is photosythisis. Also discovered glycine decarboxlase.

When we measure CO2 conc in the leaf they ossiclate...few seconds.

Duel Function of Rubisoc
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When CO2 is sufficent Rub takes CO2. If CO2 is taken rub works as carboxalase and forms carbohydrates. If CO2 is depleted it takes O2 and works as oxygenase to produce glycine by which CO2 is released. Some CO2 is fixed and some can leave plant. Oxygenation is also some loss of CO2. When CO2 is high O2 is not taken and Carbs formed. CO2 inhibits oxygenase rxn and O2 inhibits carboxalase rxn. This mechanism results in allowed and prohibited o2/co2 conc in atmosphere. Nisbet Paper.

Green house temps that allowed water to be liquid One zone is permitted by rubica on is not Gamma means compensation point Oxygen was a bit stable in pharozoic CO2 was less stable. CO2 should be depleted imeately. Possible eqb of CO2/O2 by rub.

Imidate increase of CO2 could be volcanic iruption, formation of new content. After K-T event it took abou ~2.5 million years for biosphere to self regulate many years for biosphere to assiluate CO2. IMPT not to over exceed the capacity of Gaia to self regulate itself.

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Lecture 13
Monday, October 18, 2010 9:05 AM

CO2 can be evolved in huge amounts an upset would take 2.5 MYA to recover.

Atm CO2 grapg vs. Vegiattaion peramiters for plants. What happens with productivity of plants? It increases. At 100ppm it still very low at 180 about 40% Then it goes up and up. There are many other factors such as N deffiency and erison but genearl increase with increase in CO2. Root biomass will increase and stablize 180 ppm. **BELOW 180ppm drastic decrease of growth. Plants still need more C even though above compensation point they need more to increase their respiration rate. Plants can not regulate transpiration very well. Normal rate takes above 200ppm
SHOWS THAT BELOW GLACIAL CO2 NO Growth of plants CO2 can not drop lower than the growth of plants.

Gia point of view. The biosphere regulates itself. Still below 180 plants want to survive. In evolution another type of photosythsis appaered pumping CO2 from chloroplast. In this the primary enzyme capturing CO2 PEP Carboxalase and these plants can grow at very low CO@ but they need relatively high temps but also have high restrictions. Permacab event High O2 Low CO2
Really C4 plants appeared

in the miocene. C4 plant cycle...see biochem slide Main IMPT In Mesophyill cells PEP works In Bundle sheath cells CO2 is realeased and delived to Rubisco There is a pumping action so near RUBISCA is much near CO2. Bundle sheeth cells form a crown shape...called Kranz anatomy. C3 superior at high levels of lat. C4 plants need additional energy and warm climate. Not many C4 plants are culturally important. Corn is an IMPT C4 plant! Also sugar cane. The only plant that is still effecent if it is used as biofuels. Soybean and others just a waste of money/ Evolutionary process is not as simple in explation as some people want to suggest. C3 plants: dicots and monocots. If we emit a lot of CO2 and there is more and more CO2 in atm we DECREASE the evolutionary advantage of C4
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If we emit a lot of CO2 and there is more and more CO2 in atm we DECREASE the evolutionary advantage of C4 plants. C3 plants are lighter via isotype graph Mill = 1000 NOT MILLION
Can look at diet in fossils based on Isotypes if hevaier C4 lighter C3.

Find the dif in C isotope ration in food or in plant fossils.

20 000 YA ice age.

Browsers: Geraf C3 plants Graers: Zebra C4 plants

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Lecture 14
Wednesday, October 20, 2010 9:04 AM

Biosphere as self-regulating system. O2 is balnced inside the plant in a stable non-eqb. Non eqb is maintained at certain rate. It can NOT go below the limit that organims can not survive and can not go above the limit that will harm life.
Carbon sources and sinks. Also talks about how to sequester C. Natural and Antropogenic C sources The ocean takes some CO2 that is emitted. All fluxes are more or less equal. Something else that we may miss. Some C is taken by ocean and some by atmosphere. Land use factor is a major factor. If it was really important for climate during develoment of agritculte is IMPT. CO2 under the ocean is very unflexable. In the bottom of the ocean will stay. With methane it is even more threatening. Land clearence dominat in 19C and here about the same...fossil fuels contraibute and land clearnece.

Ruddiman said during epidemics CO2 was regulated as people too sick to farm. As agriculture went down so did CO2 levels.
UV action on pectins in plants result in a small amount of CH4 emissions. System is complex and a model will be based on some assumptions.

What else is important in carbon balance? Fossil fuels are quite old and have a synthetic orgainisms. Remember that RUSBICO takes better C12 than C13. Organic material will be depleted by C13. If we check C13:C12 ratio Mass Spectometry measures charge to mass ratio (Z to M) to check stability of isotope. The tendency for atm CO2 to become lighter is due to the fact that fossil fuels are depleted by C13. C14 is radioactive half-life is 5757 years
Fossil fuel carbons are very old and depleted by C14 which resulted in the lower radioactivty of CO2. The rate of wethering compared to the rate of respiration and photosynthisis is about .1% therefore we need to understand biological features. What is impt is the we experience global warming which means that in warm temp photosynth and resp increase. If resp increases more than photsynth than CO2 will is self regulating.

Respiration increases more than photosynth in high CO2 and high temp which will result in the incresed rate of CO2 levels. Absortion in the sea is higher than release. Recent changes are shown. In creased uptake in plants and in ocean. In 2016 expect 400ppm in atmosphere What is importance is the diff on the arrows slide and how it is effected by changing climate. Weathering is important but rate of weathering is much slower than rate of photosynth and respiration.
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Weathering is important but rate of weathering is much slower than rate of photosynth and respiration. 55 MYA, India merged with Asia increased weathering and release of CO2. Land plants depleted CO2. Anthropogenic CO2 Pic Some is acculated in biosphere and some by ocean Real imput of CO2 is about 4 ppm per year but some used up.

Weathering is stimulated by landplants Fossil fuel burning and cement production. Merges CaCO3 and Clay CO2 almost completely goes in the atmosphere.
CO2 and temperature Ratio of CO2 to pre-industrial Cooling results in CO2 absorption by oceans. Need to consider C sequestration. Plants with CO2 capture are IMPT gelogically exposing of C by putting it in epty oil and gas reserves.

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Lecture 15
Friday, October 22, 2010 8:09 AM

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Depends on the place of the Earth.

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The highest rates of sequestion are in the Amazon Rain Forest. Tropical parts are expecially important for C sequenstion. Industry development in Brazil is a worry as increased rate of rain forest distruction. Amazon rain forest, different information to what extent the Amazon rain forest is under distruction. Congo has huge tropical rain forest but the poorest country in the world. Also Indonesisa as it is a very populated country with not a very good economical system. Highedt capacity of Carbon Sinks, south anerica, south africa, south east aisia.

Teretorities to the north is the most difficylt to maintain if they are damaged,

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It is difficult to estimate what is natural forcing abd what is anthropogenic forcing. These are from 1900 to 2000. In all places anthropogenic forcing on a global scale started up abou 1950/1970 Anthropogenic factor more and more impt.

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Increasing acidity in the ocean is a big problem, Coral reefs are very fragilie. Soil is only about max 10 000 years. Marine ecosystems are affected the most by human activity abd CO2 CO# changes in relation to atmospheric CO2

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Huge changes occur due to human activity. Expecially in N part of Antlantic ocean. This is due to pH change. See how much CO2 is absobred/M^2 big between NA and Europe.

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pH decreases from 8.12 to 8.17\not much but corals are very senstive,

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Dissolved CO2...will be doubled in 2100. 1 point of pH. This a 10X increase from 8 to 7 units of pH. It's pretty much doubling H ion concentration.

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Long term predictions probably by usuing all fossil fules but even after this CO2 will STILL be significance. How can we live in an atmosphere with 2000ppm. Could be a max decrease by -0.7 in deep water probably less but still signfant. Note corals live in shallow water.

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Hurricanes are mainly formed in Africa and South America and gulf of mexico to some extent. What we should know: If we predict some changes in sea levels the difference may not be as drastic as in previous years. Sea level was lower by more than 100m in last ice age. Even during holocene it could be up to 4 meters,

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Sea levels were ossilating. How much sea level went up last 100 years? 22cm. Compared to 4 m in certain period of holocene...not very much. Many many people live in very low areas as in the Netherlands...they would have to watch out for this. 4m increase may have caused biblical flood.

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In last glacial max the sea level was 20 m lower. The mean temp has gone up from 10 to about 15 avg temp of Earth. We predict an increase in sea levels of 1 m for year 2100 We can expect higher temperatures not not all the much in sea level. Even small increases can lead to devistating consequences.

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Disolved Carbon can shift balance if CO2 is added. CO3 goes down and CO2 goes up. Change in carobante in CO2. Corals and sea organisms with shells will suffer if less carbonate and more co2.

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These are rxns facilated by carbonic anhydrase. In the ocen carbonic acid will increase twice and concentartion fof carbonate will decrease not significallntly.

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Glacial ph=8.3 preind=8.15 now we have anthropgenic effect which is compartive to glacial/interglacial variability...signifcant. Problem is that marine organisms live in very narrow range of perameters. Asteroid would kill 70% land org and 95% ocean org.

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In pre industrial there is optimal arignate separate so opt reef formation. A lot of areas with good development of corals. Now we have much less. In 2065 there will be no places with optimal coral formation will lose a lot. It is the main threat for marine biodiversity. Threat for carbonate.

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Lecture 16
Monday, October 25, 2010 9:05 PM

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The paper on regulation of pre-industroial atm by plants has some mistakes. He doesn't think that the author is right on all points but it might be something to have a look at. The simplest chemical way to fix CO2 is to to convert it to foralate then formaladehyde then CHOs can be formed. The main pathway is not this but through Rubisca.

In C Cycle Oxidized C is CO2 Reduced C is CH4 which is methane.

C by itself is coal/diamonds...chemmically inhert. CO is very toxic and can be produced in small quantities in many system. For nitrogen we have oxidized nitrogen nitrate and ammonioum. Pns that use oxygen (eg hemoglobins and cytocromes)

4 types of hemoglobins

Final goal to estimate imput of anthropogenic factors in N cycle. N is atm, N in plant pns, N in animal pns, N in waste, N bering fixed by bacteria.

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N is most abumant gas in the atm ~78%. It is fixed by bacteria which could by symbiotic (legumes, alder trees, azolea ferns) many plants use these bacteria but no euk organism can fix N. Free living organism that fixes N: azotobacteria N is convered to reduced form ammonium which is accumlated (NH4) and Nfying bacteria turn to NO2- which is nfies to NO3- which is most IMPT source for plants. NH4 is waaaay more toxic. NO3- can be used by plants or reduced back by denirofing bacteria which reduce nitrates by used them as e- acceptors. If soil is compact and not enough o2 some bacteria can switch from o2 to nitrate. NH4 is acculated called ammonifcation. Plants convert nirate to ammonium as a source of Aas. It is very energetically costly but the
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Plants convert nirate to ammonium as a source of Aas. It is very energetically costly but the process works.

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Nitrate reducatase

Nitrite reductase

If we put nitrite in the soil it can be convereyed to NO2 and etc...N2O is the least oxidized and the most stable. NO is very impt in signal transduction to relax blood vessels. N2O3

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Harber-Bosch process

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Fierst solution to get N would be to mine it Chili. Then used Na nitate and used K nitrate. Need huge ammounts of nitrate. Then Haber-Bosch is used. Lightening was much more abudent in the early stages of the earth. Breaks N molecule and forms NO2. NOX (any oxidide of Nitrogen) If biological N fixation can be symptic in nodules of plants. Anarobic process so ver low oxygen regulate by leghemoglobin...first plant hemoglobin discovered.

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Azole fern grows in rice paddies that has certain structers that have cyanobacteria. H is a biproduct of fixation.

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Same deal as before. N in the atm, reduced N, oxidized N. NH4 N can be fixed by industrail fixation, by bacteria, and by lighetning, 2 form reduced 1 forms oxidizd. N incoperated in planytes.

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We have cycles of C/N other elements in our body etc...the biosphere is a global ecosystem. How significant is human impact? In global N fixation (in teragram per year) fixation due to lightening and natural biological fixation. LIGHTENING was very impt in archean era. What we have now, legume crops which is still less and synthetic N fert. And fossil fuel combustion also contribute to N fixation.

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Reduced: NH3 and NH4 In between: N2, N2O, N2O3 NO2 Oxidized: NO3 P is just below nitrogen and it exists mainly in oxidized form. There is a lot of P in biossphere but very little avaliable. The total greenhouse gas emission may not be reduced due to use of nitrates which can be reduced via the use of N2O.

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Nitrogen is huge increase and the problem of N deffecy is very impt because without Adding fert we increase CO2 and increase phtosyth so plants need nitrogen.

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Cyannobacteria can fix N

N fixing enzyme = Nitrogease (1 turnover per sec)

Human impact on N cycle

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Total human impact is HUGE increase. With the increase of N we get eutracation when N goes to rivers and lakes we get blooming of algae and simplifed flowering plants

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Increase in N transport is more than 500% very IMPT problem. Elements of fet NPK if you add mostly N you can use for growth of leaves or grass if we add P it will stimulate flowering

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First geneartion are a problemn NO production offsets advantages.

S is inetersting from the point of view of cloud formation. The most IMPT source of O2 is photosynthsis.\ The non eqb state in atmosphere is suppoted by life. O cycle inculdes burial of O2 and weathering. Major resovois. O2 in atm is aprox 4.5 thousand years N2O has a halflife of 114 years. It can give a small amount of oxygen. Photosystem 2 can split water.

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Lecture 17
Wednesday, November 03, 2010 9:05 AM

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Understand regulation of O2 and CO2 Look at arcehan era climate was relatively warm and sun sun was not so bright (faint) 300MYA in perma it was 5% less bright from now and arcean at least 20-25%. It is very difficult to reconstrcut climate. Most evidence shows that there was warm climate. Earth was formed, volcaninc activity. Glaciation started in proteozoic. Greenhouse gas should be present. Lovelick suggested that the most impt greenhouse gas on early earth was methane. Organisms get energy during respiration. Final electron acceptor is normally oxygen. We breath O2 and produce oxygen. e comes from organics. If O2 is a final acceptor H20 will form. Other e- acceptors Sulphate goes to sulphite to sulpher and S2-(H2S) Nitrate or Nitrite then gives NO and N2O then N2 and NH3 Cytocromes and hemoglobins are related with these reactions. Anerobic respiration = denitrofacation

What else can be reduced? Fe2 to Fe3 CO2 is a very weak oxidizing agent but still some bacteria can use it. If you want to reduce C then we go first to formate, formaldehyde, then methane. Huge production of methane and all atmosphere titian. Intermediates can be used for building up organics. Methane forming organisms most abundant in archean era. Concentration of methane is aprox 175 ppm and .7 preindustral Some bacteria in digestive systems of rudiment animals have methane increase Orginally CO2 was abudent but CH4 and N2O are more impt. CO2 is a much less impt greenhouse gas. With 1% of CO2 it will be less then an increase in the other. When O2 evolved into atm and CH4 was destroted we observed all these snaowball events.At the time of mistken point fossils most likely snowball was not complete and possible free around the equator

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CO2 was used to form CH4 and CH4 was high for almost 2 bilion years. Oxygensiss in proterpozoic era decreased methane. Maybe rubica impt for regulating O2 and Co2 METHANE WAS PROBABLY MAJOR CONTRIBITOR TO GREENHOUSE EFFECT IN EARLY EARTH N2O probably less Anoxygenic photosynthisis used H2S

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Lecture 19
Wednesday, November 10, 2010 9:02 AM

Agriculture Evolution of plants and animals. Species orginate near the equator and were pumped to the N or S. It is warmer in the tropics which provides a source of enegry. Evolution pumps from tropical areas. Ice pumping. Evolution spreading to colder areas. During evolution some species that were weeds and harmful for argculte. In middle E it was considered a weed but in N Europe in Finland Rye became a most important crop.
This process is called phytospreading.

Agr plants is evolution driven by humans. Some minor indications that arg in some areas could strat after Younger dryas. Agriculture was ipossible in hars\h climates in ice age and low CO2 in glocoal peroids .
Holocene optm most likely from lake agustiz drainage.

Arg followed within 1000 years of holocene No arg in emian epoch.

Homo erticus and homo habilitus were probably not smart enough to grow plants.

Agriculture is a realtivly new invetion and related to origin of new species which was driven by social evolution. Central orgin of man is central Africa then people strated to migrate. Both neaderthis and spains could migrate to egypt and middle east. Started 70-50000 ya but compettion between neaderthal and sapins
Arg is related to increase in CO2 to 200-270 ppm

Many C4 plants are weeds. Maize soy bean and sugar caine After younger dryas 2-5 million people lived on the Earth. 2000 years ago (beginning of our era) there were between 2-3 million. What is better arg or hunting and gathering Arg was difficult to sustain at first. It is intersting how it was first started and how many seeds would have to be gathered. Initially it may not be very efficent but later allowed an enormous pop increase. Vavilov: centers of orgin of crops of plants. Organized many expaditions where he traveled in central asia. Discovred where cultivated plants and precursors of these have a huge gene bank. 7 or 8 centers of orgins for cultivated plants. See slide with map. Now people say there are somemore centers in Eastern and Western Africa.

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Biodiversity Hot Spots of plants.

In the center of orgin mostly domonat genes going to the perfify first hertozygous then recessive genes. In center of circle dominat genes (Aferica) dominant genes. Recessive features far north. Same for people and plants.

In orgin of arg there is a genetic diversity in narrow montous regions then primary selction takes place in montins where people use for needs then get moved to major coivilization near rivers. First civilizations appear and are very organized in states and all argicultural practice. Animal farming resulted in powerful states.
Resulted in 2 societys such as those in northern europe which aquired arguculture,

Fertile cresent Mesotopian 10-12000 YA first plants and arig In china rice Centrial Americia maize Midle east Domestication of animals From ME ended up in Cyprs and centeral asia Can date spreading of farming

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Lecture 20
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 9:09 AM

Thomas Malthus increase of natural resources goes much slower then economic growth. Once bronze age development of military tools Population is almost 7 billion by end of 2011 or by early 2012 1 billion in 1804 Livestock is needed to maintain a large population. Energy consumption and population growth. Total enegry consumption increases a lot. If we follow the curve that we have we will come to 20 billion in 2050 but not realistic as we do not have the resources. If we plot growth rate in % per year you will see it is declining a bit.Can expect 0.5% in 2050. We don't really see this in the world population curve. Peak pop is predicted to be 8-9 billion. If arg practice remains the same there will be no land. Most likely we will have land losses and people will live in very poor conditions. 12 billion should be max pop possible. World crop production depends on climate. Pop increase based on invetion of new technology.

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Lecture 21
Friday, November 19, 2010 9:11 AM

Gia theory Biosphere as a living entity Strong Gia/Weak Gia...dif grades to approch Not really an organism but some principals of regulation and keeping system stable. ON EXAM: Founders of Biosphere Concept James Hutton one of the founders of geology and regarded Earth as a superorganism. Eduard Suess Vernadsky also considered biosphere as self regulating system. Exobiology Noosphere"capacity to transform biosphere to something more complicated and governed by the mind. Gia concept is strong, moderate, and weak. Anthroptic principal. Speed of light, planks constant, gravatational constant If a little bit different life would not be stable (c h g) Strong: earth is an organism and regulation = homeostatsis Moderate: earth behaves as if it was a living organism Weak: most favoured all homeostatsis is governed by negative feedback. Regulation of O2 and CO2 Daisy world: 2 types of flowers white reflect light and back absorb light.

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