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1. When 0.

03 m3/s flows through a 300-mm find the total energy head at point A with
pipe that later reduces to a 150-mm pipe, respect to a datum at the pump.
calculate the average velocities in the two
2. If the velocity in a 300-mm pipe is 0.50 m/s,
what is the velocity in a 75-mm-diameter jet
issuing from a nozzle attached to the pipe?
3. What size pipe can carry 2.36 m3/s at an
average velocity of 3.0 m/s?
4. A 12" pipe carrying 3.93 cfs connects to a 6"
pipe. Find the velocity head in the 6" pipe.
5. A 150-mm pipe carries 0.0813 m3/s of water.
The pipe branches into two pipes, one 50 mm
in diameter and the other 100 mm in
diameter. If the velocity in the 50-mm pipe is
12.2 m/s, what is the velocity in the 100-mm
6. A 300-mm pipe carries oil of sp gr 0.812 at a
rate of 0.111 m3/s, and the pressure at a point
A is 18.4 kPa gage. If point A is 1.89 m above
the datum plane, calculate the energy at A.
7. Water flows through a horizontal 150-mm
pipe under a pressure of 414 kPa. Assuming 14. Water flows through the turbine in the figure
no losses, what is the flow if the pressure at a at the rate of 0.214 m3/s and the pressures at
75-mm diameter reduction is 138 kPa? A and B, respectively, are 147.5 kPa and —
8. If oil of specific gravity 0.752 flows in 34.5 kPa. Determine the power delivered to
Problem 7., find flow Q. the turbine by the water.
9. If carbon tetrachloride (sp gr 1.594) flows in
Problem 7., find flow Q.
10. Water flows through a 200-mm-diameter
pipe at a velocity of 2.00 m/s. Determine the
volume flow rate, weight flow rate, and mass
flow rate.
11. Gas flows through a conduit as shown in the
figure 1. For the data indicated on the figure,
determine the mass flow rate of the gas and
its mass density at section 2.

15. For the 50-mm-diameter siphon drawing oil

(sp gr = 0.82) from the oil reservoir as shown
in the figure, the head loss from point 1 to
point 2 is 1.50 m and from point 2 to point 3
is 2.40 m. Find the discharge of oil from the
siphon and the oil pressure at point 2.

12. A gas flows through a square conduit. At one

point along the conduit, the conduit sides are
0.100 m, the velocity is 7.55 m/s, and the
gas's mass density is (for its particular
pressure and temperature) 1.09 kg/m3. At a
second point, the conduit sides are 0.250 m
and the velocity is 2.02 m/s. Find the mass
flow rate of the gas and the gas's mass density
at the second point.
13. For the 100-mm-diameter suction pipe
leading to a pump shown in the figure , the
pressure at point A in the suction pipe is a
vacuum of 180 mm of mercury. If the
discharge is 0.0300 m3/s of oil (sp gr = 0.85),
16. A stream of water 75 mm in diameter
discharges into the atmosphere at a velocity
24.4 m/s. Find the power in the jet using the
datum plane through the center of the jet.
17. A 100-mm-diameter jet of water is
discharged (horizontally) from a nozzle into
the air. The flow rate of the water jet is 0.22
m3/s. Determine the power in the jet.
Assume the jet of water is at the datum.
18. Water flows upward in a vertical 300-mm
pipe at the rate of 0.222 m3/s. At point A in
the pipe the pressure is 210 kPa. At B, 4.57
m above A, the diameter is 600 mm, and the
lost head A to B equals 1.83 m. Determine
the pressure at B.
19. A 12" pipe contains a short section in which
the diameter is gradually reduced to 6" and
then enlarged again to 12". The 6" section is
2 ft below section A in the 12" section, where
the pressure is 75 psi. If a differential gage
containing mercury is attached to the 12" and
6" sections, what is the deflection of the gage
when the flow of water is 4.25 cfs
downward? Assume no lost head.
20. The pipe shown in the figure has a uniform
diameter of 150 mm. Assume the head loss
between points 1 and 2 is 1.2m and between
points 2 and 3 is 2.0 m. Determine the
discharge of water in the pipe and the
pressure head at point 2.

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