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National Council for Teacher Education

(-qrro s{m'R o-r gir'frkdr qrarn ) (A Statutory Body of the Government of lndia)

F. No.,${RCNCTE/DH-0r/20r5 p 6 2_q 6 .-- 30/


WHEREAS, in exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (2) of Section 32 of the National Council
for Teacher Education Act, 1993 (73 of 1993) and in supersession of the National Council for Teacher Education
(Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2009, the National Council for Teacher Education has notified
the Regulations, 2014 on 01.12.2014.

2. AND WHEREAS, the institution Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences
__ (U.niversity of Delhi), Block-B, Vikaspmi, New Delhi_.- 110!18 was recognized by NRC vide its Order No.
NRCNCTE/ F-3/DH-01/Phy.Ed.l2000/5380-87 dated 31.07.2000 for Post Graduate Diploma in Physical

' to B.P.Ed. vide orderNo. NRCA{CTE/DH:01/189't' meetingl20l2lry0}7-14 dated 13.03.2012.

."--: ,@
(university of Delhi), Block-B, Vikaspuri, New Delhi - I f 0018 has by affidavit consEnted to come under New
Regulations and sought for one basie unit in B.P.Ed., which require additional facilities.

-- -- 4..: -- -AND-IUIIEREAS, it trii Ueen decided to?ernft ths institqtlpnjs=heve-€ne bas-ic-.unit gf 50 students -- I
uiecttodi-idit rti;; tulhiiinttoilo*i"g conditionrn'amety. -- ' - --
(i) The institution shall create additional facilities that include (a) additional built-uparea, (b) additional
infrastructure, (c) additional funds, (d) adhere to staffnorms as per Regulations, 2014 and inform Regional
Committees rvith required documents by October 3 I , 201 5.
(ii) The application-lnstituiion for additional unit will be reguired to submit the required documents such as
land documents, Encumtriance Certificate (EC);Lan*Uti Ct tifi.ut" (LUC) andthe3uilding Plan (BP) in
the_specified proforma available on the website to the Regional Committee in proof of having pr0vided
additional facilities before October 31,2015. Building compleiion Certificate (BCC) may. be given along
(iii) The Regional Committees shall arrange for verification of documents, inspection of these premises and
check adherence to these condition by 20-February,2016.If it is found by the Regional Committee that the
institution fails to comply with these requirements, the institutions shall not be permitted to admit students
for the academic year 20162017.
(iv) ___I! case any existing institution's matter is sub-judice under court_direction/SCN under section 17 of the
NCTE Act/ Complaint etc., the institution shall be required to submit a copy of the Hon'ble Court
order/reply to SCN/complainUalready submitted alongwith the documents, if any together the documents
referred above. In case the institution's request for shifting of premises is pending, such institution shall be
required to submit the requisite documents as per provisions of the NCTE Regulations, 2014 with a copy of
the orderA.lOC of the affiliating body/State Govt. and such other documents as indicated in the revised
format recosnitionorder- The finAl deci itr-
the Writ Petition/case decidtjd by the Northern Regional Committee in respect of Section l7lcomplaint
cases etc.

5. Now therefore, in the light of the above, lbp_Nqrthem Regional Committee, NCTE hereby issues the
revised Recognition Order toIndiia Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports SciehEes (university of
Delhi), Block-B, Vikaspuri, New Delhi - 110018 for conducting B.P.Ed. programme of trruo years duration with

fulfillment of the conditionf mentioned herein before 3 I.10.2015.

o'rqrdrq"i z\,n.qfu-d .fiq-{ ftfi-il, rd.orT{S. 66gq, oTd-sr{.,r,.',Sa.
vffi ft1g q.r,f, qqgq-soz oos frrw*em)
r ffi*}fl: s.rq q-tqT,-vf,'rrird,ffi, ERsM, {qrq, q'u$rr6, frqr"f,o
Phone No 0141-2744288,2744635, Fax : 0't4 j:Z.7t41tX

6. Further, $.5r"["*",rion is subject to fulfillment of other requirements as may be prescribed by other

. regulatory$bdies like UGC, hffiliating University /Body, the State Government etc. as applicable.
- - ? The instilrrtion shall srrhmit to the R€ionaLcenmittee a SelflAlnraisal,.Renof at the end of each
.--academic year,along*with the-statement of annuaLaccounts duly.audited bya-Chartereddccountant.-
8. The institution shall maintain & update its website as per provisions of NCTE Regulations and always
display following as mandatory disclosure.

(a) Sanctioned programmes along with annual intake in the institution.

(b) -- Name of the faculty and staff in full as mentioned in school certificate along with their
qualifications, scale ofpay and photograph.
(c) Name of faculty members who left ofjoined dqling the last quarter.
(d) -'-Names of students admitted during the current session along-with qualification, Percentage of
marks in the qualifuing examination and in the entrance test, if any, date of admission. etc.
(e) Fee charged from students.
(0 Available infrastructural facilities, -{
(h) Nuhber of books tibrary,ioumals subscri=bff to ana AAiaioiis, if-dny, inffie 6i quartei
(D The affrdavit with enclosure submitted along with application.
0) The institution shall be free to post additional relevant information, if is so desires.

If the institution Contravenes any the above conditions or the provision of the NCTE Ac! Rules,
Regulations-and Orders made and issued there underJhe institution will-render itself liable to adverse action
inctuding withdrawal of-recogoilion by the Regional Commiuee under the provision-of Section l7(l) of the

The Manager to Govt. of India,
Department of Publicati on s, (Gazette Section)
Civil Lines, Delhi I l0 054

l. The Principal, Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences (university of Delhi),
Block-B, Vikaspuri, New Delhi - 1100f 8.
2. The Secretary, Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India,

3. Education Secretary, Govt. of Delhi, Old Secretariat, Civil Lines, Delhi - 54, *-
4. . Director, Higher Education, Govt. of Delhi, Directorate, Delhi.
5. The RegistraqUniversity of Dethi,33 Chhatra Marg, New Delhi - I 10007.
6 The US (Computer), National for Teacher Education, Hans Bhawan Wing-ll, l, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New
oettri-T[0 ooz.
7. Office order file/ Institution file

I fir'*ro B ,I.Ed ,
'.M;t$#- li,t
nt-, ttzfl-qzit '['Q'te't' 't-i[? ti;l t.,. './-4
r rtj c;b'zunt'tl'z1El'lT oF
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1 l?.q"' ior ral Corrr6i$f c

-\J .g( r,l'rd)z-l 1 i fi:t I ('i : i
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'ro IIE I',UIll,l.sHIiD IN 'l'l{ll (;,\'/.1::l'l l: ol; INI)lA .I'N II'I-.III. SI.](]'I'ION -IV

t:.No. t;-3lt).n- 0l/l'l l\' ..12000f I)lrc: 3 t .i.ztxxs

{39/ I{cgi.stred + AI)

Irt excrcise o[' thc powcrs vcsl'c'cl Llirtle I :ilctiott l4(3Xa) oI the Natiorral Crlr-rncil
I'or Tcacltcr Ecltrcatiott (NCTI:l ,'\ct. 1991, thc Not'tltct'tt llcgit:ntl Cotttrtlittcc
gr.irlts rccggpition to Inrlir.a ():rrrrllri Irrstittrle ol'I)1r.1',sical Iitltrcilt.iolt ittttl Sptlt'ts
scicnccs, Illocli - B, Vika.s l)uri N$,' I)clhi - ll00lti ['or Post Graduate
'l'rro venr' l'r'tttlt tltc acadcrrlic sc_ssiolt 2000-
Oipt,r,rrrii,, plU$.ul_ndSration ol
2001 rvith irl u,rJr.Lll i,.,tnl.. ol 50 (t:ilt.y; str.rclcrtLs, strbjcct, to ltrll'illing

['e] lgri' i r: g corrd i t ioli.s

i. 'l'lic irrstitutiou sllill irplloirrt n.i '-111 ol'orte ycat' 2 ('l'rV0)iircltlitiorlal teilching
rr itlrrrr ;1
trt Iltc NCl'E l]orl'l1s' irt the
stirl:l'possessirrg the acar-lcnric rgrrir lilrc.r:i,,rts irs laid cltlrvtt
(irlvettttncl']l as thc
. sal.r.y stl.lctgr.c prcscr.ibci[ lly tirc l'(i('(',.'rit:'rl (iovcrnrrcrtt/ljrittc
cuse Inal' Lle.
2. r\il surclt Lcilchcrs alrcacly alllloitttctl u'lto clct ItoL l'ult'il the NCTI ttortlrs sliall
years oI this
acquire the cpralifications as prer tltr' nr)rnls rvithin a perioci o1'r two
3. Tlr0 irtstitr.rLiott shlrll "i,rl.,,'. lilrrrrrt" litllot'alot'ics art..J otltcr irtst'r'trcticltial."
inltrttstructtll'c i'ts llcl' the NCI'1": llol'llls'
-t. T5c aclr,issiOu LO t5e- apll;tlyCtl ctrtttst'slrirll llc tlivctt \)llly to tltOsc ttt'''tlicl"tc't
itrtrJ itt Iltc ll]iIIlllcl'
rr,llo urc cligiblc as pct Ilrc rcgrrl;.ru()ns gt.lvcrlring tlrc coLrr'.ic
Iaicl clorvn by the afliIiating UrriVc|sit1'/Statc Goverttt,tcttt'
lltc ttortns o1'
5. Tuitiort lce ancl othcr fees uill ['c clitrrgctl ll'oril lltc stt'tdcttts tls [)er
reqr'rlatiotls itt
the ;i'lllialilg University/State Co,crrinrcnt till sttch titltc NCTE
respcct o[t f'ec stl'tlctr-1l'e col'l]c :llt('l'^l''ll'
trautsactiott. irtclrr,lirtg llractical rvorlVacl'iviiigS' should
6. Curriculuttr tltc l'c(lLril'cl'l1c|lts
orgl.lisetl as thr. rrornrs arrrl srari,.llrrrl:r lor tlrc c()l.ll'sc ilrrcl
;.r rr tti rr i rt g lrtltly.
'crg U,i' rr'/l
t,, t tlic *t'l'i I i.t i,

tltc trtttrtlrcr
l. i;;;;i;..g cl.ys inclutlirrg p.u.ticc rcrrtlhr.s shoulcl not trc lcss tltart
l'ixccl irr thc NCI'll ll()lllls lirr tlrc ct)tll'sc'
-l'[rc alld cscrVc ['trlrd as pcr
g. instituti<tn. i['rrriaiclccl. shilll nnirrtairr crl(lo$'r]lcllI f

rror rlis. laicf cl.os'tt tttttlcr" tlrc
9. Thc instittrtion sltllI ct:tttittttc tt) l'irlt'il thc (Jtlr].rrlittcc .tlic r\nttr'tai
rcg.latirt.s.['t5c. NCTtr lttitl sttlrtttit t. ihc Ilcgitlrral
RJpt,,'t rtrttl tlte Pct'l'ot'trtrt t"
rr;.1 '1i::tl '- lllllf,;ii,lL:$,d,;=*Jt*# ffifi
lllil':ll" .-:l l- --"- -l'---i,ili,., :l^
::'-''"ll:.'1'':- - -,,f;;;;;l;t
r'rlq;laip,,''' |
^ .-...rt
',t,tr,li-r,t : (-,1G, rtillt rt'rr. [11i'111; '1'11, : iiitt': - 'i1I" lrrt

, .-. . -,--, ,, r,,r . {^)=.t ;:[ir;1r41 .1r;'11.,.iii.:'i'i;;, lil'ii't.t ': :" i : ' i l] ]


alia givc tlrc cxterlt oI

@ '1

perfclnlance Appraisai Relrort slt<lulcl inter

),cirr.. Tlie
r'tlpipliurtcr-'. tr[' tltc cOtl(litiprts itttlicittccl ltt I to 8 ithovc' 0{g
Garrcl5i Ip.stitutc of l'h1,.sical Etlucatioll alld Sllorts Sciettcc.s, Blocl<
I I,rIir.a
l. \,ili:rs prrr-i . Ncu, Dcllti - I10018 corrlt'll\rcncs tllc: pr.rlvisitltls ol'thc NCTII AcL
rl tlrc rttlcs. lcgtllltitlrrs ilticl ot'tlct's tttlttlt:1:t'issttcd tltct'cr'ttttlct'ot'['ails to l'trllil tlrc
rirloi,c c,o.rlitions, thc Ilc-giorrnl..Conrrrrittcc nriry rvitlrclt':tw tltis
rccogttitirtlt ttttrlcr
irc provisit)r)s c)l Scctitlrr l7( l) ot' (he NC'l'D Act'
Ilv or:dor
(-r^:_^ <1L-"
Itcgionai Directrlr
l'lte \ lillllt[t'l'
_lirvt. trt irrtlirt
. r:ltiit'l)t r)l I'irl.rlir'lltitrlls.t(iltzctlc 'Scctitltt) '

. :l,cs. \
i).,llrr - iit)().i,1

l. Sccrttur.r,. l)cplr.trpcrrr ol' Scconrlar'1, l.:.rlucatitln itttcl l-itc|acy'

Ministry ol'
I,ltr**, l)t:r,clopnrcnt. C()\,cnlnlcttt tt['ltrdiir' Slrastri I]halvati:, Ncw
l. i:tiucittitllt Scct'ctitt'1'. Ctlvt. t>t' Dcllli' Oltl Sccrctitt'iat, Dcllri
3 Dircctor'. Sc'.cotttlltt'\' Iltlttcatitltt, Ctlvt' ot'Dcllri , I)ircctorirtc, I)clhi
4. Ilcgistritr', LJttivc:'r:i1',' lr!' l)t'llti, l)cllti
Ntw I)clhi-
5.'l'hc tttctttl:cr Scct'ctill'1r, Slttiotlltl Cotrlrcil Ior''l'cttcltcr litltrcirtitttt.
Intlirn G:rnrlhi Irlstitrrtc ol' I)hy'sical IirlJcirtion trttd
.KtTl'," cacl /Pri nc i P al,

li ports S cictrccs; lll'ocl< - II, Viltirs l'rrri , Nov

l)cllri - ll00ltl
, Contpurcr cell (NRC) l9;
llcgioual Dircct0r


li.r'(()[tl it i()ll ordgt .tlrr /Aslrok


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