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Letter Of Intent

Gabrielle Hayashi Santos

Luiz Gama, Independencia
Bauru, SP, 17054300
+55 14 997184548

King's University College at Western University


To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to inform you of my interest on studying at the King’s College University, in the courses of Woman Studies, as well
as Political Science and Dimension of Leadership. I have submitted my application with applicable documentation, as
I currently am coursing International Relations in “Universidade do Sagrado Corção” ( USC ), having achieved a high level of
grades in all of my semesters until now. While attending USC, I participate in the Junior Enterprise, integrate the course’s
extension program, called “Ensino para a vida: Direitos Humanos e Cidadania”, monitor the classes of introduction to the
international relations, socioeconomic reality and politics, besides teaching English to older generations on my university’s
“UATI” program and enrolling on the diplomacy group study as well as the international law group study. I also integrate the
Intentional Relations Week Commission and participate at the professional fair that occurs on my University once a year.
I developed an interest in international relations in high school, when I was forming my sense of leadership by being class
president for three years in a roll, having spent my junior and senior years volunteering for the UNV organizations as well as
helping causes at the International Amnesty, which generated a big impact in my personal life due to the causes that they
fought for, changing my view of the world completely. During my time as a college student, I became a volunteer at AISEC and
a presidential secretary to the International Relations Federations of my country, providing me the chance to expand my
knowledge about the international system and activist causes, increasing even more my need to be enrolled one hundred per
cent in my academic life. This endured me to apply to the Woman Studies, Political Science and Dimension of Leadership
courses in Canada, a country that represents to me a multicultural nation that has a high education quality, being a fact of great
importance for both my personal and academic life, considering that in my field of studies, it is important to have experience
dealing with other cultures. I also choose these courses because I strongly believe that this opportunity will help me to achieve
both my short and long term career aspirations, combine with my personal efforts. This studies will allow me to complement my
academic participation and give me more insight about cultural exchange experiences , since I want a wide variety of
involvement in order to enhance my skills, as well as increase my perspective on the subjects of the courses, which will allow
me to create applicable projects to implement on my country’s educational system and political system, creating the possibility
of returning to society the knowledge that I will be able to receive, therefore helping on the development of Brazil, if accepted
on the program.
In addition to my demonstrated skills in my course’s academic process, I also coursed “Contract Law: From Trust to Promise to
Contract” in the Harvard online learning program, “Introduction to International Relations” and “Administration” in the
“Saberes” São Paulo’s government program, besides the fact that I study Spanish and French since 2016, aspect that can
beneficiate from my study in Canada, since I will be able to have contact with a few people that are fluent in French. I also do
researches in the international politics field, having, until now, written articles, and presented one of them on the International
Relations Week, and I as well have entered the process for my scientific initiation approbation on the “ FAPESP” program .
During the beginning of 2017, I started to develop a project to allow young adults who are on the graduation or master degree
programs to enroll and have more importance in Brazil’s politics, which can beneficiate from my study on the Political Science
course in the King’s College University.
Given my education and experience, I am confident that I am an excellent fit for the King’s University College and the courses
selected. I have been eager to study in Canada since my first year in high school and have researched the King’s University
College since my first semester and determined that the coursework and profile of the college are a strong match for me. If you
have any further questions, please contact me using the information at the top of this letter.

Gabrielle Hayashi.

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