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Homework#2 – Unit 7

Act. 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition of place (in, on, next to, under, above, between, etc.)

1) The books and the globe are _____ the desk. 2) William is _____ his dog.

3) Gina’s outfits are ________ her wardrobe. 4) The teddy bear is ________ the kids.

5) The subway runs __________ the 5th Av. 6) The ball is __________ the table.

7) The clown is ____________ the curtain. 8) Pedro and Lucas are _______ the tent.

9) The blender is ___________ the glass of juice. 10) The man is _____________ the city.

11) The cat is ___________ the dog, 12) The doctor is _____________ Mr. Red.
while the dog is _____________.

Act. 2. Based on Act. 1, answer the questions. Use pronouns.

1) Where are the books and the globe? 2) Where’s William?

___________________________________ ________________________________

3) Where are Gina’s outfits? 4) Where’s the teddy bear?

___________________________________ ________________________________

5) Where does the subway run? 6) Where’s the ball?

It runs _____________________________ ________________________________

7) Where’s the clown? 8) Where are Pedro and Lucas?

___________________________________ ________________________________

9) Where’s the blender? 10) Where’s the man?

___________________________________ ________________________________

11) Where’s the cat? 12) Where’s the doctor?

___________________________________ ________________________________

Act. 3. Look at the pictures. Make a sentence with a preposition of place.

1) The kitchen hood ________________________ 2) The cat __________________________

3) The fruits __________________________ 4) Mr. Depp ________________________

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