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Azana 1

Andres Azana

Professor Coy

English 126: EF2

March 20, 2022

Multimedia Works

In today’s world, the development of writing has advanced through the use of social

media and technology. We use things like slides, videos, and presentations to explain our main

idea through our writing. And With this semester in class English 126, I will begin to use

Multimedia production in order to create a site for my Paper 2 Multimodel. I think I'm on the

fence with creating a multimodal and publishing it. I hope I can learn the concepts since I am

almost new to this work but I will eventually get the hang of it when my thoughts come in the

process. The editing and creating a site is a bit new for me but as more practice comes I will

begin to understand publishing it on the site. In order for my paper 2 to be well thought out, I

have to be creative with how I share my thoughts and provide images to what I’m discussing

about. To add on to that, I do expect to successfully understand the concept of multimedia

through writing and go furthermore in depth on the topic in the text’s we read so far in class.

With what I learned so far about multimedia production, I will use my ideas not just my thoughts

on my writing but to also give out specific images to make a better understanding of what I’m

stating. I will try to also use colors in my own background presentations to make it look a

mixture of vibrant and a bit dark on display. Overall, I would hope I can understand the

multimedia concept for Paper 2 and have well thought knowledge on it.

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