रजिस्ट्री सं. डी.एल.-33004/99 REGD. No. D. L.-33004/99

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रजिस्ट्री सं. डी.एल.- 33004/99 REGD. No. D. L.



भाग II—खण्ड 3—उप-खण्ड (ii)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii)
प्राजधकार से प्रकाजित

सं. 4346] नई दिल्ली, सोमवार, जसतम्बर 26, 2022/आज‍वन 4, 1944

No. 4346] NEW DELHI, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2022/ ASVINA 4, 1944

सड़क पररवहन और रािमागग मंत्रालय

नई दिल्ली, 26 जसतम्बर, 2022
का.आ. 4535(अ).— , , 1956 (1956 48) (
) 3 - (1) ,
367 . . 133.00 . . 158.040
( ) ( /4- ), , औ
व व ,

, , 3 - (1) व

औ औ , व
व व औ व औ ,
, व ,

3 - (2)

6459 GI/2022 (1)

व औ
औ ।

367 . . 133.00 . . 158.040 (

) व व वव ।

: :

( ) ( )

व :

1 28 0.0103000( ) 0.0103000

2 49 0.0014000( ) 0.0014000

3 50 0.0012000( ) 0.0012000

व : व

1 64 0.0109000( ) 0.0109000

2 70 0.0007000( ) 0.0007000

3 71 . 0.0008000( ) 0.0008000

व :

1 14 0.1473000( ) 0.1473000

2 15 व 0.0652000( ) 0.0652000

3 174 व 0.0253000( ) 0.0253000

4 175 व 0.0065000( ) 0.0065000

5 18 व 0.0842000( ) 0.0842000

6 19 . 0.0176000( ) 0.0176000

7 22 व 0.0354000( ) 0.0354000

8 23 0.0080000( ) 0.0080000

9 35 0.0632000( ) 0.0632000

10 38 व 0.0011000( ) 0.0011000

11 39 . 0.0199000( ) 0.0199000

12 5 0.0079000( ) 0.0079000
[भाग II—खण्ड 3(ii)] भारत का रािपत्र : असाधारण 3

13 6 व 0.0595000( ) 0.0595000

14 7 0.0685000( ) 0.0685000

15 Village 0.0129000( ) 0.0129000

व :

1 1 0.3336000( ) 0.3336000

2 2 0.4015000( ) 0.4015000

3 3 0.0453000( ) 0.0453000

4 4 व 0.2467000( ) 0.2467000

5 436 व 0.1539000( ) 0.1539000

6 439 व 0.0238000( ) 0.0238000

7 Village 1.5926000( ) 1.5926000

व :

1 29 0.0152000( ) 0.0152000

2 30 0.0230000( ) 0.0230000

3 34 0.0102000( ) 0.0102000

4 37 0.0031000( ) 0.0031000

5 38 0.0150000( ) 0.0150000

6 39 0.0298000( ) 0.0298000

7 40 0.0291000( ) 0.0291000

व :

1 354 0.0178000( ) 0.0178000

2 355 0.0895000( ) 0.0895000

3 356 0.0224000( ) 0.0224000

4 624 0.0246000( ) 0.0246000

5 625 0.1596000( ) 0.1596000

6 626 0.0619000( ) 0.0619000

7 650 व 0.0003000( ) 0.0003000

8 651 . 0.0141000( ) 0.0141000


9 652 . 0.0337000( ) 0.0337000

10 665 . 0.0173000( ) 0.0173000

11 926 0.0132000( ) 0.0132000

व :व

1 75 व 0.0303000( ) 0.0303000

2 82 0.0031000( ) 0.0031000

4.0584 4.0584

[फा. सं. RW/BNG/KNT/NH-367/3A]

रािेि गुप्ता, जनिेिक
New Delhi, the 26th September, 2022
S.O. 4535(E).—In exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3A of the National Highways
Act,1956 (48 of 1956) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central Government, after being satisfied that for
the public purpose, the land, the brief description of which is given in the Schedule below, is required for building
(widening/four laning etc.,), maintenance, management and operation of National Highway 367 in the stretch of land
from Km. 133.00 to Km. 158.040 (Shirur cross to Gaddankeri section) in the district of Bagalkot in the state of
KARNATAKA, hereby declares its intention to acquire such land.
Any person interested in the said land may, within twenty-one days from the date of publication of this
notification in the Official Gazette, object to the use of such land for the aforesaid purpose under sub-section(1) of
section 3C of the said Act.
Every such objection shall be made to the Competent Authority, namely, Assistant Commissioner Bagalkot
in writing and shall set out the grounds thereof and the Competent Authority shall give the objector an opportunity of
being heard, either in person or by a legal practitioner, and may, after hearing all such objections and after making
such further enquiry, if any, as the Competent Authority thinks necessary, by order, either allow or disallow the
Any order made by the Competent Authority under sub-section (2) of section 3C of the said Act shall be
The land plans and other details of the land to be acquired under their notification are available and can be
inspected by the interested person at the aforesaid office of the Competent Authority.
Brief Description of the land to be acquired with or without structures falling within the stretch of land
from Km. 133.00 to Km. 158.040 (Shirur cross to Gaddankeri section) of the National Highway 367 in the state


Sl. Survey / Plot Number Type of Land Nature of Land Area Area
No. (in Local Unit) (in Hectare)
Taluk: Bagalkot
Village: Anadinni
1 28 Private Dry 0.0103000(Hectare) 0.0103000
2 49 Private NA 0.0014000(Hectare) 0.0014000
3 50 Private Dry 0.0012000(Hectare) 0.0012000
[भाग II—खण्ड 3(ii)] भारत का रािपत्र : असाधारण 5

Village: Bevinamatti
1 64 Private Dry 0.0109000(Hectare) 0.0109000
2 70 Private Dry 0.0007000(Hectare) 0.0007000
3 71 Private N.A 0.0008000(Hectare) 0.0008000
Village: Gadddhanakeri
1 14 Private Dry 0.1473000(Hectare) 0.1473000
2 15 Common Wet 0.0652000(Hectare) 0.0652000
3 174 Private Wet 0.0253000(Hectare) 0.0253000
4 175 Private Wet 0.0065000(Hectare) 0.0065000
5 18 Private Wet 0.0842000(Hectare) 0.0842000
6 19 Private N.A 0.0176000(Hectare) 0.0176000
7 22 Private Wet 0.0354000(Hectare) 0.0354000
8 23 Common Dry 0.0080000(Hectare) 0.0080000
9 35 Private Dry 0.0632000(Hectare) 0.0632000
10 38 Private Wet 0.0011000(Hectare) 0.0011000
11 39 Private N.A 0.0199000(Hectare) 0.0199000
12 5 Private Dry 0.0079000(Hectare) 0.0079000
13 6 Private Wet 0.0595000(Hectare) 0.0595000
14 7 Private Wet 0.0685000(Hectare) 0.0685000
15 Village Private Dry 0.0129000(Hectare) 0.0129000
Village: Kasaba Bagalakote
1 1 Government Dry 0.3336000(Hectare) 0.3336000
2 2 Government Dry 0.4015000(Hectare) 0.4015000
3 3 Government Dry 0.0453000(Hectare) 0.0453000
4 4 Private Wet 0.2467000(Hectare) 0.2467000
5 436 Private Wet 0.1539000(Hectare) 0.1539000
6 439 Private Wet 0.0238000(Hectare) 0.0238000
7 Village Common Dry 1.5926000(Hectare) 1.5926000
Village: Kesanur
1 29 Common Dry 0.0152000(Hectare) 0.0152000
2 30 Common Dry 0.0230000(Hectare) 0.0230000
3 34 Common Dry 0.0102000(Hectare) 0.0102000
4 37 Private Dry 0.0031000(Hectare) 0.0031000
5 38 Private Dry 0.0150000(Hectare) 0.0150000
6 39 Private Dry 0.0298000(Hectare) 0.0298000
7 40 Private Dry 0.0291000(Hectare) 0.0291000
Village: Shirur
1 354 Private Dry 0.0178000(Hectare) 0.0178000
2 355 Private Dry 0.0895000(Hectare) 0.0895000
3 356 Private Dry 0.0224000(Hectare) 0.0224000
4 624 Private Dry 0.0246000(Hectare) 0.0246000

5 625 Private Dry 0.1596000(Hectare) 0.1596000

6 626 Private Dry 0.0619000(Hectare) 0.0619000
7 650 Private Wet 0.0003000(Hectare) 0.0003000
8 651 Private N.A 0.0141000(Hectare) 0.0141000
9 652 Private N.A 0.0337000(Hectare) 0.0337000
10 665 Private N.A 0.0173000(Hectare) 0.0173000
11 926 Private Dry 0.0132000(Hectare) 0.0132000
Village: Veerapur
1 75 Private Wet 0.0303000(Hectare) 0.0303000
2 82 Private Dry 0.0031000(Hectare) 0.0031000
Total 4.0584 4.0584

[F. No. RW/BNG/KNT/NH-367/3A]


Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054. ALOK KUMAR Digitally signed by ALOK KUMAR
Date: 2022.09.27 15:57:45 +05'30'

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