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1. FADIYA QOTRUNNADA (221030700585)
2. LAELATUN NUPUS (221030700587)
3. MELYNDA WULAN DARY (221030700592)
4. PUTRI SARTIKA (221030700598)
5. ZAFY FIRJATULLOH (221030700601)




Jl. Pajajaran No.1, Pamulang Bar., Kec. Pamulang, South Tangerang City, Banten 15417

Praise be to God who has helped his servant to finish this paper very easily. Without his help, I
might not be able to complete the writer properly.
This paper is structured so that readers can find out how much influence the Stikes library has on
the quality of the education we provide based on observations from various sources. This paper
was compiled by the authors with various obstacles. Either it comes from its own constituency or
it comes from outside. However, with patience and especially God's help, this paper was finally
completed. This paper is included in “Report Text”.
Hopefully this paper can provide a broader insight to the readers. Although this paper has
advantages and disadvantages. The author asks for suggestions and criticisms. Thank you

Tanggerang Selatan, 18 October 2022



PREFACE ....................................................................................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1

1.1 The Background of the Analysis .......................................................................................... 1

1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION .......................................................................................................... 2

2.1 Definition Of Report Text .................................................................................................... 2

2.2 Generic Structure of Report ................................................................................................. 2

2.3 Language Features................................................................................................................ 2

2.4 The structure pattern of reports ............................................................................................ 3

2.5 Generic Structure of Report ................................................................................................. 4

2.6 Purpose of Report Text ........................................................................................................ 4

2.7 Example................................................................................................................................ 4

CHAPTER III CLOSING ............................................................................................................... 6

3.1 Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 6

3.2 Suggestion ............................................................................................................................ 6

REFERENCE .................................................................................................................................. 7



1.1 The Background of the Analysis

In the structure of English writing, we recognize the existence of some kind of writing
that narrative, descriptive, recount, discussion and more. Then the paper we also know the
type of report writing, report text term is often also known as informational report. Report is
a text the which present information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic
observation and analyzes. In this occasion our group will explain about how to create or
write text report is good and right in making a piece of writing. To be able to assist in making
shaped bouquet report that in making mistakes.

1.2 Purpose

1. To be able to understand the kind of text that is on the report text.

2. To be able to know how to create a text report in an essay.
3. To be able to know the function of making the report text.



2.1 Definition Of Report Text

Definition text report is also almost similar to what is often mentioned in various books
of English at secondary level, "Report is a text the which present information about something,
as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analyzes." [Report is a text that presents
information on a case by what it is. This text is the result of systematic observation and
analysis.] Its social purpose is presenting information about something. They generally
describe an entire class of things, whether natural or made: mammals, the planets, rocks,
plants, countries of region, culture, transportation, and so on. Thus, the actual descriptive text
of the report and have a fairly clear difference, although both appear to be a "twin brother"
though. In essence, the report usually contains the text that the facts can be proved

2.2 Generic Structure of Report

As with descriptive text, text Report also only have two common structures generic
structure], namely:

1. General Clasification; general statements that describe the subject of a report,

description, and classification.
2. Description: Tells what the phenomenon under discussion; in terms of parts, qualities,
habits or behaviors; In this section usually gives the phenomena that occur; both its
parts, its properties, habit, or behavior. The point is the translation of scientific
classification are presented with.

2.3 Language Features

 Use of general nouns, eg hunting dogs, rather than particular nouns, eg our dog
 Use of relating verbs to describe features, eg Molecules are tiny particles
 Some use of action verbs when describing behaviour, eg Emus cannot fly

 Use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness, eg Tropical cyclones always begin
over the sea
 Use of technical terms, eg Isobars are lines drawn on a weather map;
 Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organise bundles of information; repeated
naming of the topic as the beginning focus of the clause.

2.4 The structure pattern of reports

As stated, there is no one right way to write a report – it depends on your subject and on
the purpose of and audience for the report. What we can say with confidence is that reports
are always divided (and often subdivided) into several headed sections (and sub-sections).
Here are some common sections that often appear in reports:

 An abstract (also called executive summary) that very briefly summarises the whole
report (and which should therefore be written last).
 An introduction that describes the purpose of the report, explains why it is necessary
and/or useful, and sets out its precise aims and objectives.
 A literature review that describes current research and thinking on the problem or
issue. (This section is often incorporated into the introduction.)
 A methods (or methodology) section that describes and justifies the methods used to
collect data.
 A results (also called findings) section that simply presents the results of the research
(so it may consist mainly of tables, charts, diagrams etc.)
 A discussion (sometimes called analysis or interpretation) that analyses the results.
This is often the most important section of a report.
 A conclusion that summarises the report, often revisiting the aims and objectives.
 Recommendations, where the writer uses the results and conclusions of the report to
make practical suggestions about the problem or issue being discussed.
 A bibliography (or reference list).
 Appendices (Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc.) where data (e.g. in tables) to which the
report refers is ‘stored’.

2.5 Generic Structure of Report

As with descriptive text, text Report also only have two common structures [generic
structure], namely:

1. General Clasification; general statements that describe the subject of a report, description,
and classification.
2. Description: Tells what the phenomenon under discussion; in terms of parts, qualities,
habits or behaviors; In this section usually gives the phenomena that occur; both its parts,
its properties, habit, or behavior. The point is the translation of scientific classification are
presented with. There is also some information about the generic text structure report,
which includes.

2.6 Purpose of Report Text

Each paper must have a purpose why the article was written. So is the report text. Some
experts say that the purpose of a text report are: Its social purpose is presenting information
about something. They describe an entire Generally class of things, whether natural or made:
Mammals, the planets, rocks, plants, countries of region, culture, transportation, and so on. If
concluded, the purpose of the report text is to convey information on the results of observation
and systematic analysis. The information described in the report text is usually general in
nature, be it natural or buata like mammals, planets, rocks, plants, state, culture, transportation,
and so forth.

2.7 Example

Volcanic Eruptions
Volcanic eruptions are a process of the magma exiting from within the magma chamber
located inside the volcano. This happens because there is magma activity as well as tectonic
plate movement.
Volcanic eruptions are natural disasters because they carry magma, hot and cold lava, dense
ash, and others. As a result, the land around the volcano will be damaged, disrupting the
farming activities of the surrounding residents. Residents will also lose livestock, homes, and
other valuables.

Nevertheless, volcanic eruptions will bring benefits in the long term. Because the volcanic
ash that comes out will make the surrounding agricultural land fertile.
Materials from volcanic eruptions such as sand and stone can be used for new housing
developments and others. In addition, new jobs such as sand mining will be opened so that
people who lose their property can continue to work to obtain their daily needs.



3.1 Conclusion

In the structure of English writing, we recognize the existence of some kind of

writing that narrative, descriptive, recount, discussion and more. Then the paper we
also know the type of report writing, report text term is often also known as
informational report. Report is a text the which present information about something,
as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analyzes.
As with descriptive text, text Report also only have two common structures [generic
structure], namely:
 General Clasification; general statements that describe the subject of a report,
description, and classification.
 Description: Tells what the phenomenon under discussion; in terms of parts,
qualities, habits or behaviors; In this section usually gives the phenomena that
occur; both its parts, its properties, habit, or behavior. The point is the translation
of scientific classification are presented with.

3.2 Suggestion

For the future the task of making a paper on English need to be improved in order
to grow and expand our horizons. because the papers are very important for the level
of lectures


enang. 2015. Definition of report text.

diakses 18 october 2022. Anonim. 2012. Pengertian Ciri dan Contoh Report Text.

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