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- Andrés Quintero Montes, Ányelo Ortiz Benítez

Javier Ordoñez
Javier Ordoñez was a 46 years old Colombian father that was victim of police brutality, this event
was recorded and went viral on social media. In the video the cops shot Javier Ordoñez with Tasers
and continued doing it even when they knew he was already beat, all his friend saw and record the
violent act, After the police saw in a terrible situation, they decide to take him to a police station,
Juan David one of Javier’s friends arrive and find that his friend Javier Ordoñez was almost dead,
couldn’t even move, the police decided to drove him to the hospital where he shortly died.

This case cause multiple discussion in social media where all the people did big movements,
thanks to this the whole city of Bogota and even in different parts of the country starting protest.
Where at least 7 people died and police reported arrest 70 people. The police try to justify the
attack, trying to said that the victim must be subdued, but the two police officer where captured
and they were sentenced.

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