Gold Exp B1P TB Projects

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The benefits How to extend Gold Experience

Projects involve students working together to produce something projects
in English. They can require students to research and present
At the end of each unit in Gold Experience 2nd edition, there is a
information, create something or design something. Students
Switch on lesson which provides video input and listening tasks
might do two or all of these things. For example, students
followed by a project task. The listening tasks and project can be
imagine they are influential bloggers who have decided to
completed in one lesson, or students can work on them over a
promote a product or brand. They choose the product/brand,
longer period of time, e.g. one lesson a week over a month plus
research it, create a digital marketing campaign and present it to
homework. By extending the project, students can more fully
the group.
benefit from it.
Projects in the English language classroom provide several benefits:
Below is the project task from Unit 8.
1 Authentic use of language
Students work on an authentic task which requires them to
use English authentically. Projects also often develop all four
skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

2 Development of personal skills

Projects require learners to collaborate, enabling them to
develop skills such as the ability to cooperate, solve problems To expand the project over a longer period of time, you could do
and communicate. the following:
3 Development of autonomy Week 1
As project work involves students making decisions about In class
how to achieve their learning objective, they are able to
develop learner autonomy with support and guidance from Students watch the video and complete the listening tasks.
their teacher. Students are put into pairs and set the homework task (see
4 Development of thinking skills Homework
Students can develop information literacy and media literacy Each student researches festivals that they have never heard of
when doing research online, determining what information is or do not know well and takes notes.
useful, biased, misinformed, etc. They can also develop critical
thinking skills when analysing that information, evaluating it Week 2
and deciding how to use it. In class
5 Development of creativity Students share their research with their partners. Pairs then
select the one festival they are most interested in.
Many projects require learners to be creative in some way.
Creativity, along with collaboration, communication and
critical thinking skills are considered to be key skills for 21st Students go away and do more research on the festival they
century learning. have selected. They take notes. They plan a blog post about the
6 Increased motivation
Week 3
Project work can provide a break from lessons which have a
very specific language or skills focus. In addition to that, all In class
of the other benefits mentioned here can make project work Pairs work together and write their blog posts with feedback
motivating for students. from you as they write. Pairs swap blog posts with another pair.
It is important to note that while project work provides many Homework
development opportunities, students are likely to need support Students read the other pair’s blog post and provide written
in exploiting those opportunities, such as advice from their feedback on it, e.g. Is the information organised clearly? Are the
teacher on how to work independently or feedback on their festivals explained clearly? Is the language easy to follow?
communication skills.
Week 4
In class
Pairs work together and give each other oral feedback and
suggestions on their blog posts. They then edit their own posts.
They share them online when finished.
Students read each other’s blog posts and decide which festival is
the most interesting.
In class
Students vote on their favourite blog post and discuss why.

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