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the north over an open plain.

The Russian commander massed

escape of gas; it also firmly fixed the gas check to the

Amongst these are Estat Jes fideles apres la mort; Sur

+ 2H2O = R.NH2 + H2CO2; by heating the mustard oils with

AMES, a city of Story county, Iowa, U.S.A., about 35 m. N.

piece of bowel can be trusted to do all that, and more than,

normal condition of the glands, but the neighbouring

Idea of an Aether.---The wider view, according to which

Confederate outposts west of the Alleghenies lay no farther

Syrian and probably ``Hittite'' city of importance, known from

this, reversal was not permitted, the cell being put into

Vindiciae Sabbathi (1641, 8vo) had a profound and lasting

image, after par-axial rays of different colours are united

various sovereigns from Edward I. to George II. In the 13th

enemy, but to destroy their naval stores. The troops of the

From A. Birmingham; Cunningham's Text-Book of Anatomy.

Latin translation of 100 Fabulae Aesopicae by an Italian

curves of a moulding or a decoration, it was strictly kept in

has largely increased. The most distinctive industry is

the animal after their fashion and set up its head in their

and history of this civilization, or to answer any but a

end, Nyamsasi, which was an island in 1889, has become a

known in trade for some time afterwards as Australian rubies.

of alcohol from fermented liquors in the article SPIRITS.

AMMONIUS SACCAS (3rd century A.D.), Greek philosopher of

of adventure and the proselytizing zeal of the followers of

NH2.(CH2)3.CH(NH2).COOH, histidin or a-amino- b-imidazol-

title, Grundzuge der Theorie der optischen Instrumente nach

of all authority over the chief centres of influence in his

formed a much lower estimate of his merits. There can be

law is in most cases considered strong enough, special laws

transferred to Italy--the transference being subsequently

emergencies. A council of 120 unpaid delegates, selected from

But if ease of communication is favourable to the rise of

by E. long. 75 deg. 48'), celebrated for its cave hermitages and

which covers only 3,760,000 sq. m., has a coast-line of 19,800 m.

twenty-four hours' supply of ammunition. These stores are

of the second, the third letter of the third, and so on.

regarding coffee berries. Not infrequently coffee is roasted

certain, for in 2 Pet. ii. 13 the verse is cited, but reading

profession, to analyse a wide range of substances. Apart from

after the birth of five children, and the king then returned

and Polinice, and conceived the plan of various other

preliminary to a scientific demarcation of the sphere of

population 48%. The largest towns are Strassburg (the capital

his taking a pearl from the ear-drop of Caecilia Metella and

Spain, about 12 m. in length and 4 in breadth, 12 ft. being

The small intestine is a tube, from 22 to 25 ft. long,

Angola. Great Britain, once aroused to the imminence of

fruit it requires a heat of at least 75 deg. F. during the day,

seems attainable without the aid of superhuman foresight.

which belong to the class, though they do not bear the name,

of Bertold IV., duke of Meran in Tirol. She is called Marie

called the Alleghany Front or the Front of the Alleghany

of R. S. Heath and L. A. Herman), M. Thiesen (Berlin. Akad.

the beginning of the 5th century in the Roman empire, the

being authorized to veto motions, the strategus (general) had

or salt; or in the rate of movement of the water, whether

from the foreign fats are practically both insoluble and

has been much modified within the last century or two by the

1900 745,519 862,263 715,202 35,606

and O. Eppenstein, was published at Leipzig in 1903 with the

nature of their food. After examining several hypotheses,

of education and the magnificent state library (about 450,000

the ``venerable preceptor of my rude childhood.'' He must,

fortress), and thence passes north-east through the hills of

The word occurs repeatedly in the service of coronation of

displeased the French king, he was recalled from his post by

giant, his heirs having, it is said, destroyed the papers

calculations; pebbles, hits of bone or coins being used as

no part, was followed by a general peace: Sparta, however,

in the period when Rome was in the power of the Roman nobles.

Rise of the emperor Theodore.

until the state of the remaining liquid is represented by

Scotland. The establishment consists of a president, secretary,

Gross Doldenhorn . . . . . . . 11,966 Sulegg . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,914

kind. A portion of the manor, generally about a third,

Omayyad caliph of that name, and again in 840 hy the Caliph

the E. part of the city is Albion College (Methodist Episcopal;

they were permitted to eat moderately at tables other than

outline of the land configuration has remained much the same

or nine ascents from Paris for scientific purposes. The

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