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1. Draw a flow diagram for a typical water supply scheme.

Assuming the water is taken from a suitable source,

explain the step by step process in the planning of the water supply scheme.
2. Predict the population for the years 1981, 1991 and 2001 from the following census figures of a town by
different methods and compare the results.

Year 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971

60 65 68 72 79 89 97 120

3. With the help of an example explain the arithmetical increase and geometrical increase methods of
estimating the future population in a city.

4. What is meant by the term “per capita demand”? How is it determined? Suggest a suitable break up for
determining the different types of drafts from the per capita demand & the population.
5. The population statistics pertaining to a town are given below. Estimate the population expected in 2020
& 2030 by arithmetical & geometrical increase methods.

Year 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Population 70,000 1,00,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 2,40,000

6. Find the settling velocity of a discrete particle in water under conditions when Reynold’s number is less
than 0.5. The diameter and the specific gravity of the particle is 0.006 cm and 2.65 respectively. Water
temperature is 20ºC (Kinematic viscosity of water at 20ºC is 1.01x 10-2 cm2/sec.

7. A water supply scheme has to be designed for a city having a population of 1,50,000. Estimate the
important kinds of drafts which may be required to be recorded for an average water consumption of
200 lpcd. Also record the required capacities of major components of the proposed water works system
for the city using a river as a source of supply. Assume suitable data, wherever needed.

8. The maximum daily demand at a water purification plant has been estimated as 15 Million litres per
day. Design the dimensions of a suitable sedimentation tank for raw supplies, assuming a suitable
detention period of 6hrs and the velocity of flow as 20 cm/minute.

9. A rectangular sedimentation basin is to handle 10 Million litres per day of raw water. A detention basin of
width to length ratio 1:3 is proposed to trap all particles larger than 0.04mm in size. Calculate the settling
velocity of the particles, assuming a relative density of 2.65 for the particles and 20°C as the average
temperature. Compute the basin dimensions and the detention time if the depth of the tank is 3.5m.
10. Explain with the help of a neat sketch the method of dry feeding in sedimentation with coagulation.
11. The population of a town is 1,00,000 and the average per capita demand is 135litres/day/capita. Design
the coagulation cum sedimentation tank for supplying water to the town. The maximum demand may be
taken as 1.5 times the average demand. Detention period is 5hrs for settling tank and 30 minutes for
flocculation chamber. The overflow rate can be assumed as 900 litres/hr/m2 of plan area.
12. A suitable source of water is identified for water supply scheme. What are the factors you will take into
consideration to decide whether the source of water is suitable for the project?

13. What is the basic function of an intake structure? Discuss the factors governing the location of an intake.
14. Compare the advantages & disadvantages of using Alum & Iron salts as coagulants.
15. Draw a neat sketch of a slow sand filter and label its parts.
16. Explain the different types of chlorination. On a neat sketch indicate breakpoint chlorination and explain
its significance.
17. What do you mean by balancing storage of a distribution reservoir.
18. A city with a total population of 3 lakhs has to be supplied with water at 120 litres per person per day.
The probable hourly variation in the rate of demand is given in the table. Determine the capacity of the
balancing reservoir to be provided for balancing the variable demand against a constant rate of pumping and
the pumping continued for full 24 hours. Solve the problem by analytical method. compare the results by the
mass curve technique.

Period % of Period % of
of average of average
day hourly day hourly
in flow in flow
hours expected hours expected
0-1 15 12-13 100
1-2 15 13-14 80
2-3 15 14-15 60
3-4 20 15-16 110
4-5 25 16-17 150
5-6 40 17-18 180
6-7 80 18-19 180
7-8 120 19-20 160
8-9 180 20-21 140
9-10 220 21-22 80
10-11 220 22-23 45
11-12 150 23-24 15
19. Explain the different methods of detection of leakage in distribution pipes.
20. What is BOD? Explain the dilution method of determination of BOD.
21. Explain in detail the precaution and procedure that must be observed while collecting water samples for
bacteriological testing.

22. Explain with a neat sketch the technique of backwashing in rapid sand filters.
23. What do you understand by sedimentation with coagulation? How is it different from plain

24. Design the dimensions of a rapid sand filter unit for 4 million litres per day of supply. Assume the filters
are rated to work at the rate of 5000 litres per hour per sq.m. Assume any necessary data required.
25. Illustrate any three methods of Aeration in the treatment of water.

26. Explain any two layouts of a distribution system of pipelines with the help of neat sketches.
27. Describe the method of removal of temporary hardness by boiling and addition of lime.
28. Explain the disinfecting action of chlorine. Distinguish between super chlorination and double
chlorination methods of chlorination.
29. List the functions of distribution reservoirs.
30. A town with a population of 1 lakh is to be supplied with water daily at 200 litres per head. The
variation in demand is as follows.

Variation of
6am to 9am 40% of total
9am to 12 noon 10% of total
12 noon to 3pm 10% of total
3pm to 6pm 15% of total
6pm to 9pm 25 % of total
Determine the capacity of the service reservoir assuming pumping to be at a uniform rate and the period
of pumping to be from 6am to 6pm. Solve by mass curve method and compare the results by analytical
31. With the help of a neat sketch, explain the pumping method of water distribution system.
32. Distinguish between temporary hardness & permanent hardness. Discuss the methods of removing
the temporary hardness.
33. Design six slow sand filter beds from the following data:

Population to be served = 50,000 persons

Per capita demand = 150 litres/head/day
Rate of filtration = 180 litres/hr/sq.m
Length of each bed = Twice the breadth.
Assume max demand as 1.8 times the average daily demand.
Also assume one out of six will be kept as stand by.
34. Explain with the help of a neat sketch the method of desalination by reverse osmosis.
35. What are the requirements of a good distribution system?
36. A town with a population of 1 million has a continuous water supply. Average supply is 270lpcd,
the water being supplied by direct pumping. The total supply of 270 lpcd is phased as follows. Water is
supplied from the treatment plant at a uniform rate of 11.25 Million litres/hr for all 24hrs. Find out the
capacity of the reservoir required for distribution of water by mass curve method. Assume no loss from
the main.

Time Litres per capita (lpc)

5 AM - 11 AM 90
11 AM - 3 PM 54
3 PM - 9 PM 81
9 PM - 12 midnight 27
12 midnight - 5 AM 18
37. Explain the gravitational system of water distribution using a neat sketch.

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