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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.

Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica.

Cultura de la lengua Inglesa.

Actividad Fundamental 4
Book activities

Hora: LMV N3
Semestre: Agosto-Diciembre 2022.
Docente: Ing. Edgar Fernando Arroyo Reyna.

Nombre del estudiante Matrícula Carrera

Jesus Alejandro Cárdenas
1842715 IME

Cd. Universitaria, San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L. a 04 de Noviembre del 2022.
Activity 1: “What do you know about United Kingdom?” ................ 2
Activity 2: “Summarizing information about the Celts”.................... 3
Activity 3: “Writing about the Roman invasion to Britain” ............... 3
Activity 4: “Writing about the Vikings” ............................................... 4
Activity 5: “Reviewing information about ancient civilizations in the United Kingdom” 5
Bibliography .................................................................................. 5
Activity 1: “What do you know about United Kingdom?”
Activity 2: “Summarizing information about the Celts”

Activity 3: “Writing about the Roman invasion to Britain”

I. Reread the information about The Roman Britain and answer the questions.

1. Why did the Romans decide to invade the Celtic territory?

They decided invade Britain for more than material wealth, the emperor wanted to expand the Roman Empire and bring it
prestige through war.

2. Which were the three-different kind of towns that the Roman established in Britain?
Two were towns established by Roman charter. These were the coloniae, towns pled by Roman settlers, and the municipia,
large cities in which the whole population was given Roman citizenship. The third kind, the civitas, included the old Celtic tribal
capitals, through which the Romans administered the Celtic population in the countryside.
3. Who was the Roman emperor that conquered Britain?
The emperor Claudius.

4. Which were the remarkable influences of Romans in Britain?

The towns, the language and the calendar.

5. Why did the Romans leave Britain?

This was because, in the fourth century CE, the Roman Empire itself suffered attacks from tribes who came from central and
Eastern Europe. Britain started being attacked from the west and north by Scottish and Irish tribes and from the east by
Germanic tribes such as the Angles and Saxons. Roman soldiers in Britain needed to go away to defend Rome and eventually,
in 410 CE, the Emperor Honorius made the difficult decision to declare that Britain must defend itself.

Activity 4: “Writing about the Vikings”

I. Reread the information about The Vikings and complete the next concepts in

the boxes.
The Vikings traveled in long ships called “Drakkars” which
The Vikings had many gods, were long narrow warships decorated with dragon heads.
according to the Eddas.
These ships were 15 meters long, and they had a mast
“The most powerful god was the and textile sails. There was a lot of room below deck, with
one-eyed Odin, the Allfather, god a great capacity for the storage of all selling goods, along
of warfare, justice, death, wisdom
and poetry. Probably the most with food and drink for
popular god, however, was Thor, several weeks. When there
who was stupid but incredibly was little or no wind, the ship
strong. With his hammer Miollnir,
was rowed with four meters
crafted by the dwarfs, he was the
long ores, this was a
main defender of the gods against
the giants. He was also the god of remarkable characteristic; the
thunder, and he was particularly ships were not dependent on
worshipped by seafarers. The
brother and sister Frey and Freyja,
the god and goddess of fertility,
were also important, and there APPEARANCE:
were many other minor gods and
When we think about a
Viking comes to our
They met Christianity through their minds those strong, tall
raids, and when after settling in and bearded people that
lands with a Christian usually look violent and
population, they adopted aggressive; well, the term
Christianity. Viking is thought to derive
from vikingr, a word for
SKILLS: ’pirate’ in the early
The Vikings were excellent Scandinavian
sailors and great warriors, languages.
but they were said to be
cruel and violent toward
their enemies and
inhabitants in the
conquered regions. On the
other hand, they were ORIGIN:
considered as very skilled The Vikings were a group of people coming from Scandinavian countries
in building ships, (Norway, Sweden and Denmark) who attacked and terrorized Northern and
craftsmen, explorers and Eastern Europe, including Britain and Ireland from the 8th century to 11th
traders. century CE. In Britain people knew them as Danes or Norsemen. The Viking
age has generally been associated with raids in which they committed all kind
of crimes and brutalities to the people they attacked but even though this is said
to be true, there is also evidence that they were Scandinavian raiders who
came from small well- organized communities of hardworking farmers and
Activity 5: “Reviewing information about ancient civilizations in the United Kingdom”
I. Complete the chart with information about the ancient civilizations that existed in the UK. Reread the information presented before if


-They were able to
find how to make
iron tools and
They were They were
organized into dominated after
-They introduced the
CELTS 600 BC – 50 AD -King Arthur tribes, each of losing the battle of
iron plough.
which had its own Telémon against the
-One of the most
customs Romans
important influences
of the Celts was on
art and design
-The most
characteristic of
Roman Britain was
the towns -Julius Caesar When Odoacer
-English language -Claudius The government deposed Emperor
ROMANS 43 AD – 410 AD was influenced by -Honorius was headed by Romulus Augustus
Latin -Romulus emperors and assumed the
-The Calendar used Augustus government of Italy
nowadays in almost
every part of the
world was started by
Julius Caesar
-They were excellent
sailors and great
warriors. Also they
were considered as They were
very skilled in organized into
building ships, numerous
craftsmen, explorers independent With the death of
800 AD – 1066 -Ragnar Lothbrok
and traders
political units that King Herald the
-They had many dominated small Ruthless
gods, according to territories. Each
the Eddas was led by a jar or
-They adopted count
Christianity from the
regions they
-One of the most
remarkable aspects
was their social Their social
structure. structure consisted They were
ANGLO- 410 AD – 1066 -They started the -Alfred the Great of tribal units led by dominated by the
SAXONS AD English navy -Athelstan chieftains who tried Danish Vikings in
-Certain days of the to earn their respect the 9th century
week are named from their warriors
after early Saxon

 Arroyo, E., Luna, J. & Treviño, A. (2019). British culture. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica.

 Summonpress. (2015). Historia de la Universidad de Oxford. Descubrir UK.


 Debczak, M. (2020). 39 Notable New York University Alumni. Mental Floss.

 Red de Portales University Page. (s. f.). Universia.

Activity 6 “You can become a tourist guide!”

I. Describe the next British landmarks by writing a sentence about them made up only SIXWORDS.


Buckingham Palace.

“House of the United Kingdom’s Queen”

a) Big Ben. the great bell of the clock

b) Stonehenge. is a cromlech type megalithic monument
c) Hadrian’s wall. it is an ancient defensive fortification
d) Palace of Westminster. Houses both houses of the parliament
e) London Eye. a ferris wheel located in London

II. Define five landmarks that are important in your country and write a sentence about
each one by using only SIX WORDS as you did it in the last activity. Take 15-20
minutes to do this task

1. Puente atirantado it is a great Monterrey bridge

2. Cerro de la silla it is a chair-shaped hill

3. Fuente de neptuno it is a big source of Monterrey

4. Museo contemporaneo museum of contemporary art of Monterrey

5. Arco de la independencia is an arch that represent independence

Activity 8
1- Complete the chart information about the holidays in United Kingdom

Holiday: New Year's day


Janury, 1st The celebración of a Fireworks, food, go
new year with the families
Holiday: Christmas


Its a celebration People give a lot of
December, 24th celebration to gifts , families get
commemorate the birth together.
of jesus
Holiday: Good Friday


Good Friday is one of Good Friday is a time
the oldest Christian to get together with
holidays and was family and friends.
celebrated even way
April, 15th back centuries ago.
After Jesus’ death,
Christians started
mourning and
observing this holiday.
Holiday: Boxing day


Is the day after Spend time with family,
Christmas Day and falls friends, and neighbors.
on December 26. Some people choose
Traditionally, it was a to go for a walk in the
day when employers countryside, while
distributed money, others flock to the
December, 26th food, cloth (material) or post-Christmas sales
other valuable goods to that often begin on
their employees. In Boxing Day. Some
modern times, it is an people even spend
important day for part of the night to get
sporting events and the into the stores when
start of the post- the best bargains are
Christmas sales. still available.
Holiday: Platinum Jubilee bank holiday


This day is special Members of the public
June, 3rd because the people invited to create a dish
celebrate the years of to dedicate the
the queen in the UK. Queen's reign.
Constitutional Monarchy called “Her majesty´s Government”

Is the central government of UK and Northern Ireland, led by the prime minister.

The queen, the prime minister and his cabinet.

Boris Johnson
Is the head of the government, chairs the cabinet and selects its ministers.

It´s selected by the monarch through the exercise of the royal prerogative.

Isabel II

Give honorary titles , and do diplomatic travels or receptions.

By lineage

95 years old.

70 years.

Palace of Westminster.

Is the second chamber of the UK Parliament.

Is the publicy elected chamber of Parliament,

It shows us how the death of the princess Diana afects the royal family.

The Queen didn´t want to do a funeral and tribute appropiate for a Royal Family member.

The Death of the Princess Diana, the choice of the Prime Minister, and

It shows me every detail of the event that i didn´t know because all this controversy
happened before i was born, so it was very interesting to know how much was Lady D
loved by the UK people and the endurance of the Queen to their petitions.
Activity 11 “Discussing facts about education in your country”
I. Write some ideas that could describe your opinion or experiences about the topicsbelow. (50 words
in each one)
1. Your first day at elementary school.
That I remember elementary school was the worst stage of my life, I hated it completely because I suffered from bullying, I went to the psychologist,
I remember that once a window fell on my head and then it affected my head, I never made friends but the teachers and especially the English
teacher was my example to follow, and I recommend anyone who is in their childhood to enjoy their childhood.

2. The quality of your elemental education.

The quality of education, speaking of teaching, the teachers are totally prepared for what they are, what they do, my experiences are good with
all the teachers, I have learned what I should have learned with each one of them, I am Satisfied with the quality of teaching, to date I have not
had any teacher who does the opposite.

3. The higher education facilities in your country.

The facilities seem very good to me since there are various things that are basic and improvements have even been made with technology
materials and many things in the facilities change as everything changes, since everything is advancing, I have no complaints since everything
what is there is functional and fulfills its purpose.

4. The preparation of teachers in your school

The teachers, to date, have been good to me, who do their job and there are some who really love what they do and do it with passion, I value
and respect teachers a lot for their compliance and help to be better people every day and follow in this course of academic preparation.

5. All children attend to school in Mexico.

Not all the population of Mexico attends school due to lack of resources, they do not have the opportunity since poverty is extreme in some
cases, due to lack of jobs, and in case there is help from the government, much more is needed. and the basics, uniforms, food and among

6. Higher Education is expensive in Mexico

High school and college are beginning to pay, we are building a future and university courses are not cheap but in the end it is worth it, everything
invested is multiplied when we are professionals, but on the other hand, not many families have the opportunity to pay races, in that case you
would already have to resort to government aid, but unfortunately many times there is none.

7. Educative System in Mexico needs improvement

According to the education system in the country, I have no complaints because nothing bad has happened to me, I have not had any unpleasant
experiences and my opinion is that it is fine, there are campuses, there are teachers and the facilities are in very good condition. As long as there
is that, I think it's fine.

Activity 12 “Reviewing Information about education in the United Kingdom”

I. Write five questions that can be answered with the information given about higher
education in the United Kingdom. Include the answers. You may use the next structure in
your questions.
Wh-word + do/does/did +person + verb + complement
Wh-word + is /are /was /were + person + complement.

1. ¿What is the age that students attend secondary school?

R= Age is 11 years old

2. ¿Why are public schools free for students in the UK?

R= Because they are financed by government and are free for all students.

3. ¿What are the exams required to enter university in the uk?

R= A levels advanced level exams.

Location Year of Founder Motto Famous Graduated

Foundation Students 4. ¿What should British
Oxford OX1 2JD, • Stephen students pay?
Reino Unido 1096 “Dominus • Hawking
Oxford Illuminatio • Bill Clinton R= The cost of teaching and
Mea” • Indira Ghandi its costs of living.
• Hugh Grant
• Dudley Moore
The Old Schools, • Emma Thompson 5. ¿How should the first three
Trinity Ln, 1209 King Enrique III “Hinc lucem • Bertrand Russell years of a university education
Cambridge Cambridge CB2 et pocula • Hugh Laurie be taken?
1TN, Reino sacra “ • Ian McKellen
Unido • Tilda Swinton R= In a bachelor's program.
Cambridge, • Bill Gates
Massachusetts, 1636 Massachusetts “Veritas” • Mark Zuckerberg Activity 13 “Universities in
Harvard Estados Unidos legislative • Barack Obama English speaking countries”
house • Natalie Portman
• Conan O'Brien I. Fill the information about this
Senate House, • Elton Jhon prestigious universities, and
University Malet St, London 1836 Henry “Cuncti • Jhon F. Kennedy add another University in UK,
of London WC1E 7HU, Brougham, adsint • Andrew Garfield and 2 of USA
Reino Unido 1er Barón de meritæque • Brian May
Brougham y expectent
Vaux præmia
450 Serra Mall, • Larry Page
Stanford Stanford, CA 1885 Leland Stanford "Die Luft der • Reese Witherspoon
University 94305, Estados Freiheit • Tiger Woods
Unidos weht" • Fred Savage
• Elon Musk
Activity 14 “Research about
Berkeley, CA, • Scaott Adams
University Estados Unidos 1868 Frederick Low “Fiat Lux” • Aaron Rodgers Academic Exchange
of • Chris Pine Programs in your school”
California • Paula Pantton
I. Research about two
Berkeley • Steve Wozniak
Exchange programs
(undergraduate level and
master degree) that
your school (FIME) has with different education institutions to study abroad. Include the
next information: requirements, cost, scholarships, facilities, benefits.

Exchange Academic Program 1

Level: Bachelor's Degree University: St. Petersburg University
Country: University Embankment, 7/9, St Petersburg, Russia, 199034
Required Application Documents
Please, submit your application through the online form. The following documents should be attached to the form (obligatory
documents are marked with*)
1. Nomination letter by Applicant's Home University Exchange Coordinator (necessary for exchange students, we can also
accept nomination by e-mail — in this case please attach a print screen of the e-mail to the online application form; not necessary
for freemover (fee-paying) students)
2. Motivation letter* in Russian or English (.doc or .pdf, free format, app.1 page long — why you’ve chosen SPbU and what you
are going to study here; please name the document “motivation_surname_name”)
3. Study Plan*: pdf, doc. (please, name «plan_surname_name») SPbU Academic Offer can be found here.
4. Copy of travelling passport* (.jpg or .pdf, page with photo, full and readable copy; if you need visa, your passport should be valid
at least 1,5 years after the beginning of the exchange period; please, name «passport_surname_name»)
Applicant's passport should be valid minimum 1,5 years after the beginning of planned exchange period! Otherwise Applicant will be
unable to get Russian visa.
5. Confirmation of language proficiency (Please, attach the confirmation of the language you’re going to study in — Russian or
English; language proficiency certificate not obligatory but still can be attached for students coming to full-time Russian language
courses; obligatory in all other cases; please, name «language_surname_name»)
This could be either an International Certificate, or a letter signed by Applicant's Home University Russian language teacher indicating
Applicant's current language proficiency in accordance with the European Language Level Self-Assessment Grid.
To apply for the courses taught in Russian students need to provide a certificate proving their level of the Russian language — B2
minimum. To apply for the courses taught in English students should provide a certificate of English language proficiency — B2
minimum. Students applying for full-time Russian language course don’t have to provide a language certificate.
If the language you're going to study in is your native language, you don't need to provide a certificate of language proficiency.
6. Photo for documents 3*4, .jpg, good quality (not smaller than 450*600pix)
7. General health certificate in Russian language
This should be a certificate proving that the Applicant is in a well state of health (absence of infectious and pulmonary diseases, no
contra-indications for studying abroad), signed and stamped by your local doctor. HIV test is also required, but the student can bring
it to Russia instead of sending it with other application documents.
The certificates should be either performed in Applicant's native language AND in Russian language or officially translated into
Russian language (including translation of stamps and signatures). Please, note that lung x-ray results are obligatory for the
dormitory. The certificate must be either performed in Applicant's native language AND in Russian language or officially translated
into Russian language (including translation of stamps and signatures).
We advise to make HIV test 1 or 2 months before coming to SPbU, because it's usually necessary for the visa application to Russia,
but is valid only for 3 months.
8. Transcript of Records (if any, please, name «transcript_surname_name»)
9. Copies of previous visas to the Russian Federation (if any).

Economic Support (Scholarship):

Scholarships will be awarded for a non-extendable period of up to six months, except special stipulation provided for in the inter-
institutional agreement correspondent. Depending on the socioeconomic study carried out, it may be granted due to 100%, 50% or
25% of the total quota assigned for each Country. The scholarship will be administered in monthly payments of equal amounts and
the first payment will be depending on the academic calendar of the receiving institution. For academic mobility programs in which
the agreement establishes a longer time, it will be granted because for the time established by the Agreement cannot be greater than
one corresponding year. For students who during their second semester carry out paid professional internships whose amount is
equal to or greater than the amount of the scholarship, the scholarship will only be awarded for six months. Compliance with the
requirements does not guarantee the granting of the scholarship, since it is subject to the budgeted amounts approved for that
Student Accommodation
SPbU Campus offers you 21 halls of residence, with 12 located in Petrodvortsovy District of St Petersburg, 8 in Vasileostrovsky District
and 1 in Nevsky District.
SPbU Halls of Residence on the map Currently, SPbU provides approximately 12,800 places in its halls of residence. All
accommodation is furnished for living and studying; the halls have laundry facilities, cafes, canteens, shops, gyms and fitness facilities,
and ATMs. All rooms have Internet access.

SEP students can also take a free Russian language course (8 ECTS, 8 academic hours per week) during the whole exchange period.
Classes are organized usually 2 times per week in groups (10–12 people) depending on students' current language skills. If chosen,
Russian language course is included into the workload for SEP students.
SEP students have an opportunity to study at a full-time Russian language programme at the faculty of Philology (30 ECTS, 20
academic hours per week). The course covers the main aspects of the Russian language (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing,
Grammar etc) and can include other courses, e.g. Russian literature or Media at upper levels.

Exchange Academic Program 2

Level: bachelor's degree University: UNIVERSIDAD DE BORDEAUX 1 Country: France
Application form with photograph (UANL).
• Revalidation format of learning units (signed by the academic commission of the dependency). Letter of support from the
director of the dependency. Have completed at least 50% of the credits of the career and have a minimum average of 85
(general) and without subjects in other opportunities.
• Letter from the academic deputy director of the dependency or School coordinator in which he certifies the average and the
percentage of credits covered up to the moment of applying.
Kardex (certificate).
• Letter of reasons why you want to carry out the exchange (addressed to the destination university).
Curriculum vitae.
• Proof of language proficiency required. English: TOEFL IBT (minimum 80 pts.), French: DELF (B2), German: B2 level (high
intermediate). For other countries, proficiency in the language of the destination geographical area must be verified,regardless
of the language in which the classes will be taught.
• Copy of the passport (with a minimum validity of 6 months from the date of your return).
Copy of CURP.
• Program of subjects to be studied at the destination university.
• The student must take a minimum of 18 credits.
• Analytical content of each of the subjects to be studied at the destination university.
Commitment Letter.
• Copy of VISA procedure (once it has been accepted).
• Letter of good health and general medical tests of blood and urine (once it has been accepted).
• Psychological exam (once you have been accepted).
• International medical expenses insurance (with repatriation, psychological and dental coverage).

Costs:Admission Costs

• Enrollment
$3,280 USD
• Room in Residence
$8,244 USD
• Food fertilizer
$7,308 USD
• Transport pass
• Other university payments
$107 USD
• Studying here can cost you: Studying a bachelor's degree and including living expenses, approximately $19,527 USD per year

Economic Support (Scholarship): Scholarships will be awarded for a non-extendable period of up to six months, except special
stipulation provided for in the inter-institutional agreement correspondent. Depending on the socioeconomic study carried out, it may
be granted due to 100%, 50% or 25% of the total quota assigned for each Country.
The scholarship will be administered in monthly payments of equal amounts and the first payment will be depending on the academic
calendar of the receiving institution. For academic mobility programs in which the agreement establishes a longer time, it will be
granted because for the time established by the Agreement
cannot be greater than one corresponding year. For students who
during their second semester carry out paid professional internships whose
amount is equal to or greater than the amount of the scholarship, the scholarship will only be awarded for six

The University of Bordeaux, better known as the Université de Bordeaux, is a public higher education center located in the south-
west of France. Nationally, it is ranked as one of the best French universities in terms of research and teaching quality.
However, on an international scale, the University of Bordeaux has a reputation as a proposed institution with a very wide academic
offer. In addition, it is also known for its efforts to promote academic exchange, diversity, and cutting-edge education.
In fact, the university has more than 50 international study programs taught in English, and a few in other languages such as Spanish.
For this reason, of its extensive enrollment of more than 59,000 students, it is estimated that 12% are foreigners.
There is no doubt that we are talking about an extremely important institution of higher education in France, which has made important
contributions to society by training competent and exceptional professionals

II. Write a brief essay about the advantages and disadvantages to study abroad (1v page)
It is an easy question but at the same time complicated, we all want to live new experiences and learn another language, but fears
and uncertainties always appear. Like everything in life, going abroad to study has its good side and it’s not so good side. Advantages
of studying abroad.
You learn another language, not only to speak it and understand it, but we would learn a new way of life, a different culture and new
values that will help us open our minds, getting out of the comfort zone today is something that is quite scary but which should be
done more often, it is a great opportunity for personal growth since we will improve our self-esteem, the ability to function and manage
on our own.
It is a great opportunity to get to know a different culture than the one we already know, which will help open our minds to different
points of view, we will have friends from other countries who will help us learn about different lifestyles, which will help to gain tolerance
and empathy.
We will expand other types of job opportunities because the skills acquired will improve our resume for future jobs.
Not all are advantages, you also have to face change. Adapting to a new country involves exposure to a new culture, communicating
in a language you don't speak, the weather or the time zone, etc. They make the experience a bit difficult for some of us. But like
everything, it is simply a matter of habit and being clear about your goals.
First, you are in a country that you know nothing about. This translates into new culture. Then comes a different city. This means that
you need to learn how to get around and stock up in a different city.
Also, you will have a different home. You need to adapt to this space that you will now call home; and make it yours.
Studying abroad entails a series of important expenses. From paying tuition; going through travel costs, new residence, coupling
and others.
Of course, in the first instance it can generate a strong economic impact and even the currency exchange can be aversive at first.
However, like everything, when you adapt, it will pass.
Color TV Rocket belt Instant book maker
Contraceptive Pill Mouse Pad Trans lucid concrete

1. Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena Color TV

2. Juan Manuel Lozano Rocket belt

3. Victor Celorio Instant Book Maker

4. Armando Fernandez Mouse pad

5. Joel Sosa Trans Lucid Concrete

6. Luis miramontes Conceptive pill

The most popular device to
communicate orally is the telephone.
It connects people irrespective of
distance. It breaks the tone and helps
us to communicate at any movement
and from any location.

Electric motors are highly efficient

devices mainly depending on their
operation conditions and the size of
the motor. These motors do not use
fuel and they do not require engine-oil
maintenance like most of the other
electrical devices. In addition, electric
motors do not freeze even in
temperatures below zero.

Penicillin prevents the bacteria from

synthesizing peptidoglycan, a
molecule in the cell wall that provides
the wall with the strength it needs to
survive in the human body. The drug
greatly weakens the cell wall and
causes bacteria to die, allowing a
person to recover from a bacterial
The speed of communication becomes
faster which is obtained through the web.
Allows for holding a video conference with
anyone within the world who also has
access and anyone can find information
on almost any imaginable subject. Plenty
of resources are often found through the
program in minutes.

Using more energy efficient vehicles like

hybrid and plug-in electric vehicles is an
important part of continuing this successful
trend of minimizing imported petroleum.

Much like a rechargeable battery,

capacitors both store and release energy.
Capacitors store the potential energy in
the electric field, whereas batteries
accumulate the energy in the form of
chemical energy, which is later changed to
electric energy.
Activity 17 “Engineering designs for the future”

Watch the video about Engineering in the future in the next link:
Answer the following questions:

1) Write a summary of the video

The project that is being presented in the video deals with a summary that was made of a 57- page
document that was revealed by Elon Musk's company where he talks about the general design of
the train, how it works and Elon Musk's thoughts on the implementation of the Hyperloop Alpha
This transportation project was originally designed with the intention of forming a route from Los
Angeles to San Francisco in an estimated time of 30 minutes, which is a promise that if fulfilled
according to the plans shown.
The Hyperloop Alpha consists of elevated tubes supported by concrete columns spaced every 30
feet, the plans show that this train will run alongside the existing highway to stay within budget, the
tubes, or tunnels through which the trains will travel will have a diameter of 7 meters inside and the
transport capsules will have a capacity of 28 people.
The project will have the capacity to generate its own energy for the Hyperloop, the stations will be
like those of an airport and the security measures will be similar to those of an airport.
The capsules will depart with a difference of 30 seconds and two minutes and the design will allow
40 capsules in total, which shows us that they can transport between 840 and 3,360 people per
This project could also implement stations in Sacramento, Fresno, San Diego and possibly Las
The operation of the train is not through a very advanced technology that will be explained in more
detail later.
It should be emphasized that this is only a project proposal, only designs have been seen, the
budget that this project would require would be around 6 and 10 billion dollars depending on the
design chosen.

2) Describe the innovation shown in the video.

What can be seen in the video is a mechanism to propel the train by air and not by electricity or
magnetically, this would cause the train to move faster completely because it would not be touching
the walls or the ground not causing friction, which would be the speed reached higher than average.
This project was proposed by the entrepreneur Elon Musk as a means of transportation from San
Francisco to Los Angeles, thus having stops in different cities to board or unload, the stations to
board the transport called "hyperloop" would be organized similarly to an airport with security
measures similar to those that can be found there you go to a check station digitally, you load your
bags in the back of the capsule and get on board. The capsules would depart between 30 seconds
and two minutes apart and the design of the capsules would support between 840 and 3360
passengers per hour being transported at peak times, with a total of 40 capsules to supply the
demand for passengers to use the transport. The system determined to be used will be an evacuated
tube system, which some have speculated that maintaining the vacuum within the system would be
an almost insurmountable problem and subject to a host of potential problems, instead the hyperloop
would work by creating a very low pressure inside the tubes almost the same as if you were traveling
at 150 000 feet above sea level the hyperloop capsules travel on skis that float along a thin layer of
pressurized air about a millimeter above the two walls about 5000 pounds of power from the
batteries the on board compressor that compresses air inthe front and blows it out the back to
create some of the thrust and also in the skis to maintain lift the compressor is at the front of the
capsules and looks a bit like a jet turbine to achieve top end speeds of 760 miles per hour however
linear induction motors similar to those that can be found on trains and some roller coasters are
needed a magnetic rail called a rotor is mounted on the bottom of the tube which interacts with the
tube mounted acceleration and deceleration sections called stators or stationary rotors. But still it is
a very early design proposal for a system there are no plans for a project that is already funded or
in development, the proposal comes with an estimated cost between 6 and 10 billion depending on
the design that is used one design is a passenger onlyversion and a secondary design proposed for
passengers and cars which would still be afraid to be transported because of the risk. The idea to be
developed would be very revolutionary more than anything else because of the system to be used
to drive the train, that although it has technical or mechanical specifications deficiencies, it can solve
those given problems and that the project hasa good use and initiation.
3) How was the engineering applied in the design and implementation of the construction

Hyperloop One has been conducting its own tests to develop the low-energy propulsion system
using Linear Induction Motors.

“It’s like flicking a data centre on and off in a very fast sequence,” says Zach Collins, senior
development engineer at Hyperloop One. “There is nothing like it in the world, where you are flicking
6-8MW on and off in a very short period of time as the pod travels over it.

“We did a propulsion test showcasing the proprietary motor and power electronics systems that
accelerated the test sled from zero to 130mph in 2.2s.”
The test sled was on a track, and not in a sealed pipeline under vacuum, but it proved the propulsion
system is feasible.

“We have over 40 different subsystems and that is growing quickly,” says Collins. “We’ll soon have
a pod that will also test the aerodynamic capabilities inside the pressure induced environment. We
are installing the vacuum system now, the welding is underway and the track is being deployed, and
once we are ready we’ll do the tests. We’ll soon be able to show the levitation, track guidance, the
propulsion system, its electronics and power management systems.”
The engineering challenge is immense. While, broadly speaking, the principle has been agreed upon
as possible, those that have worked on large transportation infrastructure projects dismiss Hyperloop
technology when it comes to its practical implementation.

For starters, the radial thermal expansion of the steel tubes under direct sunlight will result in pipeline
distortions between joints. And, over a 100km pipeline, the longitudinal thermal expansion could be
as much as 50m, meaning that a huge number of flexible joints would have to be in place. With so
many moving joints, over such a distance, all under vacuum: it’s a maintenance nightmare in the
Then there are questions about whether the steel is strong enough to withstand normal atmospheric
pressure when it’s internal pressure is so drastically reduced. Atmospheric forces acting on the
outside of the structure would be around 10 tonnes per square metre, with almost nothing pushing
back on the vacuum sealed inner structure. It makes sudden and catastrophic buckling a very real
potential hazard. The pipeline would also have to take the vibrational and centrifugal forces of the
pods – thought to weigh between 10 and 15 tonnes fully loaded – travelling at close to the speed of
sound. The steel pipelines wall thickness will almost certainly need to be greater than the current
test pipelines of just 20mm.
4) Write a conclusion about the activity

To remember all the information that we have red basically the hyperloop works with a Constant flow
of air that allow the train keeping it floating, this system is great but it also has a lot of problems, the
approach of that especifics disadvantages are about the costs of this implementation because
according to Elon Musk the entire cost might probably cost nearly 6 billion dolars or even 7 billion.

Absolutly this system might be used in the future and in countries that have the enough money to
pay for something that it is that kind of expensive. Hopefully we can see this innovation very soon

Activity 18 “Celebrating music in a country”

I. Answer the next questions.


Activity 19 Best singers by decade
I. Mention the music icons of each country in the next decades.

Led Zeppelin, The Beatles,
Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones, Roger
Aretha Franklin, Beach Daltrey, Dusty Sprinfield,
Boys, Jimi Hendrix, James The Kinks, The Hollies,
60’s Brown, Marvin Gaye, Sam Herman’s Hermits, The
Cooke, Smokey Robinson, Searchers, The
Stevie Wonder, The Doors, Merseybeast, Gerry and the
Santana. Pacemakers, The
Black Sabbath, AC/DC,
Journey, Van Halen, Kiss,
Queen, Pink Floyd, T-Rex,
Aerosmith, Eagles, Cheap
Slade, Fleetwood Mac, The
70’s Trick, The Cars, ZZ Top,
Moody Blues, Roxy Music,
Ramones, Steely Dan,
Brotherhood of Man, The
Red Hot Chili Papers, Bon
Motorhead, Whitesnake,
Jovi, Hall & Oates,
The Police, The Cure, Iron
Metallica, R.E.M, Gun´s
Maiden, Genesis, Dire
80’s and Roses, Twisted Sister,
Straits, Status Quo, Def
Michael Jackson, REO
Leppard, Dio, Sex Pistols,
Speedwagon, Survivor,
Elvis Costello.
BackStreet Boys, Nirvana,
Eminem, Britney Spears,
Shakira, Foo Fighters, Blink-182, Placebo, Robbie
Kanye West, Maroon 5, Williams, Sex Pistols,
90’s Robbie Williams, P!nk, Sarah Brightman, Pink
Mailyn Manson, JAY-Z, Floyd, Oasis, Blur,
Snoop Dog, Ice Cube, 5
Cent, Dr. Dre,
Beyonce, Rihanna,
Madona, The Killers, The
Arctic Mokeys, Radiohead,
Strokes, Kings of Leon,
Colplay, Daft Punk, Calvin
Audioslave, Linkin Park,
2000’s Evanescence, Paramore,
Harris, Tame Impala, Amy
Winehouse, Gorrillaz,
Black Eyed Peas, My
Space Girls,
Chemical Romance, Korn,
Simple Plan,
Adele, Justin Bieber; TOP,
Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Sia, Ed Sheeran, David
Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Guetta, Sam Smith, Adele,
Nowadays Travis Scott, Skrillex, Justin One Direction, Zayn Malik,
Bieber, The Weeknd, Harry Styles, John
Imagine Dragons, Dua Newman,
Lipa, Billie Eilish.
Activity 20 “There is also talent in my country”
I. Think about Mexican movies and popular actors and actresses and write a list of the5 most popular films
in history with their main actors and a brief description of them.


INSTRUCTIONS NOT INCLUDED Eugenio Derbez In "Instructions Not Included",
a film that combines Spanish
and English, Derbez plays
Valentín, a single, womanizing
and selfish man whose life
changes when he has to take
care of Maggie (Loreto
Peralta), a daughter whom he I
did not know, product of one
of many occasional

The Pan's Labyrinth Equal parts gothic Spanish

Girl. Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) horror and political treatise on
Mother Carmen (Ariadna Gil) the rights of children, Pan's
Labyrinth takes the
underrated setting of the
Basque Country during the
Spanish Civil War and make a
magnificent fable out of it,
while also remaining true to
the revolutionary precepts of
its sympathy, the story is really
well done, but is the incredible
directtion that makes this an
awesome movie. Pan's
Labyrinth is a film that
transmits everything it wants
in a perfect way: from the
ideas of childhood to the
horror of wars.
Frida Salma Hayek We chronicle the life of Frida
Kahlo and Diego Rivera as the
young couple took the art
world by storm. From her
complex relationship with her
mentor to her illicit affair with
Trotsky, Kahlo lived a daring
life as a revolutionary.
Rogue One Diego Luna In a time of conflict, a group of
atypical heroes unite in a
suicidal mission to steal the
plans for "The Death Star", the
ultimate weapon of
destruction for the Empire.

Baby Driver Eiza Gonzalez Baby is a chauffeur specialized

in escapes who, in love,
intends to leave the criminal
life and start over with the
woman he loves. When the
boss of a gangster gang forces
him to work for him and the
operation fails, his life and that
of his girl become in danger.
II. Write a description about the best movie filmed in your country in your opinion and write you think it is the best.
(1/2 page).


Roma is a 2018 Mexican drama film. Written, directed, photographed and co-produced by Alfonso Cuarón. It stars
Yalitza Aparicio and Marina de Tavira, along with several newcomers such as Nancy García García, Marco Graf and
Daniela Demesa. Set in the early 1970s, the film is a fiction based on Cuarón's childhood memories in the Roma
neighborhood of Mexico City, and tells the story of a middle-class family and Cleo, their domestic worker. . Cuarón
based the script on his own childhood memories and on Liboria Libo Rodríguez, the domestic worker in his own
home who raised him and to whom he dedicated the film. Cleo (Yalitza Aparicio) is the young servant of a family that
lives in Colonia Roma, an upper-middle class neighborhood in Mexico City. In this love letter to the women who
raised him, Cuarón draws inspiration from his own childhood to paint a realistic and emotional portrait of domestic
conflicts and social hierarchies during the political turmoil of the 1970s.

For me, the movie "Roma" could be a good movie or perhaps one of the best that has been recorded here, we must
take into account that it is one of many movies that dared to be completely black and white that today It is
something very rare to see in the film industry. Another thing that we must say about this film is that it tries to
reflect a little on the conflicts that happen in our reality, such as racism, classism and the authority of politicians,
patriarchy, etc.

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