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First Short Exam Version EVEN, Even Column Control and Guidance (J. Carlos Aguado) March 21, 2021

The Chinese “National University of Defense Technology” studies the predicted vibrations
of aerospace structures according to the following method: first a finite element model of
the structure is built, then its behavior recorded (usually as a Bode diagram) and finally a
linear plant identification provides a transfer function. By applying this method, a simple
space dome structure they are projecting is found to approximately behave as (basically
a multiple variation of the typical mass-elasticity-friction linear model):
2 2 2
X (s) (s +5.2 s+7029)(s +56.1 s+127200)(s +42.3 s+346800)
=−0.00044 2 2 2
F (s) (s +20.8 s+70440)(s +43.4 s+288300)(s +48.2∗s+375500)

Answer any group of ORDERED questions that add up a total of 10 points

1) Will it move in the same direction the force is exerted or in the opposite one? Why? (1
point, 3 minutes)

(Answer here)

2) Study and justify the stability of the plant and its response to a unit step (general shape
and EXACT final value). Give the poles with all the details (frequencies, time constants,
associated modes) and the graph of the step response (2 points, 6 minutes)

(Answer here)

3) Can we use a proportional controller? Can you find an “optimal” value? (2 points, 6

(Answer here)

4) Can you use a proportional negative controller? Can you find an “optimal” value? (2
points, 6 minutes)

(Answer here)

5) Can you enhance it with a lead controller? Show it (1 point, 3 minutes)

(Answer here)

6) Can you use a PI controller? Positive or negative? Find the optimal one if you can (2
points, 6 minutes)

(Answer here)

7) Can you use a (real with the non dominant pole at s=-10) PID controller? Positive or
negative? Find the optimal one if you can (2 points, 6 minutes)

(Answer here)

8) What is your final choice of controller and why? Give its advantages, drawbacks and its
differential equation (1 point, 3 minutes)

(Answer here)

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