Contemporary World

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Katherine S.



Activity 1

1. What is the concept of Globalization?

Globalization is the spread of products, technology, information and cultures. Globalization has
created new jobs and economic growth through the cross border flow of goods capital and labor.

2.What are the factors of Globalization and explain each one using your own words.

Production Issues - utilization of built up capacities of production, sluggishness in domestic

market and over production makes a manufacturing company look outward and go global.

Political - the political issues of a country make globalization channelized as per political bosses.
The regional trade understandings or agreements determine the scope of globalization.

Industrial Organization - the technological development in the areas of production, product mix
and firms are helping organizations to expand their operations.

Technologies - the stage of technology in a particular field gives rise to import or export of
products or services from or to the country.

Historical - the trade routes were made over the years so that goods from one kingdom or
country moved to another. The well-known silk-route from east to west is an example of historical

Economy - the cost of goods and values to the end user determine the movement of goods and
value addition. The overall economics of a particular industry or trade is an important factor in

Resources and Market - she natural resources like minerals, coal, oil, gas, human resources,
water, etc. make an important contribution in globalization.

3.Using your own words explain globalization as defined by McChesney, Pope Francis, and Merkel.

According to McChesney, "is the result of power government specially that of the United State,
pushing trade deals and other accords down the throats of the world people to make it easier for
corporations and the wealthy to dominate the economies of nations around the world without having
obligations to the people of those nations" Its impact may differ from time to time but it's always bring
the economic.
According to Merkel "In an immense global opportunity for each and every continent because it
forces us to act together with others. The alternative to globalization would be shutting ourselves off
from others but this is not a viable alternative. It would lead only to isolation and therefore misery" it
means we have to accept new realities and reforms and a new approach that will address those who
harbour doubts about international system.

According to Pope Francis "In a world that tends to economic and cultural globalization, every effort
must be made to ensure that growth and development are put at the service of all and not just limited
parts of population. Alongside the globalization of the markets there must also be a corresponding
globalization of solidarity, together with economic growth there must be a greater respect for creation;
alongside the rights of the individual, there must be a guaranteed rights of those who are bridge
between the individual and the state the family being the first and foremost of such institutions"
reflecting on the fact that the only sustainable future for a global world is one where people can live
together in peace.

4. Explain the relationship Globalization and Politics.

-Declining importance of the nation state and rise of other actors on the political scene.

5. 6 core claims of philosophies and ideologies.

(1) Globalization is about the liberation and global integration markets.

Globalization is integration of markets in the form of moral imperative. The concept of "free trade"
arose as a moral principle even before it became a pillar of economics.

(2) Globalization is inevitable and irreversible.

Despite the pre-supposition that the market is based on independent inter-subjective decisions of
independent and individual rational actors within a liberally organized democratic society.

(3) Nobody is in charge of globalization.

The great beauty of globalization is that it is not controlled by any individual, any government, any

(4) Globalization benefits everyone (in the long run)

Globalization provide great opportunities for the future, not only for our countries, but for all others

(5) Globalizations furthers the spread of democracy in the world.

This focus on the act of voting in which equality prevails only in the formal sense helps to obscure the
conditions of inequality reflected in existing asymmetrical power relations in society.
(6) Globalization requires war on terror.

Aniel Grisword "An essential part of any plan to establish freedom should be a commitment to a free
market and the institutions that support it including a commitment to free trade. The technology
dynamism and openness for our own market.

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