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converts it into ethyl sulphuric acid (see ETHER, and sulphur

The eagerness with which the nations of western Europe

spoken of under the common name of the children of Lot

also be obtained by the reduction of nitroso compounds and of

the college of the Arval brothers (Fratres Arvales). The

in honour of the Roman emperor Trajan and at the cost of

Fatima are known as the Fatimites (q.v.; see also EGYPT:

The area withdrawn from corn-growing is not to be found under the

fought a series of fine actions against Sir Edward Hughes, by

herbage was as yet sprouting, because Yahweh-Elohim had not

disposal of business he was indefatigable. He succeeded in

position. In pursuance of this treaty, French officers were

In the United States specially long common shell called torpedo

and more advanced, probably refers to episodes in the Trojan

Characeae. Sometimes several pyrenoids occur in each

the ``Visitation of the Virgin'' (1503) at the Uffizi.

Retslitteratur i Danmark, Norge, Sverige (Copenhagen,

but the arguments of the Scottish proto-martyr, and above

Subalpine region, or region of coniferous trees.

patricians and plebeians in turn, lastly, from either--at the

South-land). The inhabitants are mainly pure negroes such

Paton. There is a public park, besides bowling-greens and

and claims, conducts a vast amount of clerical work through

of copper, aluminium and manganese, which possesses magnetic

rifles were loaded by means of powder flasks and shot flasks,

in modern times by J. P. Migne in the Patrologia Latina, tome

uniformity of the physical agencies which connect together its

Pereira, Vida do Abba Samuel (Lisbon, 1894); Idem, Vida do

passed them on the 16th of May, and though the rawness of his

power of gold-leaf for light, and found that the effective

of the yellow haoma of the mountains which was used in sacrifices

and destruction by Joshua (vii. 2-4. viii. 1-20). who made

which it constitutes nearly the whole. The title of count

put into prison, whence he escaped and sought the protection

branch of the Berber race, are for the most part engaged in

the Cameroon (Rio del Rey) crossing the Ubangi river below the

from the Sandwich Islands are also good timber trees. The

lies a desert plateau, 2000 ft. above sea-level, destitute of

Arctic shores; Dene (Tinneh), in north-western Canada;

of sacred records, to which Acts stood as a sort of

independence of the Scottish church involved him in struggles

TABLE XXVI.--Quantities and Value of Home-bred Live Stock

branch of the Institute. The new academy has reckoned among

of the university and its principal members. An old Oxford

Clovis, however, desiring to obtain the Gothic province in

From a comparison of those Euchlorophyceae which have been

translation. But the sceptics cannot be regarded as having

for each kind of glass made use of. In this manner the

etc. or &c. (Et caetera), And the rest; and so forth.

ADAM, the conventional name of the first created man according to the Bible.

appreciably behind the others in voltage, density or gassing.

the east. and of plains to the west. The mountainous region

improbable that he was in fact an hereditary chief of the

saussurite- gabbro, meta-diabase, &c. The ortho-amphibolites

notably in the Galgenberg, or Steinkaulenberg, overlooking

bishopric of Jerusalem. In 1848 he received an appointment

the workers in these processes, which were a monopoly of the

yearly average at Blagovyeshchensk (50 deg. N. lat.) being 30 deg.

between Alfieri and his sister-in-law does not seem to have

investigated by J. v. Liebig (Annalen, 1835, 14, p.

Bocca di Cadlimo (Airolo to the Lukmanier Pass), foot path . . . . . . . .8,340

of the upper Nile valley. There was, therefore, danger

muscular exertion. (4) Prolonged mental strain or worry may

towards the sea are fertile and well watered by several small

Shoa. In 1865, Menelek, now a desjazmach 4 of Tigre,

to the south of the town, 35 m. W. of Catania. Pop. (1901)

In America, in addition to some of the cells already

Sultan of Sokoto,'' which practically secured the whole of

It thus appears that the average yield of wheat in Great

situated in the side chain, as in the case of benzylamine.

small, and rise little above sea-level. Most are of coral

word adam designated man as a species; with the article

same. The zygospore becomes surrounded with its own wall,

discussing the inscriptions, statues and pictures intended for

a-disulphonic acid). This is converted into the sodium salt

Philosophical Dictionary (1815), article ``Algebra.'' (C. E.*)

reconstruction, kernels or phacoids may remain, showing

Afghanistan was raised above the sea-level. Then the ocean

lowest level of degradation. The condition of his subjects was

another set of pipes, but as it could not bring the liquid in

time of Amos, on which see Ency. Bib., ``Amos,'' and the

distances. It is not clear how the movement is effected, though

bridge, which carries the road to Missis and the east, and

the place of the bullets. The shell on bursting, blows

theological sphere. What was said above of the Christology

ALBANY, DUKES OF. The territorial designation of Albany was

and its creative process, see H. Taine, The Philosophy of

degenerate race, but rather a people arrested in development

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