Theatre Work - Zakaria Abed - Meraim g1 l1 Lea

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Théâtre en anglais

Dialogue Lettre de A-Z

A - Are you okay?
B, C – Bring me something to stop the bleeding, Call an ambulance!
D – Does your leg hurts?
E – Exactly!
F, G – Fuck! Gonna call for help
H – Hurry up!
I – I’m doing my best okay!
J, K, L – Jump across the street, Keep going straight, Look around for a phone.
M – Me?
N, O – No, the pope! Of course, you!
P – Pretend like I did not ask that.
Q - Question like this make me mad!
R – Relax, it was just a joke.
S – Sorry.
T – That's okay. So where is the phone?
U – Under the bridge, right there.
V, W – Verification done, where are we?
X – Xianzu street.
Y – Yeah, thanks.
Z – Zip your vest its cold.
Journey of an object
The object is a sport bag where you can put all king of things in it, legal or illegal.

The first person to have it is the original owner of the bag. He is name is john, and he
goes to the gym 3 times a week to work out. He showers, so he put all his clothes inside the
bag. Because of the dirty clothing, the bag gets often smelly, so he washed it alongside his
clothes in laundromat. One day, while waiting to wash his clothes, he wanted to buy a drink,
so he went to the vending machine when he came back someone took his bag.

The one who took the bag was a normal looking guy but was in fact, a drug dealer.
He saw the back from outside the shop, so he took it discreetly. He was followed by police
officers, so he changed with the clothes inside the bag, throw away his clothes and ran
away. For a while, he used this bag to store the drugs he sells. But one day, while he was
with a client, he got caught by the police and taken to the station. The bag was then used as
evidence for this case.

It was now a police officer who had the bag. Since the case was closed and no one
wanted the bag he took it for himself. He then used it for al king of think like: Putting he is
gun and badge in it, food but also for going to the gym. And, by chance, he was going to the
same gym as Jhon, you know, the first guy. So, in the changing room, when john saw the
bag, he immediately recognizes it, and a little bit angry he emptied the whole bag, took it for
himself and then left.

Ordinary dialogue
X and Y are playing football, but Y never played as a goal keep.
X – Put your gloves on
Y- Why?
X- To be the goalkeeper.
Y – But I don't know how.
X – Don't worry, I will teach you.
Y – Why do I need gloves anyway? Isn't it called football because you only use your feet.
X- Only the goalkeeper can use his hands.
Y- So, does he play handball?
X- No, you can only use you hand if a teammate passes the ball with his head or …
Y – So you’re going to play with your head?
X- Let me finish.
Y – They should have called it head ball then.
X – never mind …

In a museum
Use the sentence in bold in a dialogue.

- Your mother used to visit this place.

- Yeah, I remember, she really liked art.
- She still does you know, but she’s busy with work right now.
- Oh, look this sculpture looks silly.
- Please don’t break it.
- I won’t
- Don’t touch anything tough or the security guards might come for you.
- Where?
- Here they come.

Empty room
The room is round, white and big. Although it seems like cold, the room was warm. It has no
window, and no furniture. The only thing in the room is a sheet of paper and a skinny man
sitting next to it. This man had brown eyes and hair and really looked like he should eat and
sleep way more with dark circles surrounding his eyes.
After a while, a woman opened the door of this room. She was blonde but her hair was
turning grey and looked as exhausted as the man in the room. She approached him and
Y- Did you fill up the divorce paperwork?
X- Yeah.
Y – It’s for the best
She then took the paper and left the room. When she left, it was almost like the room’s
warmth went away with her, leaving the room dark and cold, almost as if hope left the
Idée de pièce de theatre.

Jack is flying to Hawaii for his vacation. The flight is long, so he sleeps on the way. While he
is sleeping there are some rumbles. When he wakes up, he found himself in a white sand
beach Island. He gets to all sorts of emotions but in the end he is Desperate. He cries himself
to sleep but this Time he wakes up back in the plane. He is so happy and even though he
slept he is exhausted. So, he decides to go back to sleep but again there are some rumbles
thinking it was nothing. But he was wrong....

Character feature
Jack is a tall skinny man with black hair with dark circles around his eyes. He wears round

He is nice guy always willing to help other but sometimes he is way too nice, so those
people take advantage of him. Jack is a family guy; he will do anything for his family. That is
why he works extra hours to have more money so that they never lack anything.
The thing is when he comes back from work, he is exhausted and goes directly to sleep, so in
the end he doesn’t spend a lot of time with his family. This exhaustion tends to make him
angry when his sleep is disturbed by his Newborn son …

Big questions and small questions

- Who sent jack his ticket to go to vacation?
- Why does he work this much
- What was the point of his journey?

- Why did Jack take vacations?

- Where does he work?
- Where is he flying to?
Review of other people’s work

- Exaucé’s story: The story is about 2 friends (Mark & Jennyfer) who haven't seen each
other during the summer vacation, and they tell what activities they did during this
time …
My review: A little bit short and generic but it leaves space to a lot of creativity and in the
end, it could be any genre (love story, drama, horror ...). So, looking forward to Reading

- Miriam’s story: Title: The silent follower Summary: he looks at his pictures taken
during the vacations he saw a girl in all his pictures at all the destinations he thought
about her but didn't remember who knows he tried to take a picture again he saw
the girl and got very scared...he got very hot and fell out of bed and it was just a
dream, but Isha is really there following him everywhere and tried to talk to him...
My review: Where does the story takes place and when? We need more details about the
environment to know what actions he can take. For example, if it's our Time period he could
go see a doctor. Interesting story hope to see more with more details.
Pièce de theatre

The scene starts in an office, late at night, and people were starting to go home.
Co-worker A – Hey, Jack can finish this for me?
Jack – Actually, I really ca...
Co-worker A – Yeah, thank you.
He said without letting Jack finish his sentence then proceeded to walk out of the room.
Jack – Annnd another day where I come home late. Cried Jack.

Scene change: Jack is back at home late. His wife Mary is waiting for him in the living room
while the kids are sleeping.

Mary - Finally, you’re here!

Jack – Yeah sorry, I had so much to d...
Mary – I don’t care, it’s at least the 4th time this week. Shouted Mary.
Jack – I know but …
Mary – No buts, you spend more time at work then with your family, when was the last time
you saw your kids!! Shouted Mary even louder.

Narrator: And for the x time in a row, Jack and Mary are fighting... again... but quietly so
that they don’t wake the kids up.

Scene changes: It's late at night in park, after the workday, Jack is sitting on bench poorly
lighted. He’s thinking about his life, his choices...

Jack – Mary is right, I should consider changing job. Or at least, being less nice.
He stood up, faced the moon and shouted.
He then sat down, red, and a little bit ridiculous and ashamed as a grown man to have done
that. His eyes starting twitching and he fell asleep.
Same scene but this time at noon. Jack was woken up by the sound of cars and his phone
Panicked but half asleep he answered to his phone.
Jack – Ye. Yeah? Stuttered jack.
Mary – What is wrong with you? I have been calling all night long. Where are you?
Jack – Huh I'm in park, I slept in it because I was tired, don't worry too much.
Mary – Are you really, okay? Just come home and rest. Take the day off.
Jack – Wait what time is …?? OH, SHIT, I WILL CALL YOU BACK SEE YOU LATER HONEY.
Mary – Wait, Jack …

He then went to work like nothing happened then came home, late, again.
Once in a room with his wife they started talking again.

Mary – So, are going to talk about what happened ?

Jack - Don’t really want to.
Mary – Jack come on; I'm not joking.
Jack – Me neither Mary, just leave it be.

While searching for his phone in the pockets of his vest he found a strange paper.
Jack – Wait what’s this?
Mary approached and red out loud:
Mary – Free trip to Hawaii. Wow. Where did you get that?
Jack – I have no idea. I should probably throw it, it’s not mine.
Mary – No jack, keep it. It’s like a sign from destiny, you work way too much, and you
deserve vacations, don’t you think?
Jack – You think? I mean no! Absolutely not, and I take vacations it’s to spend time with you
Mary – Yes but you also need time for yourself.
They proceeded to talk it out and Jack finally decided to accept it.

Scene changes: He’s in a plane, alone after saying goodbye to his wife and kids.

Jack – Well, here we go now, there is no going back.

Finally, after a while, the plane took off and Jack started flying in direction of Hawaii.
Everything was going pretty smoothly during the flight, so he decided to take a short nap so
that he doesn’t get hit by the jetlag. So, he put his blindfold on and started snoring. Weirdly
there were some small rumbles, but since the passengers sounded okay, he didn't really
care and went straight back to sleep.
Jack – Weird, why am I feeling a sea wind in the plane? Thought Jack to himself.
Curious about the situation, he removed his blindfold.

Scene changes: The scene is a massive white sand island.

Jack - Okay. WHAT THE F...? shouted Jack.

He could not believe his eyes: Instead of a plane, what was in front of him was a sea, sand
and trees.
Jack – Okay, there is no need to panic, I just need to wake up.
Jack pinched himself so hard that he started bleeding.
Jack – No, no, no, no, no there is no way, there is no way!!!!
Now he was, indeed, panicking.
He then started crying like a baby, thought he was dreaming again, so he pinched himself
again, bled, and cried again because of the pain until he was too exhausted to stay up, so he
Jack – Sniff What did I do wrong? sniff why is this happening to me?

Scene changes: Back In the plane

Jack – Wait, sniff, I’m back? I’m baaaaaaaack!!!! Shouted Jack with joy.
He was so happy that he stood up and started dancing in the sideway.
He was quickly asked to sit down and in silence.
Jack – AHH, it was just a bad dream. Said Jack while yawning. I really should go back to
So, he did what he said and went right back at it.

Scene changes: Back to the island.

This time Jack had just put the blindfold for 3 seconds, but he was already back on the
Jack – NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!Please, noooooooo!! Shouted Jack. But why?

What Jack didn’t know is that each time he took a step toward his family, he wins.

Jack – Am I going to die? I should have spent more time with Mary and the kids.
For a split second, Jack thought he saw the plane back.
Jack –Please, I swear I will stop saying yes to anything, I will say to my wife and kids how
much I love them, but please get me out of here. Cried Jack.

Scene changes: Back to the park of the beginning , same place, same date, same hour.

Jack – Wh... what? Oh my god I just had the weirdest dream. He stood up. I’m not letting
this chance of spending time with my family.

He then ran as fast as he could to change his life forever.

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