Early Life of Prophet (SAW)

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Pakistan International School Jeddah English Section

Academic Year: 2021–2022

Islamiyat 0493
Notes and Guidelines

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Class/ Section

Chapter 3 The Life and Importance of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Topics Life of Prophet (SAW) in Makkah

Life of Prophet (SAW) before prophethood

Reference notes - 2
Chapter 3 – Prophet’s life up until the first revelation.

Generic Guidelines
➢ These notes are consisted of outlines NOT the complete answer.
➢ Outlines are based on the IGCSE requirements with the reference of past paper question
and guidelines with examiner report for the relevant topics.
➢ These notes will serve the students as a mind map, in order to form a well-developed
➢ Students are required to use the given key points to develop the response in their own
➢ For some topics notes are given in complete paragraph form to give idea how to develop the
➢ References are also included within the notes to help students memorize

Life of Prophet (SAW) in Makkah

Life of Prophet (SAW) before prophethood
Candidates can provide details of any events related to the Prophet Muhammad’s life up until he
received the first revelation. However, good answers will write a narrative naming key figure,
important events and sequence them in the order in which they happened.

A good answer should have most of the information and a lot of detail, accurate chronology,
perhaps giving relevant quotes. Following is the outline for a well-developed response.

➢ lineage in brief
➢ Infancy – Age 0-5
o Birth and Name
o Arab’s custom - Wet Nurses -
o Good fortune for Halima Sadia
o Opening of chest (Shaq ul Sadar)

➢ Childhood – Age 5 - 8
o Caretakers (Mother, Grand Father, Uncle)
➢ Main Events till Youth
o Journey to Syria- Age 12
o Battle of Fujar- Age 15
o Truce of Fudul – Age 15
o Youth (truthful & trustworthy)

➢ Marriage with Khadijah RA – Age 25

➢ Arbitration – Fixing of Black stone in Kaa’bah – Age 35
➢ Meditation in cave Hira

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Chapter 3 – Prophet’s life up until the first revelation.
Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme
Part ‘a’ (10 Marks Question)
Students are required to recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements of the faith and
history of Islam in part ‘A’.

1. Write about the prophet’s life up until the first revelation. [10]

2. Give an account of the prophet’s life up to the time the revelation begins. [10]
3. Describe the main events in the Prophet’s life before he was granted prophethood.
4. Describe the main events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from
his childhood until he received revelation. May/June201

Marking Scheme:

Good answers will be able to give relevant details of battle with dates and names of keys figures
involved A comprehensive answer will provide an account of some key events from the
Prophet’s childhood until the age of 40, as well as the main figures in his life and the role they
played. Candidates may include some of the following points. All other relevant points must be

The Prophet (SAW) was born in the year of the elephant. His parents were Amina and Abdullah.
As with the custom of the time, he was sent to the desert with a wet nurse.

Halima Sa’adia narrates that they had good fortune with the arrival of the Prophet (pbuh) in their
household, and asked he stay with them another two years. During this time the incident of the
angels coming to clean his heart happened. Halima returned him to his mother.

His mother died when he was six on the way back from Yathrib. His grandfather looked after
him and then after he passed away Abu Talib looked after the Prophet (pbuh) when he was
eight.He went on trade journeys with Abu Talib and this is where Bahira the monk saw him.

He picked up arrows in the sacrilegious wars and was present at the subsequent Fudul

He was employed by Khadija to go on a trade journey to Syria and on account of his honesty
she sent a marriage proposal to him. They had six children together.

He helped resolve the issue of the fixing of the black stone. After this the Prophet (pbuh) spent
longer periods in the cave of Hira and at age of 40 the angel Jibril came with the first revelation.

Candidates could talk about the Prophet’s parents, his guardianship under his uncle Abu Talib,
and his relationship with the Quraysh. They could mention special events that occurred in his
childhood, e.g., the angels washing his heart. They should also mention his trade journeys, and
related to this, his subsequent marriage to Khadija, as well as the meeting with Bahira. Better
answers may also give elaborations about his character and mention his increasing seclusions
just before revelation – with any relevant supporting quotations.
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Chapter 3 – Prophet’s life up until the first revelation.
Life of Prophet (SAW) before prophethood

Answer must begin with the general introduction and details about the ‘early life of Prophet (SAW) before
prophethood’ as mentioned in the outline.

➢ lineage
o Prophet Mohammad (SAW) has a distinguish lineage. He was a descendent of
Prophet Ismail (AS), son of prophet Ibrahim (AS)
o Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abdul Manaf
………..Ismail bin Ibrahim (AS).
o He belongs to Banu Hashim, a sub clan of the Tribe Quraish which was a famous
branch of Ismailite Arabs.
o His family had custody of Ka’bah and responsibility of taking care of pilgrims.
o His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, was known in history for three things; He restored the
well of Zam’Zam, he had a dialogue with Abraha who came to destroy kabah and he
brought up his grandson Muhammad (SAW).

➢ Infancy – Age 0-5

Birth and Naming

o He was born on 12th Rabi-ul-Awal, 570 A.D. this year is known as Aam ul Feel-Year
of Elephant.
o His father Abdullah died before birth.
o He was named ‘Muhammad’ (the praised one) by Grandfather Abdul-Muttalib and
‘Ahmed’ (the one who praises) by Mother Amna bint Wahab.

Arab’s custom - Wet Nurses

o He was nursed by Thaubiyah in early days after birth who was slave girl of uncle
Abu Lahab. She fostered Hamza (RA) also.
o Later according to Arab’s custom, he was entrusted for upbringing to Halimah
Saadiah of Banu Sa’ad, which was famous for its fluency and eloquence in Arabic
o Immediately after accepting him, she experienced good fortune and blessing came
to her and her family.
o She asked to keep the Prophet (SAW) for longer than the initial two-year period
because she felt a close bond to him.

Opening of chest (Shaq ul Sadar)

o Prophet (SAW) was 5 years old when Angel Jibreel (AS) visited him.
o He opened his chest, took out his heart, removed clot of blood and washed his heart
with Zam’zam then put it back together.
o Halima Saadia was shaken by the story of the two angels who came to clean the
Prophet’s heart, after which she returned the Prophet (pbuh) to his mother.

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Chapter 3 – Prophet’s life up until the first revelation.

➢ Childhood – Age 5 – 8 - Caretakers (Mother, Grand Father, Uncle)

o He returned to his mother at the of age of 5

o His mother (Amna) took him Madinah to visit the grave of father at the age of 6
o On return journey, she passed away at Abwa and buried there.

o Umm Ayman, the slave girl brought him to his grandfather - Abdul Muttalib.
o Abdul Muttalib brought him up with affection for two years.
o Prophet (SAW) was 8 years old, when his grandfather died too.

o But before his death, he entrusted Prophet to his Uncle Abu Talib.
o Uncle Abu Talib loved him deeply, a lifelong friend and helper.
o ‘’Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter (and care).’’ (Ad-Dhuha 93:6)

➢ Main Events till Youth

Journey to Syria- Age 12

o Prophet (SAW) accompanied Abu Talib on a trade journey to Syria at the age of 12.
o They met a Christian monk Bahirah, who asked Abu Talib to take special care of his nephew
after observing the signs of Prophethood.

Battle of Fujar- Age 15

o A sacrilegious war broke out at the fair of Ukaaz between Quraysh & Huwazin during sacred
o Muhammad (SAW) was present in this battle but he did not participate in actual fighting.
o He helped his uncle by picking up arrows thrown by the enemy.

Truce of Fudul – Age 15

o Leaders of Makkan formed an alliance due to effects of war.
o The main objective was to maintain peace in region.
o The meeting held at house of Abdullah ibn Jad’an. This alliance was called Truce of Fudul
o Prophet (SAW) participated actively and took the oath.
o Later on, he said, ‘’ I witnessed in the house of Abdullah bin Jad’an, a covenant which I
would not exchange for any number of fine camels; and if I were asked to take part in it
during Islam I should do so.’’ (Ibn Hisham)
o Prophet (SAW)’s presence was proof of his concern & interest in the well fare activity.

Profession & Youth

o Prophet (SAW) had excellent characteristics.
o He never indulged in evil activities nor worshipped idols
o He was known as ‘Sadiq’ & ‘Amin’ - truthful & trustworthy
o He used to work as shepherd and trader.

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Chapter 3 – Prophet’s life up until the first revelation.

➢ Marriage with Khadijah bint khuwalid (RA) – Age 25

o Khadijah (RA) was a widow trader who requested Prophet (SAW) to take her merchandise
to Syria with her slave Maisara.
o She was impressed by his honesty and goodness, her marriage proposal was accepted by
prophet (SAW)
o They got married when Khadija was at the age of 40 and Prophet (SAW) was 25.
o They had 6 children 2 sons and 4 daughters.
o She was the first person to accept Islam and supported Prophet (SAW) in his struggles.

➢ Rebuilding Ka’abah & Arbitration Issue- Age 35

o Quraish decided to rebuild Kabah which was damaged due to floods.
o They divided tasks among chiefs of tribes and decided to spend halal income only.
o A dispute arose between chieftains to take the honour of fixing the black stone.
o Abu Umayyah suggested to accept the decision of the first person to enter the Ka’abah
the following morning
o Prophet (SAW) happened to be the first person entered and he accepted to arbitrate.
o An explosive situation was resolved peacefully by the wisdom of prophet (SAW).

➢ Meditation in cave of Hira.

o The marriage to Khadijah (RA) freed Prophet (SAW) from financial worries.
o He started experiencing the signs of prophethood such as true dreams.
o He used to spend his time in cave Hira in the mount of Nur till call to Prophethood at the
age of 40.

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Chapter 3 – Prophet’s life up until the first revelation.

Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme

Part ‘a’ (10 Marks Question)
Students are required to recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements of the faith and
history of Islam in part ‘A’.

2. Describe in detail the roles of Halima and Abu Talib in the early years of the Prophet’s life. [10]. M/J 2018
3. Write about the Prophet’s relationship with the following figures: Aminah, Halimah Sa’adiah and Abu Talib.
. [10] Oct/Nov 2012
Marking Scheme:
Candidates here should give brief descriptions of the role these three personalities played
in the Prophet’s life. Better answers will mention the relationship between these figures and
the Prophet and narrate key events in their lives.

Aminah: candidates could briefly mention the events surrounding the Prophet’s birth, that he did
not spend much time with his mother (being sent for nursing), when he was reunited with his mother,
they travelled to Yathrib to meet his family, that she died on the way back from Yathrib, and that
after prophethood he wept at her grave.

Halima Sa’adia: she was the Prophet’s wet nurse. She had decided to take the baby Muhammad
(pbuh) when no one else wanted to, as she did not want to go back to her home in the desert without
a baby. Her and her family’s fortunes changed whilst the Prophet (pbuh) lived with them.
Immediately after accepting him, blessing came to her and her family. Her breast was filled with
milk; her mount got strength and ran ahead of the caravan. When she arrived home her goats gave
much more milk for the family. Her husband's flock during a time of great famine was healthy and
producing milk while the rest of the people's flocks were dying. Halima and her husband knew that
they attained this abundance and wellbeing thanks to this child, whom nobody wanted to accept
because he was fatherless; they thanked Allah for it. She asked to keep the Prophet (pbuh) for
longer than the initial two-year period because she felt a close bond to him. She was shaken by the
story of the two angels who came to clean the Prophet’s heart, after which she returned the Prophet
(pbuh) to his mother. The Prophet (pbuh) was known to call Halima ‘my mother’. Halimah and her
husband were from the tribe of Banu Saad, a subdivision of Hawazin. She later accepted Islam after
the Battle of Hunayn. She died in 9 A.H. and her grave lies in Jannatul Baqi, Medina.

Abu Talib: he became the guardian of the Prophet (pbuh) after the death of the Prophet’s
grandfather and he loved the Prophet (pbuh) like his own son, often preferring Muhammad (pbuh)
over his own children. When in financial difficulty, Abu Talib’s son Ali went to live with the Prophet
(pbuh). Abu Talib took the Prophet (pbuh) on trade journeys with him, and on one particular journey
the monk, Bahira, told Abu Talib that his nephew would be the final prophet. He quickly sold his
goods and returned to Makka. When the Prophet (pbuh) openly announced Islam, Abu Talib is
generally thought not to have become Muslim, but he did promise to protect the Prophet (pbuh).
They could also mention how Abu Talib reacted to his prophethood. He also provided the Prophet
with protection in Makka due to his position, but suffered with him during the boycott.

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Chapter 3 – Prophet’s life up until the first revelation.

Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme

Part ‘b’ (4 Marks Question)

Students are required to demonstrate understanding of their significance in the teachings of Islam and in
the lives of Muslims in part ‘B’

1. From these relationships, what can be learnt about keeping family ties? [4]

Marking Scheme:

Good answers could mention that despite not having spent a lot of time with his mother he still
had an emotional attachment to her in particular when he visited her grave. So, Muslims should
not forget their parents after they are gone and pray for them.

Candidates can give their own lessons, but they could say that as in the case of Halima, blood
relations are not the only ones that have to be given love and time, as the Prophet (pbuh)
always respected and visited Halima.

They could also mention that although Halimah was not his biological mother, he gave her the
same respect as his own mother due to the time he spent with her and her family (he stretched
out his mantle for her when she visited him after prophethood. This shows the respect that
should be given to those who look after you in childhood.

Candidates could also talk about the bond between the Prophet and Abu Talib, and how he
loved and respected Abu Talib when he wasn’t Muslim. This is an important example for people
who have family members who are not Muslim.

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Chapter 3 – Prophet’s life up until the first revelation.

2. The Prophet (SAW) faced challenges in his early years but maintained his good
character. How can Muslims learn from this today? [4]
Marking Scheme:

Despite living in an age of immorality, the Prophet (pbuh) did not lose his morals or his good
character. Muslims can learn from this to maintain their good character even in difficult times.
For example, Muslims today can be under pressure to be dishonest in business, but they should
not succumb to greed. Or, they may find people around them not committed to their prayers and
encouraging them to miss their prayers too, but they can follow the example of the Prophet
(pbuh) and look up to his steadfastness in all challenging circumstances. Candidates can give
other lessons and all relevant responses must be credited.

3. The Prophet’s family was important in preparing him for prophethood.’ Agree or
disagree, giving reasons for your answer. [4]

Marking Scheme:

Candidates can agree or disagree, and relevant answers that try to justify their choice should be

They could agree and say, e.g., that his uncle was important for taking him on trade journeys
with him, which helped him to learn the trade that would provide for his family later on, and also
because of what Bahira told Abu Talib, he had a protector when the Muslims went through
difficult times in Makka. Khadija helped to give him financial independence which allowed him
more time for meditation.

They could disagree and say, e.g., that they were not important because the Prophet was
protected and guided by God, shown by the incident of the two angels coming to wash his heart,
or that his parents and grandparents died when he was young so they were not of help for him
in his prophethood.

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