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Causes of the Russian Revolution

Cause #1: Peasants’ Lives

When 23 million serfs were freed by the Emancipation Manifesto, were they able to buy land
and advance to a higher social status? What was life like for them?

When the 23 million serfs were freed, their life was very complicated: they were living and
had to work in poor conditions with little pay, and had the most basic needs in order to survive.
For instance, they were not able to buy land nor to advance to a higher social status.

What percentage of the Russian population worked in agriculture in 1900?

By 1900, around 85 percent of the population lived in the countryside and worked in
agriculture in order to live.

How many hours a day could agricultural laborers work?

An agricultural laborer would work 16 hours a day. According to two of the peasant's
perspectives, they claim that they start work at four a.m in the hot sun rays and they come back
to camp to have breakfast at 10 a.m.

What are some of the words that Galina Cheriavskaia uses to describe the working conditions
for peasants in Russia?

Galina Cheriavskaia, first of all, uses the word "steppe" as an unforested place, to visualize the
time and place she experiences her working conditions: a hot and very dry place. Then, when
she mentions "The overseer would wake us, kicking the legs of those who wouldn't get up
immediately" makes the reader think they are constantly being watched. Even when they are
asleep! She also adds on using the phrases "bitterly cold dew" and "drenched our clothing up
to the waist." in order to describe the terrible cold temperatures when working. Lastly, another
example is when she contends using the phrase "Our food was of rather poor quality - very
plain and unappetizing". With all of this, the author makes the reader reflect the
dehumanization that the peasants experienced in poor working conditions, starting with not
receiving enough sleeping hours nor decent food, to then not having adequate labor conditions,
which potentially led to a revolution to get equal life opportunities.

Causes of the Russian Revolution

Cause #2: Industrial Working Conditions and Bloody Sunday (January 22, 1905)

How long was the average work day for Russian industrial employees?

The average work day for a Russian industrial employee was about 11 hours. Although, on
Saturdays, it was 10 hours long.

What were the workers’ demands during the strike?

Workers' demands during this strike consisted in reducing their daily working hours to 8 hours
per day, increasing their amount in wages and improving their working conditions.

How many people participated in the January 22 protest and how many were killed?

Over 150,000 people signed the petition to protest on Bloody Sunday (January 22) and over
100 workers were killed; 300 were wounded instead. A priest named Father George Gapon led
this large procession of workers in order to present this petition to Nicholas II.

If union protests were met with violence, and the parliament was immediately dissolved, what
other options did the Russian proletariat have to bring about political change?

Besides the protests made with violence and the dissolution of the parliament, the only
possible option that the Russian proletariat had was to make a coup against the Czar Nicholas
II, arrest and kill him. Since it was a radical option for them to carry out, it was the only way in
order to claim their democracy and end several years of monarchy. This led to the
establishment of communism, with the formation of the Soviet Union (USSR), promoting the
right to vote and freedom of expression to all social classes.

Causes of the Russian Revolution

Cause #3: Czar Nicholas II’s Military Failures

What country did Russia lose a war to in 1905?

Russia lost a war against the Empire of Japan. The conflict was also known for being the
Russo-Japanese War, since both of them were imperial powers, fighting for dominance in
Korea and Manchuria.

How many Russian soldiers were killed, wounded, or taken prisoner in the first year of World
War 1?

Before a year had passed during World War I, more than 4 million Russian soldiers had been
killed, wounded or taken prisoner.

Were Russian soldiers confident in the World War I effort? Was the war receiving popular
support from Russian citizens?

Russian soldiers were not confident in the World War I effort. Instead, the war was destroying
their morale, meaning it was very dehumanizing. In the course of the war, the Russians showed
disgust for the conflict, because the army suffered defeats, food and fuel supplies were
reducing significantly and prices were increasing drastically. People from every social class
were clamoring for a change and to end the war.

Causes of the Russian Revolution

Cause #4: Corruption in the Czar’s Family: Rasputin (1872-1916)

Who was Rasputin?

Rasputin was a religious teacher, born in Siberia, and a peasant. Although, he was never
ordained as a priest. He also became close to the Czar family because they believed he had
mysterious powers that could potentially cure their sickly son from hemophilia.

Why did a small group of aristocrats kill him?

A small group of aristocrats killed Rasputin and had conspiracy against him because of his
close relationship with Czarina Alexandra (from the noble class) and they feared his notable
influences in the decisions of the state. They fed him with poisoned cakes and shot him several

What does the fact that Rasputin, a mysterious religious healer, was able to gain so much
power from the Czarina say about the leadership of Russia at this time?

Rasputin won the favor of the Czar family and Czarina Alexandra through his ability to stop
their son's bleeding. For instance, the Czarina mentions that his prediction is that if he would
die or if they would kill him, in six months, she would lose her son and her power. Historians
report his specifics behind his death are more a legend than a fact, and his influence over the
Czar's family demonstrates that the government was corrupt. This also led to the lower class'
distrust over the family.

Causes of the Russian Revolution

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